>>79219HTML/CSS are relatively easy, especially something like Luke's site (his stylesheet is cleanly laid out, which helps in learning from it). You'll have most of your page together pretty quickly and then waste hours trying to figure out how to animate the border of a button, or get image embeds to scale to exactly the size you want, or something.
I'd suggest making a list of sites that you like the look of, figuring out how they implemented certain features (view page source, see their HTML, open the CSS it links) and then keeping your own little dictionary. You'll likely want to confine yourself to small sites, since most others fetch some giant template (like materialize css) that's been minified and is horrible to read and deciper (and even if you look at the original stylesheet, it's quite annoying to dig through). Although, not every template site is like that. S-Config uses what looks like a wordpress template, but it's well-marked and he doesn't hotlink it.
First try to make some text, some boxes, embed an image, change font size, make a border and change the colour of it, etc, just to make sure you understand how a page goes together. Then you can sketch out what the site should approximately do on paper or in Krita or whatever. Learn how to do harder things as you need them. For example, I implemented desktop/mobile layouts using @media and checking the width measured in em in order to decide when to snap between layouts. I have clickable buttons that use hover and not(:hover) for some basic graphics and dropdown menus on mouse hover. I only learned how to do that stuff because I specifically wanted it.
Some stuff is kind of annoying. If you want to stack things, have elements that pop up and draw over other things, etc. it can get kind of annoying figuring out how to nest everything. At a certain point, your design wants and technical ability will both adjust until they approximately match each other and you'll have a page that you're mostly happy with.
Some webring sites that might be nice to learn from:
https://0x19.org/https://articexploit.xyz/https://datura.network/https://vendell.online/https://navyjoecomics.neocities.org/My site is
https://bass2nick.com/It's a little janky with some inline CSS that I should really replace, but it works and I can explain it. More importantly, I can use what I learned putting this together to make another site more quickly and with less vestigial clutter in the code.