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 No.68824[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

This is part 10 of the webring thread, still going!
Last thread: >>63471

How do I join?
* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website

* Post a link to your RSS feed on your site. Communicate with other Lains by responding to articles on their RSS feeds with responses on your RSS feed. If you're both subscribed to each others feeds, you'll see each others responses and can long-form communicate back and forth in a decentralized way.
(also optional) - Add yourself to my github page for the webring!

some sites with up to date webrings:


Finally managed to move from port 8443 to port 443!
new url for The Arcade is
Banner stays the same.



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>>68824 (OP) webmaster here. Just letting you know I now support i2p at :
galladite.i2p / gallap5oyvl3kum6pck2sxnmofojogkg2c4xpilpshpejfchtrvq.b32.i2p

I haven't been here for a while so I'll update my links soon :)




Got the Nginx welcome screen on your clear-net. Did something go wrong?



>>68845 works fine for me, seems like he's just not serving anything at the root (why?)



Thanks for the post, I didn't have some of those added.



Some of the websites are down, should someone clean them up from the ring?



Thing is, broken sites screw the navigation and give the impression of a dead webring. Quite a bit of them are offline, yes.



I agree that, ideally, they should be separated from the live sites on one's copy of the ring, yes. But whether they should be completely erased from existence is more what I am questioning.



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>>68824 (OP)
thanks for making the new thread anon!

thank you for making an updated list of the feeds!

I made a copy of the feed list in OPML format on my site ( for anyone who wants to import it into their feed reader. Also I updated one of the links and excluded a link in the OPML that wasn't in RSS/Atom format (can't be read by rss feed software).



I know my site is down, I'm working on getting it back up shortly, just been busy with the move. will be back up within the next week or so



Some of your links are dead (but the sites themselves are still up).



Ok, yes, this is also true. If someone wants to separate / isolate live (but dead) sites, that is also an option. Now, I feel like that starts becoming more of a personal, subjective cutoff. When is a live site "dead"? At 1 year of no updates? 2 years? I've noticed some of these site admins come back after taking a hiatus. How long will it take you to notice something like that (especially without a feed)? And shid, if we're already cutting off sites that are "abandoned", why not also start cutting off sites that don't host the ring (or host an absolutely awful copy)? Like y the fug are they even considered a member when they don't even promote the ring? And again, when is anybody going to notice that they have repented, found jesus and put up a good copy? And you know what? While we're at it some sites have opinions society and the illuminati don't really agree with, maybe those should also be separated or scrubbed?

This is a slippery slope. I vote if a site is not live, fine isolate it. Otherwise, ideally, the site stays on the ring.

But hey, the beauty of this ring is doing whatever the fug u want with it. It's your motherfuggin site, yo.



Well I see new entries have stagnated recently and many OG webmasters are either missing or created another websites and didn't bother with the webring



in my opinion theyre only dead if the domain doesnt resolve. they can be inactive, doesn't matter. most people just want to check out a bunch of random sites when they browse a webring. you would personally choose the ones you particularly like and keep updated on them at your own accord.

nslookup is a good tool to let you know if a domain is resolving or not, if someone wants to take on the project of looping through them all and remaking the ring.


Non-authoritative answer:

time nslookup

** server can't find NXDOMAIN


however there is still an issue with domain parking pages/domains being hijacked, which seems to be the case for



way I do it:

generate a wordlist from the banner html found on arcade's zip of the whole list:

cat banners.html | grep href | cut -d \" -f 2 | grep -v onion | grep -v i2p > raw.txt

take this wordlist and put it through curl:

curl -I $(cat raw.txt) --connect-timeout 5 -s > responses.txt

then correlate the 2 lists to figure out who's up and down based on the response code.



I meant that the RSS feeds don't exist but the sites still do. No need to throw a temper tantrum.



Should I just use HTML5 or is there a reason to use either XHTML1.0 or HTML4?

>>68824 (OP)
I have been thinking about making a site for like a month but I haven't been able to come up with a good name for it. How did you decide the name for your site? Someone once recommended using TempleOS to generate random words (aka godwords, press F7) and picking a name based on the randomly generated words.
echo "$(shuf -n 10 /usr/share/dict/words --random-source=/dev/urandom | tr '\n' ' ')" 

>wickedness theatrical beyond bathing

But I wonder if there is a better way?

>I vote if a site is not live, fine isolate it. Otherwise, ideally, the site stays on the ring.
This sounds very reasonable but I would prefer it if you linked dead sites to



Apologies for that. Whenever I update nginx it replaces it with the default page... (I really should fix that lol)

Thank you for this



for my current professional domain i just asked chatGPT to give me a bunch based on a few of my interests and i asked it multiple times with different wordings then i combined all the results into a list and used nslookup to see which domains+twitter handle were available.

worked well.
here's the query i was using.
>come up with a list of usernames starting with the word peanut and append a word related to apple, orange, banana



Mostly late night ramblings.
It feels nice to have a little piece of my mind out there on the wired, even if only a little.




>This is a slippery slope. I vote if a site is not live, fine isolate it. Otherwise, ideally, the site stays on the ring.

I like this. Because it leaves it up to the web admin if they want to investigate those links themselves. Also, it leaves the subjective slippery slope world (politics, opinions, trolling, do they have a webring, etc) up to the web admin if they wish to filter further and not necessarily up to a third-party group of people or some random script.

About RSS:

I have purposefully disabled RSS on my site. This was due to some black-hat SEO fun and games where bots would collect articles this way as a poor attempt to mirror content to build a reputation. Because 95 percent of those bots are lazy garbage code that doesn't want to host more than just RSS text it has been working in my favor.

In that regard; I am happy that Lainchan leaves the RSS feed (optional) to join. So thank you for that.



I always wanted to make a website, but I would have nothing to put on it, the best I could do is a lame personal blog.



Well, the main idea is that IF you start a website you will want to create something for it (it's your virtual image, after all), so it MIGHT increase your creativity. The personal side of it could be interesting too, as long as it's not "I woke up, I ate eggs, I'm depressed, fuarrrk Biden"



That's a good point. I will just bake something up on Neocities for starters.



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I finally created a RSS feed for the site



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here's a website I made about how access to the otherworld and who can take you there



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Hi webring. I picked up my abandoned website and will be working on it again. It's about books. Changed the url too to start over, it was cosmica123, now it's:

Tomorrow I'll add the webring to my site, and the feeds to my RSS reader. My own is at



>>69003 cont.
Alright here you are:
Added >>68997 to one of the complete webrings from the op, so I should be up to date.



OK I made an RSS feed that you can follow to keep up to date with the new additions to the webring and keep your copy up to date. Let me know if you find it useful and if it looks good in your feed reader. I'll try to keep it going and update it when there's been a couple additions or changes to the ring.



To join this webring you need a 240x60 banner, yo.

In my opinion: Your site is quite barren. You also do not host the ring. Based on this, I advise visiting your local church to look for Jesus.

Besides that: Welcome.



Absolutely based. Updated / added on mine.

I want to ask though: Isn't this like your 3rd time switching websites. And this time you're basically keeping the same name, like why not just pick off where you left off with the prior one.



>why not just pick off where you left off
Because it wasn't working and I preferred to start anew rather than dragging the bones of something that didn't work out. I'm deliberately distancing this new take from the previous one. Sucks to have to carry the webring through my tribulations though, I appreciate the patience.



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I have updated the 240x60 & 88x31 banner for You can keep the old banner or use the new one if you'd like :)



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Just a general question, but what programs do you guys recommend to design an (animated) site button? Any tips?



I did mine the painful way of frame by frame using krita. It's actually not that bad as no one except lot of frames on buttons anyway



Libresprite or manual frames using an art program and ezgif dot com



Libresprite (libre Aseprite fork)



So, I was thinking about ways to keep the webring spiffy and convenient to update and thought: why not do peer to peer replication?

I was thinking:

- each site shall have 2 publically available files that are in standard directories: a replication list text file, and a banners directory.

- build a script to be run as a cron job (or manually for people who can't setup cron) shall
1) pull these resources for each site in its own replication list
2) compare these lists to its own replication list and add new entries
3) segregate/remove entries in the local replication list that do not have replication data after n number of runs (or, if the base link 404s n number of times.)
4) builds an HTML template out of the replication list and banners that can be included into each member's site as the human-readable webring links page.

- new members would still post their banner and link in this thread

- any given current member would then add the banner to their banners dir and add the URL to their replication list.

- when everyone's cron jobs next run, the new site is propagated to the rest of the ring and automatically published.

- for sites that are disliked or added maliciously, local replication blacklists could be added as a config directive for the replication cron job.


- avoids centralized repos
- automates replication in a decentralized manner


- I haven't written this yet and it would have lead time to develop.
- potential for malicious replication data leading to security issues.
- too many people on sites like neocities that don't give enough access to the system to implement complicated scripts like this.

Would anyone like such a thing/use it? Should I start working on this?



Hey frens, I've added a Blog to my online presence. It was up some time ago, but I went to personal on my posts and therefore deleted nearly all posts.
here's the url:



That's a nice idea!

>- each site shall have 2 publically available files that are in standard directories: a replication list text file, and a banners directory.

The replication list could be some kind of CSV file, each row having:

* The main URL of the website
* The filename of the website's banner (maybe we could deduce it using only the website's URL?)
* A list of mirrors to the website
* Other stuff (date of last check or something)


* The type of the website's mirror (clearnet, tor, i2p...)
* The link to its mirror
* The filename of the website's banner (this time we won't be able to deduce it from the mirror URL; we would end up with duplicate banners)
* Again, other stuff

In this case, each website would have multiple entries, one for each mirror. Let me know which one you prefer.

>- build a script to be run as a cron job (or manually for people who can't setup cron) shall...

That's gonna put a lot of load on all websites in the webring. If all sites in the webring use that script, they're all gonna ping each other (probably) at the same time. How could we reduce that load?

>- for sites that are disliked or added maliciously, local replication blacklists could be added as a config directive for the replication cron job.

We could probably check if the new website is in enough replication lists? Like, we wait until the new website is added to 10 other websites before adding it to our own. That should filter some spam.
The only downside I see is that those 10 websites will have to add it manually since the script won't add it automatically.

>- I haven't written this yet and it would have lead time to develop.

I'm willing to help! Would you rather use POSIX shell or Perl for the job?
I'll try to make a small POC this night to see how all this would work.

>- too many people on sites like neocities that don't give enough access to the system to implement complicated scripts like this.

Those people could still run the script locally and upload the output to their Neocities page. It's still less work than updating the webring manually.

>Would anyone like such a thing/use it? Should I start working on this?

Of course! I can't wait to see it in action.



>That's gonna put a lot of load on all websites in the webring. If all sites in the webring use that script, they're all gonna ping each other (probably) at the same time. How could we reduce that load?

My general thought would be to shove it off to a timeframe that's off-hours for the local member. Like midnight or something. Assuming we're all from different time zones, it'd hit at different times from different members, and since it's an off hour, it wouldn't really impact QoS too much. Even if we are all in different time zones, I expect that most of us aren't in east asia, so we'd still all be making pings in later-evening hours for most users.

>The replication list could be some kind of CSV file, each row having:

I need to learn how to work with CSVs lol. I barely have any experience with them and wouldn't know what I need to do to manipulate them.

I was gonna go much simpler and just have the URL in a plaintext file. I'm a much more amateurish programmer.

>We could probably check if the new website is in enough replication lists? Like, we wait until the new website is added to 10 other websites before adding it to our own.

I like local blacklists because it lets the member admins decide which sites they want to share on their own page without forcing any sort of authoritative central list.

We could bring the number of manual add sites down, I'd think perhaps to 3 or so. To double up, though, we could make it such that replication isn't trusted from members that haven't been observed to be up for n amount of time, though. That's how tor entry guards work too I think.

We could even let the user modify the time frame in a config or something to let admins think of whether they want more bleeding edge sites or more security against indian hentai spam or whatever.

>I'm willing to help! Would you rather use POSIX shell or Perl for the job?

I was actually going to use PHP and PHP-CLI. I don't really know perl too well, and even though I use the shell a lot, I'm not really too familiar with how to script for it.

If you give me a year, I'll re-write it in C once we get the initial version developed :P

>Those people could still run the script locally and upload the output to their Neocities page. It's still less work than updating the webring manually.





Sorry to double post, but I have more thoughts on things:

>The type of the website's mirror (clearnet, tor, i2p...)

I don't think this is necessary. All tor addresses contain .onion, which can be grep'd. I think i2p does similar, but I don't use i2p, so I don't know.

My thought was to treat each URL as a seperate entry, rather than as mirrors of one "site object" or whatever, you know?

My reasoning for this was because there are sites on the list which ONLY use the anonymity protocols. For example, my site has no clearnet mirrors by design.

My thought would have been to have the script be able to run in different configurable modes and then segregate all of the sites by protocol, similar to how the list on is setup. So you would have independent entries for the site in both tor and i2p and clearnet sections.

>Other stuff (date of last check or something)

Instead of publishing this in the replication lists themselves, I'd think it's a good idea to have this stored locally only. This way, each member admin has their own source of truth for uptime statistics that's taken in observationally rather than through reputation. Especially if it is adopted as mentioned in the other post, to use uptime as a trust metric -- if it's pushed in replication lists, it could be manually manipulated by a malicious actor to make their site appear older than it really is and force the network into trusting what's really an untrusted site.

>The filename of the website's banner

you could store the banner and the hash to verify the contents of the banner. The thought isn't fully formed, but this could be used to push file updates as well.

Hmm, the more I think about it, banners get to be much more complicated, because duplicate names could cause some issues from malicious actors.




>My general thought would be to shove it off to a timeframe that's off-hours for the local member. Like midnight or something. Assuming we're all from different time zones, it'd hit at different times from different members, and since it's an off hour, it wouldn't really impact QoS too much. Even if we are all in different time zones, I expect that most of us aren't in east asia, so we'd still all be making pings in later-evening hours for most users.


>I need to learn how to work with CSVs lol.

CSVs are basically tables formatted in plain text. Rows are separated by newlines and columns by commas, they're reaally easy to work with. It's just a more standard way of storing data in a text file.

>I like local blacklists because it lets the member admins decide which sites they want to share on their own page without forcing any sort of authoritative central list.

We could probably use both; webmasters that don't want to maintain a blacklist can just rely on "the consensus" while others can manually remove the ones they don't like. If someone wants to add a website that isn't in the webring, it's fine, others just won't sync it since it's not in others' webring.

>We could bring the number of manual add sites down, I'd think perhaps to 3 or so.

3 is fine.

>We could even let the user modify the time frame in a config or something to let admins think of whether they want more bleeding edge sites or more security against indian hentai spam or whatever.


>I was actually going to use PHP and PHP-CLI.

Oh, I see. I won't be able to help you much, my PHP skills are kinda rusty.
However, I don't think PHP is a great fit for this kind of thing; not every website uses it (especially on the lainchan webring) and the people who run their websites on Neocities probably won't want to install PHP on their personal computer just for a one-shot task like that.
Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Whereas Perl, shell scripts or even Python are already installed on *most* systems (servers & personal computers), so that would reduce friction by a lot.


>I don't think this is necessary. All tor addresses contain .onion, which can be grep'd. I think i2p does similar, but I don't use i2p, so I don't know.

Tor and I2P addresses are grep'able but for something like Yggdrasil (which consists solely of an IPv6 address) it wouldn't work. Even if - for most use cases - grepping would work, I think it's better to be precise about the type of the mirror than to rely on an URL. It'd probably be simpler to separate mirror types into different sections (like on <>) since it's the first thing in each line.

>My thought was to treat each URL as a seperate entry, rather than as mirrors of one "site object" or whatever, you know?

Yeah, that's why I made the second row format: mirror type, mirror url, banner filename, other stuff. Each row has its own type and url, mirrors of the same website are on completely different lines (instead of a line for each website and its mirrors).

>you could store the banner and the hash to verify the contents of the banner. The thought isn't fully formed, but this could be used to push file updates as well.

Yeah, that's a nice idea.



>Whereas Perl, shell scripts or even Python are already installed on *most* systems (servers & personal computers), so that would reduce friction by a lot.

I'm a disgusting amateur and can only write PHP, and maybe dabble a bit in C.

There's some projects out there on github that claim to be able to translate PHP to C++, though -- for portability, perhaps this could be used to build out straight up binaries that could get things done.

Youre definitely right that the other languages are better fits though. I'm just sorta working with my personal limitations.

>CSVs are basically tables formatted in plain text. Rows are separated by newlines and columns by commas, they're reaally easy to work with. It's just a more standard way of storing data in a text file.

yeah, I was looking at some documentation while you were writing and saw that php has some native functions that can be used to read them. I could adapt some of the spitball code I have laying around to work with those.

>We could probably use both; webmasters that don't want to maintain a blacklist can just rely on "the consensus" while others can manually remove the ones they don't like. If someone wants to add a website that isn't in the webring, it's fine, others just won't sync it since it's not in others' webring.

ok that's a great idea.

>banner filename

This kinda ran me for a loop while you were away. I got to thinking about how there can be variant filenames out there, plus the problem of filename collision.

I had some ideas floating for using the referenced site as source of truth for banners, but I couldn't really figure out a way to move forward on it.

Sorry if that's an incomplete thought... I've had some funny vape since my other post.

>Yeah, that's why I made the second row format

Perhaps we could have something like this:

clearnet URL, Tor, i2p, banner name, banner hash, authoritative.

the first 5 columns are obvious. The 6th would be to say which mirror is authoritative for the site. I know some people drop their mirrors every now and again on tor/i2p, so you'd ideally want their preferred mirror to be the one used as source of truth.

Laying out the application then:

- for each URL in your list, CURL the authoritative URL for the site's replication list (which will be a standard directory appended to the root).
- merge these.
- remove all entries with < 3 duplicates
- remove all extraneous duplicates
- For each banner and hash, search your site's banner dir.
- if not found, query authoritative URL for the authoritative banner
- generate hash and file name from that
- if name found, but hash doesn't match, delete name from your dir and query authoritative banner as above
- for each entry in the CSV, build the links and output them as html file. 3 passes:
- Clearnet
- Tor
- I2P



Don't use CSV, JSON is a solved problem for web stuff.



Handling JSON in script languages (like Perl or shell) is kind of a hassle. CSVs may not be the "web standard" but it's way easier to work with overall.



been a while, still had the old thread open. think I only missed one so far and added the new one I spotted here. good to see it all still going beit a bit slower.
I dont js its all php, less bloat in csv format



We should probably start discussing this on IRC or something; we're cluttering the webring thread kek.
Tell me where you'd like to meet.

>There's some projects out there on github that claim to be able to translate PHP to C++, though -- for portability, perhaps this could be used to build out straight up binaries that could get things done.

Why not.

>Perhaps we could have something like this:

>clearnet URL, Tor, i2p, banner name, banner hash, authoritative.

The thing is, not everyone has a tor / i2p mirror, and some would have more than 3 mirrors. CSV columns need to be consistent across rows (that is, same number of data per line), and that would be inconsistent.
I'd rather have a line per mirror (type,url,banner hash,other stuff), even if that means multiple lines for the same website.
We still have the "which one to check for" issue. Maybe we could check all of them? Or clearnet only? Even if a site is only accessible through Tor, the other websites in the webring could seed their banner to others. We could also check for banner updates the same way as for new websites; we only download the new banner if at least 3 others have it.



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>We should probably start discussing this on IRC or something; we're cluttering the webring thread kek.

That's a good plan. I don't often use chat, especially not with this identity, so if you have any suggestions, just tell me and I'll go for it.

Note well that I'm using tor with this identity, so I cannot communicate through any platform that is hostile to that.


I'm a dumb amateur and have already started banging out my PoC assuming a plaintext \n delimited list of URLs like an utter troglodyte.



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I've been working on this over the past couple days and have the following.

- Script takes 2 files as input:
- replication.txt, which is a plaintext list of URLs from which to pull data
- blacklist.txt, which is a list of URLs to exclude from the replication list output.
- Script does the following:
- CURLs each URL on the list a file: /lainrep/replication.txt and /lainrep/banner.png.
- /lainrep/replication.txt should be the remote host's own replication list
- /lainrep/banner.png, which should be the remote host's desired banner for the web ring
- builds a big-big array of all of the entries in everyone's replication lists.
- builds a hash table of all locally stored banners (currently in ./banners/).
- if the remotely CURL'd banner's hash isn't found in the hash table, it will save the banner to ./banners/ to a file named after a sanitized version of the URL + ".png"
- searches the big-big array of everyone's replication lists for entries that occur >= 3 times (this is a trust count to keep soykafheads from mudding up the list just because one guy decides to add them to their site). Builds a "final" array out of only these URLs.
- parses blacklist.txt and removes all of the matching elements from the "final" array.
- rebuilds and overwrites the replication.txt list based on the final array; this will remove dead sites/sites without a replication list currently.
- outputs formatted HTML based on the final array that should look similar to the webring listings from and similarly well made sites.


- Tor and I2P support. I'm pretty sure I can get Tor working, but I have NO idea how I2P works or how to send CURLs to eeepsites or whatever. I also have no testing infrastructure for I2P, so if anyone knows how all this works, enlighten me please.
- Up/Down detection. I'm pretty sure I know how to do this in a rudimentary way, and will be probably the next thing I really work on.
- Make a config file so the user can set the input and output filepaths as well as the trust count for their particular instance of the list.
- polishing things like readmes and other stuff to make it easy to install and use.
- maybe some refactoring as things move forward.

Since it was noted that I shouldn't crowd the webring thread with this project so that we can see new sites instead, I'll start posting incremental updates on my site's news page instead (http://oh3curby3abfknsydatt2qc3vgxggfjxd6infybwvlbgaezjhvhzqhad.onion) Once I get a release candidate ready, I'll ping the thread again so that everyone can be aware of it!

Sorry I didn't take anyone's advice re: json or csv or doing something better, but doing it in a way I'm more familiar with, I have been able to make fast progress. Hopefully I can get a useful tool out to the community either way.





could you post a 240x60 banner and include the webring in your website?



I am Chinese, so my site is in Chinese. It's not clear to me if this is "gregarious".

About my site introduction:
*my english is not good, there may be some improper use of vocabulary*

I'm calling this a "series sites SCIO" and it's divided into sections:
One is what the URL refers to, which I'll call the "main site", is the portal.
One is "", which is about me personally, with some chatter.
One is "", which I recently created, has some links to favorite sites from my Internet life and stuff.

Generally, if you'd like to add me to the list, just use the "master" one.
But if you're only interested in a subsite, I've made banners for them all, which you can check out on the "main site".



Hey friend, I've added you to my copy of the Lainring ( (you might need to refresh the page once if there are missing images, the DDoS protection sometimes kicks in)
If you're still interested in that Riseup invite, send me an email to forscio AT from one on the emails on your website (so I know it's really you) and I'll send you an email with the invite code back.
Take care, friend



Man I can't fuggin read it, but u have a banner and host the ring so you are absolutely far less "gregarious" than quite a few others. Adding on mine as well.



SAT word: (of a person) fond of company; sociable.
Don't be like me kids. Read your books.

You are absolutely far MORE* gregarious




Added to mine as well. And welcome!



File: 1684084628856-0.png (1.43 MB, 1908x776, 477:194, firstblood.png) ImgOps iqdb

I finished the replication script! Or at least, it's at a point where we can get a first release out.

If you want to give it a try, it's available on my site here:


There's an extensive readme included that should get you squared away with how to use the tool.

For initial rollout, I would advise maintaining your manually curated links for a good while until people start adopting the script....assuming they even do.

The script should be able to pull replication data from properly configured sites and then automatically output HTML that you can use to host the script. Using custom configs and OS scheduling systems like cron, you could even have the script automatically push new data into your production environment.

The script comes with a set of banners and a list of sites on the ring as it appears on my own site, so once several of those sites start using the replicator, we should have a functional little peer to peer webring thing going on.



File: 1684088076683-0.jpg (10.96 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Header.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Little personal website I have. Hope u like it :)



Very nice, I love it!

I should try making my own zine or something



I communicated with you via email, thank you again.

Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement.

My list is slowly growing, so if anyone else has added the "series sites SCIO" to your webrings, do let me know.
As for why not take the initiative to send a request to the members of lainchan webrings, because I think this is spam, and I am not good at handling private conversations.

Honestly, I don't think I'm any more social than a 10 year old.



Someone already told you to include the webring to your site some time ago (>>69152). Please add it to your website before reposting it another time.

Nice website though.



Tried to add the webring to the site. some banners don't work but links do. hope this helps.



Hey, this webring looks pretty cool and I'd like to join in, but I'm worried my site won't really fit in with the rest of it. Is there any specific criteria or is anything allowed?



Anything is allowed, just make a banner for it and link it here.



File: 1684193576935-0.gif (3.74 KB, 240x60, 4:1, SiteBanner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Cool. I mainly use this site as a place to host my comics and my writing. Webring page coming soon™️



your site seems really cool so far from what ive looked at, are you aware of pic related bug?

welcome to the ring!



Ah, damn. No, I haven't been able to get the buttons to break like that, even by resizing the window. Are you doing anything specifically or did it just break when you opened the page?



i didn't bother checking on chromium, but after you said this i just checked and it's working fine on there.
but on firefox it's broken.
i think i figured out why it was doing that, basically something to do with body {font-size:24px} being applied to #buttons and the font renders differently on firefox, which gave them different spacing between the buttons on each browser.
i debugged it for you (hope you dont mind) this works on both browsers.
#buttons{font-size:0px; display:flex; grid-gap:10px; padding-left:15px;} 



File: 1684285254672-0.png (4.28 KB, 240x60, 4:1, sillylairdweb.png) ImgOps iqdb

hey just letting you all know i have a banner.
clearnet address:
Vanity Tor address:
i2p is coming soon!



is it a bad idea to host a website on my home network? im sure i get very little traffic and its just a static site.



I do it.

Bear in mind that it may be an ISP ToS violation though, so you may want to host it as a hidden service if that's the case.



>is it a bad idea to host a website on my home network?
Bots can attack random websites and pwn your server (and they can proceed to crack your whole network). Also, the electricity bill can be high.



the computer already is on 24/7 serving other things but it's all password protected. root login over ssh is disabled and i have fail2ban installed.



should switch to keys for login with ssh



should be fine you did your research, whats stopping you?




Ideally he shouldn't enable it publicly at all and instead use a VPN to tunnel it.



Make sure not to use default ports for everything. Use a VPN to SSH.



is using a local cookie to allow toggling between site music on-off legitimate usafe of cookies? I want to keep my site cookie-free but a boolean cookie just to store a "music on" or "music off" can't be too bad, right?



Modern browsers have local storage you can set it in instead of using a cookie (the difference between the two being that values placed in local storage are not sent with each request like cookies are). That may be an appropriate solution if you don't mind using a little javascript on your site to handle checking it before playing the music.


Assuming you meant unsafe, no, that wouldn't be unsafe.



>>68824 (OP)
I've added the webring to my main page at, so please add me to the list of sites with up-to-date webrings on the next thread.



that's exactly what I needed, thanks! I didn't know about local storage



Cool website!
One thing i would change is to make the youtube link into a youtube mirror link (eg



File: 1684856594420-0.png (3.47 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

after a short hiatus, I've updated my website and its banner. if you're hotlinking to my banner directly you don't need to do anything, but if you're hosting a copy yourself, please update it!

I've also acquired a domain, and moved the website from to

The website is still hosted in neocities while I figure self-hosting myself, but please change any links to the new url.

my version of the webting is a bit outdated by now, from 2022, but I'll catch up soon. some pages are dead



Updated on my copy, welcome back.
For some reason, you weren't on my copy, but you are now!



Added to my copy too.



Middle-schoolers, you emotionally frustrated pubescing fuarrrkers, why not actually do something worth sharing, create something worth showing others, form a non-predictable, non-stereotypical opinion? Why are >95% of sites on neocities void of substance, of own content or art? I don't get where you're coming from, nor where you trying to go. But it ain't working. Unless success is empty praise from aesthetically equivalent website maintainers..?



i know what you mean i was scrolling through neocities for inspiration but there are so many unreadable websites that look like soykaf on purpose with nothing remotely interesting. my goal is to make a website that someone would actually want to come back to.



Everybody has to start somewhere, chill.



Don't bite.
Most of you are high-schoolers or in 1 years of tertiary education. A bite spiteful. And only somebody like myself would react as I'd've like d anyhow.
I'd prefer everything to look that same, so that these deep as as deflated kiddie pool copycat charlatans would stick out by the non-volume of their site. Mine is 2MB: ~0.8 text, 1.1 bigass booklog table.

I think most covet the status of having a website, not self-imposed responsibilities to maintain it, write, edit, stylize, and so on. This is why everything is lain, and I do fuarrrking hate lain and Japanese media as presented and reviewed by stupid and or unknowledgeable people, and pink and purple and neon. And so much furries. And sonic.

Sure, but they don't progress. So fuarrrk off. Probably over two thirds of all sites hosts there are stuck at the default starting page. Eternal construction. Ha. If you start something, commit to it, don't drop it halfway, that is, say to yourself and the world, I am a failure, I do not have anything (meaningful) to contribute to the internet or to society, I will delete my website.



> Probably over two thirds of all sites hosts there are stuck at the default starting page.
then go check the rest of them?



To what, be disappointed? Waste my time? 9/10 people misuse or abuse tags. Searching by name is not a thing, searching for content from within the site is not a thing. I've looked through hundreds of sites. The view interesting one didn't have tags, or misspelled them since ill-Englished foreigners. kratzen/frogesay/whatever other names he used was the only read-worthy website, and he got fuarrrkall in the way of comments or money for his many years on the site, so abandonned nc.
Probably because of the quality and or age of person most populous there. He's probably doing substack or medium.

This reply was more out of emotion, rereading yours, I ask, why the fuarrrk would you even suggest that? Youth smell. Rather naïve stupid youth stench.



why do you lainniggers even bother on creating a website if you're only going to use it to say how much you love security, open source software and lain like the entire community of lainniggers if you're going to make a website at least make it interesting, hell



File: 1684966417130-0.png (22.81 KB, 240x60, 4:1, medium.png) ImgOps iqdb
My personal website. It ain't much but it's honest work.



i agree with you, but you gotta chill. I'd say you shouldn't sperg over something you can't control, but I do have an idea.
webrings have themes, right? Start a "hi-effort lainchan" webring.



if you make your site focused on visuals only lains complain of no content
if you add content to your site lains complain it's boring
and then they wonder why nobody keeps up with the ring anymore



quality over quantity. creating quality content is difficult, though.



this post is pretty funny but I’m laughing at you rather than with you, personal sites were the social media of their day, people updated them frequently to infrequently and didn’t see it as some thing they had to do good or put effort into. Basically you are a silly tryhard.



>If you start something, commit to it, don't drop it halfway, that is, say to yourself and the world, I am a failure, I do not have anything (meaningful) to contribute to the internet or to society, I will delete my website.
Dude, people do this for fun. No one is making these websites for you and no one is trying to start a career doing it. You are acting like a pretentious little child. Every webring thread has a smug prick like you that can't see the fun in anything. If you don't like it find something you like.



Updated my website with a new design and new post on sleeping. I'm getting into writing a bit again and I'll try to post something more often than once a year.



File: 1685213605514-0.gif (267.59 KB, 88x31, 88:31, Torchan small.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1685213605514-1.gif (855.86 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Torchan.gif) ImgOps iqdb

I hate the internet, but I like having a platform where I can express my thoughts.



Added you to my copy but please can you into optimizing the banner gif? It's 0.5Mb in size.



File: 1685215663820-0.gif (358.5 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Torchan optimized.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hope this is better :)





I really want a silent hill themed imageboard......



>New Digital Era only displays correctly on desktop mode with a minimum of 1300 horizontal pixels. Please use a computer.
>mfw i'm on a computer with a slightly smaller screen and it looks ok
also hardcoding sizes like that is just bad web design. your website should be readable on as many devices as possible, and it's piss easy to do that.
agree, but from the webmaster's POV, the whole process of making a website is interesting enough.



>also hardcoding sizes like that is just bad web design. your website should be readable on as many devices as possible, and it's piss easy to do that.
That's the webmasters choice. If they don't want phone users to read their site, so be it. Their choice to make it accessible or not. It's like telling tor sites that they're not being inclusive enough because they're inaccessible to all the normal people on the clearnet. Who cares if you want a small and specific audience?



>Youth smell. Rather naïve stupid youth stench.
The rotten jaded smell coming off you isn't better. I'm sorry you couldn't do anything better with your youth and now you're here criticizing other people simply having fun. These websites aren't made for you, get over it and find something you like. If you are really that worried about wasting your time then why are you here?



Your website is sick. Added to my webring page.



fair enough, though i still think it's a silly mindset. there's no good or rational reason to demand a "minimum of 1300 horizontal pixels". anyway, like i said, i accessed it on a computer and i got that warning.
>It's like telling tor sites that they're not being inclusive enough because they're inaccessible to all the normal people on the clearnet.
no, i'm specifically talking about web design, or how readable the website is. you can practice good web design in an onion site, you can have a grammatically correct, easy-to-read classified document, etc.
>That's the webmasters choice.
yeah...? webmasters can still make silly choices.



I'm >>69366. I have updated my copy of ther webring with >>69481's copy of the webring

>also hardcoding sizes like that is just bad web design. your website should be readable on as many devices as possible, and it's piss easy to do that.
sorry, using relative sizes is always kinda hard for me, i'm stupid



hi guys, is it ok to use avif for images? I tested it and my page loads much faster with the smaller image sizes relative to jpg and png





There are sites within the Webring that transmit AVIF (f12 if your friend). The big thing you have to remember from a web-admin POV is you must code your site (either via Nginx/Apache, or hand-code using <source srcset=*> or php query.) as a means to offer to your clients BOTH classic image formats as well as modern ones. Some people may have their browser configured so tightly for security that it won't even respond to a MIME-type request. For those people, they get the base jpg/gif/png while the rest saves speed and bandwidth on the modern.

With Firefox fixing AVIF sequences now as well as apple OSX 16.1 onward. AVIF responds correctly now. Some of the Tor browsers are slow to adopt which is why holding onto WebM is still important for another few years.

Hope that helps!



What registrars do y'all use? I'm looking for something durable, most of the ones I've looked at have ToSes that allow them to do whatever they want with my domain.



I use (this post is too short)



Most here and elsewhere have either done a one-time effort and abandonned. If it's fun once, would it not but fun subsequent times? Linking to long extant materials and gifs and or merely copying others' styles (lainisms; or 90s and early 00s personal websites; or ~5--10 neocities' most viewed) _is_ a one-time thing. I don't see the appeal, or the purpose of the activity, I see it as time wasted, and remote storage wasted. Peacockery, only without the peacock. I may be a smug prick in your eyes, but at least I offer something and am not a replica to fuarrrk off as a great majority of the lain webring's member from 1.5 years back, who even then didn't have any substance to their pages.



Thing is some of us did this as a one-time thing in order to learn something, then later we realized what we did can be made better. I don't have all the time in the world continuously revising my website, it's a big mess under the hood and no meaningful content because of time deficiency. So instead of pointing the finger at us and call it useless activity, remember some of us that made those "one-time" things actually got to learn a lot and may have gone onwards finding crazier opportunities than to mindlessly rant about other's work. So in conclusion, I would shut my mouth and unconditionally respect all the work these webring participants made.

To all my fellow webring mates, however the state of your website is, keep it up! There are people that see your site! Personally, I seen people e-mail, xmpp or message me to support my work, however bearbones it currently may be.

I didn't have the intent to create hate speech to anyone, but I want to make it clear that we don't make this for you, we make it for ourselves because we like it, are passionate about it, and most importantly, we get to learn something useful out of it.

Let's all love Lain!



This may be slightly off-topic but I want to add on the lainring's darknet/altnet diversity. For those of you who love testing out hosting websites on all sorts of darknets or altnets, those of you who like internet routing technologies like BGP, OSPF, Babel and more, I recommend you to check out projects such as or They are not made for privacy in mind (everyone gets to play with IP addresses and get to route then exactly like on the internet, instead it's using VPN tunnels and a pseudonymous-ish registry), their main purpose is to introduce people to networking, but at the same time having the perk of having a custom TLD (.dn42 or .crxn), custom SSL, ability to assign and use IPs as they see fit, no NAT, and get to learn something that could probably land you a job. You can join either with your existing VPS or with a device at home. Since you get to play with your own IP addresses on the private range, I repeat, your own IP addresses, you can do a lot of fun stuff such as decentralize your website across multiple servers (DDoS mitigation), share access to this network with your friends via a tunnel of choice (wireguard, openvpn, ipsec), make tor/i2p nodes in this network, really, the sky is the limit.

Now why do I tell you all of this? I believe some of you may want to start learning something new and exciting, and these networks lack some good content in terms of websites. I wish some of your sites get mirrored there as well, more people put good content there, more will join who in their turn put more content and the cycle continues. I wish you all good luck!

I know this sounded a bit like an ad Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!, but really, it's fun, and I think you'll all love as well!



Your opinion is inconducive to good work, good development of people or children (since mostly they get encouraged despite failing). Shit work deserves no respect in my world.
F u c k lain. fuarrrk you. Hate speech is a not a thing, is too nebulous and subjective to be a thing, you brain-washed, 17-year-old, middle-class American c u n t. Neck yourself.
This boards, this whole imageboard is zoomered out the wazoo.
Host-blocked to forgo wasting any more time here with subhuman trash.



Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, bitch.



thanks, I have changed some of the videos to av1 and future loseless files will be delivered preferentially in avif. I decided against converting existing images to avif, since the loss of quality from lossy -> lossy is noticeable
I have changed the css to make it viewable from any resolution

I have added an atom feed to, it's at /feed.xml, and updated my banner again (sorry) and also created a few buttons for if anyone wants to link that way. they're listed in the index page. I have also started introducing changes to make the website valid as per W3 standards. The index page fully validates and the atom feed almost fully validates



I added your feed to my copy so now you should be in the Lainring OPML file. I didn't undestand what banner you changed and where is the new one. Can you point me to a copy of it, so I can update it? Also, don't worry about the standards, just write, keep the site updated and soon you'll learn enough to do the changes.
>>69481 (me)
Link here, don't want to spam the thread.



the banner is here
you can use either one, although I like the one with a colorful background most

also, lainchan is rejecting my posts from ungoogled-chromium saying they're automated, but in firefox it works...



As for the second part, no idea.



its soyhole
how did you bypass the filter



File: 1685992968435-0.png (523.44 KB, 807x454, 807:454, hackerman.png) ImgOps iqdb

my 1337 hacking skills.



File: 1686234609350-0.gif (61.19 KB, 240x60, 4:1, andreixyz.gif) ImgOps iqdb



Nice website, anon, added. Welcome to the lainring

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