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 No.41189[Last 50 Posts]

New people are still joining, so this is part 4 of the webring thread.

Last thread: >>37647

How do I join?

* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website


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heres mine, will add yalls soon!



Not really related to the thread, but I'd figure it'd be a nice way to find some classic GIFs.
Try it if you want:



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hello there



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I didn't know how to get in touch outside of these threads, so I was meaning to warn you, your wallpapers.tar.gz download link 404s.



Yo thanks, I fixed it now. and I added a 404 page too.



unrelated note: what's with the "I don't endorse anything bad they do" I keep seeing under the webrings? obviously I know what it means, but they all sound the same, like there was one person running half the sites on the webring



to be honest I just copy pasted it lol. I'm lazy.



Okay I changed it.





Don't worry just the glowies checking in.



Thanks, added you! Very nice website btw!




I have a whole preamble about how I won't add Cloudflared sites, JS-dependent sites, etc - though that being said I've added 53 and only excluded 8.

Good to be able to point to, as it's an argument I've waged in previous threads and not one I can be bothered with having twice,



Slightly off topic, but I use Cloudflare for DNS, what should I be using? I'm a little new to webdev.



I hate to use as blunt a word, but some of the things Cloudflare is in a position to do are just evil. Refer here: https://codeberg.org/qorg11/stop_cloudflare/src/branch/master/readme/en.md

I understand it has legitimate uses as a CDN, but you need to have a site with a lot of traffic and a lot of heavy content (images, videos) for that to be a useful selling point. I've not had need to look into alternative CDNs.

For doing dynamic DNS, I use https://freedns.afraid.org/. They let you use subdomains for free, and you can register your own domain name with them. They have a web front-end to manage your subdomains, DDNS, etc. All the knowledge it requires is to navigate web pages, and paste commands into 'crontab -e'.

Bear in mind, as a disclaimer, this is just what I use. Others will disagree. Some will tell you just to use Tor and circumvent DNS entirely.



Finally got around to add the webring to my website, you can find it here: https://bendersteed.tech/webring.html

For the people that want to add it to their own websites, you can find the banners collected here.

Nice site, adding you right now.



Oh no I totally think Cloudflare can be/is a malevolent force. I want to move off of it but LainPack has been generating over 500gb of bandwidth per month recently, and I'm scared freeDNS won't be able to do that. Plus, threat protection and (non-intrusive) analytics are nice



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both added to the webring!



Having a quick look just now via search engine, I can see plenty of articles coming up peddling Cloudflare alternatives. That should be enough to compare the pros and cons involved. Honestly, anything that doesn't make people enable JavaScript and fill out captchas would be fine.

>(non-intrusive) analytics are nice

I do mine via shell scripting on my nginx log file. The logs are rotated out after 3 days, so nothing remotely identifiable is kept for long. It keeps everything wholly on my server, and all it contains before being rotated out is IPs (spoofable), user-agents (spoofable), and GET requests.



wait, Cloudflare requires you to enable JS and has captchas?? if so, im getting out ASAP



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I'm regularly behind Tor, or otherwise a proxy, and I have JavaScript disabled across the board. See pic related, it can't even load the captcha because JavaScript is disabled. It's sad to watch.



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Made a better webring if you guys want to use it, but don't bother to change your sites if you already have the original on it



fuarrrk, I had no idea. Looking back, a lot of "threats" cloudflare reported were probably Tor users. I'll be switching off cloudflare tomorrow, but for now I whitelisted Tor on Cloudflare. It works on my Tor browser, but if it doesn't on yours, let me know.



Still blocked for me. I assume they are looking at user-agents. Rather than use Tor Browser for day-to-day, I use Qutebrowser with a SOCKS proxy. I have spoofed a generic Mozilla user-agent, but perhaps that isn't enough.

I may try using the latest user-agent for Tor Browser, I'll pull it with a script. If anyone knows where I could reliably pull it from, let me know, I'll be looking.

>a lot of "threats" cloudflare reported were probably Tor user

Yeah, as far as I've heard, a lot of the reported threats are nonsense.



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Add me m8s, I'll be adding a section in my links page for this webring for sure. Still haven't read half the threads but I've already stumbled upon quite a few I like.

Currently using a self-signed cert for https, hope you don't mind!



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the low effort put into some of these websites (mainly the imageboards who don't mention the webring anywhere on their sites) has led me to change all links on my copy of the webring to rel="nofollow"

fuarrrk your SEO



Great site, added you. I've seen your site before, I recall it as being neohex.xyz in the past. Consider adding the ring locally given the chance.

Also feel I should warn you, I was meandering around, and several Git links under Porjects 404 on my end.



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Finally updated it
also RIP for all the websites in the ring that have dissapeared over the time



I think I posted the site once like a year ago in some internet 2.0 thread back when it still was neohex.xyz, can't believe you recognized it.

Thanks for the heads up, still in the process of moving the repos to the new gitea service.



Added you, glad you de-Cloudflared. I'm quite fond of your site.

I may have just found it through trawling the internet, I wouldn't be sure whether or not I found it through Lainchan specifically at this point. It is a pretty distinctive-looking site.

I've started to notice two "schools" of web design around this particular neighbourhood of the internet. There's a 'Fauux' camp, and a 'Systemspace' camp, of course with some overlap.

My site takes a degree of unashamed inspiration from Fauux. I've seen Angus Nicneven's site, Terminal00, which takes Fauux's style to its logical extreme. Yours looks much closer to Systemspace, and I can see from your links this was intentional (incidentally I was member #6 at Systemspace, was bored and curious at the time, didn't do much with it). I've seen some imageboards and other sites use the scanline effect you're using, Wired-7 and VHSchan come to mind.

I don't have a point in saying all this, I just find it interesting to observe these trends in design over the past several years.



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Banner updated



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r u sure that it's de-cloudflared? shodan says differently



That was updated over a day ago, so it may be wrong. I don't see the typical signs of Cloudflare on my end, which consistently blocks me. Also, SIX10 said he planned to de-Cloudflare it, for what it's worth.

We can see for sure once Shodan updates.



I haven't yet! I set the Cloudflare security thing to "bare minimum" (lowest you can go) and am in the process of searching for an alternative CDN right now.

I'm still new to WebDev, will FreeDNS not like that I serve over a 100gb per month because of LainPack? It's just a rar file.



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I think both Fauux & Systemspace are among the more popular examples of a style that is just different enough from what the mainstream web has to offer, their themes are severely underused as well so there's a lot of room for experimentation. I think most call them "lainsites" since it's perhaps the main underlying inspiration for both, whatever the case there's a certain unique charm to the concept I really enjoy.

It's a shame how we were hyped up to believe that someday we would adopt the cyberpunk aesthetic into our own technology just to end up with lame pastel colors and rounded buttons.

btw if anyone else likes the VHS scanlines effect you can get it here https://xenobyte.xyz/scripts/?nav=scanlines



fuarrrk it, i bought Namecheaps PremiumDNS and quickly set that up. Removed my site from Cloudflare, may take a few for their DNS to update.



Was just about to say I realised I may have mislead you: afraid.org is not a content delivery network, if that's what you're looking for. The files would be uploaded directly from your server, if you were using afraid.org alone. It's just DNS and dynamic DNS, packaged with free subdomains and some useful tools.

That being said, it's a larger, more reliable service than their old-school website would suggest. Their stats claim to process over 300 million queries daily.

Well, glad you worked something out, at least I'm not being barred from accessing your content any more.

I was tempted to go all-out at one point, in regards to the CSS. It's very easy. I thought of doing something with digital snow, but floating upwards, and with parallax - with or without the scanlines also. I tried it, but I found the processor usage unforgivable (yes, I did optimise it to additionally utilise the GPU).

Granted, I have an old machine, but I'd like my site to be usable for as many people as possible.

>there's a lot of room for experimentation

Anyone else reading who hasn't checked out Terminal 00, please do so now, you will have a good time.

>It's a shame how we were hyped up to believe that someday we would adopt the cyberpunk aesthetic into our own technology just to end up with lame pastel colors and rounded buttons.

Cyberpunk is an attitude - live cheap, have a living space in dire need of a repair job, work nocturnally, use salvaged hardware, customise your software, and subsume yourself in wires. Not that I can relate, of course.

Anyone that self-proclaims to be a cyberpunk, however, can, should, and will be subject to scrutiny.



Thank you, I think it's fully up now (although my main machine still can't access it for whatever reason)

Also, I like your site just the way it is! It feels fauux-y but also has it's own distinct flavor. Very comfy.



For style inspiration, I think this site is worth seeing, it's great: https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/

To steal a font, if for nothing else. I'm already deeply entrenched in what I've set up (this was intentional, I could tinker endlessly otherwise), but for anyone else looking to further develop what they're doing, or getting ideas to start working with, I'll leave this here.



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Adding because another lainon told me to.



Added, consider adding a local ring yourself.

I like the look of your site, simple and effective. I like that you have an RSS feed too. Enjoy the X220, it's a meme but I'm maining an X200 at the moment. I've also convinced someone here to add themselves to the ring.



Thank you, I like keeping it simple and as fast as possible to load up on people's devices. The x220 is a decent laptop, and I got a dock for it as well. Probably the only laptop I've ever been able to take apart and put back together in under 30 minutes. The RSS feed is mostly for showing updates on the site, but I'm hoping to use it more. The x200 seems more functional btw, not big on the touchpad on my x220. Trackpoint purity ftw.



>Probably the only laptop I've ever been able to take apart and put back together in under 30 minutes.
Yes, I'm very fond of mine, it's a cute laptop. Great for portability, which was useful as I was doing a lot more travelling before 2020. Weighs less than a couple of pounds without the battery.

It's the first laptop I've had I've cared enough about to take apart every few months, look over, and clean.

And on a minimal Linux install, a Core 2 Duo and up to 8 GB of DDR3 is more than you'll ever need.

>Trackpoint purity ftw.

Yes, truly Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!

I only use a mouse if I'm ever doing heavy image manipulation work, say for an hour or more, for fear of carpal tunnel. Trackpoint is functional for anything lesser.



I just don't like using mice because they get in the way of typing more. I ended up buying a trackpoint included lenovo usb keyboard just to try to minimize the usage of the mouse as well as hotkeys to move windows around my dual monitor setup. I'm almost entirely convinced the mouse is just a meme device that it took Steve Jobs to steal it from Xerox to justify people in buying one.




>And on a minimal Linux install, a Core 2 Duo and up to 8 GB of DDR3 is more than you'll ever need.

I'm rocking here with a corebooted t400 , 4GiB RAM (or something like that i don't really know)
>I only use a mouse if I'm ever doing heavy image manipulation work, say for an hour or more, for fear of carpal tunnel. Trackpoint is functional for anything lesser.
touchpads are the way for everything fnord
I use a trackball mouse, Elecom EX-G and i love it





Oh! I forgot to ask, does anyone know of any good website analytics CLI programs? I run nginx, if that means anything.




I like goaccess



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someone drop all the current links so I can add them



just go on someones site and copy it



Added you. I'll point you in the direction of the local ring I keep on my onion mirror, as I curate that one to have more onion mirrors where available. I figure you're more interested in that.

I have basically all of them, but there's a couple I purposefully excluded for one reason or another (imageboard looking for free advertisement, JS-dependent, Cloudflared, etc) I keep track of in case the situation changes. I'll list them here, plus their banners in the next posts, for those interested.

https://28chan.org/board/ - Free advertisement
http://geocities.ws/skeletons/ - Cloudflared
https://www.heyuri.net/ - Free advertisement
http://kolyma.jp/ - Free advertisement
https://kuz.lol/ - Cloudflared, redacted joining the ring
http://wired-7.org/ - Free advertisement, needs JS to load content in places, autoplay music

That should be literally everything from the past 4 threads (besides saladslab, which moved to born2live.tk). Banners incoming.



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If anyone asks in the future, refer here.



Do you have a directory with all the banners?





I didn't, until about 5 minutes ago. That's a pretty good idea, thanks.

Refer here:

Any I don't actively use for whatever reason are under unused/. Accessing any other directory is still 403, besides those two.



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Finished adding the webring to the links section

If I missed any just let me know



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Here's mine. Still going strong.




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> http harmful
> serves his site over http



>he thinks gemini is a good protocol



Crystaldata here, I haven't updated my site in a while and added all the new people yet because I'm transitioning the site to a self hosted raspi. Thanks to all the people who added me to their site, I will return the favour soon.



but it is




One line per paragraph, or, 1000 chars long lines.
No images
But there are emojis!
Mandatory TLS (Which gives poor support for hidden services)



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>One line per paragraph, or, 1000 chars long lines.
>No images
this is a problem with gemtext and not gemini, actually
>Mandatory TLS (Which gives poor support for hidden services)
just self-sign your certificates, bro. works on my machine



the one line per paragraph is a valid point, and i hope it will be addressed in the near future (especially since gemini blew up recently)

but the whole point of a text based internet is no images lol gopher has been around for decades and no one has ever complained about it being text only



>lol gopher has been around for decades
That's something I've wondered about - sage both for off-topic, and because I don't know what I'm talking about - what makes Gemini different?

I did a quick read up, and read the Gemini thread on here, so to avoid spilling the soykaf. As far as I know, Gemini has the advantage of being encrypted as standard, where Gopher is plaintext (which is not enough) and is unlikely to ever support something like TLS. Although, I think you can get around this with SSH tunneling or Tor - and I might prefer to do so, since Gopher has more support in existing browsers I already use regularly (for example, Lynx).

I've thought about making a Gopher before, when I have more free time. I might be sold on Gemini if there's more to it than just the fact it is encrypted, and being purposefully inflexible.



I think gemini is like kicking dead whales down the beach (https://kill-9.xyz/harmful/software/gemini)
Gopher is not plain text, it supports html files and all of that, see gopher://qorg11.net
And well, about SSL, you're right, it doesn't, being realistic, as long as your son is not an ebin gombuder hagger :DDD you'll be safe without TLS things. but yeah you can always make a .onion as i did



>Gopher is not plain text
Ah, I meant that in the sense that it's not encrypted, I should have used clearer language. I'm aware Gopher can serve basically any file. As a side note, I'm quite fond of the idea of serving content with an explicit directory structure, just seems intuitive to me.

I like encryption as a general principle, that, and I know far too many people on a personal level that could use a cleartext site against me, even if it was just as a joke.



>Ah, I meant that in the sense that it's not encrypted, I should have used clearer language. I'm aware Gopher can
ah, lmao
well check my gophersite anyways

>I like encryption as a general principle, that, and I know far too many people on a personal level that could use a cleartext site against me, even if it was just as a joke.

.onion or .i2p then, or weird things with ssh/socat



by weird things with socat i mean something like this
socat  TCP-LISTEN:8082,fork SOCKS4A:,socksport=9050 



Explanation: this basically takes port 70 from lainwir3dfshkjfsdfsd.onion and makes it your port 8082, all request you send to the port 8082 will be encrypted using tor, but you can access port 8082 via clearnet



That's pretty cool, thanks, I'll take a note of it.



nvm, i sniffed packages and this does absolutely nothing, so don't try it.



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>gemini considered harmful
>alternatives: http
>http considered harmful



I guess the same thing will happen with ssh tunnels as your gopher client don't know how to encrypt to a ssh tunnel
Everything gets the axe at kill-9
>Be aware that in the section about software I’m not saying “STOP USING THAT SOFTWARE IT SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS” i’m saying that the software has some soykafty points.





Why cannot I access it using tor? (clearnet address)



I've been playing around with AbuseIPDB's API to block botnets in iptables recently, and more than likely your exit node was recently used to brute force someone's SSH or something dumb like that, so it got blocked. I haven't implemented filtering out the Tor exit nodes from the blocklist the API gives me yet



Ah, well I just use fail2ban (https://qorg11.net/https://qorg11.net/sshban.txt) and that's it
also, set
PasswordAuthentication No 
in your sshd_config and you won't have to worry about brute force unless there's a new ssh vuln



>I guess the same thing will happen with ssh tunnels as your gopher client don't know how to encrypt to a ssh tunnel
Hm, I suppose that's true, I'll see when I get around to it. If all else fails and I'm still intent that I want to set up a Gopher, I could just use an onion address.

As it is my HTTP sites work fine in text based browsers, although the layout doesn't translate to text as well as it could. It would be good to have something better suited for that environment.



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I was busy removing stuff from my website, as well as soykaf like online exams and I haven't posted here since my last post on the previous thread. So here's my updated version of the webring.



Gemini is basically Gopher 2. Gopher isnt in active development anymore (although it still gets use), and therefore it won't be able to keep up with growing security standards.

Gemini is in active development, and while it says it wants to be a "middle-ground" between gopher and https, it's really just a successor to Gopher, which is fine. I really like plaintext, but I don't think its going to replace https. It's really only going to find use in hobbyists (although it would be badass if it doesn't!)



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Added a graveyard for the webring. where's yukinu?



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yes, I already know what fail2ban is. I'm more competent than I look.

I updated the script a few days ago to remove Tor exit nodes from the list of IPs to be blocked. It's (probably) working now.

Gemini nerds will talk a big game about "muh community" and "muh compassion" and then bully anyone who doesn't have a pathological obsession with minimalism at all costs. Which is like kicking dead whales down the beach, because the protocol is a cool concept, but I feel like I take psychic damage every time I go onto the mailing list.

Anyways, about to go physically segregate the websites in the webring too lazy to even mention it on their own sites



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Finally made a site, still a wip but I added the webring



Down again. I've given up on salvaging old single-boards I have lying around, and I'm sourcing something new. Don't be surprised if I'm gone for a few days.



hail eris



Still here and checking out the threads every once in a while. Saw my site went down and haven't had the time yet to bring it back up. Have been trying to reorganize a few things, think about what else I want to add to my site, and have been working on a few other side projects that occupy a lot of time. I have a lot of banners to add to my ring, and will add everyone and get my site up and running as soon as possible!



renew your certs!
your sites down! pity, I was just about to mention how much I loved the design in a gemini article :(



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my site is NOT down. either your DNS servers are soykafty or your IP was recently used in an attack (check abuseipdb.com) and so it's blocked in my iptables. lazy people can also use http://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion



I don't have a banner. Probably won't---don't like 'em. I'm goat on the tilde. Here's where I might add your things: https://tildezero.xyz/~goat/#rigmarole



You're right. I've tried multiple DNS servers and my IP isn't on abuseipdb. Interesting...



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IG if someone really wanna banner.



what's the point of abuseipdb?



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I like when people literally copypaste the webring from my website, lol
(this isn't sarcasm/irony)



I'll do the same when I stop being lazy and update mine then.



added, but im sadly not on yours :( (and I guess qorgs too)



Oh, I'll add you, i couldn't access your website because it was cloudflared but i'll add it tomorrow most likely



quickest way I found that worked
going to add you rn



Also added!
Yours was one of my favorites, come back soon :(



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I'm nowhere an artist but I tried to make a banner. This thread got me into HTML and I'm very glad it did. I haven't had this much fun in a long time




>brain fog
Very relatable. It takes me ages to write a blog post, a single paragraph can take like 4 hours before it becomes 'good' enough for me.



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Quite stylish for a first site, added

You have some nice tunes there, added

Started that cult yet? Added too>>41893



Added, this thread is what got me to finally put together a site as well. Love your design!



thank you, your website is full of very interesting projects as well. i'm checking out all of the freeware stuff.



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Hey guys, hope this isn't spam or anything but I just wanted to drop off to say I've added almost everyone



I've added yours earlier as well, your website is really nice looking



six10.pw gonna be down for a bit as i transfer from Digital Ocean to Vultr. was planning for this to be short, but digital ocean is having some network wide issues rn and it's pushing me back. see yall soon.



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And back again, finally. That was an ordeal, I seem to have horrible luck with these things.

Added. You may not be an artist but I like your style. I keep some tiling wallpapers, I've attached those I have of stars, you may like them.
mv stars.txt stars.tar; tar -xvf stars.tar



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Updated the thing
Which reminds me I listened a song from Cave Story yesterday so I had to add the cave story stars background to my site



Damn it, I didnt pay attention to there being a new thread. I will add all the newfriends now.



also lol'ing at the over 600 requests to variations of /.env I've gotten as if I failed to secure my files. it does indicate that people actually do read my posts and look at my pictures which is novel to know though



File: 1613864426183.gif (15.22 KB, 240x60, 4:1, webring.gif) ImgOps iqdb

i updated the banner for nyom.ru





File: 1613903226683.gif (71.3 KB, 960x640, 3:2, saudade.gif) ImgOps iqdb

this thread has inspired me to pick back up html/css and make a site. i'll join the webring when i'm done, having fun so far



Could you open source your website on git?



They self-host their git repos here https://git.concealed.world/



File: 1613943303846.png (3.36 KB, 240x60, 4:1, perktold.xyz.png) ImgOps iqdb




>I endorse all of the content on all of these pages and support any and all views the authors may have.

I like that you're taking the bold approach.

This guy >>42191 beat me to it. As a general disclaimer, if I make tiny changes (e.g. adding a style to default.css) I may not bother to push it immediately, and instead wait until there are a collection of more meaningful changes. It's never far behind.

I also don't include the content of my articles on Git, or resources (e.g. images) used in articles, because why would I?


If you lifted the code as-is it should give you a functional site, which works the same way mine does. I use nginx, but it should be web server agnostic. Articles use a one-line snippet of PHP, and the rest is plain HTML. I use shell scripts (also on my Git server) to generate them, but you could write them by hand.

I don't honestly expect anyone to just use my site as-is (not that I can stop you, of course), it primarily exists for two reasons:

1. As a (hopefully) useful example.
2. For people that are understandably concerned about what my server-side code is doing.

It was one of the first things I wanted to get done when I made my site.



added. i like your site and look forward to seeing your project assignments



That git page looks slick





>That git page looks slick
It's just stagit (https://git.codemadness.org/stagit/file/README.html), with a dark CSS sheet and set up automatically with a shell script run from post-recieve. I'm happy with it.



extremely unrelated but i made a mirror of your website, check your email for more details



As always you're a blessing.



are you even checking if site is dead or not? I see so many sites are no more in that webring

so much flash in the pan



Someday I will either remove them or put them aside to mark them as part of the history of the webring as I've seen some others have done, but I've kept dead links up thus far just for the assumption that they could come back. I've also started to have mixed feelings about people who don't have the webring linked or even mentioned on their page. It's not that I don't wish them to have traffic, but it just feels purpose defeating to be part of a webring and not have a links section yourself. I really like the rabbithole effect that this sort of thing enables.



You give them bandwidth but they don't give you any.
What annoys me a lot is when someone joins the webring and then die irl about a month or two later.



have you successfully transferred yet? I am impatiently waiting for new posts :(



File: 1614159508120.gif (2.37 MB, 272x323, 16:19, caption (1).gif) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1614213276863.png (3.96 KB, 88x31, 88:31, anicebanner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Sorry for not updating the webring page, I changed my sites layout today!
I've added everyone I was missing from this thread but if your sites in a webring and I missed it just reply
I love that flickering text



jakesthoughts.xyz is moving to self host
there will probably be some weirdness when accessing it for some time



I'm moving and my server is moving with me. I may be down for some time tomorrow, the worst case unlikely scenario being for a few days. Hopefully things settle down after that.

qorg is hosting a mirror a few days behind the live site: http://ijpvh2wyevtm4pxcnducuzp5f6nisxpiczutk5v7ol6wi7ar62xk5lad.onion/



that was much less painful than I thought it was going to be
Good luck!



please update the banner you have for me. https://mayvaneday.art/banner.png since lainchan won't let me upload it again

also, I don't know what you did in the rewrite, but it almost crashed my phone (with Javascript disabled, too)



I have added everyone https://cumbia.neocities.org/



And dunno about that, works on my phone, but I know fc2 is one of those soykafty webhosts that injects ads so hopefully you have adblock on, there's no crazy CSS3 animation abuse anymore
Or it might be just trying to load a bunch of images from another site (pomf.cat and catbox.moe)



File: 1614440813173.jpg (221.28 KB, 980x653, 980:653, campana.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Are you from pic related by any chance?



File: 1614632016020.png (46.39 KB, 1093x206, 1093:206, cringe.png) ImgOps iqdb

Lainchan (cringe), pic related makes me not even want to participate.
Besides, half the sites are dead or were too lazy to add a webring page from the start and I constantly see people argue who they even allow on their ring based on what they are hosting it on. Not saying not allowing cloudgay sites is unwarranted and it's everyones right and decision in the end, but it makes the webring almost look like an elaborate joke.



That's hilarious, what site is this?



File: 1614634326476.jpeg (179.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, lain arrecha.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Really? This person is dividing motherfugging websites if they're based cringe or soy? like the rules of this fuarrrking webring were clear: add websites if you want. no need to throw soykaf to other webmasters



Better stop misbehaving, or you will be put on the list.



File: 1614634782422.jpg (21.58 KB, 474x381, 158:127, robe.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Go for it, create a section just for my website, using the most pejorative adjective you can think of.





what do you think about redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS? is it enough to just offer HTTPS or should it be assumed to be desired by default?



My website doesn't redirect from http to https for compatibility reasons. But if you can *use* the https version, always give encryption in your websites, even if you think it is not necessary.



Thanks, that's how mine is set up already too so I'll just keep it as is



File: 1614706371895.jpg (38 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, download (3).jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>not sharing my website because im embarrassed by how basic it is




>not sharing my website because I've bought the domain/hosting/etc. but haven't actually made it yet
It could be worse



it being basic is part of the fun anon! if you want you could go give yourself an hour or two to learn and play with CSS and come up with something you find more unique



I'm the opposite. Got a site drafted up but I just can't decide on a VPS provider. Definitely don't want to self-host and risk getting attacked by skids.

I do have a domain, though, just been using it to point to my home server for nextcloud/etc.



Yeah, to be fair my domain/hosting is hosting my git and email but the website is literally <body>Hello World!</body>



File: 1614714474811.gif (1.11 MB, 476x280, 17:10, blue_array.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Might as well ask here. Do you guys know of a good CDN service for small projects / less than 1 GB of media?



File: 1614879938913.png (3.73 KB, 240x60, 4:1, bigqorg.png) ImgOps iqdb

A raspi
Also, can you please update my banner? or don't update it if you don't want to, do whatever you feel like, that's what's important



File: 1615130547061.gif (1.39 MB, 640x79, 640:79, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Website is https://coolio321.xyz. On Tor as well. Has a rainbow background that I like, I've hosted this site for a few months now for fun.





Seems neocities is bretty popular

Can anyone tell me if they allow having a robots.txt file yet? I think last time I checked (a while ago now) you couldn't have a txt file in your main folder or something like that. I just do not want my site to be cached and archived without my permission.



that's silly, in the first place every bot in the world can decide for themselves whether they want to follow the robots.txt or not



File: 1615219429039.jpeg (173.24 KB, 640x622, 320:311, don't fuck with a skyrim ….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

> I just do not want my site to be cached and archived without my permission.
get your own server and IP ban waybackmachine/archive.md in iptables. or just don't have a clearnet address

not >>42589, but updated

did you even read the description? the categorization is based on whether or not they keep up with the webring, not on the content of the website. Lainons stay illiterate



Hey, XENOBYTE. You seem to be pointing my banner, >>41893
, at a different website, https://tildezero.xyz/, than my website, http://jlynnxdjlnav7zzi4mhzhfry76ln2biaudyucn3dz6soiwolauuepwid.onion/, or copies http://коза.lain.la/, http://lh22ochx45fpimdekzbx6mh5h5fzoxcp3gyw7qhbv43m3guep54gurad.onion/, http://tildezero.xyz/~goat/.
My presence in concealed.world's lainchan webring page is acceptable, for example.



File: 1615318646598.jpg (187.18 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, 1580696410169.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Fixed, must've slipped while I was adding the webring. sorrry m8

Added, might want to resize your banner tho



What's a good banner resolution to use?



File: 1615771308033.gif (128.99 KB, 240x70, 24:7, coolio321_banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

I went ahead and resized it for my webring, pic related.
If you remove 17 frames it goes to around 65KiB



>>43140 huh. I could've sworn that I made it 240x60



is there an archive for the first webring thread?



File: 1616339139279.gif (12.27 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

This is cool! I'll add the webring soon! Here is my banner and address: http://funwithhakase.pl



Rip bonezone :(((





Damn anon, I need some help. I've got my site, and I'm ready to launch it and join the ring, but...
I've got no vps.
What would you recomend? I'd like to find something not too high in price, because of the soykafhole country and salary I have.



vultr is cheap.



vultr is $3.50 a month at the lowest reasonable offering
or just use neocities for free if it's just static html/css



Thanks, I'll try vultr.
It's only html/css **as I'm trying to evade js as hard as I can** but there are some audio files which can not be uploaded with free neocities plan. Thanks for the hint.



Damn, I didn't know neocities had that restriction



File: 1616898384982.gif (44.01 KB, 480x120, 4:1, zanza.gif) ImgOps iqdb

been working on new banners so now lainons have a choice of which visual abortion of mine to put on their site!
will add more as I make them




File: 1617038689773.png (11.59 KB, 240x60, 4:1, newbanner.png) ImgOps iqdb

updated my banner (my old banner was made in under 1 minute in gimp)
I will try to add anyone new in the webring





File: 1617066224528.jpg (18.64 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

New user here, I'll join.
This is my new site entirely made with HTML + CSS. Work in progress.
Gotta say I've dived into this webring y'all got going and I like it quite a bit. I'll add a local webring when I get the chance here. Here's my soykaf banner.



anon-kun, you forgot to put a link to your site :(







added, nice sites too. glad we're still getting new posters in the webring.



Can i get some feedback on my thoughts page (born2live.tk) ?
I've been experimenting with static site generators (I use my own basic script) and I'm pretty happy with te result.



I am not really sure what you are asking for but I'll take a shot...
You could add more webring banners, your dotfiles.tar.xz is 404, microblog... maybe date the posts (with the year included), but up to you, of course. I suggest that because otherwise it just feels like wall of text rather than a blog that gets updated here and there. Some people may complain about the contrast between the paragraphs and the white background, slightly too grey-whiteish. Add an RSS feed? Since it is a microblog, 'width' of the blog itself is fine due to the font-size. If you had a 'long paragraph' it wouldn't hurt to be liberal with the newlines but what you have now,as an example, is completely fine. other than that it seems nice too me



noted thanks, this is exactly what i was looking for



File: 1617238803623.gif (1.07 MB, 1152x730, 576:365, webring-20.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hello Lainons, it took me a while, but I'm finally back online! Ended up switching hosting providers and have just been very busy lately. But my site should be up for the foreseeable future!

Great site anon, like the matrix aesthetic and nice wallpapers! Added to my ring

Nice site lainon, good use of minimalism and nice lainpack! Also, <style> tags go in the <head> (although you can generally put them anywhere, browsers are very forgiving with tag placement). Added

Very aesthetic site anon, and excellent scripts! Added to the ring, and will add your RSS feed to my reader as well. Also, think your cert might need to be renewed, get a cert error when connecting through HTTPS

Cool site lainon, like the aesthetic and nice articles! Will add to both my ring and RSS reader.

Nice onion site anon! Added

Awesome site lainon, the text effect is really cool, going to have to look to at source and see how you did it! Added to my ring

Cool looking site anon, reminds me of websites you used to see on the old internet! Added

Very nostalgic looking site lain anon, well done! The gifs are a great touch and the background looks great, definitely the kind of site you used to see on the old internet! Added to the ring (also green is my pepper)

Cool site anon, nice background and great taste in the "some stuff I like" section! Added

Awesome site anon, I like the banners on the front page, and cool stuff in the /ls/ directory. Added to my webring

Of course you can join anon, added! Also, very aesthetic site, great background, and pretty cool that you can browse the site using on the terminal!

Nice site lain anon, great choice of software and hardware! Added to both my ring and my RSS feed reader

Amazing site lainon, I signed the guest book, and excellent taste in anime! Added to my ring


Thank you anons for keeping the webring going, this project has been great fun! Also, just realized there are more banners to add to my site, and will get to adding those as soon as possible.



Glad you're back



File: 1617309952142.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pic-window-210401-1546-03.png) ImgOps iqdb

Anon you're back! Love your site btw.
I updated mine here and added in the pic related. Hope you don't mind that I basically copied yours :p



File: 1617318613653.png (34.63 KB, 240x60, 4:1, born2live.png) ImgOps iqdb

I just updated the webring on my site. I noticed some of you still have my old domain/banner on your rings, it's ok to remove it, as my site is now BORN2LIVE.
Using a little vim magic to extract all the images and links makes me feel like a god heh
I'll be adding more projects to my site tonight as well



File: 1617337763694.png (590.32 KB, 748x789, 748:789, webring.png) ImgOps iqdb

Added more sites!
I really liked your video on DRM man, looking forward for more
Hey! Nice to see you back
I need to start learning some vim magic myself (kinda stuck on just copy paste, really newbie stuff).



File: 1617342569435.jpg (157.39 KB, 977x806, 977:806, updated_webring.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Updated your banners

Added, like the 90s vibes of your site.

Interesting thoughts, anon. I too consider the great power of technology as nothing short of magic and those that understand it as wizards. I hope you further explore the idea in future blog posts, added to the webring.



Thank you anon. I actually made an addendum to that video you can check out. (https://extramundane.xyz/blog/website-changes-and-an-addendum-to-dangers-of-drm.html)
>I hope you further explore the idea in future blog posts
If not in a blog post, I'll definitely do it in a video.



Add my website and I'll add you back when I see it from referers. It's 100% jewniggercock free since 1995.



File: 1617657219593.gif (38.85 KB, 240x60, 4:1, omicron.gif) ImgOps iqdb

These threads encouraged me to finally work on the site I wanted to finish. If you could add me, that would be wonderful!




Now this is SOUL. Great site anon, adding you now



Cool! Gonna add it soon!



>that website is running only CSS and one script to make it look that good
my compliments anon. you really made that site sparkle.
I have added it to the webring.



File: 1617749437711.jpg (892.87 KB, 986x813, 986:813, latest.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Very informative site, I've yet to thoroughly check it out but the plumbing section alone will save me some headaches in the future. You need a banner, though.


I like the early DOS style and that intro boot sequence is really cool. Added.



File: 1617796663680.png (808.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, webring-updates.png) ImgOps iqdb

wow there was a lot of activity since I last checked, I (hope I) got up to speed and added everyone. Some really cool new sites :o

>did you even read the description?
the categorization is still edgy



File: 1617828141311.jpg (86.34 KB, 351x371, 351:371, No_Humanity 0.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

https://deurist.neocities.org/ Here,

I forgot about this, sorry, soykaf has hit the fan lately and I had my desktop formatted about three times.

I had made some changes but I didn't commit them on neocities. Also, I am hardcore job hunting (and failing) so yeah....

I promise I'LL DO BETTER



File: 1617912434162-0.png (4.34 KB, 240x60, 4:1, 2.alsnetbiz.com.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1617912434162-1.png (5.86 KB, 240x60, 4:1, alsnetbiz.com.png) ImgOps iqdb

I like your website, it has some actual content on it (unlike mine lel).
Not sure if you want to be part of the webring but i threw together some banners so i can add you.



>I don't like the words you're using.
Neither do I, >>44432, neither do I.



Added, also like your style. Sometimes when I'm feeling that I should have gone for something more minimal, rather than stew in the current mess I have created, I have in mind something similar to what you have here.

If you're cool with the banner from >>44465, I'll add you.

On that note, why do you have both perktold.xyz and unix.tirol serving the same webpage? I recognised your site, but for a second was worried I had missed adding you. Is there a domain I should prefer?



File: 1617970880657-0.png (3.04 KB, 240x60, 4:1, unix.tirol.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1617970880658-1.png (2.75 KB, 240x60, 4:1, 2.unix.tirol.png) ImgOps iqdb

Sorry for the confusion, i've moved from perktold.xyz to unix.tirol, the only reason I haven't announced it yet is that i'm not quite happy with my new banner.
Anyways, it won't get much better and at least i like it better than the old banner so here we go;

Please replace perktold.xyz with unix.tirol and use one of the new banners. I recommend using the first banner for sites with dark background and the second one for light backgrounds.

Thank you and always love Lain(ons)



File: 1618001199987.png (38.17 KB, 381x198, 127:66, update-lol.png) ImgOps iqdb

got you updated my friend



More like titrol lol



thank you :)
i seem to have missed adding your page, sorry for that. please tell me if i'm missing anyone else



File: 1618263050403.png (3.3 KB, 240x60, 4:1, F3blog.png) ImgOps iqdb

Good evening,
I am back from the void with a new domain https://fönixfogelfuchs.eu/ and starting tomorrow I finally add some contents on the Site.
Had trouble with University and forgot about the site ._.



File: 1618346737095.png (78.11 KB, 1158x325, 1158:325, Screenshot from 2021-04-10….png) ImgOps iqdb

I love you all so much, and I eagerly look forward to getting my site spruced up well enough to be a peer in this.



File: 1618394885551.png (710.88 KB, 1624x816, 203:102, 1618394918.png) ImgOps iqdb

For better or for worse, i updated my webring



File: 1618514379244.png (4.37 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1618522418377.png (94.38 KB, 659x428, 659:428, 2021-04-15-233328_659x428_….png) ImgOps iqdb



>clusterfuck of logos
>no easy way to see any useful info about each site
>half the links are dead
aaaaaand welcome to the early 2000s.



This is practically the whole point of the web ring lmao



Webrings actually make some sense on i2p, but I've yet to see an eepsite-only webring.



File: 1618632406023.png (12.97 KB, 240x60, 4:1, BannerAttempt.png) ImgOps iqdb

Here's mine, adding everyone as I go so stay tuned, everything is under construction so mind the ugly.



File: 1618653444206.png (830.68 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ksnip_20210417-115339.png) ImgOps iqdb

added, the minimalistic theme really appeals to me
comfiest cabin on the internet
also, if you like cmus so much, maybe check out >>24411



fuarrrk, how do cross references work anyways? triple angle brackets? >>>24411
removed sage because the sage was accidental



These (((websites))) are created by normalfаggots.



File: 1618668789906.png (28.41 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1618666879235.png) ImgOps iqdb

Finally getting caught up again after a few days of madness.

Updated, new banner too. I should add, I might suggest exploring your options in regards to the background, the gif uses a painful amount of processing power. Granted, of course, I do browse the ring with an Apollo guidance computer.

Moved you from the 'dead' to the 'alive' section, new domain included.

I love you too random citizen.

Might be an odd compliment but I really appreciate the level of detail in your banner, of all things. It looks really nice. Added, of course, etc.

Got you added.

>I also sit in coffee shops for extended periods of time drinking cups of coffee and tapping away on a laptop that is older than the Apollo guidance computer. Smart fridges scare me and I unplug Alexas when I enter a room.

I can already tell you'll fit in here.



File: 1618713460896.jpg (28.03 KB, 429x399, 143:133, mmhmm.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Thanks a lot, I am still working on putting everything together and I'm still learning whilst also learning more about how HTML and CSS interact and how to format everything properly. I do really like cmus, it is just the bare minimum and on my not-so-good hardware it really plays nice with my equipment and tech.
Thanks, Ive been reading threads and stuff for a while now but this is actually the first thread that I've contributed to.



make a better one then, fagit

changed my background to something more AGC-compatible, also your site seems to be down



File: 1619058174878-0.gif (1007.79 KB, 1581x890, 1581:890, webring-21.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Updated my ring to add the new banners, there are some great new sites!

Thanks anon!

>Hope you don't mind that I basically copied yours :p

Feel free to use any stuff, text, or formats from my site anon!

Added the new banner and site to my ring! I'll keep the old one as well, I like to leave all the banners up even if the site changes for historical purposes.

>Hey! Nice to see you back

Glad to be back lainon!

Extremely good site anon, this is very well done, and the style is spot on! Also the loading screen was a great touch, added to my ring!

Added the new site to the webring! Interesting TLD, I've never seen this one before

Thanks for sharing the updated link anon, I updated my ring with the new one

Keep working on it lainon, will definitely add it once its done!

You're in anon! Interesting music, I'll have to listen to some of these albums

The point of the ring is not to be some polished product or even easy to navigate or use, but rather just a fun collection of links, sites, and banners to share with everyone, similar to how it was done in the past.

Very comfy site anon, added to my webring!



Do you guys keep your sites separated from IRL somehow or no? I want to have a website where I put a bunch of my stuff, which I want to share with both internet strangers and probably IRL people. For example, Git repositories/code—are there any precautions that should be taken to keep it anonymous? Is it bad to use my initials or something for my username? Does this stuff really matter/is it a concern?



Ideally it wouldn't be necessary, but I've found that it's best to compartmentalize, control the flow of information, and the lower the signal to noise the better. It has served me well, and when I didn't bother to starve the world of information and potential leverage, it did exactly what I was wired to expect.



Whether it matters or not is up to you. I choose to keep IRL and online identities completely separate to the point of even using fake info + cryptocurrency for my domain registration and vps.
True freedom of speech only comes with anonymity and I don't want to worry about how my soykafposts today will affect my career in 10 years.

>Is it bad to use my initials or something for my username?

Initials alone wouldn't be a problem but all it takes is someone to put together the pieces. If you want to show your website to people IRL just make sure you know what other accounts your pseudonym will lead to and if it would be a problem.



im still finishing up the redesign of my site but once its up i'll drop a link here



Added, welcome!

Thanks, although it might have more to do with me being a noob than some aesthetic, but I think I got it in the way I wanted.

Thank you, it's some public domain videogame assets that I mixed together and slapped in the name.

Thanks, hope you like some of it.

I think it depends on what do you want to hide, but in general, if you don't put your real name and it's not something you use on things associated with your real name you should be fine. Two initials I think could be safe, have you tried searching them to see what shows up? Biggest thing if you want to share with both people you know and people you don't know but remain anonymous to the second group is to make the first one not leak who you are. Don't let them post on twitter "Here's anon-kun website, go take a look: Ak.net"

Waiting for you



I use my site mostly to share my work so despite I use a nickname I don't separate them too much, but also I'm not sharing every single thing I do. I tend to maintain the thing mostly "on topic"



File: 1620045429448-0.png (8.38 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Banner.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1620057036607-0.gif (295.43 KB, 700x704, 175:176, glitch_lain_11.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hey, thanks for this thread.
I don't have a website, but I'm glad I could find some really nice ones in here.



This, I've been revisiting this thread for website design inspiration. (Although, I am still sort of stuck about exactly what to put on my site and in which way)



iiiis this really a webring? seems more like a collection of buttons, idk
webrings usually have control panels to easily loop through the sites and soykaf like that

i got something like that set up on my site but its fairly janky right now, probably gonna tear out the guts and rework it eventually



It looks like you scraped MayVaneday's website a long time ago and stripped away most of the content.



File: 1620096000772-0.gif (44.06 KB, 240x60, 4:1, tardzone.gif) ImgOps iqdb

heres my webshite


its kindof autistic sorry



File: 1620121796311-0.jpeg (45.59 KB, 720x894, 120:149, tv_lain.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

I figure here's as good a place to ask as any.
What's the best way to get started on making my own website in the vein of what most of the people on here have going on?
I know how to code, but I've never touched HTML or CSS in my life.



I won't lie, I kinda did rip mayvaneday's design and changed a lot about it to tailor it. There aren't too many elements left unchanged from the design, mostly just the colours and hr tags

From doing this, I did learn a whole lot about html and css though.

If I could get in contact with them, I'd like to discuss it and apologise for this though, you are right.



get a neocities account and read up about soykaf on w3schools



>falls off the chair and implodes



don't gotta go spoiling layer 13 like that damn



File: 1620190477523-0.jpg (76.63 KB, 960x612, 80:51, 121591346_3314907338544779….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Learn HTML and CSS to make webpages on your own local computer.

Learn ssh to connect to other computers.
Learn scp to copy files from your computer to a server computer.
Make an account ($1 for life) on the SDF and keep a webpage on there for the rest of forever.



>noooo yo can't paint your house the same color as my house



Gemini is redundant; why a simple text based protocol needs mime type idk, Gopher does the job very well without mime types.

Watch me >:D



Here's my entry in to the webring btw:




File: 1620249543748-0.gif (259.86 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, pixel_lain.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>read up about soykaf on w3schools
>get a neocities account
I'mm actually considering buying a cheap domain and self hosting. Just to have that extra bit of control and because it's something I would like to learn.
Thanks for the lengthy reply.
>Make an account ($1 for life) on the SDF and keep a webpage on there for the rest of forever.
What exactly is it/how does it work? As mentioned to the other Lainon I was considering self hosting on a Pi eventually, mostly because then I finally have a use for the one collecting dust on my shelf and since it's something I'd like to learn.
I'm assuming there isn't much I can fuarrrk up in terms of security and my dumb gimmick site won't attract enough attention to be much of a burden on my internet connection.
Though I haven't looked into it yet.



oh, i'm on SDF (username's baguette), it's pretty good
it's a public-access unix system, you dont NEED to pay them a dollar but it speeds up your verification if you do

once you're verified, you run a command and it automatically symlinks a directory in your home dir to their webserver soykaf, then you just stick your site files in that folder and it sorts itself out

SDF's been going since 1987 so they're unlikely to fall through any time soon, too

im also that neocities lainon and i will say that self-hosting is more dangerous than using something like neocities or SDF - hosting on your own hardware means port forwarding, which means you need to be incredibly vigilant about security, lest some dickhead fuarrrks up your entire network



How would opening port 80 and 443 enable someone to "fuarrrk up your entire network"?



File: 1620270342720-0.png (2.66 KB, 240x60, 4:1, beedge.png) ImgOps iqdb

Added to my site! Finally decided to make a banner, though it's kinda boring



believe it or not apache can absolutely have security vulnerabilities



File: 1620324413782-0.png (29.48 KB, 240x60, 4:1, thealchemistbanner.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1620349282554-0.png (4.05 KB, 240x60, 4:1, button.png) ImgOps iqdb


Forgot the button for the links




File: 1620355406546-0.txt (987 B, 200x200, 1:1, i2p.txt) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1620355406546-1.txt (3.31 KB, 200x200, 1:1, everyone.txt) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1620355406546-2.txt (1.13 KB, 200x200, 1:1, tor.txt) ImgOps iqdb

Here is a list I made of everyone in the webring and a script to turn them into <a> <img> elements

everyone.txt has every site on the webring using clearnet addresses first, then tor if there isn't one available.
tor.txt has all sites available over tor
i2p.txt has all sites available over i2p

The script uses one of the lists as an arg for example:
./make-webring.sh everyone.txt
will output:
<a href="https://0x1bi.net/" target="_blank"><img src="/webring/banners/0x1bi.png"></a>
<a href="https://28chan.org/" target="_blank"><img src="/webring/banners/28chan.png"></a>
<a href="http://alienozi.c1.biz/" target="_blank"><img src="/webring/banners/alienozi.gif"></a>
a few banners will need style="width:240px;height:60px;" in the <img> tag since their banners aren't 240x60

All the banners are here https://tard.zone/webring/banners/
wget -r -np https://tard.zone/webring/banners/ 
I'll try to keep the lists updated here https://tard.zone/webring/

This should make it easier for new people joining the ring since manually adding 80 sites is like kicking dead whales down the beach and the old threads are gone

file=$(cat $1)
for ass in $file

shart=$(echo $ass | cut -f1 -d,)
fart=$(echo $ass | cut -f2 -d,)

echo "<a href="\""${shart}"\"" target="\""_blank"\""><img src="\""/webring/banners/${fart}"\""></a>"



what does \x1bi do? dont feel like opening up dat manual to be honest




that's my url except it's missing the zero in the front



but is it a real escape code / escape sequence?



This is the best website I've ever seen; well done lain.






Added. A lot of your stuff looks pretty interesting, I think I'll be liable to check it out in more detail over coming weeks. Also commending your music taste.

Added, like the clean design, you'll make me debate stripping my website down again.




0x1b is ^[ beziehungsweise ESC in vi
0x1bi is escapeinsert

sorry for spoonfeeding



thanks a lot brother, vim magic does the job but this is way less tedious



File: 1621037541493-0.png (3.76 KB, 240x60, 4:1, button.png) ImgOps iqdb

Unmitigated schizoposting inbound! I will absolutely regret this in the morning when I am less intoxicated.



Pretty interesting, will add you. I hope you don't take it down it's nice work





I just want to say this website looks awesome



Just please add a rss feed so I can remember you



Hey guys, long time no see. I had no time to update the webring. Will probably do this weekend. It's really nice to see the entire thing alive and well. Even thriving.

Se y'all later.



here you go https://tard.zone/rss.xml
its empty for now I'm not sure what to do with it. I might write about some of my irl projects when I finish them.



Thank you, love your website



File: 1621279540049-0.png (593.69 KB, 683x888, 683:888, webring.png) ImgOps iqdb

Great site man, the Ps1 and Ps2 stuff was really interesting
Added! Really liked the post about meditation
Added, cool gopher hole



File: 1621282911639-0.png (96.58 KB, 1624x139, 1624:139, 1621282829.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1621282911639-1.mp3 (14.62 MB, 01 - Be All, End All.mp3)

added, plus song related



File: 1621352015740-0.png (864.46 KB, 1280x1234, 640:617, links_screenshot.png) ImgOps iqdb

Long time no see... Here are the links I added so far.



> https://deurist.neocities.org/git.html
Had a lot of trouble with this one, but I promised to update it :)

I'm getting a job at big corpo in less than 15 days, so lets have fun till then. I'll add everyone I haven't added tommorow. Some banners are also missing, oh well.
Probably going to start adding content regarding Theology, or at least some Orthodox ramblings and what I find exploring Islam / Obscure pagan religions.

By the way, I got an idea recently that I can just find music I dont know by just singing it to my phone. Of course, since the thing is spying on me it is going to recommend me the actual song anyways a couple of days later. I can also use it deliberately to have the machine recommend me stuff I want to buy. Am I going crazy or is this some technopriest lingo I can use?



File: 1621601132593-0.jpg (177.33 KB, 2048x1724, 512:431, lain 04119__snail.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Not yet ready to join the ring, but what do you all think of this privacy-policy page?




File: 1621605892453-0.png (71.24 KB, 506x329, 506:329, 1621390277249.png) ImgOps iqdb

>posts privacy policy
>go to root
>steamcommunity profile
>amazon profile
>github profile
>resume to dox yourself
>it's written in google docs
>uses google drive
>uses gmail
>go to blog
>proudly derezzed from facebook
I don't know what to say.



File: 1621606170594.png (250.26 KB, 471x381, 157:127, do you like hurting other ….png) ImgOps iqdb

> wordpress
Your choice of website builders is disappointing, anon-kun, but thanks for being transparent.



Indeed. I am currently on a low-grade hunt for a suitable replacement… part of the reason I'd entered it into that page is as a "TODO reminder" for the migration 😶
(It is, at least, self-hosted, so I think Gravatar is the only active cyberattack on visitors…)



File: 1621751431795-0.gif (9.05 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Digichan.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hi Lainons. This is my website. Provided a webring banner.


I'll be adding a webring section to my site. Happy to contrib.



Can we get someone to make a logo for the webring? Something nice.



File: 1621753509570-0.png (56.46 KB, 240x60, 4:1, WebRing.png) ImgOps iqdb

I ripped your source page to make speed-deploying my site. I also made a webring logo for my site too, so it's pretty obvious. Here is the webring file.





I'd also recommend adding this to the webring: https://www.goodsites.tech/



File: 1621754778227-0.gif (9.04 KB, 240x60, 4:1, digilord.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Actually I fuarrrked this one up. Let me post the correct one. Site: https://www.digilord.neocities.org/

Correct banner in post.



>It visits blacked.moe



Dead 4um project.



Not sure what happened to that anon but it's still a good project.



>hurr durrrrr the website is under maintenance, must be some p0l meme



This site does not exact anymore. I am sad.



cake and cow users should be classified as degenerates



Can I get a link to your site?



File: 1621778160007-0.png (65.25 KB, 416x459, 416:459, the bait has transcended o….png) ImgOps iqdb

> exact
You mean... exist? It's still up for me. I know Vane has some persistent DNS issues she doesn't know how to resolve. Try the Tor mirror http://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion/



I'll add this to my links section, cool find.



nice complimentary image but I think you need to compartmentalize your stuff



File: 1621788182577-0.png (116.95 KB, 478x197, 478:197, webkinz this is your first….png) ImgOps iqdb

https://digilord.neocities.org since anon-kun can't type



Not sure why I put the 'www' in there.
I suppose I was having typing issues throughout the night. Sorry, Lainon.



File: 1621793821032-0.jpg (91.47 KB, 342x494, 9:13, palutena nerd activated.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

you will be forgiven, anon-kun. but only if you put rainchan https://boards.concealed.world/ in your imageboards list

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