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File: 1594856593747.jpeg (12.54 KB, 250x232, 125:116, web.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.29660[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

Hello fellow lainers! I want to recapture some of the magic of the old web, so am making a webring. Post below:

* your website
* a 240x60 pixel banner image representing your site

And I will add all the websites and banners to my personal site. Feel free to add fellow lainers sites to your site as well. I'm hoping to make a nice collection of websites. Also, as a courtesy to other lainers, please keep the image size at 50kb or less


File: 1594856697601.gif (34.28 KB, 240x60, 4:1, yukinu-240x60.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Here is my site and a banner for it:



Lain would you be interested in a productivity website? ewe it's like my website is like other mainstream trash, b-b-baka.
Anyways it's still WIP I'm just asking
It's a github page, the goal is to strip the trash out of other garbage those charlatans say and add actual stuff that only the most autistic of anons dared to try, and finally publishing them under MIT license or whatever makes a document free to use.

It uses jekyll, I have couple of drafts. The design of the main page and the components are complete.

now that I think about it idk why I wrote this, just tell me if you're interested.
I've only registered the domain before some weirdo does it.



File: 1594911528201-0.png (10.45 KB, 240x60, 4:1, webring banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

here's my humble little website. I'm rennvoating it but you can use this banner!
Electronics Mods/Hacking and all things Physics.



File: 1594919864169.jpeg (6.03 KB, 200x40, 5:1, elm_banner.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Not mine, but here is a nice website from old net:
There are even some links to other sites, but it's all mostly in japanese so it's probably not terribly useful.



Sure anon ill add it! Hope the project works out! just need a banner for it.

Cool site anon! very retro, feels just like the old web! I like the win95 theme for the about page. I added the banner to my site

Thanks anon, i believe ive seen this banner before, looks so familiar. The site wouldnt let me connect unfortunately, but added it purely due to the aesthetic look of the banner. hopefully the site works for others



I suggested something similar in this thread I suggest others here look at: >>>/r/8562
I'm not interested in adding just anyone. I know it can be difficult the first few years, but people are probably going to be reluctant to give attention to a website that hasn't existed very long, and which only has a few pages. Persevering is what lets others know the website owner is serious about its continued existence.



File: 1594944226025-0.jpg (69.16 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 11.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Thanks for the link and the perspective anon. This webring is intended to be open to anyone and is less about the content of the sites or the amount of traffic they get; it's more about creating a small community of netizens who want to share their little slice of the net with each other. Even if some sites go down in the ring and are never put up again, there will still be a little bit of their history in the banners in the ring.

If you have a site and a banner you'd like to share, let me know and I'll gladly add your banner to my site!



File: 1594965465945.gif (62.85 KB, 150x150, 1:1, flat earth.gif) ImgOps iqdb



Old, satrical gif for 8/fringe/. I forgot to put that in the message body.



File: 1594973664882.png (1.31 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Here ^^



File: 1595052639481-0.jpg (190.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Nice site anon! I added your banner to my ring. Also like the tutorial

Only looking for rectangle banners anon, but thanks for sharing the gif



>>29660 (OP)
What is your personal website ?



File: 1595103047902.png (150.05 KB, 1125x454, 1125:454, my-site.png) ImgOps iqdb

my apologies fellow anons, should have posted it in the OP and forgot so posted it in the second post >>29661 (see that post for the banner). Heres the link for my site again:

And pic related is the ring on my site so far




Hey, wave! You are on my updated website. This will go inline after a while!



This isn't anything webring related but I fuarrrking love the Maplestory CSS and I love you



File: 1595125589414-0.jpg (175.35 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 7WB5XXQ.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Awesome, thanks for adding my banner anon! The redesign is looking good, i like the pixel font.

Haha, thanks anon! That CSS project was such a fun project, it really brought me back to the days when forums used to allow you to make avatars with your posts. I used to browse the forums on basil market back in the day, and decided to check out how the site used to look on the web archive, since I haven't been on their in maybe 10 years or so. I loved the design of the site and that mid 2000s Maplestory aesthetic, and sure enough I got inspired to capture some of that magic again and made my CSS project. I think it turned out pretty well, and it was fun constraining myself to just CSS for this project. Really amazing what you can do with just CSS these days!



>>29660 (OP)
Will you link to a hidden service ?



File: 1595303586274-0.jpg (349.35 KB, 695x463, 695:463, shutterstock_112158140.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Not exactly sure what you mean by a hidden service anon. You mean like a personal site that isn't indexed by search engines or something?



Onion link with non-controversial contents



It's so sad that this is barely even a thing anymore. My latest website doesn't even have a banner or link section...

Will post again when I've come around to adding them



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Oh I see anon. Unfortunately it would be best to keep this web ring just http/s sites. If I ever make an onion ring though ill let you know. If you have a site and banner accessible by the standard browser, let me know and ill add it to my ring



File: 1595654977702-0.jpg (109.94 KB, 620x348, 155:87, image.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Bump! Still looking for new sites to add to the ring and checking this thread every once in a while. Have a good day anons!



File: 1595657539073.png (3.96 KB, 88x31, 88:31, anicebanner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Here is my site it's very cool but very useless
I added other lainons sites



Annddd I forget to link it good job good job




I added you too! Man, I miss the fc2 days. I used to make a windows like css based website there. now it's my klan website.



>>29660 (OP)
here's my personal site:




>Gender: Apache Combat Helicopter






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File: 1595722138293.png (24.26 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Site is completely WIP, still new to this all.



do you use gnome?



What makes you think that?



File: 1595803515313.png (182.83 KB, 1343x414, 1343:414, my-site2.png) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related to all of yall, the current banners for my ring on my site.

Trippy site anon, cool stuff (tough on the eyes at some points though lol), added it!

Interesting articles anon, like the privacy stuff on it and I like the font choice. Added it!

Thanks anons, I like the banners! I should start adding some banners like these to my site. I like on neocities when you see those small banners that say how the site was made and the software used.

No worries that its still WIP anon, keep at it! It's a great feeling once you get your site up and running with all the content you want to add to it. Also like the space background so far, those types of backgrounds were a classic staple of the old web!



>nteresting articles anon, like the privacy stuff on it and I like the font choice. Added it!
Thanks man, but where exactly did you add it? I'd like to see your page, you didn't post it, or did I miss anything?



Apologies anon, forgot to add it in OP, so its in second post: >>29661. Heres the link again to my personal site, and pic related in the prior post was from my personal site (I have all the links in the ring at the bottom of my site):



mat2 -s me.png
[+] Metadata for me.png:
SignificantBits: 8 8 8
Software: gnome-screenshot



I used boring linuxmint when I took thin picture, but if you go to blog section, you see I switched to openbsd and cwm a while ago



C'mon give my man linuxmint some slack! I use it on my x86 machine. It's peasant stuff but it's easy and I'm not gonna spend 2 days installing Gentoo to that piece of soykaf machine.



boring was not ment bad. in IT boring is good, it means there's no issues and it works. But I wanted an adventure and out of my comfort zone to discover and learn something new, I was missing the fun with computing, that gave it me back.



File: 1596035997995.png (34.45 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Here's my in progress website (basically nothing there right now) but I'm working on it as we speak!



The deprecated tags are killing me, was this deliberate or is it really that old?



MATE Screenshot also does this soykaf, and I bet there's no way to turn it off.
For fuarrrk's sake, nobody cares if you take screenshots with Lightshot, Snipping Tool, or GNOME, so why the fuarrrk do you have to shoehorn metadata into your software?



Please add an epilepsy warning to your site, someone could get hurt with the flashing lights.



File: 1596092146165.png (957 B, 240x60, 4:1, ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Here, i prefer 88x31 though. quote this post with 88x31 you want to see in I also think i'll add banners.html to add those 240x60



>(basically nothing there right now)
i just checked it out and... you're not wrong



lmao I never lie! Hope he's still adding sites



File: 1596160466450.png (227.63 KB, 1131x639, 377:213, my-site3.png) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related, the current webring on my site

I'm still here anon, adding some banners and checking on the thread every once in awhile. Also, great banner anon! Looking forward to seeing the site fully finished! Haven't seen the anime this character is from before (seen the character a lot though), how is this anime?

Nice site anon! And nice taste in music and tube channels! Also like the banners at the bottom. The 88x31 banners are nice, but I figured I would go with a larger banner size to compensate for the higher res screen sizes these days, and with the larger banners it gives me an option to scale them down if need be (aspect ratio will be a bit different though so there will be some skewing).

Seconding this anon. Always good to play it safe!



File: 1596196762829.png (7.2 KB, 346x235, 346:235, 2020-07-31_14-58.png) ImgOps iqdb

Eeewww, there's Cloudflare.



you know it's just a mere statement... It's a response to made up soykaf, so I chose to made up my own soykaf, also you can't argue with the mere fact, that Apache Combat Helicopters are quite awesome



> It's a response to made up soykaf, so I chose to made up my own soykaf
It's a stale overused meme, you didn't make it up.
Or if you did make it up, congratulations on creating a meme that ended up becoming stale and overused.



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Added y'all. pic related.



File: 1596328631064.jpeg (611.59 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, dutch.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

It's not cool to be a choppaphobe



I really like the idea! Gonna add the other ones over the next few days o7

Here is mine:



please make your website usable so i can add it



Ach hallo mein Deutschsprachigen Brüder. Ich mag deine Webseite. Ich addiere deine Banner gleich sofort!!!



File: 1596709700932.gif (49.25 KB, 240x60, 4:1, xerophyte.gif) ImgOps iqdb

This is a pretty cool idea Lainon. I hope I didn't wait too long to join the party.
Here's my dumb site:
Lainchan was actually the site that got me serious about web development.



i'm jealous, seeing all this sites makes me wish I was good at design.

nice site,



File: 1596853294946.gif (566.89 KB, 1119x687, 373:229, my-site-6.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Gif related, added more sites to the lainring on my site

Thanks for adding all the sites anon! The lainring is starting to grow!

Great site anon! I unironically use bliss as my wallpaper on my pc, good taste!

You're not too late anon! Very cool site! I've seen a ton of cool stuff on neocities. I kind of get a PSO vibe from your site (due to the font and colors), so very comfy! Also, like the A-Frame page, have one of those on my site as well. Amazing that WebVR is possible these days!



Very cool website but my poor r60 can't handle it! Also, I added you!
>>29660 (OP) (OP)
Can you e-mail me at kiwami420[a but cool] I got a question



How do you create/design the banners? I've tried it before, but never come up with anything interesting or over-edited.



File: 1596934285524-0.jpg (44.1 KB, 432x324, 4:3, data-pipe1.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Just take the most salient features of your site and use that to design your banner anon. For example, my site has snow in it, so I have that in my banner. GIMP has some basic tools for image editing, and you can edit gifs in it too, so that's a good way to get started with making banners!

Sure thing anon, I sent you an email. My email starts with the letter "m", is a protonmail email, and starts with text "Hello fellow Lainanon!"



I brought back my neocities site. Working on getting it back up.



Thanks, you should give it a try.
Nice, I'm glad I made it in. Now I need to find a spot for banner links on my site.
I'm not super familiar with the phantasy star series but, I can totally see the similarity. Also, A-frame is such a good library but, I wish it had more dynamic movement controls and built in collision boxes.
Admittedly I do need too work on optimization.



Ayla huh, are by chance, Turkish? Also nice artwork.



>>29660 (OP)
Coarse Enigma

I finally did it. I pulled the trigger and published a few of my writings.

You guys are all linked. Shit is pretty unedited

Here is a banner http://cgjzkysxa4ru5rhrtr6rafckhexbisbtxwg2fg743cjumioysmirhdad.onion/assets/img/banner.png



Did you guys use a specific tool for the banners? I made a site a while back, but don't have a banner to share with it.



I just used gimp



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What's that tree-tab extention?



sidebery. with the following thing in userChrome.css
#sidebar-box #sidebar-header {
display: none !important;



Added you too. Nice website, do you have a clearnet site?



File: 1597254333119.gif (14.14 KB, 240x60, 4:1, pagebanner1.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Managed to put a banner together. It's a simple old page I made a year ago, not optimized for mobile because they refuse to auto play music links. Gonna add a section for your banners soon.



>not optimized for mobile because they refuse to auto play music links
It's considered polite to not ambush a visitor with autoplaying audio.



Great site anon! All the art on it is great, very fond of that pixel/tech/anime/retro style. It's a very hard style to describe, but always found it very appealing! Also, sadly I got yelled at by lain on your site (couldn't resist the shortcut for finding the secrets). Added!

Personal websites aren't about having the smoothest possible experience anon, they are about giving the common person a creative outlet to express themselves. Some anons find sites with unique experiences quite enjoyable, since you never know what you'll get, its fun!



File: 1597283043601.gif (517.16 KB, 1345x498, 1345:498, my-site-7.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Also pic related is my current ring. Thanks for all the contributions fellow anons, this has been very fun!



I'll add it to my webring tomorrow probably, good website, love it



Didn't think of that. I might add a silent landing page then.



Very cool, starts to get filled with life.



File: 1597348835292.png (3.73 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hello everyone
I've modified my banner (pic related), please update it in your webrings!
I'll always keep the most recent version of the banner in so use that as src="" if you want.



Got my webring finished and used the updated banner right away, it looks cooler now!



File: 1597361410656.jpg (222.69 KB, 1381x899, 1381:899, webring.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Added a silent landing page, added everyone to a webring



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File: 1597406338569.png (144.71 KB, 1224x458, 612:229, webring.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Finally added some other Blogs to my page, enjoy



anon, which one's your website? lol



File: 1597457620551.png (21 KB, 240x60, 4:1, aiws.png) ImgOps iqdb

Great idea OP, I'll also add some fellow Lains to my site, which is



nice website, would be better if it worked without JS, anyways added you to



I'm glad you like my site and yeah the though of 'maybe I should find a non-JS way to do this' has been in my head ever since I showed someone my old site and it didn't work properly because they didn't have javascript enabled.

I don't suppose you could tell me a way to make the windows pop-up in the same way and the same size with just HTML?



Thanks for adding me to your webring :)
I've added you to mine at



i suppose you cannot do that, but i think it would be a nice fallback to use <noscript> to open a new tab i guess



File: 1597632008590.gif (662.41 KB, 1485x595, 297:119, my-site-8.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related, the current webring on my site

Like the new banner anon, has more personality to it! I updated it on my ring with it

Thanks for adding everyone to the ring anon, looks good!

Well done anon! Glad to see your page getting developed!

Very cool site anon, love the style! One thing though some of the banners on the banner page are the thumbnails on this page and not the actual banners (for example mine and xerophyte are animated gifs).

Also as per this anons post >>31075, you can achieve a non-js functionality here somewhat with a little CSS and JS. Essentially you could do the following:

1) Remove the onclick events and move the URLs back to href attribute
2) Place a script at the bottom of the body that will find all of these links, take their href attributes and re-add the click event, something like this:

Array.from(document.querySelector("div.content").querySelectorAll("a")).forEach(ele => {
let href = ele.getAttribute("href");
ele.addEventListener("click", (event) => {`${href}', 'Art', 'resizable, height=800 width=1200`);

The idea is that if JS is not enabled the links will remain as standard links, but if JS is enabled upon page load they will be converted to links that will open windows like they currently do (by removing the href attributes and adding in click events).

3) Use flexbox and media queries to center the content within a box that has 1200 width and 800 height. The media query would work window size. The idea is when the window size is say 1250px or lower youll use your current CSS for the page, but if its higher than that youll switch to centering the content within the 1200x800 box limit you set. For users who followed the link without JS on the prior page they will open a tab that is size roughly 1920x1080, the media query will kick in, and set the content to a box of 1200x800, but if the link was clicked via JS then a window of 1200x800 will open and the lower media query will kick in to give the page your current behavior. As far as I know without JS you cant open and resize a window, so the current behavior cant be perfectly emulated in the no script scenario, but it will still work pretty well for the non JS people. Hope this helps anon, great site!



This is a great project, thank you all for adding our websites to your websites :>



File: 1597634553484-0.jpg (369.69 KB, 1183x887, 1183:887, iStock-888477728.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

It's my pleasure anon :)! Glad to see everyone is enjoying it, and I hope it motivates some other lainons to create their own little spot on the web too!

I have a bit of nostalgia for the old ways, and miss when the web was small. It was a bit difficult to navigate, a little tough on the eyes at times, and not always the easiest to use, but it had a lot of charm to it. Small projects like these where I get a chance to go back to the old ways of doing things recaptures some of that magic for me :)



Thanks for the solution to the JS problem :)

As for the banners, I did notice that they weren't animated and I've honestly been putting off fixing them, I guess it would be rude not to do it now :')

I'm really glad you like my site, yours is great too!



Here is my site and banner.

I really like a lot of the websites that I have visited, they're very nice and really cozy.



the ui and xyz reminds me of luke smit



I really like your website, lainon. HTML+CSS is quite pleasant and the banners are pretty funny.



File: 1597896548861.png (829 B, 240x60, 4:1, KOLYMAJP.png) ImgOps iqdb



added you to



I may have 'borrowed' some of his html/css code, at one point, but I made it my own. I vaguely recall going for xyz as opposed to something else due to money reasons.

the banners were my favorite part to make, I probably had the most fun making those.

thank you, your site is probably my favorite so far

I want to preemptively thank anyone else who adds me later ❤️



it may have been borrowed but i still like it man. U have inspired me



File: 1597981197587.gif (686.51 KB, 1137x809, 1137:809, my-site-9.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related, the current ring on my site

No worries anon! I accidentally downloaded some of the thumbnails a couple times. It's difficult to see the difference on lainchan since the size of the thumbnail and image are close.

Comfy site anon, I like it! The banners at the top are a nice touch, and I liked reading your blogs. It reminds me that I need to add more blog posts to my site! Also, reminds me to add RSS at some point. Added to the ring!

Nice site anon, it's cool that you created an image board, and I hope the archiving project goes well! Added!

Thanks for keeping the ring up to date on your site anon! Glad to see some typical lainons are checking the thread every once in a while and having fun with it!



(Not bothering with tripcode anymore)
Added you to my webring
heh, yes, i love this project, reminds me to better times i probably didn't live ;)



I added your onion site to my webring, maybe you should use the .onion address instead of clearnet site http://qorgrs764aa3cmw5zc7shtzpyjhrt2hof5qsnueukmrtgh44kjtl2ayd.onion/



Fixed. Your linked with the hidden service and updated banner.
I added your guys banners and some new blogs.



I really like your website. Its professional looking and very 90s. but it seems that most of your project is non-existent. Apparently, 9channel is dead. You aren't accepting registration for hosting, and your blog has a single test entry. You have several references to over a decade of service. Did this all recently get put backup after a take-down of some kind? Anyway, it all looks amazing.
Have you considered offering your hosted clients a complementary hidden service with each site? This would make Hidden Services more interesting and niche.



>>29660 (OP)
Here is something that might be generally useful to all webmasters and self hosters here. A kind of cyberpunk, or at least punk, take on web hosting.
>we decided to build a low-tech, self-hosted, and solar-powered version of Low-tech Magazine.
>Static Site
>Dithered Images
>No Tracking
>Self Hosted
>Non-Intel Processor
<Based, Top Schway
<Article on the Construction of the Low Tech Website
>Olimex Olinuxino A20 Lime 2
>50 W Solar Panel
>Car Battery
Reminds me a lot of "How I quit Alternating Current"



>thank you, your site is probably my favorite so far
thanks lainon <3 i put a lot of effort on it, i'm glad someone likes it!



Great links anon, bookmarked all of these! I like the idea of creating lower tech sites, the dithered images especially have an aesthetic quality to them. Also very cool seeing how they were able to self host, would love to be able to self host off a solar panel some day for my site



>Reminds me a lot of "How I quit Alternating Current"
his values are way off. Claims 20% conversion loss where you can easily go as low as 4% or just hit 10% with low effort. Also "founder of soylent" explains why the article is 50% just an add for it.



> I really like your website. Its professional looking and very 90s.

>but it seems that most of your project is non-existent. Apparently, 9channel is dead.

yes, it has been since 2017. the project is not non existent, its just massive and its taking alot of work to get everything back up again.

>You aren't accepting registration for hosting,

i was, but it got filled up immediatley. so im waiting on some new servers to get here before i open it up again.

>You have several references to over a decade of service. Did this all recently get put backup after a take-down of some kind?

It has been down for several years, meaning most if not all of the site had fallen into utter disrepair. I only decided i would take care of it again a month or so ago, so its a major WIP. 2005 was its initial date of creation, but i sort of left it off around 2017.

>Have you considered offering your hosted clients a complementary hidden service with each site? This would make Hidden Services more interesting and niche.

What do you mean by "hidden service" in this context?



>What do you mean by "hidden service" in this context?
Making client websites available over Tor as Tor Hidden services. If you had a bunch of niche web sites, creating Tor services out of them would liven up Tor a little.



>his values are way off. Claims 20% conversion loss where you can easily go as low as 4% or just hit 10% with low effort. Also "founder of soylent" explains why the article is 50% just an add for it.
This article was actually criticized a lot when it came out for all kinds of things including memorably his assumption that not washing clothes, but buying new ones was better. Your assumption that buying more efficient equipment is better isn't actually true either due to energy required to produce a more complex and efficient device for some usages, and theoretical possibility isn't the same as what the masses use anyway.
Anyway, the article is likely wrong for all kinds of reasons about ecological footprint, but is still a fascinating read about what alternates exist to using the grid.



The masses dont even know efficiency is a thing. The premise is however "i want to switch cause dc only is better" which begs the comparison to how about improving your efficiency? For that matter psu's above 90% are priced ~10€ higher than 80%. Saving 10% in energy over a decade will more than beat 10€ initial investment. If you build converters yourself you can get the parts even under 4€. Low efficiency is just the typical case of saving pennies to make a million in volume on the oblivious consumers back.



>The masses dont even know efficiency is a thing. The premise is however "i want to switch cause dc only is better"
The premise is not about "better". The premise is about removing the grid to escape dependency on society, and societies average inefficiencies - not a technical debate about is DC better than AC. Obviously, this is an extreme thing to do. I feel like this argument is derailing the thread. I posted the links because Solar Paneled/ DIY Self Hosted Computing is schway and possibly of interest to webmasters. This is maybe my next step.



Was arguing for same reason - Everyone interested in running a small one will consider battery vs grid at least. The better i was talking about is your personal cost to keep it running.

Also one thing the other link didn't mention is client-side caching. You can have high quality images that are loaded only once and saved forever client-side. So while the initial cost is high the longterm cost is near zero if your site is for a stable userbase and not targeting a constant stream of newcomers like say a guide site. Its also possible to offload other parts of the site like that.

The opposite direction is use svg to render basic shapes and create a fancy layout without using any images. Take for example buttons, you can do fancy button in less than 1kb. Cant beat that with images.



File: 1598193700396.png (32.54 KB, 240x60, 4:1, davidgebski.png) ImgOps iqdb

I'm an artist
It's also available as a hidden service



File: 1598194585284.png (193.67 KB, 1147x458, 1147:458, 2020-08-23-165655_1147x458….png) ImgOps iqdb

cool art!



File: 1598197996182.png (3.28 KB, 88x31, 88:31, badge-2.png) ImgOps iqdb

I made this small one (88x31) for my website today. I tried to make a 240x60 version, but it didn't seem as good. I may try that again later.

My website, for those who are interested:



How are you even on lainchan? Your website is advertisement for knock off GUCCI hilarious called "Gooch". Your other projects are equally distasteful. You have non-sequiters like the black box costs 12 X the production *of the box* because a box has twelve *edges*. Is that designed to sound like fair justification to idiots? Is that the hyperironic point? Literally not /cyb/.



Best Website by far. Its beautifully themed and unique. The lain backgrounds are schway..



Please send your submission for Essential Modernities through the right channels.



File: 1598228524175.png (50.57 KB, 1022x1026, 511:513, Screenshot from 2020-08-24….png) ImgOps iqdb

lol but why have instagram in the first place



File: 1598239555904.gif (997.27 KB, 1342x614, 671:307, my-site-10.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related, the current ring. Made a separate section on my site for the LainRing, and also added an RSS, ATOM, and JSON feed for my projects. The feeds were pretty fun to implement, always liked RSS feeds back in the day. It's a shame they went out of style in the modern web!

Interesting site anon, good luck with the art projects! Added to the ring

Very comfy site anon, love the pixel art background! Used to have a collection of cyberpunk pixel art, but have no idea where it went. If you end up making a 240x60 banner, I'll update my ring with it



Because without normal person social media sites its a pain in the ass for artists to spread their works, it's a necessary evil.
If only Pixelfed was a bit more popular.



>>29660 (OP)
What is the Small Web
<To understand what the Small Web is, let’s compare it to the Big Web. In other words, to the centralised Web we have today.
<The Small Web, quite simply, is the polar opposite of the Big Web. It applies the Small Technology principles to the web.
<The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.



File: 1598272475000.png (5.19 KB, 240x60, 4:1, badge-3.png) ImgOps iqdb

Just finished the 240x60 banner. I will add the webring links in my website later today.



That's a clever but pragmatic little piece of activism. I like it! Also nicely satirical of those stupid "oh no! you clicked a link out of our walled garden! are you sure you can handle yourself in the big bad internet?" screens you see on certain sites.



I am not down to follow the secret mission



File: 1598310970567.jpg (779.67 KB, 3888x2592, 3:2, 52505.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I don't have any website to contribute to the webring because mainly I don't know what in my life could be interesting enough to put on there but just wanted to pop in and say this is a very comfy thread!



i hope theres a place in hell for comfyposters



The banner looks great anon! Will add the new one to the lainring on my site

Glad you like the thread anon and find it comfy :)! I hope you end up making a site at some point anon. It's less about having interesting content and more about making and having a place on the web you can call your own.

Sorry lainon, better get comfy since this is a comfy thread!



File: 1598335043035.jpg (Spoiler Image, 84.69 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 1596977723487.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

how does one going about hosting a simple site like these on a local machine or free hosting? thx i want to contribute too.



1. Get a domain in
2. Point the * to your IP
3.Install nginx in a local machine
4. port forward
there you go




Added y'all. I have a suggestion to all! Why don't we have a mailing list so we can update each other in case of webring banner updates or hosting/url changes? Just a thought.



>Why don't we have a mailing list so we can update each other in case of webring banner updates or hosting/url changes? Just a thought.
Sounds good to me, who will host it though



Why not use RSS ? Then anyone can subscribe in a decentralized way.



how do we communicate then



RSS is a great way to update people on site. This thread is a great way to comment on sites for now. Perhaps email is a good solution to the problem of how do lainchan webmasters communicate.
Maybe an official lainchan Webmaster thread , like this, or mailing list could exist. An interesting thing about image boards is their transiency. I would prefer threads to protect privacy.



That's OK that you want to protect privacy. Only if we could automate the thread creation. It's against the rules though...






I have literally 0 problems on creating a new thread when this reach the bumps limit



I actually think automation is to high tech for this problem. If we want to communicate about webring or webmaster stuff a thread should be easy enough to create once every 300 posts.
I like how much activity has occured around this topic so far, and I would like to see this sustained.



noo this threads gonna die ;_;



Neocities offers free 1GB hosting of static sites. That's a good way to get started at no cost, and a lot of anons have personal blog-type sites on there. If you want to make a website with a server-side backend you'll likely need some type of VPS hosting, or do what this >>31545 anon said to self host

I like the idea of giving each other updates through RSS and through the thread. I've added RSS feeds from sites within the LainRing to my RSS reader. The LainRing is just a little fun project, anons can come and go from the thread and the ring as they please, and there is no pressure to keep the rings on everyone's sites up to date. I just want this to be a light and fun project for everyone!

Don't worry anons, I'm planning on keeping the thread going as long as there are lainons interested in it! I made this thread over a month ago and have had a lot of fun with it. It was great seeing everyone's sites and talking to fellow lainons, and I'm glad everyone has been enjoying the thread too. I hope keeping the thread going will inspire some lainons to create their own sites in the future.



I think using this thread as our means of communication is the most logical way. Of course everyone is free to include a RSS feed on their website or some other way to keep their visitors updated. If we won't be able to create a new thread after 300 posts then we'll also not be able to send emails back and forth.



File: 1598474117421.png (4.94 KB, 280x180, 14:9, CRYSTALDATA.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

>>29660 (OP)
Hey Lainons, still working on this site, but I'd love to join in on this.



I really like the theming alice.



Thanks Elliot. I'm quite new to the world of programming, so I thought I'd pick a simplistic theme. I'm glad it's working well.



>That cat gif
Lol thanks



Well, for privacy respecting mailing lists, we can use riseup maybe?



File: 1598544036369.jpg (19.62 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1587499897006.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I'm going to be as happy as that cat one day :D



I think that if we should also use hidden services in the webring (if you can have a .onion (or i2p) mirror of your website, do it)



File: 1598724232624.png (14.24 KB, 375x195, 25:13, cd-screenshot.png) ImgOps iqdb

Added your website in my links. I also made a smaller variant of your banner (240x60 pixels).



File: 1598742198476.gif (939.74 KB, 1338x495, 446:165, my-site-11.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Pic related, the current ring

Cool site anon, I like the style! Great images on the site too, very cyberpunk! Added to the ring

>I'm quite new to the world of programming
If you have any web dev questions, I can help out a bit. Feel free to post a question here! One tip I can give you is that the <footer> element needs to be in <body> (everything displayed on the page should be in body), and only the <h> tags are numbered (you can use classes instead if you want to number the paragraphs)

Don't let your dreams be dreams anon, you'll get there one day!

Privacy could be protected with a riseup mailing list, but I prefer the RSS and thread approach since it keeps it a bit more decentralized and user-focused respectively. This way you won't have to make an account or anything to keep up with the ring and the lainons.

154 replies | 58 images | Page 1

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