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File: 1728326827811-0.png (4.98 KB, 300x300, 1:1, webring.png) ImgOps iqdb

 No.80431[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

How do I join?

* a link to your website, website containing a page linking to the rest of the webring
* a 240x60 banner of your website

* Post a link to your RSS/Atom feed on your site. Communicate with other Lains by responding to articles on their feeds with responses on your feed. If you're both subscribed to each others feeds, you'll see each others responses and can long-form communicate back and forth in a decentralized way.
* Share your tech stack. What tools are you using to build your site, resources for learning how to build sites, guides on self hosting and shared hosting, etc, etc. Help new anons set up their own sites and join the webring.
* Share and start projects. What are you working on or want to work on? Others may want to collaborate.
* Talk to people throughout the net. Some useful protocols and tools for communicating: Email, IRC, XMPP, Matrix, Forums.

More Links:
* Prior thread (13): https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/76893.html
* Combined Webring RSS OPML: https://0x19.org/lainring/opml.php

Took the liberty of making the new thread, with a few (hopefully not unwelcome) additions and a handmade picture.


File: 1728328986119-0.png (5.91 KB, 250x278, 125:139, what it looks like here.png) ImgOps iqdb

>2) Don't *just* make a site, handle the entire infrastructure.
That's more correlation than causation, though. The kind of autist who wants to get his hands dirty starting from his own server/VPS is usually pretty diligent and wouldn't let stuff just slowly rot away.

>just please recolor the links on the left side menu. They blend too much with the blue background color.

Huh, they were appearing white on Firefox (both Linux and MacOS). Switched the convoluted CSS selector from `a:link, a:visited` to `a`, hoping it'll solve it for you (Chromium?). Thanks for the hint.



File: 1728331998258.png (600.02 KB, 544x680, 4:5, hatsune.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>80431 (OP)
>the opml is broken
Please hold while I muster up the strength to figure out how to test this before I push
Please hold while I muster up the verbal cohesion despite the sleep deprivation



>>80439 also, here's my page linking to the rest of the webring: https://progesterone.neocities.org/lainchan-webring



Firefox's built-in
:link { color: LinkText; } 
can trump your
#sidebar { color: white; } 
, ends up default blue. I'd check CSS specificity and try with JS enabled/disabled. Icons, indentation don't show up either.



File: 1728403894387-0.png (2.51 KB, 445x244, 445:244, 2024-10-08_18:09:58.png) ImgOps iqdb

Which is why I also have `a {color: white}` to override it (incl. any pseudo-element). About the indentation and icons, they're set via `::before`, don't know why it'd fail.

You're the first to report that and I also tested on vanilla Chrome (work browser, so truly vanilla), AOSP's webview and Firefox mobile with no issues in all cases. The probability of issues coming from your side is high, I'd say; what browser are you using?



You're a fvcking troon, user!



so are you, ya fuarrking fig Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!



File: 1728465553616-0.png (8.95 KB, 243x360, 27:40, fuckd.png) ImgOps iqdb

>The kind of autist who wants to get his hands dirty starting from his own server/VPS is usually pretty diligent and wouldn't let stuff just slowly rot away.
That's the kind you want in these rings, no? Those that actually stick around, follow happenings, talk to one another, and freshen up their sites from time to time.

>Huh, they were appearing white on Firefox (both Linux and MacOS).

Sadly the sidebar is still effed, take a look at the attached screenie.



CSS nesting was added in Firefox 117. Tor browser is still based on Firefox 115. I believe that's the issue.



That would explain it, indeed. I did look at https://caniuse.com/css-nesting before using it... joking, I wouldn't touch pure CSS without it (https://github.com/Shinmera/LASS seemed cool, though).



>That's the kind you want in these rings, no?
That was indeed my point.



So the .io TLD is on it's death bed: https://every.to/p/the-disappearance-of-an-internet-domain
Who's laughing now?



File: 1728582519941-0.webm (3.09 MB, 320x240, 4:3, how_its_made ministry.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

>tfw your puny blog post gets to top the lobste.rs scores
Feels goods.


Hey https://猫.移动/, just noticed your background video (normally have JS disabled) and I wonder if you were inspired by this webm I made 7~8 years ago or the original "How it's made" broadcast.

I certainly am, from the comfort of my .net.



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>Hey https://猫.移动/, just noticed your background video (normally have JS disabled) and I wonder if you were inspired by this webm I made 7~8 years ago or the original "How it's made" broadcast.
It is from that video, yes. also I'd love to not have js but they disabled autoplay fun and this workaround is the only way to do it these days. the original how its made broadcasts were mostly why I work in industrial automation these days



File: 1728603605972-0.gif (4.76 KB, 240x60, 4:1, yukinu.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>Site: https://yukinu.com
>RSS: https://yukinu.com/feed/rss.xml

>>80431 (OP)
thank you for making a new thread anon!

sorry anons, my site was down for a bit again, but I am still here! not planning on abandoning my site, even if I take breaks at times.

>Please hold while I muster up the strength to figure out how to test this before I push
OPML is XML, so you can use XML tools like xmllint to validate. xmllint it is in the `libxml2-utils` package on debian-based distros.

If you need backwards compatibility, SASS/SCSS also supports CSS nesting. It's a CSS-specific preprocessor language that compiles into CSS. Used to be very popular years ago, but most of the useful features (variables, nesting, etc) have made it into the CSS standard and implementations over time.



The problem is not invalid xml. The problem is that the script is failing silently and generating valid xml with no feeds



File: 1728654786422-0.webm (2.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1722746068524536.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

https://radio.yukinu.com/ returns HTTP 502



thank you anon, its up again. for whatever reason the ices and icecast systemd services do not automatically restart and i have to manually restart them (i blame systemd, sysvinit always worked for me).

>The problem is that the script is failing silently and generating valid xml with no feeds
If youre using shell and the XML is not a single line, a simple way would be to check the line count. This code will check for line count > 25 and stop execution with an error if its less than 25 lines:

[  ! `cat rss.opml | wc -l` -gt 25 ] && echo 'OPML does not have feeds' || exit 



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Really liking your website, the colorscheme is very unique and nice, the whole is readable, and your webring with captions (even if a bit low in screen density and lacking my own website) is really great!

I truly hope you can post more to give me excuses to visit again.



I feel like the internet at large is dying. Even the post-covid blogging renaissance is waning off. Public social media is dying too, with people jumping ship. People are taking refuge in private groups, direct messaging and gatekept sites.



People are realising (too late) that the internet is headed towards a soykafstorm of bullshit HR bollocks, and thus are becoming insular. Unfortunately, birds of a feather flock together until the cat comes. The cat being the three most (soft) power governments instigating internet censorship.



Antisocial online just like almost everywhere in real life.. kind of depressing



thank you anon, that means a lot. At times I struggle to find the motivation to write new posts on my site and keep building more technology. reading these kind words helps a lot

>even if a bit low in screen density

could definitely use some work. For backwards compatibility, I'm using an HTML table for the webring page, but doing it somewhat lazily. The table is broken up into rows of 4. To scale it down on mobile, I double flexbox the table and its rows with media queries into 1 large column. A better solution would be nested tables, 2 tables of tables per row, each with 2 items per sub row. In this case, I would be able to set 1 media query to scale down from 4 to 2 columns, and another to scale from 2 to 1. Went with the easier lazier solution for now, just to keep things simple.

>lacking my own website

sorry anon, ive been a slow with updating my copy of the webring. what is your site? I'll add it.

>I feel like the internet at large is dying. Even the post-covid blogging renaissance is waning off. Public social media is dying too, with people jumping ship. People are taking refuge in private groups, direct messaging and gatekept sites.
A large portion of the internet is driven by engagement algorithms that produce a negative feedback loop. Short, eye-catching, emotional bits of data have the highest engagement per time cost to produce them. However, small bits of data can't hold enough information to produce a substantial signal, resulting in most social media sites and much of the internet being flooded with noise, not signals, and causing the signal to noise ratio of the internet to move towards 0. I like to call this effect The Great Internet Whitenoise.

As an example, most people would probably feel more satisfied watching 100% of 1 movie rather than 1% of 100 movies. Even if the amount of time to watch 100% of 1 movie and 1% of 100 movies is the same, the value of each of these actions is very different. Engagement algos will always keep distilling things down into smaller fragments until they become background noise.



File: 1728886807737-0.png (309.31 KB, 682x1017, 682:1017, Ueno-san - massive maiden ….png) ImgOps iqdb

>thank you anon, that means a lot. At times I struggle to find the motivation to write new posts on my site and keep building more technology. reading these kind words helps a lot
Don't worry, I know, my pain is constant and sharp and small tokens of honesty on the web are important to me too.
>what is your site?



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>>80431 (OP)
Hello lain anons, lurker here.

I am finally comfortable enough with my website to share it with you guys.

> Site: https://monkemanx.github.io/

> RSS: https://monkemanx.github.io/index.xml

I sometimes write articles on computer science stuff, sometimes other stuff.
Happy for feedback, if you guys have any.



Homelab and CA articles are really good reads, bookmarked



It's nice.

* Design is a bit boring but that the point I guess.
* Why monkemanx?
* Typo in "Server Upgrade or Docuementation of my new Homelab".
* Every page title is the same, bit useless in the tabs.
* You're a CS student but aren't making your own SSG? Not going to make it, mate.
* Dr. Strangelove is a nice pick, the music section is a bit too /mu/pster teenage angst though.
* Arch/i3/polybar/kitty is still babby level ricing; Gentoo is even more stable than Debian (yes, I'm not joking, it doesn't have weird patches by mystery maintainers and breaks less because it has SLOTs to better handle conflicting libs) while giving you the choice to use newer individual packages, (bspwm|herbstluftwm)+lemonbar/stumpwm/xmonad/awesome/ratpoison is where it's at for X11 power users and kitty's streetshitter intentionally rejects bitmap font support, even if it's almost required for low DPI monitors like yours (seriously, try Terminus or SGI Screen, you won't go back).

Added to my aggregate Lainring feeds, it's interesting.



>JPEG desktop screenshot
>>even if a bit low in screen density
Disregard that, I was being served the smartphone version because I split my 16:9 screen in two. Hate that.



Thank you. Each one of them took me about a week to write, maybe I’m just a slow writer. Idk.

> Why monkemanx?
Because Monkeman was taken. :(
Also, loosing my sanity one banana at a time.
> Typo
Thank you, I fixed it.
> Making your own SSG
I already have so much on my plate, way too many ideas and not enough time.
> Dr. Strangelove is a nice pick, but the music section is a bit too /mu/pster teenage angst, though.
I'll take it.
> Gentoo
I've thought about switching to Gentoo, but I hear from so many people that they try it for a while and just switch back to Arch because it’s too much work. If I switch OS, I would probably go for NixOS, that seems comfy. I’ll look into the software you recommended, though. Thanks.

True that.



Noticed this too a while ago and it's pretty depressing. What happened to the active 2000s/2010s communities?
Great stuff, welcome aboard.
Was toying with the idea of making a media and a setup page myself for ages, I was just working on the setup/ricing page the other day. You beat me up to it.
>tfw way too many ideas and not enough time
Exactly how I feel anon



>What happened to the active 2000s/2010s communities?
I think everone moved to the Big Platforms (facebook, twitter, reddit, etc), then these platforms imploded and people have nowhere to go. Mass social media have malaccustomed us to fast internet interaction, instead of the more patient mode of interaction previous to these massive websites. There is no doubt that a community is bigger, in sheer numbers, in Twitter or Redit than in a specialized forum. But there is also no doubt that the quality of discussion in a specialized forum is of way higher quality than on twitter. So in the end, one must ask these question: is people fine with a more mundane/generic/less focused all-in-one site instead of smaller communities? I fear the answer to this question is Yes.



.xyz bros keep winning



A page solely dedicated for a webring is up. :p



Do you have a 240x60 banner? Don't want to have the lone 88x31 button break my layout.



No but a bigger banner is underway :p



File: 1729148701249-0.gif (131.89 KB, 240x60, 4:1, echobubble240.gif) ImgOps iqdb

okay here's something i managed to whip up sort of quickly since i had some time to kill.





why freenet over yggdrasil, i2p, tor, etc etc etc?



Those icons are really cool, where are they from? Did you make them?



>>80431 (OP)

gamajun owner here. I'm alive, even updated lainring a few times since the homepage message. Got out of the mental health crisis, kind of.

Thought of reviving it like a week ago and maybe I'll actually go with this idea. But yeah, different infra this time though. Neocities is not bad in itself but I'd rather not interact with something as castrated anymore.



File: 1729531964801-0.gif (34.26 KB, 240x60, 4:1, yukinu.gif) ImgOps iqdb

reuploading my gif banner, realized the prior one wasn't animated

I've added your banner and site to my webring, nice site anon, I like the aesthetic.

The icons I'm using are from the fatcow icon set, a CC licensed, decently popular icon set in the later 2000s, early 2010s. Some applications like QuiteRSS still use this icon set. You can download a copy of the roughly 4000 or so icons from this archived git repo: https://github.com/gammasoft/fatcow.

I like a lot of older icon sets, they tend to be rich in color and detail, making it very easy to tell what an icon is at a glance and tell various icons apart from each other. Was never a fan of shift towards single color flat SVG icon sets like fontawesome icons that you see everyone on the web. Just looks like line soup to me, but to each there own



Quite possibly the most tasteless website ever made



>As someone who was exposed to porn at a way too young age
Like poetry



this has to be bait



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Did some manual cleanup of my webring page (removing some stuff not linking back to the webring at all, moving more dead/abandoned stuff into sections, new section for "pretty but dead" stuff).

* cabbagestorter, your RSS (https://cabbagesorter.neocities.org/rss.xml) seems malformed
* Even for imageboards and service type websites (e.g. https://hashchan.network/ https://textboard.echobubble.xyz/): could you link back to the webring? This is a collaborative effort, after all.
* https://psychcool.org/: you dead?

Here's the raw (s-expr) data for those who want a starting point that's hopefully less "interweb museum/graveyard" than most full webring pages: https://git.sr.ht/~q3cpma/website/tree/master/item/src/links/webrings/lainring.spinml

Thanks for the add.



File: 1729861636312-0.png (1.89 KB, 240x60, 4:1, lainnet_bannera.png) ImgOps iqdb

You're not wrong, but at the same time active tending is somewhat laborious, and it was only something I did every few months. I took the opportunity to mirror 0x19's now.

In other news, I've been opening up a bunch of subdomains, mostly for fun:
(plus a brand new one at http://pc98.ne.jp)

You know, it's probably a good time to draw a new site banner and deprecate the sub on superglobalmegacorp.com entirely in favor of arcesia.net soon.



Some of these are pretty cool! Though is it worth it when dedicated web archives exist?
>You're not wrong, but at the same time active tending is somewhat laborious, and it was only something I did every few months
Of course, but a few times a year doesn't seem too far-fetched.



Little nitpick: your lemon demon gif is static =(



File: 1729988425699-0.png (13 KB, 240x60, 4:1, miredo-logo.png) ImgOps iqdb

I've been meaning to join for ages and only finally got around to doing it.

webring page (I grabbed my copy from LainNet so I might be missing stuff):



File: 1729998820515-0.jpg (34.75 KB, 327x471, 109:157, php.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

0x19 news: picoblog is up. Fixed some things with lainring (it no longer spams the php logs).
>immediately devolved into the sharty
I usually don't include forums/boards in my copy of the ring. I liked the old css.
I have been MIA. You can probably pull from git again.
The issue with the ompl was simple:
foreach($data['items'] as $key => $value){
if($value['online'] == 1){
if($value['feed'] != null){
$t = str_replace("'", "", $value['title']);
$t = str_replace('"', '', $t);
printf("<outline title='%s' text='%s' type='rss' xmlUrl='%s'/>\n", $t, $t, htmlentities($value['feed']));

If you look at the json, I am not using int as bool. I am using string as bool. It works after I changed line 2 to:
if(value['online'] == true){



Also added, hope you won't join the neocities graveyard too soon. Really liking those backgrounds.



File: 1730045507836-0.png (214.13 KB, 1560x1382, 780:691, Eglin A.B..png) ImgOps iqdb

Re: https://miredo.neocities.org/blog#e8, "The internet really is a lot less fun these days."

Normіe influx is of course one cause, social media is built to pull them in, but it works on smarter people too, the ones otherwise capable of e.g. reading, writing simple blog posts like ITT, who wouldn't get stuck there if it wasn't for the network effect of the platforms.

Russian government alone has been interfering with US elections, Brexit, undermining the EU. You're kidding yourself if you think various government and company shіtposting entities aren't at least somewhat responsible for steering, radicalizing online discussion for profit.

Probably a good idea not to engage with mainstream social media and news more than absolutely necessary. Everyone's being played like a violin.



oh hey, I didn't add you, I'll do that right now

I decided to have a fairly simple layout, but things looked really boring, so I decided to go wild with page backgrounds. I was gonna just have like one or two, but I decided to give just about every page its own background.

>Normіe influx is of course one cause, social media is built to pull them in, but it works on smarter people too, the ones otherwise capable of e.g. reading, writing simple blog posts like ITT, who wouldn't get stuck there if it wasn't for the network effect of the platforms.
honestly, I am very glad I abandoned most mainstream websites - I basically only engage with youtube, and I yt-dlp damn near everything at this point

at this point, I kind of live under a rock



File: 1730069651004-0.gif (123.85 KB, 640x400, 8:5, lainCM4.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Alright, the new banner's done! Just gotta do the 240x60 mini banner too, ideally when I stop feeling sick.

It's intentional, as it's nothing more than a screenshot. I gravitate towards usage of GIF over PNG in indexed color images for older browser compatibility.



File: 1730256244931-0.jpg (923.91 KB, 1446x1446, 1:1, ec3.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Do people in your real life know about your website? I regret showing mine to people because now I feel like I need to act a certain way in case friends/family are reading. I have drawn my mascot a lot, but the drawings mostly just collect dust on my computer because I think they're too suggestive. I watch what I say just a little bit, but I would like to have no filter at all. Sometimes it makes me want to create a second website. However, the times where I've thought "screw it, I'm posting it anyway" ended up being no big deal, so maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion.



No one knows that I know anything about computers. They all think I'm tech illiterate. Sometimes I will allude to things but I have always regretted it.
I feel a deep and constant sense of loneliness and isolation because I am unable to share one of the few things I actually enjoy with people I know in real life.
My site is "purely technical with opinions" and I have considered hosting a secondary but entirely disconnected "personal site" in the past. I never did.
To be perfectly honest, I don't think the solution to a technological issue is more technology. The solution is always less technology.



>Do people in your real life know about your website? I regret showing mine to people because now I feel like I need to act a certain way in case friends/family are reading.
two IRL friends and no one else
the good thing about having only them know is that I don't need to filter around them, we bloody share h-manga links and the lot

I pretty specifically made my site to disconnect from my IRL identity (and honestly, even my other web identities)



holy based. did you model that yourself?

I wish I could pull something like that off. I spend too much time on my fuarrrking computer to even pretend I have anything else going on. My folks probably think I jerk off or play vidya for however long im online. That might be less embarrassing than the truth given some of you guys' websites, no offense.



Sadly no, I only put together the scene and lighting.



>>80431 (OP)

Yes. A few in RL know. I do not actively promote my site in RL because in the grand scheme of work/play in the real it's a subject that is never brought up.

I also know better to not shove it in people's faces as well.

If I were in my teens I too would have this high anxiety thinking people are watching every step taken when in reality I'm barely an NPC in the lives of others as they have their issues of "Adulting hard" that they're working through.

This feeling that the "Internet is dying" makes me want to bust out the meme with the astronaut and gun saying "It always has been". We were told that everything online lasts forever which is completely wrong. The "One Million Dollar Homepage" proved that out where the majority of the links are 404, misdirects and datarot well before the age of modern social networks.

Good reminder to tell people to take a look at the webring list.

- Updated my webring. Checked Clearnet, I2P, Tor, and OpenNIC addresses. They're all checked manually. As in _I_ visit the site. It's something I cannot trust a script to do. Easy to get a false 200 due to domain parking. Or if the site gets hijacked I'll drop it off my list hard. Those who don't have a webring are not blacklisted. They are however delayed until they do. Also: added a Lainchan reference into the footer on my site so it shows on every page. Because it is human-edited and curated. Mistakes can be made and will be corrected if asked.

Speaking of OpenNIC. For those still listing it on their webring.

http://www.s-config.geek - OpenNIC

If anything retro-computers should have fun with that. plain HTTP is easier on 8-16bit machinery.

Apologies for the wall of text. One last thing. 12th anniversary of blogging and joined Lainchan 2022. I'd like to give thanks to all those who added my site. And those who reached out to me on Masto. Super appreciated.

Server protect you.
- S



Internet web sites are almost like local small businesses. They come and go all the time, and the average lifetime of most sites that participated in this webring are a prime example of that.

By the way, I love your /support page. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than complete disapproval of online e-begging, which is something you rarely see these days (oh how things changed in 10 years...)

I really ought to set up an ActivityPub instance on my network and move off of the big ones, just gotta clean up some server space. I'll try to reach out soon.



File: 1730341438848-0.jpg (912.66 KB, 1448x1448, 1:1, scream.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>The solution is always less technology
That did cross my mind once. I guess I wouldn't be having an identity crisis if I wasn't online enough to have an "online identity." A second website could be a fun creative exercise, though.
I have a few friends that know about the stuff I'm too afraid to post, like lewd drawings and my deeper, soykaftier feelings, so I do have an outlet. I just wish I didn't show off my freshly live site so much and kept it within a smaller circle of friends.
I used to bring up recent changes to my website as if friends would know what I'm talking about lol. Shout out to the one friend that really did check my website regularly. He still doesn't even know what RSS is, he was just that interested.



>I guess I wouldn't be having an identity crisis if I wasn't online enough to have an "online identity."
>I have a few friends that know about the stuff I'm too afraid to post, like lewd drawings and my deeper, soykaftier feelings, so I do have an outlet. I just wish I didn't show off my freshly live site so much and kept it within a smaller circle of friends.
I do feel you on these. My current online identity is very into stuff that I can't really talk about with the general public... but I still feel like I shouldn't mention that stuff on my site despite the fact that I deliberately made this online identity to express myself like that.
Popularity brings all manner of scrutiny, and I sure don't like it, even if I want people to actually visit.



File: 1730395281598-0.jpg (24.36 KB, 480x480, 1:1, kotthumbs.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

nice background tile tutorial didnt know of qtile, cheers. hope you keep the site up



File: 1730397543763-0.png (140.98 KB, 527x725, 527:725, Jahy-sama - smug slurping.png) ImgOps iqdb

Yeah, my dev colleagues know about it (since we like to discuss programming/art and I'm pretty proud of my generator and CSS) and I even have my picture on it. I just don't care about potential risks and I profess to be at level 5 on Dabrowski's scale anyway, where "shame" simply can't exist.

There's nothing about me that's hidden and I could speak about my (complete lack of) sexual life or fetish without the least issue.



>This feeling that the "Internet is dying" makes me want to bust out the meme with the astronaut and gun saying "It always has been". We were told that everything online lasts forever which is completely wrong.
I kind of feel like it's worse than that these days since teh web is much less healthy now. It's just harder to "surf the web" nowadays.
Most people congregated on a few hypersites over the last 17 years (I absolutely think 2007 was the tipping point where the troubles of hyper-centralization really began), and now that those sites have gone insane in grabs for control, money, and relevance, there isn't much else left.
Search results have also taken a massive nosedive in the last 6 or so years, so you can't even really look for other options as easily as before.



I really hope there is a way to make it go back. The internet is my home and it has been invaded and violated. I mean I'm sure this bubble has to burst, right? People will just get sick of using the internet and maybe all these web of things products will stop ordinary freaks from visiting sites.



File: 1730437104156-0.gif (583.81 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hello, I would like to join the webring!

One thing I did a little differently is sort the webring links on my site by most recent rss update



Some feedback, if you want it or not:
* Why do I need JS to click on internal body links? Peak soy latte webdev.
* Shit's not on the pretty side of minimalism, but well, it's functional except for the first point.
* Webring is missing some banners, for some reason.

For now, I'll wait to see how it unfolds a bit more. You intend this to be a blog of some sort?



Oh, and the RSS update thing is pretty clever, good idea!



>Why do I need JS to click on internal body links? Peak soy latte webdev.
That is a bug, thanks for pointing it out. The canvas element expands to cover everything and I wasn't testing without javascript, I'll see about fixing it tomorrow.

>Webring is missing some banners, for some reason.

That one's more of an oversight than a bug, but will fix that also

>You intend this to be a blog of some sort?

Some of that, half place to put software and game ideas, I want to do more stuff in the same general direction as the chickens in the header (maybe a card game, I have a half finished project for that I could use or repurpose) and make the site more interactive. I have no definite plans, it will be whatever I happen to feel like working on or writing. I want to learn about setting up a php server and database so I will probably do something with that somehow.

>Shit's not on the pretty side of minimalism

Damn, I stole the color scheme from somewhere and everything. One thing you might be running into if you have javascript disabled, the color of the header bar is supposed to match the RSS icon, but it uses javascript to read the color from the image to do so. This is because I AI generated a ton of such icons and it picks a new random one each time I compile the site, but I couldn't get them to all have the same background color such that a single header color works.

Thanks! I want to do more stuff like that



even though it's always nice to see new sites, please actually have something on the site beyond just an about me page and the webring list when you join
even if it's just a few ramblings, or even other links to things you like, just have some reason for people to visit
no need to focus on promotion if there's nothing there to promote yet



I felt my introductory post was reasonably substantive, but if you read that whole thing and wish there was more, I appreciate it.



Nah, it's okay for my (first anon). It just wasn't obvious at all that clicking on "Hello World" would show a blog post.



File: 1730630347819-0.gif (5.81 KB, 88x31, 88:31, mm4rk3t.gif) ImgOps iqdb

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>>80431 (OP)
Hey! I just changed my domain from https://mm4rk3t.neocities.org to https://mm4rk3t.xyz
I attach my button and banner to use at your convenience. I just updated the webring, if I missed your site just tell me.

Nice thread, lain anons.
- /mm4rk3t/



love this one, very minimal



File: 1730634635246-0.png (13.56 KB, 240x60, 4:1, nowhere banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>80431 (OP)

Hi guys,it's been a while dont forget to remove nihilism and datura network as the 2 got merged into Nowhere.moe

Site: https://nowhere.moe
RSS: https://blog.nowhere.moe/rss/feed.xml

personally i keep my public life completely separated from what i do online, its a matter of only saying what people need to know, and keeping what they dont need to know to yourself in a way.



Updated. Please add a feed, anon =(
Updated, but do your part too, your webring is antediluvian.



Well, an rss feed was long due. Here it is:



has anyone heard from tyxton.net? been offline for a while



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Has anyone ever felt kind of anxious working on blog posts in public? I know it's unreasonable but my shut-in personaliy keeps getting in the way of being productive in the situations I spend most of my time in. If you have, how did you resolve it?



Blend in, knowing that people couldn't read my business at a glimpse, and imagining a wall in front of me separating me from everyone else.



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I mean, I'm on a laptop so anyone who could read my screen would have to be behind me. That kind of makes it scarier lol. I wish I could not care since I would happily sperg out about the thing I'm writing about to someone I just met. It's an instinct more than a rational response.



File: 1730844808088-0.jpeg (884.3 KB, 3500x3500, 1:1, dvTbE01jksKHT.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Removing polarization filter from LCD computer display
Then wear polarized sun glasses and look like gangstalker inside starbucks like agent smith



having social anxiety even on the internet is quite brutal, I wouldn't like to have internet enemies, I have seen what the internet is able to do if you enrage it



File: 1730848602953-0.png (242.55 KB, 1264x1532, 316:383, Libbie 29.png) ImgOps iqdb

woah. that's too schizo even for me. but that sonds like a pretty cool idea regardless, I might try it with my scrapper eee netbook.

I think it's just plain ol social anxiety for me. I mainly hang out in these kinds of anonymous or pseudoanonymous circles so the thought of deanonimization is pretty scary, but I trust myself to not fuarrrk my opsec.



Never really had problems with typing my soykaf in public (it's not as if I do things in public anyways) but I have problems with typing blog posts in general. Whatever I write just feels cringy, too intimate or overall inappropriate. Anons, how do you fight the urge to rm -rf * things out of your fear of being perceived?



I made a section on my site dedicated to short, unpolished posts that I may or may not upgrade to proper ones.
It doesn't help completely, but keeping things low effort and low friction helped me get more words up.

Also, sometimes you just need to accept feeling cringy.
I also have a policy where I can edit existing posts whenever, so I use it to fix soykaf that looks retarded after the fact.



Just don't write anything personal, corny, or cringy.



Anybody else feel less real, when interacting with other people? Not being able to hear your own thoughts, like a piano key on a string?



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>feel less real
Possibly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depersonalization-derealization_disorder

>Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR, DDD) is a mental disorder in which the person has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization.

>Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or detached from one's self. Individuals may report feeling as if they are an outside observer of their own thoughts or body, and often report feeling a loss of control over their thoughts or actions.
>Derealization is described as detachment from one's surroundings. Individuals experiencing derealization may report perceiving the world around them as foggy, dreamlike, surreal, and/or visually distorted.
>Depersonalization-derealization disorder is thought to be caused largely by interpersonal trauma such as early childhood abuse. Adverse early childhood experiences, specifically emotional abuse and neglect have been linked to the development of depersonalization symptoms.



Wrong board, mate. Body too small bullshit.



I use to have this too, then I realized that this was anonymous and that nobody reading actually cares. As a reader I would rather see authentic cringe than someone dancing around their true beliefs to please an imaginary digital crowd. I already see enough of the latter IRL.

I imagine a lot of people write to express a dissident side of themselves publicly without having to face the outcomes of societal dissidence. Thus writing about nothing personal defeats the entire purpose.



Why would an unpopular opinion be necessarily related to something personal? By personal I mean actually talking about your life and etc. "too intimate" as he said



Its an opinion. A values statement. How can it not be personal? 'Your life' influences your opinions, so to leave that part out is missing out crucial justification for your beliefs. Obviously you shouldn't go into real specifics but you need to include parts of yourself to some degree in order to write effectively about your opinions.



Why? Do you have any examples to back this up? I've read many articles from Luke Smith and Interloper (intr.cx) and yet I know very little about their actual lives, just their isolated opinions and views on somethings. Specially Interloper, that guy might as well be an alien and I would have no clue of it.



I guess I'll rephrase it. You can write about isolated opinions without revealing anything personal, but its not as engaging or interesting to read or write this way compared to actually connecting these opinions to yourself as a person. I find people that write like this often end up with content that more or less looks the same (especially in the FOSS space), and has already been stated in its entirety elsewhere much more eloquently. As a writer, it kind of feels pointless and inauthentic to pump out a generic 'why le proprietary service is le bad' without at least including personal anecdotes or self reflection.



this mashup is amazing lainon, got any more?



File: 1730934583565.jpg (13.9 KB, 322x234, 161:117, lemon_key_face.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That's not real

You are amazing.



Have you looked through your copy of the ring lately?

I'm going through mine right now, either adding feed links and whatever other site links everyone has, or moving things into a dead/broken/no ring list.

https://miredo.neocities.org/webring/ (I am still working as I type this so if the page is busted, it might not be next time you refresh lol)

I also kinda want to know if I'm missing anyone, because I know I didn't have the latest version of the list when I got it.




Absolutely. Wouldn't be able to word it better. It is a problem of many websites on the ring, btw. All of those websites just feel kind of generic and mishmash into a mental monolith of similar websites. Now that I think of it, the only websites I can instantly recall from the ring had something personal to them.

Honestly, I'd rather be corny than a "FOSS and privacy enthusiast who dislikes the modern web" you've already seen a hundred of.



I feel like this discussions has strayed from the original point.
>>81276 was precisely an advice on how to avoid writing "cheesy/intimate" blogposts (which you two seem to love) and feeling like deleting them afterwards. (See >>81272)
This isn't about which sites you like or not. If you like gay "dear diary" sites then good for you, that's not what >>81272 or >>81276 were about.
>why le proprietary service is le bad
Each article on the "FOSS" cause against the modern web and proprietary software articulates a different perspective, views, and points.
Even if they were all the same (they aren't) they also reach different people.
The more propaganda the better, the world will become a better place once the masses become conscious about this cause and the negative ramifications of reliance on proprietary technology, which are directly related to the world's most foremost problems.
Such a dumb post, but picrel was enough to make me kek.



It is not possible for a website to be open sourced. They can show you the source but you have no way of knowing if the backend is really that.



I write while I'm at work. My coworkers think I'm hacking or something. They're also all old and blind so they can't read the tiny terminal font anyway.



The whole point, as my original reply stated, is to not worry about it, and even embrace the supposed cringe since I suspect its not as bad as they make it out to be. It gives the writing memorability and engagement, which I would imagine is beneficial for FOSS 'propaganda'.
I'm also not saying you should straight up put your dairy online, because that kind of thing, while intimate, is really only interesting to you (unless you're Anne Frank or something).
There is a balance. To name names, I think cozynet does a good job of it with his update posts. You would hardly call them diary entries, but there is still unmistakable 'cozyness' in how candidly he shares aspects of his various efforts.



It literally doesn't matter, it's just silly words on the internet. Go wild, post whatever.



>not worry about it, and even embrace the supposed cringe
I suppose this could work for some people, but some unconsciously prefer to be anonymous and are better off that way. The feeling of deleting their own posts could indicate he's not emotionally or mentally fit to just "not care".
I personally am glad I never exposed myself on my website, If I did, I probably would feel like deleting the site altogether, and I ultimately prefer substance and information over fleeting personal statements. I personally never enjoyed the site you mentioned, I guess this is why.
Why would you put any effort into something you think it doesn't matter at all? I do think they matter. Articles, even "silly internet" articles, can both educate and inform people. They also work as a cultural instance, like art does.
Another thing, you guys really dislike that most of the webring are abandoned neocities pages, and yet promote this "post whatever" idea. This "whatever" attitude is probably why so many sites are abandoned...



You seem to be intentionally dodging the "post" part of "post whatever". I intentionally worded it as such so as to say you should put things up, no matter how big or small, since it's all in good fun. Or hell, if it isn't in good fun and you just wanna shout at the clouds for whatever reason, do it anyway!
>Why would you put any effort into something you think doesn't matter at all
I'll flip you over: Why would you not put any effort into something you deem so important that you're too afraid to do it out of a fear of "being seen as cringe"? That's just a lame excuse to not do anything at all.



>Why would you not put any effort into something you deem so important that you're too afraid to do it out of a fear of "being seen as cringe"? That's just a lame excuse to not do anything at all.
You probably misunderstood what I said, I do what I do because I believe it's important and I don't do "cringe stuff" because... well, it would be cringe and unimportant. I'm not afraid and I'm not >>81272.



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Pardon me being dumb, but from what I understand there is no "official" webring site list? So does that mean I have to monitor this board and update the list on my site?
Also how do you guys feel about "advertising" lainchan on your websites with this? Not that I have a large website or anything... Just thinking about joining the webring and I mostly just lurk here from time to time.
Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?



>Pardon me being dumb, but from what I understand there is no "official" webring site list? So does that mean I have to monitor this board and update the list on my site?
Yep. You don't have to, but it's a good idea to not let it rot, especially if you want new sites to add/keep yours.
>Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?
Who knows? It's better though, our screens are now dense enough that we don't need to limit ourselves to small canvas that would be unreadable anyway (or ugly, since pixel art is a must at this size, and it'd be resized with uneven scale factors).



>Pardon me being dumb, but from what I understand there is no "official" webring site list? So does that mean I have to monitor this board and update the list on my site?
yeah, basically
0x19.org has a pretty up-to-date one usually if you want a starting point
>Also how do you guys feel about "advertising" lainchan on your websites with this? Not that I have a large website or anything... Just thinking about joining the webring and I mostly just lurk here from time to time.
it's fine
the webring is for lainchan users anyway, so if you actively use the site, I'd say it shouldn't be a problem to advertise it
yeah, sometimes I don't like it here, but I mostly do like this place, so I don't feel too bad about promoting it
>Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?
who knows, probably bigger is better
I like the big lainchan ring buttons a lot - yeah, you can fit more 88x31 buttons in a small space, but you have more room to do stuff



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Pardon me being dumb, but from what I understand there is no "official" webring site list? So does that mean I have to monitor this board and update the list on my site?
short answer yes, longer answer its grown like this since no one wanted a centralized list of sites or some dependency on a central point. but you can just grab a reasonably up to date and parsable one like sizeof.cat or 0x19
>Also how do you guys feel about "advertising" lainchan on your websites with this?
indifferent, doenst have to be a secret I used to frequent and now lurk this place
>Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?
some places do both, I have both personally though no one ever took the button. the 240x60 was decided in the first thread and people just went along with it



>>80431 (OP)
I'll post the uri to my site once I've actually put something on it, it currently now routes to a simple one line HTML page because I wrote the entire backend (webserver, static file router, reverse proxy) from scratch. took me quite a bit of time lol



Pretty cool! We need more wizards and less lusers here.



cert expired yesterday, so visiting the frontpage results in SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE errors. doesn't look like any of the subdomains are affected though.

you could try a privacy screen filter.



>Pardon me being dumb, but from what I understand there is no "official" webring site list? So does that mean I have to monitor this board and update the list on my site?
There are no dumb questions. No, there is not an official site that has a listing of all the links here. Some people update their lists more often than others. But there have been some attempts to keep track of the links and the banners.
>Also how do you guys feel about "advertising" lainchan on your websites with this? Not that I have a large website or anything... Just thinking about joining the webring and I mostly just lurk here from time to time.
Personally I keep the webring page more like an archive (a living document maybe?) than an advertisement for lainchan.
>Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?
If I remember correctly, Yukinu (the person who created the first webring thread) came up with this size as it was consider it was better suited for larger displays and the ratio was similar to the 88x31 buttons. Lots of people in the webring have both sizes of buttons for their pages.



A website can be designed in such a way that all nontrivial code is part of the frontend, and this can be done in a way where you do have a way of knowing it matches the source, see IPFS



should be fixed now, thx



File: 1731585242471-0.png (6.11 KB, 362x149, 362:149, attachmsg.png) ImgOps iqdb

Please for the love of god send this time...



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>>80431 (OP)
I would like to join the webring.

Site is https://glowbox.cc

lain ring located at https://glowbox.cc/links.php



Nice website, glad to see actual content. I you ever add RSS feeds you got yourself a daily reader.



Been thinking about making it so that whenever an article is published, it pushes to rss, and anytime i make a frontpage newspost it pushes. Just havent done it though. havent ever worked with rss before either, so thatd be a learning curve for me.



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consider it done

t. xn-neko (at the memorable xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g)



File: 1731619485524-0.webm (5.96 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Gangnam Style.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

There's an integrated image board! Lainchan's days are numbered.
https://glowbox.cc/mb.php(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST ,Do not whine and cry about 8chan, lainchan.jp, "quality", "invasions", "newfags", mods, bans, or kalyx outside of /q/.)



I'm not trying to compete. I was inspired to make that mostly from some of the guestbooks I've seen in the ring. One person had a flat one, another had one with threaded convos...I figured what the hell, why not make an IB for a guestbook lol.



Can I be added?

Site is https://midnightmountain.xyz/
My webring copy is up but I will need to add the most recent sites to it tomorrow.



added both
pretty cool sites, both of you



Great website, anon. (longer text)



File: 1731771593673-0.webm (2.18 MB, 1280x544, 40:17, linux torwal.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

Wish the world had more people like you. Capable of introspection and critical thinking, overriding habits.

Even among lainons:
>What websites do you guys use?
It's often YouTube, Discord, Twitter, Reddit.

Opt Out article problems:
Extra comma in URL, 404.
Connection timeout for me.



So, how did 0x19 predict this? Is he a time traveler?
I assume most people here take what he said in these articles as common sense, those people at /r/ could be tourists or infiltrated n0rmi3s.
I think he's right about social media and consumerism, even though his points are off the mark. Luke Smith did it better.



I'm glad you liked the articles, though I'm not sure I'd try and stop anyone for using more mainstream sites if they get actual value out of them, there has definitely been downsides to completely forgoing them. For me the downsides were minor and definitely worth dealing with, but they may not be for others.

Then again I think the SNR of youtube etc. is only going to continue to get worse as time goes by so maybe it's best to get out while the going's good.

>So, how did 0x19 predict this? Is he a time traveler?
I had made a post in the last webring thread asking to be included but deleted it within a few minutes, I think he saw a cached version of the post.



>deleted it within a few minutes



I wasn't sure if I wanted to be in the webring or not, I made the post because it was on the to do list and had been since I started making the site.

Thinking about it a bit longer I would like to be.



File: 1731795047564-0.jpg (93.01 KB, 540x720, 3:4, smoking-cat.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

what I really like about this webring is no one can ever leave, since you can just choose to never get rid of any links even if people ask to leave and want to get out of the webring. you're here forever now



File: 1731797331957-0.png (87.13 KB, 736x981, 736:981, walk_away.png) ImgOps iqdb

I mean, you could probably just email each site admin to remove it lol. Collect PGP keys while you're at it.



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>>80431 (OP)

I wrote an RSS feed generator today that's tied into my articles and newsposts.


Let me know if the system has any issues with any of your readers. The generator is home made and I know jack soykaf about RSS, so I don't know if everything is formatted right.



re added
I am something of a clairvoyant.
install an rss reader and check if the feed works your self. I used lifrea to check mine when I was developing it. it's a bit annoying because you have to remove+add the feed a few times until you get it to work the way you want it to work.



File: 1731836551787-0.jpeg (32.53 KB, 263x276, 263:276, IMG_4547.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

This webring is cyberhumped as faurk



Hi Lains, although I don't have a personal website I just want to say I that really enjoy discovering your pages and reading your content. I subscribed to many of you via RSS or bookmarked your site, so please don't let the webring die



Your cool pages inspired me to finally create my own :)

Site : http://thepromisedfutureaeons.xyz
Webring : http://thepromisedfutureaeons.xyz/webring.html

The site is still WIP. I'll add RSS and finish page content soon(TM) I hope

I'm also still in the process of adding everyone to the webring page



RSS related question for everybody here:
What do you actually put in your feeds? Do you simply announce the publishing of new site material and tell the user to visit the page, or do you put the contents of the whole page into the RSS entry as well?
I've seen people do both approaches, and so far I've stuck with the former, but I don't know if it's really the right one. Thoughts?



I really prefer the second option and have my feed setup that way.

The best thing about RSS is the immediacy of it, you see somebody you like has written something new and click on it and can read it immediately, without having to leave the reader. I get that a lot of people don't like that it's presented in unstyled plain text but I think that's fine, it's the most legible way to present text and it works perfectly on everything, plain text uber alles.

A link or short summary might be better for image heavy stuff like photo galleries though, so I guess the best approach depends on what you tend to publish more of.



You're supposed to put the contents on it. That's what RSS is for.



File: 1731936805171-0.gif (1.85 MB, 498x417, 166:139, koyim.gif) ImgOps iqdb

As a reader, I find it annoying when the whole thing isn't on the feed. If I actually read this stuff on the go without internet, it would be even more annoying. I guess the on the plus side it becomes a bit harder to properly archive your posts? I know some people like the idea of being forgotten should they choose to be.



Alright then, I'll try that format from now on.




I love this thought.
I love you webring anons.



I've seen both options around on the net.
My feed is manually edited xml, so I keep it simple, and in many cases it doesn't even make sense to put the full page contents there, so I don't.
The reader I use (Feeder on Android) has an option to fetch full articles by default, which just downloads the linked page and displays it directly in the reader, so it never seemed particularly important.

I do like full-text feeds more, although it still wouldn't make sense for a lot of my updates.



My RSS is dynamically generated and pulls from 2 sources -- my site news update thing on my homepage, and from my Articles.

For the newsposts, which are short and don't usually contain complicated metacharacters, I put in the full content.

For the articles, I put in a generic "A new article has been published" blurb with the expectation that you'll navigate to the site to actually read the article. I've tried to add the full content body for the articles, but they usually contain large amounts of metacharacters and formatting that seem to break the XML of the RSS feed, which renders the RSS invalid.



>but they usually contain large amounts of metacharacters and formatting that seem to break the XML of the RSS feed, which renders the RSS invalid.
Are you putting the post contents in a cdata block? That should fix it, as long as your actual post doesn't contain the strings "<![CDATA[" or "]]>". Feed readers will separate it out and parse it as HTML without trying to interpret it as XML.



><![CDATA[" or "]]>

huh, no I'm not. Didn't know about this feature.

How's that implemented? Like do I do something like:

<![CDATA[" or "]]>



In the RSS XML?



content of post

this wraps the description to not be parsed as XML



Having to edit the feed with equivalent content (even if it is just a blurb) every time you publish something seems kind of annoying though. is there any particular reason why you arent automating this specific process?



awesome. I got it working now with my full articles showing up. Thanks anon. I'll probably push this out to prod here in a minute.



whole site is hand done
could do some kind of cms/ssg but I haven't
wrote a script to make it low effort to add feed content but it's very manual still, I am an ape when it comes to programming and will ape smash my way through problems instead of doing anything clever



where'd you get your copy of the ring from? some of these links are old/broken

0x19.org usually has a well updated ring if you need a starting point



Full-content feeds should be the norm and that's what I do on my website.



File: 1731955965131-0.png (12.17 KB, 723x83, 723:83, ff_rss.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1731955965131-1.png (10.46 KB, 720x126, 40:7, ff_norss.png) ImgOps iqdb

remember what they took from you



the dumbest thing is that you don't even get a thing telling you to go use Thunderbird when you click on a feed link, you just get the XML dumped in your face
just a pointlessly terrible user experience



Its alot of clicks for no reason, I agree. For me it's right click -> copy link -> open Thunderbird -> Right click "Blogs and News Feeds" -> Click "Subscribe" -> Paste link -> Click "Add". At least it's not something you have to do that often...



File: 1731977629830-0.webm (984.92 KB, 366x360, 61:60, catwiz.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

>Arch/i3/polybar/kitty is still babby level ricing
How is mine? am I 1337 yet?
Vidrel is xn-neko face reveal.



>Online only when downloading though



File: 1732028231028-0.jpeg (172.75 KB, 624x622, 312:311, chadleech.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

>Yes, I don't seed torrents. How could you tell?



Very manly anon.

Though your website laggs a lot on phone.



Damnit, really? I just updated the CSS the other day to optmize the css performance



Likely all of the glowy stuff you have going on with the text. What is that, text shadows?

In any case, that kind of thing can really fluster phone renderers.



Yeah, it used to be way worse because it was animated before the optmization, now it's static




Oh, OK. I see now. Those are animations. The difference in the start and ending state is very subtle so I didn't notice it.

For performance, I'd advise only using the shapeShadow animation on important elements, like your <h1>s and stuff (and make it a little more dramatic maybe?) and then convert the usecases where you have it applied to like bog standard paragraphs and such to use just a simple text-shadow instead of the animation.

Having a bunch of animations loading in like that is gonna eat up a phone's memory really bad and is likely where you're getting issues.

The current CSS seems to still be animated.



>The current CSS seems to still be animated.
<code>@keyframes shapeShadow {
0%, 100% {
filter: drop-shadow(2.62px 0 1px rgba(0, 30, 255, 0.5))
drop-shadow(-2.62px 0 1px rgba(255, 0, 80, 0.3))
drop-shadow(0 0 3px);



Just a little heads up to the new websites, I'll add you when I see myself in your webring.
It's pretty good, though you should invest in a better/larger monitor.
Have you looked at conman? It was okay last time I looked at it. But let's be honest, if you're a man you use wpa_supplicant/iwd + dhcpcd if you want Wi-Fi.
>KMFM - Xtort
Pretty good taste.
What I used before writing my own, it is indeed very good.
While I still use it, I recommend you look at vips, it is better designed, less buggy and more performant.
>ffmpeg, openshot
No Vapoursynth? Livin' in the past, mate.



I used connman before I switched to networkmanager. I might try some of the stuff you suggested. Is your music player publicly available?



File: 1732042149412-0.png (203 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 2024-11-19_19:42:15.png) ImgOps iqdb

Yeah, but beware, it is very tailor-made (and I should probably re-engineer it around a central event loop, one day).

The two main reasons I made it were:
* I don't want my music player to maintain a library that I need to keep synced with my filesystem when I already have said filesystem to organize my soykaf; symlinks, bind mounts, union mounts and more give me all the flexibility in the world.
* Related, playlist management should be external too; I made a "random album picker with adjustable fairness enforcement" as an awk script this way.
* Why do you need a TUI? I just want to play music and a true client/daemon architecture is simply better in this case (à la mpd). And as I said, I already have a file manager to navigate my collection.


Pic related (including the lemonbar widget with buttons and some sxhkd bindings) is the only interface I need.



File: 1732070294522-0.gif (82.47 KB, 200x152, 25:19, 200w.gif) ImgOps iqdb

How does your RSS sorting thing work? Your system places my site as last having updated 2023-09-08 01:10:35, which seems incorrect, as I've definitely made posts since then. Matter of fact, it doesn't seem that any of my posts were made on 2023-09-08.

Just trying to troubleshoot and make sure that my RSS isn't too badly written.



Mine is the one above yours and has an incorrect date too



Ah ok, I think I see what happened. He seems to be parsing the pubDate of the item closest to the top of the document.



i like ur front page
you should make the background image undraggable & unselectable tho
kinda ruins my immersion when i can drag it around and turn it blue



do you guys have a good method outside of the lainring for discovery? most aggregators usually slap you with a "buy my book" for 75% of the sites they have.



lobste.rs but beware, lots of members are pink and/or bluepilled.



Its complicated. Sometimes its the most random thing. In one case, I was reading an old usenet archive and found someone in the thread that went to the same university I did, looked her up, and found an extremely well written blog about medieval embroidery and creative anachronism. I guess just hand collecting might not work if you don't spend too much time surfing though.



Hello lainons, since nobody has stepped up in the last months, I am planning to host again another Lainchan Web Festival for this coming winter. I have yet to come up with a topic, but watch the thread for future announcements.

I put the whole post in the feed, and also a <link> to the html version. Best of both worlds.

Using Atom instead of rss you can put unescaped xhtml inside a <div> without the need for cdata. And atom is overall nicer than rss.



Sites linked on lainchan and other forums or linked on small web sites (such as the ones on the lainring)



Other webrings and neocities



mostly just old fashioned web surfing, which is a bit harder these days, hope someone has a links page (that isn't just a bunch of their SNS accounts) and keep hoping from links page to links page
the wiby random button is nice, marginalia search is dead useful even if the results are a bit off
other webrings are useful too, although I can't really name any off-hand

I'll also occasionally just spend time clicking on random neocities pages - the S/N ratio is like kicking dead whales down the beach ass, but I'll occasionally find something decent



Literally me. I only found marginelia a few days ago, I've been searching up my city and finding so much cool soykaf



File: 1732222436288-0.gif (1.89 KB, 88x31, 88:31, cultist.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1732222436288-1.png (4.52 KB, 240x60, 4:1, cultist.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hey everyone. I used to go by "my.faith.rip"

I have now moved to https://cult.ist/

It uses iframes so please click the contact section to view all banners.



Other webrings, checking through link walls, going through writing circles and web festivals for sites, dumb luck



I saw a link to something titled "interface hauntology", clicked immediately, only to discover it wasn't a link at all. You should write something about Interface Hauntology



wayyy too laggy for my poor Thinkpad, looks good though



Thank you for checking it out. Indeed many of the links aren't working yet as the site is very much still WIP.

I hope to write about it soon enough!



File: 1732281581832-0.gif (41.93 KB, 352x124, 88:31, lain_crystal_glitch.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Updated the banner for https://crystal.tilde.institute




Could you help me figure out what might be causing the lagging?



>18 years
>High end laptop
>Jokes about its gender
>captcha error when using tor
Being suicidal when people like you exist makes me feel embarassed. Compared to yoh I'm God blessed. glitterboy.



Are you the same person?




>sees Big ass Cloudflare warning on Guestbook

>enters Guestbook
>gets greeted by Cloudflare

"OH MY GOD WHY DID THIS HAPPEN ?" Nah in all seriousness though, glad that my website gave you a reason to keep living ^^. Also its not really a high end laptop, apart from maybe the RAM.

>Jokes about its gender

Life is a circus anyways, enjoy it while we are here.




Somewhere in the CSS, loading your site with JS and CSS disabled results in a small CPU spike at the start, but after that it's fine. With CSS enabled I get spikes from 60-80%



You better remove that Bellingcat link, or are you "related" to the GCHQ?



Hey, I want to add your site, but for some reason I (https://world-playground-deceit.net/) am not in your ring. Intentional?



No, your site should be on there, I'll add it when I get home.



I don't mean to wage slave but you also missed mine. (https://sor.neocities.org)
You also added nowhere.moe twice by including his old domain that redirects to the new one



File: 1732383231932-0.gif (261.63 KB, 88x31, 88:31, button.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1732383231932-1.gif (582.51 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hey, I would like to take part in the webring :)
I attached my banner and button.
Here is my site:

It is currently hosted on github pages, but I might switch to something else somewhat soon.



File: 1732383406835-0.jpg (82.46 KB, 1080x591, 360:197, sheisse.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

neat site, will add it to my list. never thought i'd see someone studying linguistics on here



I no longer link to your site because I don't like it, sorry.

Added now.

Did you make that snuffkin cat in your banner?



zieke site man, ik zag ook dat je Nederlands praatte, nice.




It is indeed snufkin as a cat :)
A friend of mine made it a long while ago.


Dankjewerl! Het is leuk om hier mensen tegen te komen die Nederlands spreken




Neat little site, bookmarked. Do you plan to add an RSS feed to your to blog later?

Trouwens, ik kom ook uit België. Nou ja, eigenlijk uit een andere land maar ik woon in België. Dus spreek ik een beetje Nederlands. Ik ben verrasd om hier iemand anders uit België te zien.




Thanks for the feedback :)




Maybe at some point once I figure out how to do that :)
It's my first time fully doing everything myself, and it's quite the journey, but an enjoyable one for sure!



File: 1732515237870-0.png (1.11 KB, 88x31, 88:31, Sprite-0002.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Site: appak.neocities.org

a lil smaller than 240x60 but I love them buttons



id love to add but i only do banners. do u have one



Please make a banner.
It's the one requirement for admission to the ring.



I would also love to add you to my website, but would it be possible to post a 240x60 banner?
Thanks a lot in advance :)



I'd be fine adding you but there are exactly two requirements mentioned in the OP and you didn't meet either lol


>* a link to your website, website containing a page linking to the rest of the webring
>* a 240x60 banner of your website

no webring page, no 240x60 banner
fix that and you're in
kin la mi toki pona! o pona e lipu sina.



Is there going to be a Lainchan Webring Winter Festival? We're all in this thread talking about people not doing stuff with their sites, maybe we should do a simple event or post some writing prompts , get those creative juices flowing.



Terminal depression and/or loneliness does that to anyone not imbued with an iron will.



Internet Grooming + Propaganda (vulnerable to propaganda because they don't go outside and think this stuff is normal because the internet tells them so) + The nerd archetype has always been low-t but now we don't have any positive propaganda like Duke Nukem, Doom, Rambo, Schwarzenegger, or Die Hard to teach kids to be a man and to have self-respect.
[spoiler]See https://getimiskon.neocities.org and then look at his website, sad.[/spoiler]



Why do you have to spoiler things, are you afraid of saying what you think?

Let's see your site then, see what you believe in



File: 1732927218141-0.gif (3.02 MB, 498x498, 1:1, sakaki.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>afraid of saying what you think?
If I were, wouldn't it make more sense to spoiler the whole post?



So why spoiler it at all? Still not seeing the link to your site, is that you, Mr.Statistic?



>So why spoiler it at all
So people would read the first part first and then see the spoiler. Why are you autistic?
>Still not seeing the link to your site, is that you, Mr.Statistic?
What the hell does that mean? And why exactly do I have to link my website? Your false pretense is to "see what I believe in" but that's clearly not your noble intention, you just want to witch-hunt my website that may or may not even exist to begin with, or look for some kind of ad hominem. I'll say, if you're getimiskon, then don't take what I said personal, otherwise, you're gay



You're witch hunting through other people's sites to laugh at them, are you afraid of what people will think of you? Or is it because you're a nosite that can't do anything but post epicanimememe.gif?



Where did I laugh at getimiskon? I just knew his site because he's OG in this webring. If you really want to see my site why dont you post yours first?



File: 1732961573571-0.gif (266.33 KB, 360x150, 12:5, Bézier_4_big.gif) ImgOps iqdb

The thread is turning seriously gay. Anon, instead of bickering, you could use that time to post something on your website or make one if you're still a lurker! How about a review of an album/movie/book you recently liked?



I don't do reviews but I was working on it yesterday



File: 1732974851625.jpg (148.7 KB, 1708x1192, 427:298, 1661336238345313.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Jeez, People are mean today. Though there are many websites in this webring without much content, I click through the webring occasionally and nothing has changed on most websites. I really should start using RSS again.



I'm working on a fair few things atm, but yeah there's a lot of dead sites in the ring. Most rings are like this unfortunately, people don't post anything because they're afraid of being seen as cringe.



>I really should start using RSS again.
100%. RSS saves a lot of time, that's how I get updated on webring sites.
They do that because they're lazy or just have other things to do, or perhaps are comfortable with the state of their websites.
>people don't post anything because they're afraid of being seen as cringe
I'm assuming you're saying this based on what I said earlier in this thread, like I said, I avoid doing things that are cringe because they're cringe, simple. That's what I think, not because I care what others might think, and I don't even think this is that much common of a sentiment anyhow.
However, by avoiding 'cringe' things you can filter crap you'll regret posting, or overexposing yourself in uncomfortable ways. I've done a lot on my website since that discussion, even though I've been quite busy in real life.



Personally I only add things if I feel like doing so and I haven't, I don't think everyone in the webring should feel pressured to add content if they don't want to. I have no idea where this notion came from that webring sites must be like an active blog



most personal websites are pretty slow in general
I update a fair bit usually, but I'm busy in real life, so I've slowed down

rss is great, although it is disappointing seeing almost no updates on sites you like a lot when you open the reader
but it also means I don't have to keep clicking and checking across dozens of pages for new stuff



You are right.

So true

Anyone has a opml file with the majority of the webring in it?




will be hosting it on my site too, once I'm finished



No, it was not based on your post, which I hadn't read but have now gone back and found. Kind of cringe to assume it was, ngl, and a little bit defensive.

Jokes aside, what does "things that are cringe" even mean? Your original posts don't explain it either. Do you mean you don't do things you'll think you'll be bad at? you don't post things other people might not like or that might get negative feedback/ been seen as going against the group mentality?

You say in your earlier posts you only do important stuff, how do you quantify important? Do you only make things you think other people will find educational or informative? How do you decide that?

Please understand this is not an attack, I just do not know what you mean, you're right in that you need to be careful not to overshare online and putting out low effort stuff with no intent to improve isn't good, but it sounds like you think being interested in something isn't reason enough on its own to do anything with it, when really it's one of the best reasons to.

Especially when you intimate that it's better for people to post nothing on their sites than frivolous or low effort things, like posting nothing is less whatever than posting whatever you fancy

>Another thing, you guys really dislike that most of the webring are abandoned neocities pages, and yet promote this "post whatever" idea. This "whatever" attitude is probably why so many sites are abandoned...

I think this is a good point, and it would be presumptuous of me to assume that the only reason people don't post more stuff is because they don't have the confidence to, as you say, people should only post what they feel like posting and some sites owners might feel their sites are complete and need no addition past what's there.

But I think feeling like what you are capable of making isn't good enough to show anyone is a very common reason for people not posting things. All those near empty sites with energetic openings and hand made style sheets and homepages, and they only have the safest types of pages, a uses page, a neofetch screenshot, maybe some links to other things, no meat. These people had the energy and love for this thing to learn HTML and CSS, put something online, join a community, but have nothing to say? Nothing at all?

Most people have something or other they want to talk about, maybe not a huge variety of things, maybe not in great depth, but they do want to talk about it, most have something they do that they care about, drawing or music or whatever, but lots of people can't get over the hurdle of exposing it to others, even in an environment they totally control like a personal website.

You see much more direct evidence of this in other communities where it's normal to post links to new works, often people will post one or two things, and when they get negative feedback or it doesn't get much traction they get discouraged and stop trying, or they post something which is well received, but a week or so later they're self conscious and delete it off their site.

A lot of the time the stuff they posted isn't great, but it was honest, and it deserved to be up, you can't improve without doing, and writing something is better than writing nothing.



Let me tell you, people change over time, so do the things they create. If you think that the website was better as it was then, it's fine. But in my opinion, assuming stuff about others, isn't a good idea.

Anyways, to the new people here, welcome to the webring!



File: 1732997662232-0.png (9.81 KB, 611x370, 611:370, 2024-11-30_21:13:24.png) ImgOps iqdb

Looks plenty active to me.



Like 4 sites produced 90% of that. For example 6 of those are from Monkemax and 5 are from Miredo. There are actually more sites than that that have produced stuff in the last week or so, probably another 12 pieces of content from 3-4 sites. Andreixyz has some multilingual project going on, which is pretty cool, probably the most interesting thing currently happening on the ring.

It's not that there aren't regularly active sites in the ring, it's that most sites in it are completely inactive. There is something like 140 sites in the ring in total, hard to keep track when it's decentralized.

An aside, is that Newsboat or what is it?



I assumed you were basing it on it because it was a highly specific thing to mention, specially in this thread, my mistake.
>what does "things that are cringe" even mean?
It just means things that you find cringe. Many people ignore our 'anti-cringe' instincts of common sense, this leads people into cognitive dissonance. In the original context was that someone thought what they wrote was cringe(81272), so there was something 'cringe' about it, meaning he should probably write something else, something he wouldn't think is 'cringe'.
>how do you quantify important
We humans are all dissatisfied with the modern world and technology/internet to a certain extent, so, we should shape our writings as missions to inform about things that we think should change. That's the purpose of information at its core, to benefit us, others and the world we live in, so we can be the change we want to see in the world in a way.
>Especially when you intimate that it's better for people to post nothing on their sites than frivolous or low effort things, like posting nothing is less whatever than posting whatever you fancy
What I meant by that is that when people just write "whatever", with no mission in the writing or creation of the website content, the fun wears out pretty quickly, because they realize they aren't doing anything important. As a result people who just write whatever ultimately end up giving up on their websites, I think, because they had no sense of mission in the first place. So they logically see no reason to bother with all the effort in continuing.
Yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to assume things about you personally but wanted to exemplify what I meant, because of the changes in your site, I think you know what I mean.
This made me realize I'm missing some, although I recognized monkemanx, interloper and antisocial, where are the other ones from?
It looks like sfeed, but I could be wrong. Funny that you wrote monkemax instead of monkemanx.



it's fine, don't worry about it





sizeofcat posts a lot more on his notes (i think the rss endpoint for notes is notes.xml)



the feed is hand done and the whole point is the updates since my site isn't just a straight blog, so they stay
if I do ever get around to a more automated system, I'd probably have tags for updates and would be able to generate fine-grained feeds for different site sections, but until I get to that (probably never, but who knows), it ain't happening

I already leave a bunch of stuff out of the feed since it is a bit too high friction to update all the time and isn't really that big of a deal

until then, add a rule to your feed reader targeting the words "blog entry" or something



>>80431 (OP)
how do you guys keep your version of the webring up to date, and do you also check uptime and if the site is available every now and then? thinking of having a simple cronjob checking the ring every month or so, but wanted to know what you guys were using to keep it up-to-date




I was wondering, is it hard to make an rss/atom feed?
I've been wanting to set one up for my website for ages now, but I never went through with it.

Any guides on how to get started with it or is it just pretty straight forward

Thanks a lot in advance :))



ideally your site would be getting generated somehow (for example, using Jekyll to build your site) and adding a feed would be a toggle or a plugin (Jekyll uses a plugin)
and entries would be autogenerated

might be useful (this is for RSS specifically)

I also have a JS template (for Atom) on my site that I use:
where I just copy paste in entries into the feed

you really do want to automate this if you can - doing it by hand isn't difficult, but it is added effort and friction when adding site content



not every site needs to stay active
this isn't a content race, everyone runs their site for their own reasons on their own time

like, I strongly believe sites should have something more than just an about me section, broken internal links, a webring page, and no content or links beyond that, since there's basically no reason to go there
but if a site in the ring has stuff to see on it or isn't a dead-end when web surfing, even if it was last updated in 2022 or whatever, that's fine




My website is made by hand and not generated. I'll check out the links you sent!
Thanks a lot :)



the webring page on 0x19.org is generally really up to date as a starting point, but keeping up to date is more work
my webring page is hand updated, as are most, since there's no central admissions location outside of each thread

I guess if I get really far behind, I'll just extract all the links from my page and all the links from 0x19's and do a diff on the sorted lists to see who I'm missing



File: 1733079617749-0.txt (2.29 KB, 200x200, 1:1, rss_example.txt) ImgOps iqdb

It's not too-too hard. What I did was more or less consult this example doc to figure out how a page should be laid out


and used the notes on this page to figure out how the different tags work: https://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification

The I just built a script to publish my soykaf formatted for RSS. My site stores all articles and newsposts in MySQL, so more or less I just sorta wrote some PHP to retrieve those things from the DB and then shove them into formatted XML as <item>s through while loops that iterate the DB rows.

Attached is a sanitized version of the script for reference.

Obviously, I don't think you'd be able to copy this 1:1 as it relies on you using my internal DB setup, but I think you can kinda get what's going on here. If your content is flat file, but you still have access to PHP, instead of doing db queries, you could probably do something with fopen()/fread() to fetch the content that way.

Of course, if you're using some sort of pre-made CMS, those systems generally tend to have RSS plugins that can be used to rightly fetch the data for you according to however it needs to within the CMS.



by browsing the thread once every few days, downloading the buttons and updating the page by hand. I guess it's possible to automate that, but I'm not good at that stuff.

>is it hard to make an rss/atom feed?
Not really, but it can be annoying to update it by hand at times.



Thank you, appreciate it.



cheers, I'll just have a simple uptime checker go through a pre-defined list every month/week or so to weed out the dead/offline sites. I'll add an obvious useragent incase you wish to block it, and It'll also honor robots.txt



I did and i found out that i would rather serve a website exclusively for bots than have human visitors that don't have the same way of thinking as i do.
I am thinking about letting that domain rot and rent another one.
i am https://b4rkod.net.tr btw, recently changed to https://b4rkod.xyz (which is the one people have seen irl).



Nobody IRL knows about my site, a few online friends don't either, for pretty much the reasons you've outlined. I want freedom to be myself and experiment with things.

My family and current friend group would find some of the stuff I've talked about off putting, never mind what they'd make of what I'm planning to put on there.

I miss having arthouse types in my friend group, people you could talk about weird soykaf with or drag out for a night of photography. If I met that kind of person again I might show them it.

If you wanted to start over couldn't you just get a new domain and host your current site there? Like you said people IRL don't actually visit your site that much, maybe you could let your one friend who's super interested in on it.



File: 1733247701058.png (287.27 KB, 1500x1071, 500:357, naomi resized.png) ImgOps iqdb

I've been worried about it way less recently. I realized that I don't actually feel like I'm holding back much in blog posts, and lewd Naomi drawings wouldn't really "fit" on my site anyway. It's better to share those drawings with the people/sites that I know are into it, so nobody gets surprised. Thanks for all the replies on the subject.



File: 1733250274568-0.png (30.6 KB, 737x484, 67:44, 1723270143206363.png) ImgOps iqdb

I'm thinking of creating one for my offline identity, which contains my public projects, CV, little about me, maybe some blog posts about stuff related to said identity.

And then another one, which I can just ramble about anything and post everything, no matter how fuarrrked, because it won't be traced back to me.



I originally started my site to document writeups i was making when i was studying for OSCP, and its original intention was for it to be public and irl centric instead of being some cloak and dagger thing i try to hide. I dont really try to write controversial or even non-technical things, so im not really afraid of people who know me IRL seeing it. Ive even shared it to professional colleagues.



I do something similar. I realised a major milestone in personal development would be merging the two indentities (or the anon one with the irl one) but I'm not exactly there yet.



You are correct to realize this. Anon posting has some utility if you are truly being prosecuted and if what you say truly has some value (Lenin, "Publius" of the US federalist papers), but it can also be a way, especially as seen from this forum, to hide from the real world and to say nothing of value with no consequence to your real life reputation.

For most people here the best thing is probably to avoid anon posting as much as possible.



>Oh and another question why the big 240x60 banner and not classic 88x31 buttons?

I created the first thread and initially chose 240x60 for a few reasons:

>240x60 is divisible by 1920x1080 without any rounding (1920 / 240 = 8) and (1080 / 60 = 18). You can display a grid of 18 * 8 =144 banners on a standard 1920x1080 display with no margins between banners. 88x31 banners can't fit with 0 margin on a 800x600 or 1024x768 display. As far as I know, the origin of the 88x31 standard is still not fully confirmed (although there are some theories) and may have been chosen arbitrarily.

>240x60 has a wider aspect ratio than 88x31, and adapts better to the current 16:9 aspect ratio.
>240x60 is future proof for 16:10 aspect ratio, as 240x60 is also divisible in 1920x1200 with no rounding (160 grid of banners with no margin).
>240x60 can be halved twice to 120x30 and 60x15 for smaller screen resolutions.
>240x60 is also backwards compatible with 800x600 screens, as reducing the size by a 3rd (80x20 banners) will fill a 10x30 grid of banners on 800x600 with no margin.
>240x60 can be adapted into 88x31 banners somewhat easily by reducing the size to 80x20 and then filling in the 5/6 vertical pixels on each side and 4 horizontal pixels on each side.

Basically, it was a series of optimizing compromises.



0x19 is in decay mode for a bit while I handle irl bullshit. As of right now, picoblog is the only thing I will even remotely consider working on. More pressing matters have arrived.
But do not worry, I have considered nuking 0x19 many times yet it still stands. Stay vigilant, lains.
Smile, soldier, there are darker days ahead.
What would fit with 1366x768? I know that this is widely considered a hated and outdated resolution but I still can't get over the absolute SOUL when it comes to thinkpads. Maybe it it is an incorrect assumption but how many anons actually run thinkpads? Disregarding opsec, I would be interested in a hardware/software statistics project to see what lains actually run split between phone/server/desktop/laptop.



It's a good choice. The regular size buttons are too much of an assault on the eyes when aggregated, but I have yet to see a similar affect in properly sized lainring copies



This is a strange position IMO. Writing under a non de plume (which is all an internet handle is really) is as old as writing, there are many valid reasons to do it.

There is value in sticking to a specific identity and owning what you've wrote, even if its not good or has produced criticism, but there's no real reason it has to be your meatspace identity.

Its entirely normal to want to write or paint or whatever and be identified with your work while also keeping separation from your personal life. Doing everything under your own real name because its not "of consequence" otherwise is some weird authenticity culture bullshit.



Should read
>usually no reason for it to be your meat space identity
Obviously there's good reason to use your real name for some things, where it really matters who or what you are




Little update on this, I haven't fully been able to figure everything out yet, but I did -or atleast tried to- make an ATOM feed.
Which you can find here: https://myrdin.is-a.dev/feed/atom.xml
For now I am doing everything by hand (sort of, using the generator), I still got to figure out how to automate things as well.
Thanks a lot to miredo for the generator!

I have yet to figure out how to style atom and rss feeds though, any tips would be appreciated! :)

I am not sure how well I'll be able to keep this atom feed updated, but I'll try my best.



To me, posting anonymously (and lets be real, pseudoanonymous is just anonymous unless your moniker has some external reputation) means you dont take proper ownership of your ideas. I feel like you should take ownership, even if theyre half baked, even if theyre probably wrong. Hiding anything controversal or compromising also kinda feeds into perfectionist tendancies for our IRL identities, at least for me. Basically "i wont express a belief I cant defend from every possible angle".



I think you're looking into beliefs without publication context.

For instance, publishing something to an imageboard community like this one means that your work is now indirectly associated with imageboards...and all of the stuff imageboards are known for, like racism, radicalism, mass shootings, incels, raids, cybercrime, etc.

Even if a community like this one doesn't necessarily get into that sorta thing as often as say like some other communities, the connotation and possible impression is still there, and tying that to your IRL identity could definitely be dangerous.

Taking ownership of your content is one thing, but taking ownership of the entire context of your publication method is a different thing that could introduce issues unrelated to what you yourself have written.



I get what you mean. Guilt by association and all. In the case of smallweb (or whatever these kinds of websites are called) I dont think that theres much association with other websites though. There are webrings I guess, but my hope is that people dont assume you endorse everything said by websites just because you appear in the same external link directory. I generally dont like to filter my actions based on adversarial guilt by association anyways, which is why I hang out on imageboards in the first place.



Taking ownership of your ideas is a thing that happens within the realm they are published. You don't gain any meaningful information or context for something published to the internet by someone a thousand miles away whether they're called by their real name or their handle, under a pic of a cartoon cat or a passport photo. They are just as unknown, just as outside of your tangible world.

All you have to go on is context, the merit of the thing itself, and the history of whatever identity is doing the publication, you know equally little about the actual human being doing the work in either scenario. The only real exception is when someone is making an argument from some special characteristic of their meatspace person, like being a doctor or amputee or whatever.

And there are real downsides to publishing things under your real name, things are only owned within context, but they are forever taken out of context, say for argument a century ago I occasionally wrote bad fiction for pulp magazines, the chances of someone coming across those stories outside the intended context was fairly low and their ability to do anything about them if they were just that upset even lower, unless they knew you IRL or for some reason had access to your name and address they could do almost nothing but complain to the editor (a kind of analog janny) of whatever magazine they were annoyed at.

These days you post a 3/10 review of a KPOP album on twitter and people hunt you down and start sending live bugs to your workplace. You might travel to the other side of the country for a niche event and your mom will know in two hours because she happened to see a video from it and caught you in the crowd, you post fanfiction to AO3 from your school email and someone sends it to the principle, physical distance and obscurity have ceased to mean anything with regards to information.

People have always been different people when inhabiting different spaces, you are a different person at work than you are at home and you're different again when you're out with your friends, you talk about different things, assume different roles. Pen names and internet names are just extensions of this same behavior into information space.

>I generally dont like to filter my actions based on adversarial guilt by association anyways, which is why I hang out on imageboards in the first place.

So what you're saying is that you adopt anonymity to be able to freely talk about things inside one space without being identified with those things and discriminated against for them outside that space?



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>first response
I was talking about anonymity as a writer, not as a reader. I agree with your points about how for the reader, simply having a name and some about page does jack soykaf for actual context, so anonymous or not is basically the same. And as you mentioned, the main difference would be for the author, and you mentioned how easy it is to attack people thanks to the idiosyncrasies of webspace.
At the same time, I think that as long as you're not some eceleb type person and aren't just dumping gasoline on controversial issues the risk for this is low. Its worth considering the hidden cost of maintaining an anonymous persona, from maintaining a careful list of all you wish to reveal and mulling over possible correlation attacks, to having an aspect of yourself effectively hidden away from your irl life. Its a pretty classic and well discussed issue I think.
I don't think anonymity is bad, but I think too many people (myself included) abuse it or otherwise don't appreciate it possible downsides



kek i get the same experience from seeing people like that on the internet. Hopefully life is treats you well lainon



I had a domain that I set up and did nothing with, didn't put it on Google or anything, never shared a link.

I let it expire in 2023, thought maybe I'd revive it for the webring, because I like the name, but somebody bought it and are squatting it. I wonder how effective that business is, and then when this squater leaves another one will automatically jump on it!? Seems like gambling.

oh well, I'll think of another cool name



Don't want to sound mean, but do you just plan on "put in on the webring" or will you make some real content?



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>I have yet to figure out how to style atom and rss feeds though, any tips would be appreciated! :)
Many RSS readers use browser technology (such as a webview) to render RSS feeds, and so you can use HTML for styling. Basically, place your content in <content:encoded> tags and wrap them in character data blocks:

<content:encoded><![CDATA[Hello <b>World</b>]]></content:encoded>

You can use my feed as a reference for how to do this (https://yukinu.com/feed/rss.xml, press Ctrl+U on firefox to view XML source)

When using HTML in feeds, I recommend using a subset of older HTML tags, (the "deprecated" HTML 4.01 tags such as <b> for bold, <i> for italic, <u> for underline, etc) as these will work on nearly every reader and keep your feed sizes smaller. I also recommend keeping your styling to a minimum, so that subscribers have the choice of either reading the minimal version through their feed reader or the stylized version on your site through their browser.




Is this a way to get something like this for example?

This is a random feed I came across and found it quite cool that it looked like this. I am quite new to all of this and trying to figure out how everything works haha

Either way thanks a lot already! :)



it seems like it uses XSLT, which allows for styling of XML like its HTML and CSS

Also found an article on how to do it: https://www.bennadel.com/blog/3770-using-xslt-and-xml-transformations-to-style-my-blogs-rss-feed-as-an-html-page.htm



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>This is a random feed I came across and found it quite cool that it looked like this.
They are adding the styling to their feed through an external XSL stylesheet. Some background: around the 2000s or so, there was a push in web standards for creating a subset of HTML that was compatible with XML (known as XHTML). HTML is based on SGML, which is very forgiving in how it parses tags, heavily complicating tag parser development. Ultimately XHTML declined in popularity as browser developers pushed for web appification, culminating in the HTML 5 standard. However, a lot of the XML utilities that were implemented are still available in some browsers, and one of those is the support for XSLT transformations to XML documents.

tl;dr, the relevant line for styling in that RSS feed is this:

<?xml-stylesheet href="/subscribe/styles.xsl" type="text/xsl"?> 

The stylesheet at https://rknight.me/subscribe/styles.xsl is loaded, the browser transforms the XML markup in the RSS feed with the templates in the stylesheet, and the result is the styled feed that you see in the browser.

Also an opinion sidenote: XSLT was a really useful technology and it's sad it never took off. It allowed you to do basic HTML templating in the browser without the need for an SSG or JavaScript. XLST simultaneously enforces good security (reduction in code running and a strict parser that is less prone to bugs) and proper separation of concerns (style is separated from content, allowing you to easily swap out style without having to make any changes to the content, similar to CSS but more powerful due to the templating features).



I wanted to add an XSLT sheet to my feed, and decided to just leave it be after encountering https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98168 while trying to do mine (also, if your XSLT has a bug, good luck, I actually spent ages trying to figure out why my page was mostly blank and having no way to really examine what was happening in the dev tools area).
I could make it so that all the stuff in the body was valid XHTML and thus didn't need to be escaped, and it would literally be the work of minutes, but the bug was so stupid (23 years old too, goddamn) and driving completely blind as to why soykaf wasn't displaying, had both combined in a way that all the desire left me to interact with XSLT.



I want to set up a journal/blog, mostly for myself, but might as well publish it, it will give me something to do in my boring life. don't care if others read it.

Also want to write my own frontend and backend. Simple flatfile database, all statically generated webpages. Very simple stuff.



Doing some maintenance, added:
And NewDigitalEra

Fixed these issues, thanks for pointing them out.

Your RSS feed works but you don't seem to have directly advertised/linked to it on your site anywhere?



The feed is linked in the HTML on the site:
<link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=https://monkemanx.github.io/index.xml title> 
so pointing a feed reader at the site will grab the feed.
However, it should probably be mentioned somewhere on user visible portion of the site that there even is a feed.




Thanks for the tip, I've added an RSS icon. Good idea.

I also changed the RSS to include only the articles, not the other soykaf anymore, didn't want to spam so much.



Miss typo not soykaf but Shit.

Free space, ahhhhhhhhh



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>>80431 (OP)
Finally able to publish my site to the public, took me 2 full rewrites of the webserver lol.

Site is HTTP only for now, will have Let's Encrypt setup soon, and a custom self signed certificate for the ones that don't like CA's (me).

Site is still a mess, backend is too, excuse any downtime.

Link to webring: http://1lsh32.nl/webrings/lainchan.html



Looking nice! Added it and your feed. Pretty cool to have your own webserver, but I hope you do sandbox it, knowing how complex it is to make properly and how Lua isn't the prettiest C around.
You used poll (or epoll/kqueue) or a thread approach to serve concurrent clients?



I am gonna write a simple C module to wrap around chdir(), chroot() and setuid() soon.

It's single threaded and uses socket.select(), as that is what LuaSocket provided me with lel.

Code is public btw, http://git.1lsh32.nl/chrysaor



chroot isn't a sandbox, though. I'm not joking, this is why BSDs have jails, Solaris/Illumos zones and Linux user namespaces.

You should do something to avoid blocking everyone else just because you serve a big media file to a client. Or do you chunk transfers to send a bit to everyone at each event loop iteration?

Anyway, looking forwards to some blog posts, the ring is missing in trve hackers.



I know, but I don't want to bloat the codebase too much. Most of the core functionality is there, and for routing files/reverse proxying/caching there are the extensions. The "hardening" module will be reused for different projects, so I might as well make it a seperate project.

And yeah, big files are a bit of a problem. The per-cycle chunk sending is an interesting idea though, I might write a poc for that soon.

Thinking of writing a simple blog post on QubesOS' RPC capabilities, and how to write a custom policy and some scripts. Got a lot of ideas, so get ready lol.



Hey, are you still happy to host the Festival or do you want someone else to?
We could crowd source a topic if nothing's coming to mind



nta but would be more than happy to join, got no idea for a topic though



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stopping in again to remind everyone what a miss it was to not make the webring an actual webring.
i get that for non trusting or antiJS people, they think its better to have a massive wall of links and gifs.
but im sure at least some people would have liked one of those webring widgets with previous/next/random.



Technically it's possible to make a webring without using JS, but someone has to host it and i'm not sure who could update the webring for that long.



A while ago there were some threads on /g/ discussing webrings too, and one of them recommended hosting the actual ring on Nostr, and then just having clients fetch the ring.

Updates can be pushed via a few preselected npub keys.

Maybe we can revive this idea and do some more brainstorming?



I agree. Sizeocat used to have a thing for opening a random sites in the ring, about previous and next you can just link it manually



Sizeof has the JS/HTML code for creating your own webring widget if you already have a json file (downloadable from his website, http://sizeof.cat/post/lainring/data/lainring.json).


Bottom of the page. Though, I don't think he's updating his copy of the webring, but you can borrow the json file and adapt it.



Nah the link wall is fun.
You get a little taste of every site's personality in each 240*60, and you interact with the ring differently than you do every other webring because of it.



>got no idea for a topic though
A seasonal topic could be nice. A lot of people have free time during the holidays and around the new year, could make the topic open ended and have people write about what they like to do during this time of year, how they feel about seasonal changes, holiday traditions, food, etc.

I'd participate again if someone could lead the effort.



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you can still do this with the banners but theres no central widget or links since that'd require someone hosting everything. theres also no central order so the next previous doesnt work great either as is
I positioned my own banner at the top because people were copying it entirely without including the site itself, and I put a placeholder lainchan one at number 1 so the next previous is kinda messed up entirely. but it is doable



Putting forward two deliberately vague topics.

>Beginnings and Endings

>Joy in Failure

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