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File: 1602120924981.gif (87.4 KB, 90x90, 1:1, globe.gif) ImgOps iqdb

 No.33813[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

Hello Lainons, the thread for the Lainchan web ring reached max reply limit, so I'm creating a new one.
Original thread here: >>>29660

To join, post below:

* your website
* a 240x60 pixel banner image representing your site

I'll be adding your websites and banners to my site,
Feel free to add the sites of other Lainons to your site as well.
If you don't have a site, you can make one at for free, or alternatively self host.
I think this project could be really cozy :)

The site of the Lainon who came up with the idea is:


>>33813 (OP)
Messed up the link to the old thread, whoops. Also, heres the photo for my banner.



File: 1602123377131-0.gif (71.17 KB, 128x128, 1:1, world_03.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>>33813 (OP)
Thanks for creating the new thread lainon! It was great seeing everyone's sites in the last thread, and still need to add a couple of the banners from the prior thread, hoping to do that soon.

Also nice earth gif, here's another one for yall. Back in the old web you see these kinds of gifs all the time since you were "traveling all over the world" when surfing the web. It's weirdly nostalgic seeing these types of gifs if that makes any sense



File: 1602124412894.gif (34.26 KB, 240x60, 4:1, yukinu-240x60.gif) ImgOps iqdb

And here's my banner again. Hoping to see more lainons from the last thread and hoping other lainons will be inspired to make their own sites as well!



No problem Lain. It was indeed really nice seeing all those sites, ended up inspiring me to create my first personal site. I missed the old internet era for the most part so this was a great discovery.

Thanks for gif! Something about those types of gif give me a very cozy feeling.



here's my banner!
(can't upload to lainchan because the file is already uploaded)



>If you don't have a site, you can make one at for free, or alternatively self host.
also, consider using a .onion (or i2p) for selfhosting if you don't want to forward ports/give your IP address to the public or don't want to mess with this horrible thing called DNS

I have both onions and i2p for my website (if your website is onion or i2p, please use these links instead)

onion: http://lainwir3s4y5r7mqm3kurzpljyf77vty2hrrfkps6wm4nnnqzest4lqd.onion/
i2p: http://ivusryc5mfrroomm6s5no4badevf7djzlgzlwarce33no2bsyi3q.b32.i2p/

Probably will add it to new darknets but I'm not entirely sure.



Here's my banner as well...
>>33813 (OP)
I think you liked my version of your banner. :)



Also I don't really recommend neocities:
>can't upload videos unless you pay for it.
the alternative is or



Reminder that you should write your websites in XHTML 1.1 instead of HTML 5, HTML 5 is not standardized by w3c but by Microsoft, Mozilla, Google and Apple:
While XHTML is standarized by w3c, so is guaranteed to run in any browser.



>While XHTML is standarized by w3c, so is guaranteed to run in any browser.
Ah yes. Any browser as compared to
More of a comment on the relevancy of w3c than what standards are. Unfortunate too. Web is trash now. Im on board though. Simple lain sites > HTML5



I indeed did, the banner was certainly better than the one I cooked up in 10 seconds :)
Neocities isn't necessarily the best for sure. I'll probably move to hosting my site on a raspberry pi when I've got the cash.



>Simple lain sites > HTML5
yup, literally the reason we should use XHTML instead of HTML5



My site is currently at

I have no banner. Anyone willing to make one? I've only recently returned to using it



File: 1602271298908.png (4.27 KB, 240x60, 4:1, se7en-site.png) ImgOps iqdb

I just made a simple banner for you. I thought that a Windows 9x style of button would be nice and simple for your website. Tell me if you want from me to add anything else on it.



Feel like I've been there before, where else have you linked your website?



yup, got there from the install gentoo wiki probably



What a retarded article.



checked to be honest



Not to mention a "WiFi radio waves are hurting us" article linked on the front page



I love xhtml, I've seen snappy and beautiful styles of mobile sites back in the day, there's also background music support on geocities hosting MIDI files. Those were the days web devs were competent because they had to write something that a 8MiB RAM mobile device can process, and had to resort to GIFs. These days even 1GiB RAM isn't even enough for some websites.

The infographic I think originated in pol.

>some fungus already feed on ionizing radiation
>some tumors are caused by fungus overgrowth
Though it's not limited to WiFi, the one at fault here is electricity in the form of heat which exist in any electronics (even when plugged in yet turned off), power lines, radio towers and the problem is long-term exposure.
Just make sure to not live anywhere near radio towers, not sleep beside a high-wattage lamp, electronics, power socket, so your body can self repair at night all the oxidative stress you get all day, also take anti-oxidants.



I think a gif would be nice

Se7en's Site!
Maybe with some images



That is not the point of the article, and I wrote that as an afterthought.



Enjoy ZOG OS, luser



I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the feedback.



Feels good to use Win7, but that won't last forever. I'm probably just going for Debian or even Devuan. Not sure what DE or WM to use at this point, I'm not a Linux new user.



Windows 7 is already unsupported. It doesnt matter if there is MS/NSA/etc backdoor in Win10 if W7 is unsupported with 0days.



That's right, install Void linux or smth



I know, but its still supported by most programs I use.
I used Void Linux for about a month or two, I ended up dumping it due to some issues and other reasons I've forgotten about.
I'm unsure about going back to a rolling release distro. At least Void Linux plays nicer than Arch Linux.
Forgot to mention that I'm also unsure about using Debian based distros as a desktop OS since some stuff doesn't play nice on those distros like wine and other stuff.
Also, fuarrrk Red Hat and Fedora.



>but its still supported by most programs I use
Thats not what unsupported means in this context. Unsupported means the Vendor, Microsoft, is no longer producing security patches (or patches of any kind, and actively locking out certain cpus via antifeatures ). Because there are nonsecurity patches, using this software places you at risk for malware, hacking, etc. Don't use W7, or if you do, isolate it from untrusted input (IE. offline, with known safe pdfs, office docs etc) .



I'll be fine for now, plus I can do some spoofing to get more security updates (paid enterprise security updates for free).
But longterm is to go to Linux completely. Not sure what to pick for now though.



What about the POS version updates? Or is that unsupported now?



File: 1602544478227.png (17.77 KB, 484x602, 242:301, Tidle_town.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>33829 is SJW Bullshit. Did you read their TOS?



not being an asshole is easy



So.... they don't want edgelords... and considering the content of your post, you're definitely some teen edgelord lol.
Nothing of value was lost



They derezzed my site after being there for 3 days due to content not hosted on the local server. It was only after that did I read their TOS and discovered that by joining their service, they legitimately expect you to become a Good Goyim on their server and everywhere.

I am not a teenager, unlike a majority of denziens on this site.



You have to go back
>I am not a teenager, unlike a majority of denziens on this site
You can leave anytime



Do you not understand me? They derezzed my website for content not hosted on the website, and their TOS legitimately says they can ban you for action commited elsewhere, completely unrelated to the operations of

Such a VPS running a "Community" like this is nonsensical bullshit that no one should join unless they're fuarrrked in the head.





Don't use, then



>>34051 and are two different websites, evidently run by different groups of people, fwiw



You are an edge lord idiot, and outside your edgy (((guys-fagging))) /g/ soykaf , you content is like kicking dead whales down the beach anyway.
No one is obligated to provide you server space, and I am not sure why you think they dont have freedom of Association. They dont want to associate with you for content outside their server. 100% ancap ok.



yea nazis only support freedom of speech if it allows them to say bullshit. but we cannot say soykaf about nazis because we're violating their freedom of speech or something.

Anywys, This has nothing to do with technology. So I hope mods delete these posts.



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The notion of "freedom of association" was done away via Affirmative Action and the end of Segregation, regardless, lain's point that the people running that are censorious and unreliable still stands.

As is also the point that the people running it can remove you for behavior elsewhere, or the accusation therein. While the insider trade over "fug nadzis" or "fug /leftypol/" is alive here because this place has been inhabited by both for years, and will continue to be so until Appleman loses his mind and removes his penis before running in to traffic in a manic fit screaming about how he wants it all to stop it's retarded not to take the issue at it's value, and that is, that the person running it will remove you for some retarded reason.
No one has supported "freedom of speech" in a meaningful manner in years, pre-jim 8chan might be the closest thing to it, and it's abandoned because it's always dominated by whoever the most extreme and invested group is in it. It would be fair to say the tilde can remove you for not being a member of their dilation association, but, I can also say Lain should have looked before she bought in this case, as has a lot of red flags for reliability in my eyes.
As well as things like this.
>Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a community member engages in unacceptable behavior, the admins may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from (meaning your user account would be revoked) without warning.
Which amounts to being a massive fuarrrk you without warning. And, I ask, who gives a soykaf if lain posts edgelord crap on a html page? It shouldn't matter, but for some reason it does. Thankfully, lain posted a warning for those inclined to avoid them. Something that should be considered.



>yea nazis only support freedom of speech if it allows them to say bullshit. but we cannot say soykaf about nazis because we're violating their freedom of speech or something.

That sentiment can be applied to anyone that complains about one thing then act surprised if something happens that they don't like as a result of that, not just neo-nazis. But yeah, this thread is getting derailed.



Wow, fuarrrk them. However, it is in their ToS and the guy was kind enough to backup your site. That is way better than most SJWs, who usually just try to fuarrrk you over.
One thing I want to point out: This has definitely left the topic of webrings and I'd say you may want to create a thread discussing this... Of course, I believe >>34068 made a really good point about "looking before you bought" and it cannot really become much of a discussion except for SJWs getting mad at you for existing.



Just practice better OPSEC so you don't end up in soykaf like this.



To be fair, the point of their post did not seem to be to whine about being derezzed, it was to warn others who might act on that web host recommendation without doing further research. It does seem to be derailing the thread, but that's on everyone who feels the need to talk about whether that poster deserved his ban.



File: 1602565428322.jpg (37.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, thisislibrary.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

This thread is about the web-ring.



I don't know what you are alleging me to have done.

Welp, 3 years later I now realize I was using the scam site rather than the real one that everyone has been talking about for years. fuarrrk.

I've hardly posted in this thread.


If it takes 4 on-topic individual posts to kill a thread, then this entire comunity has no spine and is not worth my time.



I'd share my own site if I actually create one. Expect me to share my site in a long while.



File: 1602767800606.png (1.58 KB, 240x60, 4:1, blog.png) ImgOps iqdb


Added. I had a look around, saw you already posted about why you're still on HTTP. I see the argument for not needing it, but you lose nothing by having it. Iirc you're on an Ubuntu server, look into Certbot, it's free software and available in the repository, and will give you valid HTTPS.

In regards to webring drama, regardless of what I like and dislike, and who I think is right, this is all rather pointless. On obscure parts of the internet you will regularly meet people you disagree with. It's not feasible to police the opinions and views of people in a webring regardless of whether you want to.

My suggestion is this: if you don't feel right about adding se7en to your local copy of the webring, then don't. Leave it at that; there isn't any real commitment here. There are plenty of people that have not added the ring, or have not done anything with their site in general.



File: 1602776847319.png (300.09 KB, 1099x630, 157:90, 1602776824.png) ImgOps iqdb

let's just pretend this never happened





I think I will add a separate page for Webring. It's getting quite big. Or conversely, I will shrink the images a bit.



I went ahead and cleaned up a lot of offtopic/brewing soykaf that attempted to destroy the thread. I also removed all of 28chan guy's posts, he had never posted here, then started to soykaf everything up. I left you up in good faith but removed you because of those actions.
As before, it is the case now, >>>/q/ for commentary about these action so we don't have any more thread destroying nonsense.



28chan guy did nothing wrong as far as i read



I'm not sure posts that were *about* the webring can be considered offtopic. But oh well, things being over is better than nothing.



Your gopher connection is tremendously slow compared to the W3 version. I suggest you look into that.



Probably something dumb I said in other thread or something? idk I tend to say dumb soykaf thats who I am.



Not my server, please email michi @at@ dataswamp .dot. org



illegal content !!!






Kinda cringe Im sorry.

Looked everywhere, there is none.






Latest from coarse engima
>Containers : FreeBSD Jails
> - an implementation of sed in py. Its soykafty. Its a WIP.





Banner? I did add someone without one, if you're not willing to do one, but it is preferred.



you forgot to give us 14400 pixels. lainon



Request for you to make a i2p version of your site



Making a banner is like the bare minimum you could do, I wouldn't add people without banner to be honest.



Some things are kinda half-assed, the colors are not good in the eyes and theres some broken english.

It's fine though, I'm not hating.



I get that, though at the moment there are some people who haven't even added the web ring to their site. Some people don't even have anything on their site.

I'm adding people in good faith, because honestly I wouldn't have any idea how to police it. If people want to skip someone that hasn't even made a banner though I wouldn't blame them.



Oh you have to add it to your site? I honestly didn't know that lol, I'll see if I add it to mine.



>Feel free to add the sites of other Lainons to your site as well.
To your credit, it does say, "feel free," and not "Add the ring to your site. This is not a request. We know where you live." It is appreciated though.

I think mine is up to date for every single site: - including those that have been deleted from the thread, those that seem to be disliked, those that have not added a banner (yet?), and the one guy that flat-out refused to make one.



>the colors are not good in the eyes
sorry about that
>broken english.
t. español
i'll try to fix it, don't worry



Wow, I should make some website too. What ways do you recomend to host it and how to do it for free (Or as cheap ap)? I know only about the code writing part



>What ways do you recomend to host it and how to do it for free
neocities or github pages

If you want a real VPS so you can do more than static sites I've had good experience with ramnode. I pay about $3 per month for their cheapest cloud plan. I believe lainchan uses them too.

Or if you're hardcore you can host from your home network.



A raspberry pi and duckdns if you dont mind giving your IP



i use netlify for all my hosting
push code to gitlab -> netlify serves it



sounds like a man in the middle to le



i dont do anything illegal like that. if its a personal site, no biggie.



>not being irrationally paranoid of everything



I think background autoplay music has been a cancer disdained by all sensible web designers since 1998, no?



>If you have done nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide.
If I've done nothing wrong there's no reason to search me.



This, I haven't done anything but I ripped out the camera of my phone and de-soldered the microphone



I appreciate u fr



Hola, yo soy argentino, still eso no excusa el ingles roto, tengo varias paginas todas en ingles y trato de escribir lo mejor posible, hay paginas que analisan URL's por errores de gramatica, te las recomiendo.



File: 1604712028574.png (5.63 KB, 240x60, 4:1, 240x60banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hi !!! here my banner from Radio Chupacabra !! i have an online radio with Cyberpunk,Vaporwave,New Wave,some 80's,Dark Wave and more... music, every time i add more music... please share my radio :) thanks !!!



FFFFFFFFFUUU.... I forgot the link: :) enjoy it !!



that's some fuarking good soykaf right there



Él dijo va para repararlo. Tambien no miro como es una problema grande en la internet, donde un cantidad grande de los ingletaríos no tienen preopuccación con la grammar perfecto.





many thanks !!!! do you have a banner to put in my radio webpage?



File: 1604717591247.gif (5.38 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Sure, attached it to this post.

It is on the bottom of all of my post index pages (and not the pages for posts themselves). Perhaps I will make it more obvious.



Yeah !! i put your banner with link in my webpage :) to spread it and help to make the underweb grow !!



File: 1604720504806.jpg (39.4 KB, 340x337, 340:337, Cover Streaming.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Radio Chupacabra here again, i want to interchange banners with other :) please addme in your webpages and i add you in my web :) thanks !! my banner >>35682 and link >>35683



Added you
I like your tunes funky little beast
I can't add the same file again but the banner is >>30133



Added too !!! thanks for add my banner, now i working in the web style, so maybe change a little (font, some colors, etc..) but stay basic and minimal, i receive suggestion because i dont know too much css, web desing and these thing...



Also, >>35682, my banner is linked in one of the first replies, or you can get it from my homepage.
I'll put that stream in my streams list...



Hey consider a free domain from noip, you could get I think theres lots of options.
You have to confirm it once a month but you get used to it



If you shop around buying one from a decent registrar isn't a huge pain either, assuming you're not worried about them having things like your name, credit card, and standard whois info.

I got mine with Epik, it was something like $3/year, they have a service to anonymise your whois info to outsiders, and in general it offers decent control.

Very short domains were priced at hundreds, or even thousands. The obscure ones go for almost nothing, though.



>assuming you're not worried about them having things like your name, credit card, and standard whois info.



I assume you're also going to need an e-mail and identifiable information that can be tied to you to use other registrars as well, along with signup via anonymising protocols (e.g. Tor) being non-existant, I know it's not ideal.

But it's worth mentioning as opposed to refreshing your domain monthly. In noip's case, I had actually looked into them in the past, but I didn't use it because it seemed more restrictive and offered much less.



You can make emails completelly anonymously and there is one domain registar that dosn't need personal information and takes crypto i think



Njalla's the one, funny enough I found another one yesterday as well called Anonymize or something like that but I didn't take a good look at it
Alternatively chupacabra buddy can go full ghetto and just get a .tk domain



File: 1604762695938.png (306.58 KB, 1113x660, 371:220, 1604762712.png) ImgOps iqdb

Literalmente esto



Added you !! to my radio !!! thanks !!!!



I'm currently working on my own site so im copying your web ring for convenience (thanks) and feel obligated to let you know that the salad's lab href on your web page is incorrect



File: 1604787227787.png (63.21 KB, 384x128, 3:1, banner1.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>33813 (OP) Here is my site if you like to visit. Is just a blog where i write my things and stuff C: the posts are in italian language, but the other stuff is in english. Im gonna add anyone in the thread give me some time ^_^'



Added you, hope you don't mind that I scaled the banner myself, since the browser would do a worse job



i dont find your link and banner :( where is? to add you to

Added you !! plead add my banner here >>35682 and link here >>35683



OP here, haven't been tracking the thread that much, but It looks like it's definitely time to update my site and add all your banners. I'm really happy this project has continued living



Well, I just installed stock Firefox to check, and it was about 5.5 scrolls for me. Same in Chromium. So as far as I can see no problem.

Anything come to mind about your particular set up that would cause a problem? A particular page it happens on? Checked if you have slow download speed?





i deleted that after i realized its my tech



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To be fair, I rarely update it so it's kind of dead, especially since I generally delete whatever I post on it within a week or two.



File: 1604853586513.png (5.32 KB, 200x50, 4:1, nyom.png) ImgOps iqdb







File: 1604865499865.png (315 KB, 1122x670, 561:335, 1604865413.png) ImgOps iqdb

fixed, thanks!



File: 1604865893479.png (10.39 KB, 240x60, 4:1, bone.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>33813 (OP)
dumb site i made a few years ago



Added to
good style web, keep update !!



That is absolutely glorious.



Added you both C:




lol cool idea but... you end up writing more in the case of <i> and <b> actually you save one single keystroke haha



Interesting your site is HTTP only, but also stuck behind Cloudflare. Consider moving your stuff somewhere.



how do you make this old CRT monitor effect?



Ah, I suppose that is true, consistency though. Things like @l;, and in the case of hyperlinks, is where it shines most.

The idea is to get all the bumf out of the way and think about formatting as little as possible. So it's almost as if you were talking to a friend rather than writing an HTML page, your thoughts flow freely.



i dont have https too for my web radio but i want to install it (letsencrypt) but i need a dns name u.u only use an IP... i dont want to use ddns, do you know other free dns name service?



i have always just wrote first and edited afterwards. usually i write an article on paper and its so easy to flow on paper. my hand starts to hurt i go so fast on paper. its really weird actually how much more i can write off a keyboard. then it gets transferred to html and formatted.
you dont ever write your posts out in a journal first?



I'm using's name servers, they give me DDNS. You can register a subdomain of an existing domain there (they have many public domains) for free, I believe all I was asked for was an e-mail address.



>you dont ever write your posts out in a journal first?
I actually keep a journal in plaintext because that's the kind of person I am. It details my life and keeps track of my mental state. It is now longer than most books in the world, I have kept it for a long time.

For my site though, usually I just jot it all down in one go. Sometimes with the longest posts, I may give a brief thought to how I want to structure it before I commit to it. As I mentioned, I like to write just as if I were explaining it to someone.

I'll do a quick check over the generated HTML before I publish it (e.g. move it to the relevant directory). I also check when I generate an RSS item - I don't trust myself to write good software.



thats cool man. hey something you could play with, create an ogimage for each blog post with imagemagick.



I personally just write it and edit it digitally. It's easier to correct mistakes, and typing is much faster. I also don't have to go out of my way to copy it onto my laptop, and I get to use my scripts to format it as HTML rather than type the boilerplate by hand.



Is "og:image" not some FB exclusive or something? I can't say I fully get it, but I could look into it. I will note my posts don't occupy their own individual pages, the category is one page, which the post is "loaded" into.

Unless you meant I should add more images into my content. Which is fair.



oh i didnt realize they're not their own pages.
yeah its just the "thumbnail" that shows up when people share it, on chat apps or social media.
mainly just an excuse to play with imagemagick, i think it's pretty fun to mess with.



or even just creating little imagemagick scripts so you can turn a quote into some kind of weird font glitchy image on the fly. so you can add more cool aesthetic. you know how news articles sometimes emphasis a quote in the side. just an idea.



That's fair, I may make something simple. Pretty sure at the moment it's just going to be something like " - General" or whatever based on the meta tags, with no such image to speak of.

I did mess around with writing the contents of a tty to a png image file before using imagemagick, so I have a rough idea of how I could achieve it, if it is necessary. My site actually only has a dozen or so pages. It just looks like it has far more.



gonna try going to the ring on win98



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File: 1604875595473.png (121.33 KB, 1025x770, 205:154, chup.PNG) ImgOps iqdb



This has such 90s teen on the internet energy I love it
NTA but check the page source man



Hey lainons !!! what about suggest to Lainchan admin to make a section dedicated to promove this (lain)webring, like to send ours banners and link to lainchan and then put it on this new board or page... dont let this idea die or lost in this board



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Name what you think is the coolest thing on the webring.
It can't be on your site



>Name what you think is the coolest thing on the webring.
The minimalism in most websites.



I guess it's not really a "cool" thing but I always thought it was amusing how everyones sense of design and aesthetic is really similar



I'm parnell at tilde club, try banner gif.





File: 1605106966642.png (26.54 KB, 240x60, 4:1, parnell.png) ImgOps iqdb

5 MB is a too big for the purposes of this - to be fair I think OP forgot to mention it, but in the original thread 50 KB was given as a good limit for the courtesy of people hosting the ring.

For example, if I have 30 banners up and all at 50 KB, it's 1.5 MB worth of images. Pretty rough already on a slow connection.

I couldn't source your banner, so I made a soykafty version of a single frame. If you want to make something better though I'll swap it out later, but for now I'll host this.

If you want to add everyone that's requested being added to the ring so far, check: - because I'm relatively sure I've managed to get everyone.



I2p is next on the list. Linode just booted me and I just rebuilt server on New provider.



soykaf dude, hope you had your onion private keys somewhere, i recommend contabo, or, as it is a onion service, self host in some old computer



the thing of back to make our webpages and spaces instead of using the mainstream social networks like FB, Twitter, instagram and more... we make ours spaces with simple and minimalist webpages only focus in the content, like 90's these webpages in this webring in general are like ours personal rooms and we like to shared with others personal rooms without the ego of mainstream social networks...... keep it simple !!

i like these old 90's geocities aesthetic webpage, simple and comfy, like a personal space and not a wide open standar page like you can find in the mainstream media



that i don't have to click the js button in umatrix to browse them. and takes me back to the old days



File: 1605117353544.jpg (16.65 KB, 417x425, 417:425, lepistöfacespurdo.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Lain asks what interesting ("coolest") to look at in your webring besides cookie cutter unimaginative "minimalist" blogshit pages
>retards insider trade each other with epithets about how great their insider trade is while evading proper answer
like wristwatch technology



Try banner png.





thanks for the idea, i copy the missing links o the lainring, now i complete until now ;) and also i added a domain name, more easy that using an IP , now is: or , now i working in adding SSL ;)



I have backups. I am same hostname. From worlds perspective server is just back. Its better now, all components are containerized separately.



Coarse Engima:
<And now:
Is I2p working?



File: 1605195940408.png (77.39 KB, 1050x253, 1050:253, 1605195977.png) ImgOps iqdb

Nope (pic related)
tried to enter to my own eepsite and it worked.



File: 1605196447784.png (2.02 KB, 239x60, 239:60, banner1.png) ImgOps iqdb

You can add me too I think this project is pretty interesting. I'm having trouble figuring out how to href to other webpages I made but ill figure it out soon enough. Last time I wrote html/css was 3 years ago.



File: 1605197124773.png (332.94 KB, 1096x732, 274:183, 1605197158.png) ImgOps iqdb



Thank you Mr Qorg!



>uclickable links
>unscrollable page that don't fit on screen




fix that



>I'm having trouble figuring out how to href to other webpages
<a href="">Example</a>
(forgot to mentioned that in my previous reply)



Main problems I immediately see are the fact I cannot scroll, and the fact that I can't click the links. I'm just going to drop this here:


body {
/* overflow: hidden; -- Remove this. */

If you're looking to get rid of the scrollbar there are other ways to do so, see the CSS on my site - noscroll.css. Be warned it can make the site unusable for browsers like Pale Moon though.


Your background container at the bottom of the HTML file is "in front of" the links and other visual elements, hence you can't click them. You can probably solve this via moving all of the page elements inside the bgContainer div, changing its position in the file, messing with CSS "z-index", or something similar.

If you're determined you want the characters to fly in front of the elements on page you'll need to come up with something more complex, but it can probably be done.

Also, added:



Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

I'll fix it first thing tommorow :)



Added to !!! (ex now i have a domain name and ssl )

My banner is in this thread and in the bottom of my web if you want to add me :)



Hi lainons, my web (radio online) i add a domain name and SSL, now is :

work with both URL...the lainons who added my banner on their webpage can update the url with the new one if they wish

thanks :)

also.. i receive suggestion about desing of my web, i dont know too much about CSS and HTML so if you have an idea to improve my web i receive that :)



Nice. Imma get to that it a while. I hope i'll get a domain name and leave neocities soon.




FUAARRRK CHROME !!!! my web cant play the incrusted webplayer because my web is HTTPS and the webplayer is HTTP and Chrome block these things , the other browser is no problem but Chrome block my player, only work if my web dont have SSL... the Shoutcast server only admit SSL in paid version (researching some trick to avoid that) ... soo. maybe i go to disable SSL to mantain the compatibility with Chrome :( if you play with external player or plataform you dont have problem but with my web you cant u.u



imagine being this low iq



any suggestion or solution?



Brain transplant?



File: 1605295605933.png (24.62 KB, 240x60, 4:1, saturnexplorers.png) ImgOps iqdb

I posted in the first thread I was working on updating my website. Took forever but I can post it here now:



Put the shoutcast server behind a reverse proxy or use something else instead of shoutcast.



Wonderful site, like what I've already glanced over. Got you added.



Hi, added to :)



added to ic3 webring
cool music, website and poetry



Coarse Enigma, your FreeBSD Jails article 404s.
>Brain transplant?
Do you have any suggestions how to transplant a brain into myself? I couldn't find any good tutorial. Maybe there's a book about it I could read?







>Coarse Enigma (i2p)[again]
My tunnel creation rate is still monsterously low (27%), My host is listed as firewalled. I can't figure out an equivlent to the Tor NoListen and NoAdvertise for ORPort. I2pd is jailed, and NAT'd with a PF port forward,



You have to forward the port they're telling you.
ORPort is something like port in the i2pd.conf
port = 7777
so you'll have to forward port 7777



Thats done. Address in web console matches port forward. I have nat=yes and 11% tunnel sucess rate



File: 1605458008113.png (75.45 KB, 968x592, 121:74, 1605457995.png) ImgOps iqdb

Works for me



Hi lainons, whats is the better way to detect and show a webpage for mobile device?
actually i use:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 
this make more "responsive" the web but i need to make some visual changes to the web but in the mobile device dont show very good, looks deformed :( soo i need a way to detect a mobile device and redirect to some other webpage make for mobile or something like that



Just give it some different CSS:
Redirecting might scare the soykaf out of people just casually browsing on their phones



There is no more cyberpunk in this time that a webring made of simple code webpage, nothing stored or controled in the mainstream big technologies companies like google, facebook, etc... only simple html, some php or js, away of control and censoring of big companies, there not hidden code sending your personal info to big data, there no censorship or baning if you posts your ideas away of the company line or political thinks who rule in the moment or there no a admin or mod behind you watching your text, this webring is the best example of the real cyberpunk undernet

This pages are invisible to "normal people" because the internet now is: google, facebook, reddit, instagram, etc.. only the big socials networks, nothing more, considerer that 4chan for some people are "deep web" lol, soo this simple but growning webring are our space away of that

Please dont stop and make more webpage, lets this webring grows !!!



I already made a site but I'm too lazy to deploy it and afraid I will miss some security flaw.




If you have no clue what you are doing, use nginx as the web server for bulletproof security. You can also host on an Arduino, for unconditional security.



File: 1605525559840.png (16.74 KB, 200x162, 100:81, spurdo.png) ImgOps iqdb

Does anyone here know what happened to It just 404s when i try to reach it.
If it's down forever i'll be really sad.





File: 1605542605564.gif (4.79 MB, 500x281, 500:281, red cups.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Is there anything good on your "webring"? All I see is useless blog pages without ability to send in comments (statically generated webshit indistinguishable from SEO spam) that don't even contain any articles other than "helo word" and poor manual rewrites titled "how to use %freetard_app-name%" obviously made for their mom to convince her to stop using facebook or something.



>Is there anything good on your "webring"?
Yes there is.



First time in my life i see that meme animated
>Is there anything good on your "webring"?
These are our websites, we can do what we want. And you can visit them if you want. Nobody is pointing a gun at you saying you have to visit them



please, back to your Facebook and Twitter, in these place you can find your beloved "like" and "thumb up" and you can send your post to your friends !!!, in simple word, GTFO



>replying to bait



Your age is showing. Remember,
>Do not post in or view any boards if you are under 18 years of age.





If you don't mind filling out one (1) google reCAPTCHA, you make it someone else's problem and host on neocities. I think they don't allow registration through Tor but VPN is fine.



then make your own site



I noticed you often point to your `poems' page by absolute locator. This might enlabour rehosting.
Nice style; Might break smaller screens.



How do you do that thing with your letters? that rise like ash.






Not them, but look at the stylesheet. It's seven list items within a list with the class "letters", each use the animation "animateLetters", but are supplied slightly different durations and delays.

HTML and CSS are open formats. When all else fails - steal (copy-paste).



This is a great thread, i suggest stick this thread




I found the source code on animating squares that float upwards here:

I want to make it randomized (random characters/ x-position) but I dont want to bother with js yet. It's not something difficult, but it reminded me of how to do css in a day, since I haven't written html in 3 years.

Also, I have corrected its z-axis placement but I just need to update it so that the hrefs are clickable.



Good job.



I'm happy to see greater use of I2P.



It uses garlic routing which is more resistant to traffic analysis than onion routing.



Pomergranate routing when?





Don't forget a soykafty 3d banner like from the 90s



Updated my site a bit. A little bit of content, fixed the href buttons, added the web ring images, but I just cant seem to get that glitched image in the middle of the screen no matter what I tried.

I tried this implementation on how to stack images one atop the other, the glitching effect too and (I think) the problem is in the svg thingy. But i've been scratching my head for a bit long and I have Python to learn. So... any help?



Nice web, maybe you want to add
in the webring banner <a href... so you don't leave your web page when you make click in the banner



good avice, every link that leads to a page outside your own website should have that.



It's a bit of a hacky fix but you could add a 'margin-left: 10%' to .glitchImageContainer. There is probably a deeper issue at hand causing it though, so there may be a more elegant solution. On my machine the image is covering the title text of the webring, so you may want to add a few <br clear="all" />s between the image and the text.



File: 1605929942007.png (6.08 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner (2).png) ImgOps iqdb

>>33813 (OP)
Its me again, idk why the mods deleted my banner the first time but whatever just wanted to tell the people who added it to their site that my URL changed from to just !



no one should add you, youre not participating in the web ring... you just want to advertise.



At first I didn't know that you had to add other banners to your site, I am >>35176, ended up not adding anything because most people didn't add my site anyways because some mod got mad for some unknown reason and deleted my first post, after this second try I waited a sec to see if they delete it again and Yes. I plan to add the other sites to mine. You just assume the worst because you are a no-life glitterboy.



>>34241 >>34257 >>36243 >>36218 here again, Added these at:



>plan to
everyone else in this thread added their webring before they started posting their soykaf, the only glitterboy here is you. your site is like kicking dead whales down the beach btw.



can u even read



IMO, an imageboard isnt in the scope of the webring. Its small sites created by lains - Not a place to advertise alternate imageboards.
Site should be your content or custom written by you, at least.



>You just assume the worst because you are a no-life glitterboy.
This is meant to be a constructive community project. Saying stuff like that doesn't help.
A general-purpose imageboard does seem a little bit out of place in this webring, so don't be too surprised if you don't get much embrace. There is an imageboard webring or two that may be of interest (eg the one is in).



No-one has to do anything.. I add all sorts of things that don't do this or that, or even participate at all. The point of this thread is to encourage net-sites to link to each other, if they want. Since there's a pretty specific culture around here, many sites hence might appeal to many us here. That's the idea, as I understand it. That messageboard doesn't seem to fit perfectly, but whatever: each'll decide whether to point to it. It actually doesn't seem all that bad---I might visit, maybe stay---but what I saw were multiple pointers thence hence, which doesn't look good.. repetition is annoying: just for that, I'll not point to that site. Maybe later, if I forget about it, and it comes to my attention less obtrusively, I might. (Similarly about that net-radio.) One thing one might do, that might appease the personalists, is make a nice personal site, whence that messageboard is pointed. One thing one might do, that might demonstrate a modicum of technique, is accommodate different users, who can't see these or those images, whose sensitive eyes bright light sears,,
>everyone else in this thread added their webring before they started posting their soykaf
I didn't. I was added. Don't make universal statements. Especially that I have any control of: I'll make a counterexample just to spite you.



ty for actual constructive criticism



>Coarse Enigma
>Converting Writers Cafe Documents to Plaintext
Examining an unknown file format and using WxPython to convert Wx RixhText XML to Text.



File: 1606279693382.gif (584.61 KB, 1361x900, 1361:900, my-site-16.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Anons, its been a while! Been checking the thread periodically, but haven't gotten a chance to update my ring until now. Finally up to date, and glad the thread is still going, really cool sites anons!

Added your i2p and onion mirrors to the ring anon! nice job with the mirrors using alternative protocols, need to do the same myself at some point

Good site anon, just need a banner and then will definitely add to the ring.

You can do it anon! Hope you get a site up and running, and will definitely add when it is up.

Nice site anon! I like the idea of internet radios, wish they were more common. Added to the ring with your updated URL!

Great site anon! Like the style and nice collection of banner! Added to the my ring! Also
excellent taste anon

Nice site anon, I like the terminal style! No worries if it isn't updated frequently, still a nice site, added

Good site anon, reminds me a lot of old geocities sites, great style! Added to my ring

Cool site anon! Not a skeleton but I entered anyone. Added to the ring!

Nice, I should try connecting to my site on win98 and see how it renders. Probably not well, but maybe it will still be mostly viewable

I enjoy seeing the different designs and most (probably all) sites have unminified/obfuscated source, so its interesting seeing how others are designing their sites internally. For many of the largest and most frequently used sites theses days there isn't much (virtually nothing without browser tools) you can learn from checking out the source.

Good site anon! I like the background, and good choice of colors. Also nice dwarf in the banner, added

Glad to see you were able to make your site lainon! Will definitely have to go through the blog more, read a few of the posts. If you haven't had a chance yet to check out other phantasy star games, would definitely recommend checking out one of the PSO private servers (assuming they are still around, haven't checked them out in years). Added to my ring!

Nice site anon! it's always nice to check out other image boards people have created. Added


It was great seeing all the new sites that were added, and hopefully I added anyone. If I am missing anyone, feel free to let me know and will add your banner!



You still haven't added coarse_engima.>>37016



I think you need to impose certain lowest threshold for accepting into the webring. Right now it has 2 or 3 absolutely empty websites with no content other than placeholder image.



Its awesome to see lains trying to buidl.



What are you talking about? I made sure that all the sites I added to my list are decent.



I'm just curious, how does one make a web radio? As I imagine it, it'd be a CGI programme that outputs the audio file headers or whatever, and then the actual audio stream. I suppose web television would be similar, but with video data instead. I'm thinking about making a web radio/television station. I think it could be cool, too, if it were possible for someone who has all the same/similar (e.g. can be easily made to sound/look the same) audio/video files, to be able to sync up to what's being played now, but using their own local data, to save bandwidth.



>>37216, I don't know the first thing about it, but wouldn't it be easier to use a pipe file, data from whatever chooses the next video? I'm also not sure about which data---I hear webm is popular and made for streaming.. Aren't there ready programmes for this.. what does lain radio use?



I don't have a banner―dunno if I will: please list as Шедрая Жадница.



Is this link definitely right? My connection is failing.



It didn't work for me, a couple hours ago, now it's fine. She seems to acknowledge it's a bad host, though.





Just curious, >>37256, what does your name mean? (Asks this lainon, not knowing russian either.) The first word seems to be generous, but the second word... I found arse, one letter off: a typo? I see it in multiple places, but it could be by a macro/template. May as well mention another typo: seems you duplicated the word half, in... I'm not really sure how to specify where. Like, I see there's some pretty clear structure in the text, but I can't tell which things are the paragraphs/sentences. (Not to discourage you: I'll be looking forward to reading more.) Anyway, it's near the end, where you mention when you met him, right before that bit about polite company. Also just curious, >>37283, how you inferred their gender, unless that was a typo, too; I didn't see it specified on their site...



>>37290, Жадница is a femmenine noun, that might translate as ``greedy-ass''---playing on жопа/задница (arse/derriere) and жадная (greedy)?



if your website has a banner its fuarrrking bloat



>>37295 Y'all figured that out fast―well, 's already a russian here... Yeah, working on better hosting.
>)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>>37297>if your website has a banner its fuarrrking bloat>>>8*D]



I want to make a small site, too. But I've no idea where to host. the /~ from tilde is cool but I don't want to fill out an interview and socialize in chat.
Neocities seems cool , unfortunately the link from >>33829 is down. Are those two things the only downside to it?
Any other recommended sites?

Or should I just get a small VPS and selfhost? What about a (free) (sub)domain? Is still decent?

Any suggestions welcome



>>37308, I think the default advice is to self-host over TOR.



Use netlify and buy a domain instead of hosting. Netlify is free but if you want a dynamic website youll have to use third party apis. Netlify only serves static websites. I use it for everything it is very fast. I build the site locally on my machine everytime theres an update then upload chanhes to gitlab. Netlify automatically builds it from gitlab whenever theres a change to the repository. If you dont want to use git you can just drop a folder into netlify and it will build from that.



I just looked at some websites posted here and lots of cool stuff! Do you guys who use mostly html and css just make each html by hand or do you use a Static Site Generator like 11ty, Jekyll, Hugo?



File: 1606676841981.png (355.63 KB, 1095x730, 3:2, 1606676806.png) ImgOps iqdb

sorry for dying for 50 years, i updated the thing



>>37308 has a pretty easy signup process



I went with the small VPS I still had somewhere. At least I have a use for it now



I really like your site so far. I also use fzf in the same way! Except for me it replaced rofi.



Thank you very much. In regard to fzf, I really wanted to add icons (like Rofi has) but I wasn't able to find a way to do that outside of vim. Not sure if that means I would need to add the functionality myself, or that I just haven't dug deep enough, but I didn't have much time to explore it properly.



I do it by hand, update it locally and whenever I feel I have added enough to my site I update the files on Neocities.

Amazing aesthetic / color I dig your site a lot.





That's bone solarized colorscheme, the org export template was created by this guy:
I also used the dark version for people who have prefers-color-scheme set to dark, but testing it with --force-dark-mode (chromium) gives mixed results, so I'm not entirely clear on how to make sure it works properly.



how is the .onion going? lol



Incidentally I've actually had the breakup of a pretty long-lasting relationship happen, so I'm really living it right now. Not been answering e-mails or being as proactive as I would like to be, as opposed to enjoying a mild existential crisis.

Hopefully some time soon.



hang in there lain
i wish you the best



File: 1606753232728.gif (795.2 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 1456549635375.gif) ImgOps iqdb

I'm beginning to work on a website, but don't really know where to start because I struggle with finding enjoyment in web dev.
Who knows, maybe I'll be able to sit down and finally develop something amazing.

This might be the most amazing website I have seen. Good content and amazing style, thank you lainon!

To all lainons hosting their stuff at home, doesn't matter if it's a Rasperry Pi or a proper server setup:
How are you coping with your home IP being publicly available with information about you?



Use drugs as I did and get back on the track lol



oh soykaf, wish you the best
>To all lainons hosting their stuff at home, doesn't matter if it's a Rasperry Pi or a proper server setup:
>How are you coping with your home IP being publicly available with information about you?
Have self hosted using my IP address since 2018 and no one has come here to slit my throat.



>Have self hosted using my IP address since 2018 and no one has come here to slit my throat.
That's nice to hear :)
Would still make me feel uneasy tho. People I don't know knowing where I live isn't a nice feeling to me



Then you can self host a .onion. No port forwarding is needed and it's anonymously hosted



It's not even an ester eggs in page code. What is the purpose of such "website"?
><img src="./megumin.png"></img>



Maybe they were going to add more to it soon? They bought a domain and all after all.



>working on starting a website
>have had an IP address for approximately 2 hours
>getting POST requests looking for vulnerabilities instantly
fuarrrking skids lol



File: 1606814933925.png (25.32 KB, 240x60, 4:1, etheriarchos.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1606839929416.png (12.73 KB, 239x60, 239:60, kyubit.png) ImgOps iqdb



Whomt've "they"? I'm sure it was one person who made that site, 98% male. It hangs on the webring since first thread btw.
>>37055 says "all sites are decent", but 2/3 of them are just empty warts of nothingness or boring blogshit hello worlds about html generator script settings. Funny how people who cry about corporate censorship on social networks have nothing to say in reality.



File: 1606849147629.jpg (353.66 KB, 478x425, 478:425, IMG_20201201_141642.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I couldn't agree more but let's stay within topic. This is out of the scope of the thread.

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