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 No.46277[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

Still active enough to regularly hit bump, so this is part 5 of the webring thread.

Last thread: >>41189

How do I join?

* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website




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Are the banners purely a nostalgia/aesthetic thing? Link directories have existed since the internet was a thing.



Just nostalgia I figure. It's true that people may be more likely to click through images rather than a list, but I doubt most webmasters here put that depth of thought into it.



yeah i wouldnt really call this a webring, more a link directory

i might eventually get around to making an ACTUAL webring at some point, though. control panel and all.



I could in theory help with that. For the sake of debate though, is an 'actual' webring with a control panel really necessary? We seem to be getting by fairly well as a self-governed collection of links, so I would wonder what features this would add.



it'd make organizing everything easier, plus it'd appease my autistic chimp brain



I guess my question is how would you want to do it? Classical style, or just make a new version relying on iframes and some navigation buttons at the top to cycle through web pages in the iframe?



It is true it's getting hard to organise, I think there will be 70-something sites on my copy of the webring soon.

I could suggest with a bit of server side scripting, a new webmaster could make a link to, which would redirect the reader to the next site in the ring, whatever order is decided on. Repeat for prev and random. It allows people to insert the webring into their page in whatever format they like and very quickly, it would be more compact than the current spew of links, and would not use soykaf like iframes. This has the downside of being centralised on someone's server though, and I can practically guarantee me and the next guy will disagree about which sites should be included, so I don't think I'd prefer it.

There are various methods for setting up the ring which are decentralised, such as shell scripting as seen in the last thread >>45726. Decentralised will not be 'organised', however, it'll always be out of sync and it makes anything beyond the current 'banners everywhere' method seem pointless.

So I guess I'd pose these questions:
>Centralised or decentralised? If the latter, by what method?
>If the sites were ordered, what order would you put them in?
>If a site has multiple mirrors, how do you choose which to prefer? E.g. clearnet, Tor, i2p, etc.



yeah i got a webring on my site right now, but the way ive been doing it is pretty janky

i can think of a way i could get a more efficient webring running using some JS



UPDATE: Had a better thought.

I liked the sound of the first method a lot, but I couldn't bring myself to stand with it because it would be centralised on someone's server, and I could already tell how much additional drama this could create.

So instead of that, I could write some code that does what I described in my prior post, and then redistribute it on my Git server. So, a newcomer could point their link to mine at e.g., or they could implement the code on their own site and edit it as they wish.

I would feel bad about dropping the work people put into their banners, however, so I might also add 'browse' alongside prev/next/random, which would populate a page displaying the banners against site names and links.


I haven't thought out the specifics of how I'm going to achieve this yet, but it's a simple enough task it should be perfectly doable. If I did I could start it tomorrow or later, in the meantime I can wait and see what people think.



Dunno how doable this is, but a git with the links, main files gets pulled once on load, providing, say, the three prev/next/rnd links
Also, I'd like to join the link directory. It was y'all that pushed me to making a nc site. just the faqing banner, it's supposed to be representational. I have a gif of a spinning turtle?[code][/code]



dunno if im gonna join the directory just yet, but i might
either way here's my site, finally finished the redesign

you'll also see what i was talking about, about my webring - control panel's on my homepage (still need to get some of the pages set up from the redesign, like the "join" link)



Your site is unnavigable by keyboard, my easylinks javascript does't even work. It's astounding how many people just stack gifs, svgs, animations and call it a day.[code][/code]



is like kicking dead whales down the beach to be you i guess



I'm uncertain as to what exactly it is you're trying to convey. The absense of proper spelling and punctuation, a reread before posting, are telling of a, like, 14-year-old. Even if you were one, it's no acceptable excuse.
I have no mouse, so faq me, I guess?
I have no mouse. Faq me, I guess?[code][/code]



It might be because JS is disabled, but the layout isn't working whatsoever for me, try testing against different screen sizes. See attached, one is of my normal screen size, the other vertical.

Also, links don't work without JavaScript. I can see from the source they're supposed to play a sound, I'd suggest making playing a sound and loading a new page be two separate things so people with JS disabled can still use your site. The thing with iframes you're doing seems more complex than it needs to be, I really wish people would use iframes less often.

I do actually like the look thus far, but those are my criticisms, some work needs done.



funny language enhancer on this site my man surely you know about it by now

also whats with the code tags at the end of all your posts

yeah ngl i kinda hardcoded it for 1080p monitors in mind, havent got around to making it work with other resolutions or mobile yet - its all handwritten, so ill probably take a while to get that working, but i do plan on making it work

and, yeah, the site kinda... depends on JS for a lot of soykaf. im using iframes because i genuinely cannot be bothered having all the layout code for every single page if theyre all more or less going to look identical aside from one portion anyway

only really been doing frontend soykaf for like 3 years (by hand, in my free time) anyway so theres probably something im missing thatd make it way easier



Forgot to post the link to mine:
Mostly about reading. If you'd welcome it, I'll make a banner
alt-c, alt-x bound to open, open in new tab provided some valid number
re;code tag apparently 4chanx options don't transfer from 4channel; and i'm not navigating clickboxes and menus without a mouse, caret is nigh unrecognizable while moving, positioning is slow.



i dunno man i just wrote this entire reply without using my mouse, youve heard of using tab and shift+tab to navigate things on your browser, right?



There are over 60 anchors with my window zoomed in, at the bottom of the page. From a foot away, I can barely see the caret. With my keyb rep rate, precision is hindered. Possible, yeah; optimal, nah. I hate javascript, and had to build surf with it on by default only to use this damn script. Visually it become like elinks's link hinting.



I don't take it fully to heart, but it's still a nice philosophy to remind oneself of every so often: HTML by default is responsive, because it's just text.

Anyway, I suggest for the resolution problem, look into media queries. E.g:

.somediv {
width: 800px;

@media (max-width: 600px) {
.somediv {
width: 300px;

Sometimes a simpler solution would be better though. You can use '%' in your CSS variables, and you can also use window width and height - 'vw' and 'vh'. Like so:

.somediv {
/* width: 80%; */
width: 80vw;

As for layout code, keep as much of it as possible in CSS files, and include those on each page. That way any header you include into every page should be a few lines at most. Or better yet get off Neocities and self-host, then you can have a scripting language do all this including and formatting for you.



Oh yeah, and feel free to steal anything not nailed to the ground from I and others' sites, to make it work. It is an open format.



if I have to put javascript on my site to make it work, then no dice



If people like the sound of what I suggested earlier, I'm likely doing it in PHP. So your options would either be to self-host the code, or link to someone else's copy.



I quite like this layout. I haven't looked at the source yet, did you use flexbox?



it uh...
IS using percentages


html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
#content {
width: 50%;
overflow-x: hidden;
padding-top: 2%;
#left {
width: 15%;
/*height: 80%;*/
float: left;
padding-left: 0px;
#right {
height: 85%;
width: 82%;
margin-left: 165px;
text-align: left;
font-size: 18px;
#navbar {
border: 2px cyan;
#title {
border: 2px cyan;
.clear {
clear: both;



y u no irc,



Fair enough, still, not in the right places. For example, why 50% on #content? If you shuffled around these values you could probably make it work fairly well, I'll let you figure the rest out.

What did you just say about my mother?



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Nigga, I dunno what a flexbox is. The soyboys over at webdev general in /g/ that about javascript in flex this grid that. Check the css, I'd be proud of how slim it is, if I didn't think this is what the norm should be.
Only prior experience was picrel, mdn and source of others' was helpful.



Also to add to this, you're going to host the web ring code on your site? An anon earlier mentioned possibly doing it the iframe way, not sure if that was you. What are you plans on how it will work?
Maybe you can upload the source to Git or some repo so lainons like me can use it on our neocities (though I'm not sure if they allow PHP).



Added your imageboard to my site.
Desu you really ought to make a banner for it so I can add it to my web ring directory



Also when are you going to add more blog posts, I read your shiieeetttttttt.



>What are you plans on how it will work?
I've honestly not got much of the specifics right now, I'll do that when I actually get to working on it.

Make a list, find our position, return the next/previous/a random position. Adding a new site should be as simple as appending an item to the list. The 'browse' idea displaying a list of banners could be a bit more complex.

>Maybe you can upload the source to Git or some repo so lainons like me can use it on our neocities (though I'm not sure if they allow PHP).

I already plan on hosting whatever I make on my Git server, so people can copy/edit it as they please. The one issue I had with this idea was the centralised aspect, which hopefully hosting on Git mitigates.

If I recall, I've heard Neocities only allows static content and JS. Still, you could link to someone else's, such as, and it would work all the same.

>the iframe way

Iframes are dogshit and often misused, it's rare there's a legitimate use case for embedding a web page in another web page that couldn't be done in a simpler fashion.



I have a strict policy of writing when I feel like I have something to say, which is why I write every few months. You can see I have a bunch of posts under "Archive", I moved them there because I felt like they weren't saying anything, but I didn't have the heart to delete them outright either. More straightforward diatribes go on my imageboard. Banter and stupid soykaf on my IRC.

I have a secret autism project I've been working on, in a real programming language, so in some time that'll likely be my next post.



c.w is right about the bannered sites, and the number of active ones, though. You use a banner, meanwhile I make a new one, but you don't pull it from his site, later still I die and there's not net in the abyss, and you'd not not.

A shell script or something to send single pings to affirm site state (up/down/dead), could be used.

A git with c.w and possibly other members giving their y/n on adding new URLs and banners would be nice, I think. From which a shell script could easily cobble together a pasteable webring snippet somewhere.



this should help you
operation@mindfuck:/home/operation $ dig +short NS
operation@mindfuck:/home/operation $ dig +short NS
operation@mindfuck:/home/operation $ dig +short NS



File: 1621974465952-0.jpg (17.64 KB, 240x60, 4:1, b2.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1621974465952-1.jpg (33.08 KB, 240x60, 4:1, b1.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Alrighty, stylistically the first is incongruent with the site, the second is just my default white and black colors. If you wanna take a dump on either, go ahead, would help with picking, unless c.w has a preference.
site again;


Added you, I went with the first purely because the text was centred in the banner. Both look fairly nice. Currently I'm soykafting out the aforementioned PHP code in between working, no updates to see yet though.



I found some time to finish my gift for the night:

Try it out with an example such as below:

<a href="">Previous</a><br />
<a href="">Random</a><br />
<a href="">Next</a>
<a href="">Previous</a><br />
<a href="">Random</a><br />
<a href="">Next</a>

Some drawbacks that occur to me: by linking to my site, the next and previous sites are relative to my site, not yours. As far as I know, this can't be helped without use of JS or reffers, but let me know if you think of anything I can do. The ordering of the sites are approximately first-come-first-serve.

To self-host it, by dropping all the files in the same directory it should just work without additional configuration - unless your site isn't the web root e.g., or you want to use the onion webring relative to your onion mirror within your clearnet site and vice versa. See the README.

I also think it's better to keep the banner listing as a separate script. Provided last thread's script works (>>45726) - I've not tried it myself - I don't see a need to reinvent the wheel either. It could be worth putting both this script and that script (a copy as it'll presumably be down by then) in the OP of the next thread, assuming we're still ongoing.

Open to complaints and criticism, I've not spent a lot of time testing it and I would be happy to improve upon it.

Some other things:

Having created this, do you think it's necessary to say that a banner is a requirement to join? I would say not, because I see this more as a tool to supplement the existing system than one to replace it. I don't think it's my place to say "Tear it down," anyway, seeing as I didn't create it.

Also, would it be worth having an 'official contact' for the ring, whom people could direct their requests to join to? It occurs to me, if you hypothetically saw the ring and thought it looked cool, and had your own site, but didn't come from Lainchan, you'd have to search to find where to join. It's not as if the Lainchan administration has ever officially endorsed this (and I wouldn't ask them to), so there's no reason we're strictly limited to Lainchan either. Just a thought.



I'm also aware that I may be missing a few onion mirrors here and there. I'll do a more thorough check in the next few days, so expect the text files in the repository to be updated in that time frame.



I've mentioned the shell script already, but I should also mention in case you didn't see prior threads that is an open directory on my site you can browse, and would probably help in shell script fuarrrkery.



>Having created this, do you think it's necessary to say that a banner is a requirement to join? I would say not, because I see this more as a tool to supplement the existing system than one to replace it. I don't think it's my place to say "Tear it down," anyway, seeing as I didn't create it.
I worded that in a stupid way, I effectively meant to say I'd prefer that banners were still required and that this new tool supplement the existing system. But I wanted to hear others' thoughts on it. Will stop spamming the thread every time a new thought occurs to me now.



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Good work. It does the job, and I'm immediately struct by the asyncronicity of the whole thing when there is no next 'next/prev'.
The banners of all the art people have the same, eyeblasting, not easily blending aesthetic. Having them on a separate page is an option. Personally, I hate gifs, buttons, banners. Styling 6 links is touchy enough without having to deal with 66 240x60 things.
Lain is so dead, it needs more activity, even if it is spam about banners.



I enjoy seeing the communal dump personally, it makes me happy in a way I could put to words if I'd slept more this week. It's true that it breaks stylistic consistency though. I suppose for the moment I'm taking the stance of "Banners are still required, but this new tool is nicer for your front page."

>Lain is so dead, it needs more activity, even if it is spam about banners.

I can talk some amount of soykaf all day, to nearly anyone, I find myself needing to practice self-restraint. I gather it's an uncommon trait among 'tech people'.



Feedback: my previous and next redirect to jakesmail and daviddebski, resp.; those two are adjacent on another, assuming row filling. Random works.



See earlier:
>Some drawbacks that occur to me: by linking to my site, the next and previous sites are relative to my site, not yours.
Refferers aren't consistent and I don't want to use JS at this point, so I'm not sure if I can do much about it, other than recommend self-hosting if the order I list the sites doesn't work for you.



Hopefully if more people are inclined to host the script there will be a greater degree of variety, than every 'prev' and 'next' link to the same sites. I can't at the moment think of a better solution and I don't want to ditch the functionality either.



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I read that, but I didn't find your banner on several mouse-overs, and even if I did, it would be between two adjacent one. Regardless random works, and if I discovered a webring, with >10 members, that'd be what I click.
Banners themselves are slightly less than triple the amount of bytes site.
Anyways, I got mad today thinking about smu (simple markup by gotox, haven't tried the newer fork), number of keystrokes is barely above that of html in sublime.
I want to talk.



always so hardworking, I appreciate the effort. Although I'm not sold on this idea. I don't want to be too discouraging, if people referred to you next and previous would be meaningless, on the other hand not everyone is going to implement anything like this, especially when the banner dump on every site works fine. Personally I adopted the ring because it's pleasing to the eye and a cool project for everyone to have a big dump on their site.

>Having created this, do you think it's necessary to say that a banner is a requirement to join?

I wouldn't say it is. A banner is made in like a minute, I did the one for back then, people can join even without a banner. Someone who really cares however will just make one themselves.

>Also, would it be worth having an 'official contact' for the ring, whom people could direct their requests to join to? It occurs to me, if you hypothetically saw the ring and thought it looked cool, and had your own site, but didn't come from Lainchan, you'd have to search to find where to join. It's not as if the Lainchan administration has ever officially endorsed this (and I wouldn't ask them to), so there's no reason we're strictly limited to Lainchan either. Just a thought.

It's not really the lainchan webring if it doesn't happen on lainchan. I think it's fine if you want to act as some kind of spokesperson, that's at least a lifesign to anyone who thinks about joining, but making it obligatory bureaucracy sounds unnecessary and probably goes against why some people even joined in the first place.

This webring is bound to have discoverability problems: people who freeload, forget to add certain sites, refuse to add others, ignore darknet links and so forth. An idea that comes to mind, one that is actually very basic, is to keep all the rings in a list and periodically crawl all the webring pages for all their links, in order to automatically generate some kind of graph that shows all the connections (or lack thereof). It would keep sites discoverable even if they are only weakly associated and it would actually be effective if several people took it upon them to offer this. A solution that generates a graph in the form of a static image every now and then would even benefit those who refuse to run bloatscript on their site.

Just a thought, but really, I don't think anything is wrong with keeping huge banner dumps on all the sites.



I forgot to ask in >>46380, but is there any reason for lain being so dead? Because that's been my perception too, and I can't really cope with not being able to waste my time browsing this place.



>I read that, but I didn't find your banner on several mouse-overs, and even if I did, it would be between two adjacent one.
Yes, the reasoning for that on my own site would be that if you clicked random and landed back on my site, that would be rather pointless. Creating the problem that if everyone links to my copy of webring.php, no one will ever land on my site. What a pain this is amalgamating into.

I am beginning to get the feeling I'm running in circles and not going anywhere here, yeah. Throwing ideas around, then running off to do things without thinking much about it. Tomorrow I might cut it far back, down to just the 'random', and without checking whether I'm landing on my own site. It may be a soykaftier product, but much more portable and without all the issues that are difficult to mitigate without client-side scripting.

>An idea that comes to mind, one that is actually very basic, is to keep all the rings in a list and periodically crawl all the webring pages for all their links, in order to automatically generate some kind of graph that shows all the connections (or lack thereof).

That's an actually useful idea that I may do, since I've done similarly before. I've already been in the position of doing a bi-monthly check and seeing who's been gone a long time, so effectively this would just automate and publicize the process.

Will get around to the above two, but other than that if it ain't broke don't fix it, worth remembering.

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Less quantity, more time to go away and bring in quality. I think Lainchan has a fairly-close-to ideal balance at the moment - smaller imageboards suffer from lack of culture and people knowledgeable enough to discuss interesting common topics, larger ones become a contest of who can shout the loudest in the most offensive manner.



>big dump
>communal dump
You guys are totes into scat, right?
I'm not a regular here precisely because it's so slow, but this has, in the past 2y, gotten noticeable, more being a slow imageboard to getting some 20--40 posts on its 8--10 boards, from probably no more than 15 individuals.
I appreciate the abundance of good-faith, long or not-shallower-than-a-deflating-kiddie-pool posts from some the them, but the rest, imo, are drugies and/or zoomzooms in psy,drg,zzz.
I believe in setting exanple and keeping to it, but when there's nobody to follow, or nobody at all, it's worth naught.



File: 1622077978467-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 58.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, landfill.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>>communal dump
>You guys are totes into scat, right?
I've moved onto even harder things



File: 1622078282768-0.png (24.29 KB, 400x80, 5:1, mild-pain.png) ImgOps iqdb

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.



yes, I am already aware it is using vultr DNS. your post does not help me diagnose why every other site I run, which has the same exact setup, is seemingly reachable while that specific one isn't

I appreciate the effortpost, but I am not going to install PHP and its myriad vulnerabilities or become dependent on someone else's copy of the script just for the sake of a webring on a chan I don't even frequent outside of this board. I will be sticking to 46130542389 240x60 banners

> but when there's nobody to follow, or nobody at all, it's worth naught
this is true regardless of the posts per hour of any board or chan. there is no valid reason to impoverish your life to live in the Wired. there is no audience to please



It's not about applause, attention, appeasement, or any other appropriate words starting with 'a'.
It's about virtue, principles, going beyond your ego, find another human being to talk to honestly and openly, to learn something, discuss. Since 19 I've been spirally down disillusionment. I feel like I'm 85 among people older than me, Anybody in my age bracket or lower is disqualified from having anything to say. They're behavior, actions, thought is modellable to within a high degree of accuracy.
Worst is that they can do better, be better, for themselves and their immediates, that I know this to be so, but not the road to getting there.
At some level, I'm more frustrated with myself than them.



That's a really bad mindset I used to have when I was younger. You cannot expect of people to be a better version of themselves, after all, there are a million ways that humankind has been trying to better themselves, and a lot of them tend to contradict eachother (religion, stoicism, philosophy, gnosticism, sciences etc).

You can just filter people around you until you find a niche group that you feel comfortable and engaged. I mean, all this comes from a guy that his site looks like absolute crap but whatever, I'm enjoying the process. I haven't touched webdev in 2 years and I find this project more engaging than playing some videogame for the 1000th time or solving sudoku.



Use another dns server?



Alright, my next gift of the evening was as >>46380 described, I've created files documenting whether or not sites are online. I thought about the possibility of checking hourly, recording response times, making a graph, and so on - but in theme with last night, I realise it's probably overkill. Just read the text like a man.

There are two text files, one documenting clearnet sites, and the other onion sites. It has two space-separated fields - the domain, and how many checks have taken place since the site last responded within 10 seconds. For readability the list is sorted. I plan on running it nightly, so the number of checks will correspond to the number of days the site hasn't responded. If a site that has been done for some time does respond, the count is reset to 0.

I'll likely just remove sites from the text file that have been gone for a while - say a week or more - manually, as I'll also need to remove it from the banner page anyway.

You can see the script I'm using in the 'lainchan-webring' repository, which includes the text files listing the domains, and the vastly stripped back version of the 'webring.php' script I described prior (which if you want to use, has been moved to

It is worth the occasional manual check though - I see are selling their domain, so I assume they're gone. I also saw that moved domains to, but as they don't seem to have forgotten about this ring I imagine there'll be a banner update some time.



>Just read the text like a man.
Real men don't read.

Nice work, again, tho. Albeit, that means fuarrrkall, given I can't tell a shoe from a comma in php.
Those two files are nice for anybody unappreciative of dumps and/or nxt,prv,rnd links.
Now, to only include some content. . .



as always, well done

strlst@void-live ~ getent hosts
I lol'd



Ah soykaf, you found me out lol



Wait until you find's



File: 1622244221456-0.png (750.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ksnip_20210529-012006.png) ImgOps iqdb

I've taken some of my time to try my hand at the idea outlined in >>46380. I'm not sober, but somehow I managed to make a proof of concept. I have some improvements in mind that will make it a lot better, but at a later time. The output needs a lot more pruning but I think it's a start.

>Wait until you find's
01:22 strlst@ayaya ~ getent hosts

hot, how do I get one of these?



It is somewhat hard to decipher what I'm looking at, but still that being said it looks very promising and I look forward to being able to pull the image from somewhere.

Just noticed how similar our set-ups are. Arch, nginx,, Pi 4.



> spam in my web server log
> crawler doesn't respect robots.txt



File: 1622248525276-0.gif (93.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1621612271357.gif) ImgOps iqdb

it's an undirected graph that is too big
sorry, I'm not good enough of a programmer and I'm already procrastinating too much on my actual responsibilities to take it into consideration






File: 1622426368123-0.jpg (73.3 KB, 741x568, 741:568, 1521002044418.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Does anyone have a list of all the websites and there banners?



I made an open directory a thread or two ago for that purpose: . Those websites under grave/ are those that don't appear to be operating any more, old/ are old versions of banners not in use, and unused/ are those sites I've refused for whatever personal criteria I have. It's not as convenient as having the links themselves, but you should be able to find them relatively quickly, especially since I already link to most of them on: .

I also have my 'lainchan-webring' repo, which should be up-to-date: , but doesn't include those I've disallowed (those under unused/).

I'll also point out this shell script from the prior thread again: >>45726 . I've not had need to use it, but it might help you. It may be slightly out of date at this point.

Or if you want to get set up fast just cut and paste the HTML.



File: 1622458262127-0.png (14.45 KB, 240x60, 4:1, MICHI.png) ImgOps iqdb

Here is mine



I'll add this to my site.
>Or if you want to get set up fast just cut and paste the HTML.
I-i totally did not do that from your site, lainon-kun.
Investigating now.
Your site is pretty passive-aggressive right now and stuck in loading-limbo. Maybe DNS issue? Cloudflare?
Reading and writing is a feminine hobby/trait. Duh.



>Akira ASCII art
I came.



Update your webring contents, lainon. You're missing like half the sites floating around.



You're right it's on the list of stuff I need to do I'll probably add a page just for the webring.



>Your site is pretty passive-aggressive right now and stuck in loading-limbo. Maybe DNS issue? Cloudflare?
Hahahahahaha. Cloudflare, no. Shitty SBC dangling behind livingroom TV, yes.

You're welcome Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!


Got you added. I may be wrong, but it looks like you're insecure HTTP only, consider using something like Certbot, it's free. Is JavaScript really necessary for the navigation links to work? Also, for your wallpaper gallery, consider linking to an open directory, it's kind of an ass pain waiting for it to cycle through them. I could IE but that's a hassle. The CSS also seems to break down on small screens.

That's about all for my bitching, look forward to seeing more from you.




Thanks for the feedback kinda new to this whole web development thing so still learning a bunch.



Unfortunately, it's a significant component of my career, kek. Feel free to knick anything you like from my site.



Thanks, For your help.



Hey lains, how do you compress images for web? By that I mean photography and similar soykaf, I tried a couple of tools, cli on linux or web-based but they either don't allow batch processing or output some crazy overcompressed stuff (using defaults). I'm also scared of using webp, it outputs great results but it seems to not be supported by all browsers...
Maybe there are some particular settings that are recommended for both smol size and decent quality? I'm a no0b at webdev pls halp, my website is file:///home/anon/website/index.html Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!



Nooo, some grandpa with IE6 won't be able to see your very important images, must encode everything in BMP!



Anyone still running XP connected to the net is going to get pwn'd so fast you don't need to mind it anymore.



For my website I put a thumbnail on the page and linked the full size image with an <a> element

I used imagemagick to make the thumbnail
convert image.jpg -thumbnail '600x600>' thumbnails/image.jpg 
this makes the longest side of the image 600 pixels while keeping the aspect ratio

and to do this all at once I made a script to convert and make the html
for shid in *.jpg
convert $shid -thumbnail '600x600>' thumbnails/$shid
echo "<a href="\""img/$shid"\""><img class="\""images"\"" src="\""img/thumbnails/$shid"\""></a>"

or you could use webp since the only people who wont be able to see them are people using a years old version of their browser or nerds using something like lynx who won't be able to see your images anyway



As the other Lain notes, thumbnails-that-link-to-originals is a great choice! And you can then worry less about the thumbnails if you don't discard the originals, since if you ever change your mind you can just change them



Yeah sure, NATs don't exist on virtually all residential ISP networks and crappy home routers they shove into you with each plan. It's year 1999 after all, and you get personal IP address on Tier III ring when you sign a contract to connect to the NET.



Wish ISP's could have an actually good network. Would make self hosting really easy.



I actually can get this.

I can also get ipv6



Lucky, wish I could get private IPv6 and IPv4. I could do so much more hosting. But ISP's have to throttle and do all that nasty stuff.



>hot, how do I get one of these?
Your ISP will likely assign a /64 subnet; you just have to either command your router to assign clients inside of a sub-range or sub-net with a vanity prefix, or set your computer itself to a vanity IP that's inside of the range your ISP gave you



I only now realize I quoted the wrong number for that post. But I suppose my answer also applies to that one too, yeah.

I mean to poke at >>46650 and their assumption that one absolutely gets NAT'd bullshit, which is false.



File: 1622597166745-0.png (10.53 KB, 240x60, 4:1, melia-org.png) ImgOps iqdb

Good news! Since lainons are even more incompetent than the corporation I work for in fixing their damn DNS resolvers, I've gone ahead and acquired yet another domain to mirror my website to. Updated banner attached, although I have no plans to remove the original .art . https (colon slash slash) mayvaneday (dot) org

if the post box gives me one more "please make a better post" error, I am going to have an aneurysm



lol should have used njalla



Whats njalla? Programing language?



The least bad domain registar:



Thats cool, never heard of it.



I had a lot of dns issues and other issues with my domain provider so the solution was moving to njalla. so maybe that can help you



Yo, though.
It's not like y'all're serving evens 10s of clients every minute, let alone hunderds of thousands per second.
What exactly does one gain from paying for a domain versus, say, putting it up with darkhttpd? Keep in mind, I don't under much about connection things



Thank you lains! That was very much appreciated, especially the bash script.



I finally understood why you went on that weird tangent about NATs. The main vector of pwnage would be that no modern browser supports XP and all of its last supported browser versions have known vulns. How much do you trust adnets?

I vaguely recalled something about domain parking and its update servers, but I can't find it again so I might be mixing it up with something else.



File: 1622865307316-0.png (8.24 KB, 240x60, 4:1, 0x4f.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>46277 (OP)
Hey Lainons, my domain is Previously I used, but I decided to selfhost. Plz sign my guestbook.
Is there a database with all the webring participants I want to add you all?



very cool. I'm going to try to get a four letter domain myself soon, they're the sleekest.





Thank you for updating the banner. Thank you as well for the info on the database, I actually just got done updating all the links, but I really appreciate the effort you've put into this webring.



Yeah, they're pretty comfy. Glad you like the CSS!



I'm not sure there's much to be done for most lainons in fixing their DNS resolver. Kind of up to their ISP. Either way, it's better if your site is more reachable by simply entering the URL in insert-browser-here-address-bar for most Lainons. You'll get more exposure that way and a lot of people don't want to bother configuring something to deal with an otherwise should-be-simple task. Not knocking you, I think it's cool, but I also think you should weight the convenience option.



Nah, he has a point. You must have configured something incorrectly because other DNSs work fine, just whatever the hell you did to your site.



So this is interesting. Without my VPN, your site is perfect accessible. With my VPN (Mullvad, Nord, etc), I can't access your site. Just thought I'd point it out. Now that I can actually enjoy your webpage, I've come to let you know that your layout looks pretty snazzy. It's nice to have you in the webring, Lain.



File: 1622899465499-0.png (44.92 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

I built it with arabic because's easier to express about my thoughts using my language.



Guys... I need your help.

I also want to have a cool website like you all, but I can't decide on a domain name. It seems so important...



Make it something meaningful to you I’d say. I chose my domain (0x4F) because it’s representative of the four freedoms I believe in. (Free software, Free society, Free information, Free speech) thus the 4F. Try to think of something like that, but don’t sweat it too much, you can always change it.



hey bro wanted to say cheers to you cos your site is the reason i found lainchan. i saw your site on wiby and then found the webring from it



I don't understand soykaf but it looks good.



Love your website it's so clean. Also added your new banner to my website.



That's really nice to hear. It's Lainchan that actually got me into technology in the first place, so I'm glad my site introduced you to this place.
Thank you, if you want you can have a look at the CSS here I really like your site too, it's also nice to see another youngish person here.



I've added both of you to my site



Damn it, my website looks like soykaf. Why do I design stuff like a 60 year old man.



Extricate yourself. Similarly to how so game developers make games they'd like and play, create a website that you'd like were you to encounter it in the, as the japs call it, WURDU WAIDU WEBU.

I program, style, deisgn, etc. all for my own benefit. That should circumscribe at least yourself, and depending on your knowledge will possibly expand (not gonna write a treatise here).



You're welcome to join us at
We got a chat room where we watch videos and images
Sometimes there's no activity at all, idling would be appreciated
Here's a screenshot:



Are you designing your website for other people or for yourself? One of the reasons that I love so many of the sites here on the webring, is because they're amazing examples of digital self expression, far removed from the "modern" "stylish" designs that litter the rest of the internet. Create something you like.



That's true. Half the time I am making the site I just think that "others" would like stuff like text being centered on the screen. Truth is, I've always prefered text aligning at the right side of the screen (like arabic), even though I am a westerner.

Truth is I hate the stylish corporate art more than anything, but I tend to imitate it often.

Good advice from both of ye. Thanks.



Imgur is being stupid. I'm interested but I'll log in via TOR or with a good VPN. I'll be signing up soon. I plan to add you to my site.



File: 1623463202749-0.gif (2.77 MB, 254x252, 127:126, web.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Hello lainons, hows it going. Been a little while since I posted in the thread. I wrote an article on my site about archiving the webring threads, let me know what you all think of it (heres the link:

Also, updated my site with some more banners, probably missing a lot, and may have some duplicates, but adding what I can when I have some time. Great sites to all of you anons! Theres been some really good stuff to see on these sites, really a breath of fresh air from modern sites.

pretty much for nostalgia, aesthetic, and just for fun. also it is a nice way to find new sites. its pretty hard to find new sites these days off search engines alone

really more of a link directory, yes. But ring in the sense that you can usually go from one website back to the same website in a circuit (even if its just between 2 sites).

If it were up to me, I would organize this type of ring like this: each site takes 3 random sites from the existing ring. they then create 3 <portals> to each of the sites. When a new site wants to join the ring, it then also 3 random sites and checks their <portal>s. the new site then keep picking 3 random sites to create portals for until it had 3 sites that are not found in the 9 <portals> that they checked so that the new site contains a more unique collection of portals. As new sites keep getting added, <portal>s will start to be created for older sites and create full circuits such that you can traverse say 4 or 5 sites and then get back to the original site you visited. Additionally, it would be totally decentralized and even if half of the links become dead links in the ring, you could still probably traverse through most of the ring due to redundancy (as each site has 3 portals on it). Sadly, <portal> has never been fully implemented! (technically it was implemented in chrome but is stuck behind a feature flag for about 2 years, so basically no chance of it at this point, very sad as with this feature we could create really cool web rings with seemless page traversal).

>I have a strict policy of writing when I feel like I have something to say, which is why I write every few months.
same here pretty much, I usually wait until i come up with an idea for a short project before writing anything on my site. generally i think this is a good thing, it keeps the content more interesting when something does get written

Nice work anon! very intersting to see a graph of the ring, pretty much as expected, a lot of sites are linked to each other since all the banners are often added when a new site is added. also very aesthetic terminal colors and font

>game starts up
>"choose your character name!"
>3 hours pass, still havent come up with a name
I know this feel anon, picking domain names is tough

>saw site on wiby
glad to see people are using wiby, its a great search engine to just browse the net with

>Half the time I am making the site I just think that "others" would like stuff like text being centered on the screen. Truth is, I've always prefered text aligning at the right side of the screen (like arabic), even though I am a westerner.
great thing about the web is that pages are exchanged in source, so that users can modify their user style sheets to restyle the sites they visit. also some people may browse your site using browsers that wont interpret the styles anyways (such as text only browsers), or may browse with assistive technologies. so you should focus on the style that you like the best, especially if its a personal site



going forward it might just make more sense to archive the lainchan api .json files once threads reach their limit



File: 1623517531353-0.webm (2.99 MB, 853x480, 853:480, mrlainsky.webm) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

I really like your site lainon!



File: 1623524746689-0.jpg (163.87 KB, 960x590, 96:59, earth-2254769_960_720.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

interesting, didnt know lainchan had a json api. I should grab those too and throw them into my archive so they are available in JSON format as well. thanks for sharing anon!



File: 1623607021507-0.gif (83 KB, 240x60, 4:1, BANNER.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Finally made my own one. Gonna be adding yall mates soon.

Also is there a way to host somewhere audio/video for playing on the bg? Neocities doesn't allow uploading it in its storage on the free plan. For now using youtube despite hating google with all my soul.



>>If the sites were ordered, what order would you put them in?
Randomized seems a nice idea, but the "webring" makes me think of a circular (doubly-linked) list so that every website has only two sites they connect to, the previous website and the next one. It kills the centralized concept since you are sent to another site anyway. Sadly, if any two sites stop working, your webring will leak sites.
Just an interesting idea that may never be implemented, sadly.



By the by, you forgot to remove your "Github" link. I'm assuming you deleted your account or something.




Taking advantage of Lain's drunkenness.

A lot of links do not belong to the ring, though. Might make some changes to the script later.



Sure, sb could start profiling me. With what I know is out there, one could narrow down my location, possibly initials or some other soykaf i've user somewhere.
i've not much to lose, i live to survive the next day or pass the time til then. If you do find out who I am and where I live, you're very welcome to kill me or give me loaded firearms, poisons etc. If not, idgaf.



Forgot name, opening htis in ff because some some fuarrrking bitchass reason surf is crashing on this gay thread and i have to open fuarrrking elinks, where i see all the childish threads unhidden for lack of 4chanx and im angery.
fuarrrk me. fuarrrking this gay Earth and this fuarrrking people fuarrrking everyfuckingwhere.



I'll add you to my site soon. Catching up on adding some people.
Yeah, might want to tweak the script. Once it's done, I need to figure out how to add it to my Neocities page.



Neat idea. I wonder how you might structure the crawler to only pull out links within the ring. Perhaps a combination of keyword searches on a page (looking for the words "lain", "ring", "webring" or "banner") to determine webring pages, and filtering out all domains that have been linked less than 3 times would work. It would the remove the excess links from xenobytes, and when you stop seeing the required keywords in, say, 3 depths of searching a domain or 25 pages, you would know to stop crawling that domain and domains they have linked to further. Crawling pages really can be a challenging task



File: 1623726532383-0.jpg (398.2 KB, 1034x1110, 517:555, webring.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

These are very interesting ideas. kudos to both. I hope I can contribute something of my own in the near future.



Sorry about the massive batch of unrelated links! I scrape the web for interesting sites and add the ones I like to the same page as the lainchan webring, hence the massive node. To be fair most of the links lead to projects created in the same spirit as the webring websites, so if you're into these kind of
things you might as well check em out. In any case, I'll move the lainchain webring to it's own page this week.

Despite not posting as often as in the previous threads I still surf around and try to keep up with adding the newcomers to my webring. I definitely wasn't expecting the threads to get so interesting.



It's fine. I think we can solve it by just taking the common links, i.e. links that are pointed to by at least 2 websites of the ring.



File: 1623766740741-0.png (694.68 KB, 1357x662, 1357:662, webring-updates.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1623766740741-1.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, desktop.png) ImgOps iqdb

So many new additions to the webring! Sorry to have fallen behind, I hope I catched up to all of them (even the sites that only updated, pic related). This webring is really coming along.

>Just noticed how similar our set-ups are
Hey, yeah, in >>46444 I forgot to comment on it, but you're right. To me it is a curiously stable and satisfying configuration.

Very cool, I am usually quite ignorant of IPv6, but what you said makes sense.

>Nice work anon!
Why, thank you. It's been quite a while now and I haven't gotten to improving it, finals and work are trampling on my ability to do so.
>also very aesthetic terminal colors and font
If you are interested (and incidentally use st), you can copy the setup over at It is part of a larger setup that tries to look homogenous. If you just want to rip the colors, you can find them @

That is actually really impressive. Crazy how some random venture can lead to something like your script. Can I ask what you used to visualize the graph? Something like regraph? It looks oddly familiar, but I can't pin it down.
Also, I'm unsure if you followed the same (naive) approach I did. Crawling all sites mentioned in the root site for a page that contains "webring" in some way is problematic. >>47284 had a really good idea with putting an additional constraint on the times the site was linked. An idea I wanted to implement is not to go for this kind of keyword filtering, but to crawl all sites mentioned in the root site for the root link itself. The idea being that if my webring page is x and I want to find all connections, other webring pages are (hopefully) going to contain x.




I picked on fellow Lain's python script, modified it to write an edge list to a text file and used a program called Gephi.
Pretty bloated a buggy mess of a Java application, but it can render some pretty graphs.



Why everyone is reinventing the wheel with worse outcomes is beyond me.
A rather simple solution is a text based asciidoc file utilizing the graphviz lib, I use it for binary tree coupling for a project:
For more complicated cases see what other software making extensive use of the same lib:



>Why everyone is reinventing the wheel with worse outcomes is beyond me.

Because it's the best way to learn. This isn't a job, if you're not learning and having fun you might as well be doing something else.



I'm not sure I should trust someone whose name is "John Rain".



>Why everyone is reinventing the wheel with worse outcomes is beyond me.
>why would people who are doing this to learn things would want to learn things



Thank you lain, you are right, it really does render some pretty graphs



File: 1623880190278-0.png (14.08 KB, 240x60, 4:1, nosleep-banner.png) ImgOps iqdb
For being the first website I ever made I can't say I did too bad for spending four days doing it. I will make a webring page and add everyone.



File: 1623881010692-0.png (809.35 KB, 1602x874, 801:437, 1623880970.png) ImgOps iqdb

I am running out of pixels



>no sleep
are you me? in any case, your site looks good to me, a simple aesthetic is always best. also, your guestbook is broken.



File: 1623885327023-0.jpg (194.81 KB, 1268x603, 1268:603, webring.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

It's been a while since I posted here(and on my blog) because of some personal problems. Anyway, I updated my webring page( using qorg's site. I added only those that also have a webring page. If I forgot anyone, please tell me and send me your website.



>Are you me?
Maybe lol

>Your guestbook is broken

I haven't made one yet, I am currently working on the webring page. Glad you like the site though, I aimed for the most lightweight yet aesthetic experience possible.



You could add mine, it's up at >>47354. If you don't want to though that's okay.



Added anon, since you said you are going to make the webring.



I already added it, let me know if I forgot yours.



When you click "HOME" from the page index.html, it redirects to homepage.html, which is of course not there. Your homepage is index.html, so you should change the URL in the hyperlink tag to be index.html.
Better use some resizing magic for those images, Lain.



I'm going to translate this post.



>When you click "HOME" from the page index.html, it redirects to homepage.html, which is of course not there.
I thought I fixed that, thanks for letting me know.




Added both your websites.



Because everyone is not as serious as you.



Has anyone managed to make a neocities account over Tor? I've tried to register but it just silently fails for me. Support (via form & email) hasn't got back yet so they might also ignore addresses - I don't know. All I could find on the matter is an ancient twitter thread.

That aside, are people really fine with un-/lain/ websites? Mine has almost nothing to do with anything schway. It's just an expression of severe autism with academic airs. Not even the CSS is fancy or unique.



>are people really fine with un-/lain/ websites? Mine has almost nothing to do with anything schway. It's just an expression of severe autism with academic airs. Not even the CSS is fancy or unique.
As long as you have something to share, you are welcome to post your page.



File: 1624112589304-0.jpg (65.5 KB, 680x668, 170:167, donkey kong ridley.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I have two sites in the webring, and none of them have anything to do with lain. it'll be fine, anon-kun



Yes, captcha was annoying so I just registered with a VPN and then used tor to log. Maybe if you keep changing the nodes one time it'll work.



I tried a few different nodes but it didn't seem to help. After reading your post I decided to try again - this time using a simpler and less offensive password. It worked! Maybe it was an issue with just that day? I'd be seriously surprised if they were silently failing based on passwords.

Thanks lain. I'm currently digging up notes and filling them out, but you can browse the W.I.P. here: Hopefully there's something interesting for you there. If not I'm happy to delete my post; there's plenty of other places to wage slave; this place is just the most chill.


Last week was inhumanely busy, now I've gone through the ring again, adding new ones and removing dead ones.
I'm mildly wary of adding sites that could just be fishing for more users, as opposed to a personal site. Did you add the webring somewhere? Excuse me if I'm being stupid and I've not seen it, as I've not logged in.



Minor updates on deurist, updated the webring page to be correct. Some images, whatnot. Next update I'll try to redo the entire page's style since, as mentioned above, I don't even remotely like how my own page looks / is structured, and with big corpo work it will be hard to squeeze time on the site.

Wrote a lot of pages for a cyberpunk novel I started some time ago. Anyone interested in reading mediocre fiction? Next time I'll probably have a txt on the webpage if so.




Welcome back, I'd be very interested in reading it, also, liked the new look made with these images.



You got the basics down but I would add at least a little bit of varying color there.



Now you just need a banner.



Hi lainanons, I used to make websites back in the early 00s using dreamweaver. I have not done so in years, would installing my copy of macromedia dreweaver again be worth it for pursuing a small website dedicated to my "record label"? Also what is stopping me from right click inspecting element and copypasta someone else's site to mine and modifying it how I see fit?



Absolutelly nothing is stopping you from doing that. That's the fun in html / css.



Thanks fren. I have minimal html xp, and I'd like to get up and running quicker. I'll definitely have a banner page setup for the ring, and even give credit where it's due if I jack someone else's code. Nice community here, I can't wait to share what I come up with.



I look forward to seeing it, good luck!



Haven't heard that name in awhile. Good luck with your website lain!



what is the relationship between my html file and my css file on neocities? i'm trying to make my fonts white and when you viewed on my computer it's still black but on my phone it is white. What am I missing? do you call you css file from the html file? thanks in advance, I know this seems noob as fuark but I can't seem to find a definitive answer myself.



It's generally a good idea to include the CSS rule in question, it might help to find out why it differs depending on device.
>do you call you css file from the html file?
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/styles.css" />



thanks, I'll update you as soon as I can and possibly drop a link to my work



Ok, we are off to a good start. I want to host my own music and videos eventually but this a great beginning. Thank you to all of the helpful Lainanons.



Yeah, because it's been obsolete for 20 years.



On the subject of making a traditional webring without requiring Javascript or referrers, Hotline Webring ( uses subdirs to manage back & forward behavior (i.e It's also open source: Another option could be to use URL parameters. For instance: yourwebring.whoah/webringscript.php?siteid=yoursiteid&action=next You could also display banners on member sites this way with image links that get redirected or something.



What a stupid comment to make on a thread centered on old tech.



many of the early sites in this webring haven't updated their webring pages since last autumn or so. i don't think this idea of a traditional webring will work in practice.



agreed. Even so, I find the banner dump a lot more charming than having actual webring functionality. I could see having both however.



Got a banner yet?

I would immediately have one concern about Hotline Webring:
>When someone clicks on one of your links, you'll be automatically added to the webring.
This definitely has opportunity to become a soykafshow pretty fast. Maybe it won't be so dramatic though, at least thus far there haven't been many bad actors in any of these threads. The latter suggestion could easily be done though. My own implementation is pretty bad, others are welcome to put in more of an effort.

I think the initial thread may have been inspired by older personal websites, but 'centered' may be a bit of a strong word.



The good thing about a ring style webring would be that once added to a site it wouldn't need to be updated, much easier than having to maintain your own banner mirror. People can still link to the banner dump too which would keep outdated sites in the mix. Also if the relevant bannners were placed below the forward & back buttons you would still get to see the cool art, with redirects on the webring server this could also be automated, even when new peeps joined. Just spitballing ideas.
Definitely the auto add feature could potentially cause issues, it was more the URL based implementation I thought was interesting rather than Hotline's approach in full.



The simplest way would be to have a single site for the lain webring which has all banners and so on and every other site just link to the webring site. This way you don't need to update your site with a new banner(just updated the main one). We could make mirrors for it if you guys don't want a single person having to deal with it. The advantage of this is that we can keep the banners, no need to make anything complex, no fear of some site dying(since it wouldn't affect the webring site) and so on.



no banner yet, I'll have one by tomorrow probably. just post the file here for everyone?

is this the best spot to acquire banners to put on my page?



File: 1624984915358-0.jpg (9.27 KB, 240x60, 4:1, room4banner.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I lied. Here is a banner right now. If I need to modify, just tell me what is required and desired. Thanks.



>>47929 has an index for banners



File: 1625018412798-0.png (189.69 KB, 582x453, 194:151, shit.png) ImgOps iqdb

still waiting for you to add banners to your webring. so far it's just you?
are you going to make a banner, anon-kun?
I can only access the first page of your site. everything is broken for me in every browser I've tested it in



the nav buttons go nowhere atm, I just put them up. Currently trying to figure out how to link to separate pages



File: 1625055211244-0.png (42.42 KB, 200x155, 40:31, 1621795603516-0.png) ImgOps iqdb

>> 47952
If you want to include other pages use PHP include commands.



I just added the with href in html. I don't know anything about php but I'll look into it.

On another note, I've noticed that when you change images, features ETC on neocities, sometimes your changes aren't reflected immediately which is sorta annoying when you're trying to figure out if your code worked or not.



I recommend you to make your page locally and when you got it as you wish upload it trough the Neocities CLI.



What is a good program to use for this purpose while running LMDE? I know I can view it in a browser but is there software I should use in particular?i'm the dreamweaver guy btw



the browser falkon auto reloads whenever a local file is modified, so it makes a good html previewer



My site uses mostly just static pages, so I just have them open in the browser and reload them after a modification. Nothing fancy really



Yeah, I made one a while ago just didn't feel ready to wage slave it. Even posting feels galling when there's still so much left unwritten. Check under about->banner if you're curious to see, I'd love to hear any feedback since it's a bit boring as it is.

My heart is painted in the colors of paper. I tried a parchment look but it wasn't as legible due to the decreased contrast and visual noise. Do you know of any css examples I can re-appropriate? Also, messy stacked paper css effects seems to be incompatible with the trick I use to make everything a single file - the best I can do is perhaps a stepped gradient to make it look like a tidy pile.



Read a book or two on typography. Highest contrast is not a solution for backlit displays. Background should be more gray, text should be more gray.



How do I view a page locally and have it utilize my css?



I went ahead and implemented a webring, here's the code (based on yours):

# Copyright (C) <2021> <[email protected]> & contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

$valid_action = array('next', 'previous', 'random'); // Ring actions
$file = 'webring_sites.csv'; // Sites list
$list = []; // Final array
$redirkey = 0; // Site to go to, 0 should be ringmaster

// If sites file doesn't exist, die
if(!file_exists($file)) die('ERROR: Sites list \''.$file.'\' not found.');

// Open file, store data, close file
$handle = fopen($file, 'r');
while ($row = fgetcsv($handle)){
$list[] = $row;

// Get number of sites
$length = count($list) - 1;

// Check calling site then store index
$caller = isset($_GET['id']) ? strtolower($_GET['id']) : $list[0][1];
if(!in_array($caller, array_column($list, 1))) die('ERROR: Invalid member ID \''.$caller.'\'.');
$id = array_search($caller, array_column($list, 1));

// Store and check action
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? strtolower($_GET['action']) : 'random';
if(!in_array($action, $valid_action)) die('ERROR: Invalid action \''.$action.'\'.');

// Store and check banner mode
$banner = isset($_GET['banner']) ? $_GET['banner'] : 'false';
if(!in_array($banner, array('true', 'false'))) die('ERROR: Invalid banner mode \''.$banner.'\'.');
// No banners with random mode
if($banner == 'true' && $action == "random"){
die('ERROR: Cannot use banners with random mode.');

// Perform requested action
if($action == 'next'){ // Get next site in list
$redirkey = $id + 1;
if($redirkey > $length){ // Fix overflow
$redirkey = 0;
}elseif($action == 'previous'){ // Get previous site
$redirkey = $id - 1;
if($redirkey < 0){ // Fix underflow
$redirkey = $length;

// Show banner or do random
if($banner == 'true'){
header('Location: ../images/banners/'.$list[$redirkey][1].'.'.$list[$redirkey][3]);
}elseif($action == 'random'){
$redirkey = rand(0, $length);
if($length + 1 > 1){ // Don't waste CPU
while($redirkey == $id){ // Don't visit caller
$redirkey = rand(0, $length);

// Finally, do the redirect
header('Location: '.$list[$redirkey][2]);

Use as you see fit (or don't), to deploy it follow these steps:
1. Place it in a folder next to your images directory (i.e scripts/webring.php)
2. Make a file called webring_sites.csv in the same place and make CSV entries like so:


'network' is either 'clearnet' or 'onion', 'id' should be the same as the banner filename (without extension) give each member their ID so they can implement the ring on their end, 'url' is obvious but you should include the protocol too (instead of just the domain), 'extension' is the file extension of the relevant banner.

3. Make sure the banners are in '../images/banners/' relative to the script directory.
4. That's it.

For members of the ring here's what you can do (if you want to obvs.):
1. Make a previous button with this link format:<yoursiteid>
2. Below that, place an image link like this:<yoursiteid>&banner=true
3. Make the random button like this:<yoursiteid>
4. Make the next buttons by taking the first 2 link formats and replacing 'previous' with 'next'
5. Link to the banner dump at (but you're probably doing this already)

Hope the code doesn't suck. This was fun.



To open it locally, just open the HTML files with a browser. To see it with CSS you have to link it like >>47893 said.
<!-- If the CSS file is in the same folder as the HTML file linking to it. -->
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
<!-- If the CSS file is a folder whose HTML file linking to it in a sub-directory of. -->
<link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
<!-- If the CSS file is in a specific folder in the same directory -->
<link href="styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
<!--You can also directly link the whole path as well, but if you upload it you'll have to remember to change it.-->
<link href="/home/user/website/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
I suggest w3schools if you're learning, my own site is not something to be impressed by but I learned there and found their How To page and tutorials helpful.



just open the HTML file in your browser. e.g., in your terminal:
firefox index.html 
or in your url bar of your browser:
for including CSS files, it works the same way as it would if you were hosting it publically. just have a path in the href attribute of the link tag to the "style.css" file. like
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/> 
if it's in the same directory. use relative paths to reach it if it's not.



Thanks for the info. I'll work on it more tonight when I get home. The next thing I want is to make my paragraphs more narrow when viewed on the desktop. It looks great on mobile. I definitely need to research and study more to work out these little bits. A guestbook and hit counter is a must. I had those on my old angelfire site back in 99(?). Music content is going to be fun to put up and share. Anything to reduce dependency on google.



>Anything to reduce dependency on google.

very good. we're here for you lain. the guestbook/hit counter will require a bit more than just CSS, but we can show you how to set it up for free using e.g.



Woah! Like, no way.



I checked out your band Krimson Mask. I hope something comes of that, you really have great music there.



File: 1625292463529-0.png (788.95 KB, 1103x1082, 1103:1082, Screenshot_2021-07-03 No S….png) ImgOps iqdb

Added you to my webring



Thanks. I'm glad you enjoy it, that really means a lot. We are in the process of finishing our self-titled album. Should be done in a few weeks and will be available for free download.




>We are in the process of finishing our self-titled album.
Awesome, can't wait to hear it



These are really cool and I'm jealous, can someone recommend a guide on creating a website? I've been looking for a project and this looks perfect



W3schools is a fairly thorough html/css source. Codeacademy probably had something too, I've used them before for other stuff.



Thanks, I will have a look tonight, I've wanted something creative to do for a while



what's a good free dns server to use, only ones i know about are cloudflare and namecheap and i'd definitely want to avoid cloudflare's



lain you forgot to use the value of route in the code, cool otherwise.



What do you mean? If you have a domain name you can typically just use your registrar's nameservers. Or do you want a free (sub)domain name too?



It's really impressive how much this has grown and how many talented lainions have awesome websites. You all rock and I love browsing your stuff. I'm afraid to add my websites since they are associated with my IRL identity.



i use a free registrar that doesn't have it's own nameserver.



I started adding in the webring, it's not going to be in any specific order, mostly alphabetical. The banner page at concealed world are all active for the most part, correct? I see separate folder for the dead ones.



Here is a good resource on web design. Hasn't been updated in awhile, but some of these sites are hilarious.



Thanks again for the recommendation, W3schools is really good, I'm about half way through trying to create a basic locally hosted HTML article to get the feel of it



No need to thank me, another lainon ITT told me about it. When I googled help for another issue, that was the first site that came up and I felt kinda dumb not going there in the first place lol. Now it's a constant fixture in my browser when working. I just used it to make images appear side by side. Columns and rows ftw.



>wake up
>check my site
>500 error
god damn it that made me nervous



Almost finished with the webring, I just have to link a handful of more sites but I got everyone's banner up.

Some links I've come across give me a "connection is not private" error message in my browser, such as

Is this something I'm doing wrong or is there a reason for this?



In the case of, the cert was issued to * rather than It seems his host ( ?) wants him to pay money but I don't read Russian so who knows.

Some people have signed their own certs which does provide 'private connection' but it wasn't issued by a big boy cert signing company and browsers do care about that

As for others and not related to certs, sometimes people don't automatically redirect to https so maybe your browser is complaining about it?



By the way, the url for my site changed.

also i think i fixed that issue people were having where the site didnt load properly but let me know if you find something i missed - mobile's still gonna look like ass, though, working on a mobile layout on-and-off

also, i might get around to making an actual webring system so it's a /webring/ and not just a list




oh lmao someone beat me to it on making the actual ring
will probably stick this on my site



i should probably make a banner for my site, too - will get around to that later tonight hopefully



Sry mate, was busy with studying. Adding yall right now.



How can I make a GIF banner what tools do you guys use?



you can use ezgif to convert videos into gifs and do a whole bunch of other soykaf

i use photoshop to fill in the gaps of what it cant quite manage though



Friendly suggestion, I think you guys that have music playing by default should change it so it only plays if the user wants it to. Do whatever you want, of course, but I'm just giving my 2 cents.


Got you added.
Having read through this is looks pretty promising, do you have anywhere you're hosting this? I'd try it straight away, but as you may be able to tell I've been busy a lot lately, I wouldn't want to miss it if I'm gone another couple of days again. If not, I'll save it somewhere myself.
I could convey the broad strokes, for more specific detail you probably already have a preferred resource (you've come this far).

# Hosting
* Free service - Neocities, etc
* Paid VPS
* Any computer in your house

# Domains/DDNS
Generally requires registrars, an issue for the privacy conscious. You can go with it anyway, foot the extra bill to use something plausibly more private, or circumvent the evil via hosting over Tor or simiar.

# Web Server
Nginx is the default, although anything is fine. Interesting stuff like darkhttpd is out there.

# Actual Content
Refer to others' earlier posts about where to find resources on HTML and CSS. It'll probably be tedious, you may want to start with a smaller project such as a startpage if you have no familiarity.

Other than that, creative content is down to creativity.

If I ping them nightly for more than a week or so and recieve no timely response I remove them. Should be fine.


To be fair, I have a very simple banner.



That markdown didn't quite come out how I would have liked, oh well.



Eh, there's a 'toggle music' button, and I'm gonna make it store the user's preference in localstoratge.




I'm glad you like it! It isn't hosted anywhere unfortunately so you should save it locally, easy to test on a local httpd as described. Hope you get some free time in your schedule.



File: 1626123016964-0.png (531 B, 192x48, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb
Spent all day on this. Gonna add the webring now.



Your page is looking good, nice work.



File: 1626184927521-0.jpg (279.92 KB, 1272x702, 212:117, webring.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Added. I don't think I have missed anyone now.



File: 1626299391873-0.gif (186.27 KB, 393x237, 131:79, indesign-justification.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Every time I think of learning html to make my own website and post very valuable blogshits of what I ate today and how I love Richard Stallaman, I remember that webshit "ecosystem" of markup <> viewer application still can't comprehend basic thing Johan Gutenberg managed 600 years ago with bricks of lead of variable width, and completely lose any interest hencefore.



File: 1626301063217-0.png (12.5 KB, 240x60, 4:1, newnewlogo.png) ImgOps iqdb
i have returned from the dead. website overhaul + pinky promise i will stop dying.



Can you be more specific? Do you mean ligatures?



Added. Love your art!



If you mean using variable width to make text fit more aesthetically in boxes, just use LaTeX+PDF. PDF supports hyperlinks so there's no reason why it couldn't be the foundation of a website.



Not sure if idiot or trolling.
Imagine using printer processor braindamage to display text on variable width viewports.



Considering how much resources and documentation are available for html and css, this seems like a weak excuse and willful ignorance.



>Not sure if idiot or trolling.
Mostly trivializing your concern as I feel it warrants, yes.



File: 1626373887649-0.gif (186.68 KB, 240x60, 4:1, randombanner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

I thought the next and previous banners might look a little lonely by themselves, so I made an image for the random button that lains can use if the ring is implemented.



>>46277 (OP)
Wasn't very happy with my page and reworked everything, will have to put alot more work into it, but webring is already there



thanks for creating all of your sites and webring, lainons



File: 1626718333592-0.png (375.88 KB, 1288x1380, 14:15, gnu.png) ImgOps iqdb

This is a really good website. I can see it has had serious effort poured into it. I enjoyed listening to the music; my favourite track may be running_away_from_god.

This gnu is good enough for GNU to feature in its art section. I recommend giving it an appropriate license and sending it to them:



Do you have plans to add some sort of guestbook on your page ?
Also, I wanna create sub-webring with lainons from post-USSR / CIS and put it on my site, do you want to be on it ?



Not that lainon, but I think a guestbook would be a great addition to any of these sites that don't already have one. Thanks for the reminder.



thank you tons! I actually tried sending it but they still haven't replied since I'd say 2 months. oh well



nvm, the email thing was completely my fault. fixed up everything and licensed everything correctly. thank you for bringing this to my attention



Bruh you's is literally a collection of "pages" with nothing but contact email and a page with webring banners.
How tf is this different from empty facebook profiles with gazillion of friends they have no pesonal contact with?



Well for one no one here wants to have their speech controlled by mega corporations. I'll be nice and assume you are <16 years old and will just paste this from wikipedia:

>A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social.

>Sites usually join a webring in order to receive traffic from related sites.



No one is asking you to participate, bruh.



I'm trying to make image thumbnails for some larger image files I have. The code works but it also affects my logo at the top of the page. How would I isolate my sites logo from the image gallery thumbnails?
t is only happening on my "images" page, it is not a site-wide issue. The first 2 images are already fullsize and I need to reupload the originals. The 3rd image is what I am trying to do, with the full-size image viewed in a new tab when clicked. My logo at the top of the page is now dinky and doesn't match the rest of my site. What is the best way to fix this? Thank you lainons.



you want to increase specificity on your elements.
basically, dont style <img> tags in your css, but instead give your logo a class="" of some value and then style that in the css instead. that way you can apply styles only to classes not to all elements of a given type. happy to help more if this is confusing.



Thank you for this. I'll see what I can do.



hey protocol7! if you're lurking this thread and not busy with ripping other people's websites verbatim, you should know your vichan instance is dead and every attempt to post results in an HTTP 400 error

underage detected

looks like you missed



What freedom of speech? Most of you have nothing to say at all. Why should anyone give you gratis platform for your freedom of non-speech?

All I see are rows of cookie-cutter low-effort opinions paraphrasing FSF indoctrination. If I wanted to read about freetardism I'd go straight to, why do you need a personal webpage with generic bootstrap CSS when you have absolutely nothing to say?

I'm not talking about "lainchan webring" alone, I have came across a dozen of these "webrings", "tildes" and "gemini capsules", most people participating have either blank or uninteresting pages with few generic fields filled in, as mentioned - contact info and maybe music taste, and a hellow world "blogpost", the best of your ilk is able to do are write-ups about piles of electronic garbage you dumpster-dived off ebay this month.



Your mistake is thinking the world revolves around you, it does not. No one is obligated to cater to you.



I think you misunderstand the point of freedom of speech, the value of what is being said is irrelevant, what matters is that it can be said without being derrezed the moment you say it.

Ultimately the reason this webring has value is because it gives your fellow lainons the opportunity to express themselves on their own terms. Of course the web is not a place of absolute freedom, as people like Joshua Moon have discovered for instance.

Even so, to have your own website that reflects your thoughts and aesthetic sensibilities, that showcases your creative output, is valuable in an age where every social media profile is uniform in presentation and increasingly limited in what it is permitted to express.

You critique the ring members for posting about FOSS philosophy, on that I would make some observations:

1. Not everyone is familiar with FOSS or even knows who Richard Stallman is. Having satellites for belief systems is important in raising awareness (this is why there are many groups for any given perspective on every issue you could think of). Imagine if Stallman was the only person espousing these values, the movement would be far smaller than it is today (although to you that would be desirable I suppose).

2. This is the Lainchan webring, as expected it reflects the beliefs of the community. A webring for another community (particularly when webrings were the norm and not a throwback to web history) would reflect its amalgamation of perspectives.

In the end if you think you have more to say and would find it enjoyable I would encourage you to try making your own place on the WWW, I'm sure people here would at least have a look and maybe even find it valuable themselves.



Finally got rid of autoplay and youtube as a host of the bg music by moving to the bitchute.fuarrrk google.



Gratis!? I'll have you know I happily pay neocities exactly 5 whole US dollars every month to use their services.
In response to the rest of your crybaby post: Go browse the internet somewhere else if a psuedo community bothers you so much. What kind of response are you expecting? "Welp, guess he's right. Better go post some complaints about other people's projects on anonymoose forum." Seriously, what reaction are you looking for? Nobody cares if you like it or approve of it because it's not being created for you. Your opinion is less than worthless and you should be embarrassed for making a post so entitled out of touch with reality. I bet your parents and family hate you.



Don't like what someone has to say? Find something that suits you. That's the magic of the internet. If your ego lets you believe you have something better to offer then make something, it's that simple. I think you forgot that we are all common people that can't put all our time into web development.



I've tried this a few different ways, and read the links you've posted and beyond but I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
My logo is located at /images/room4_2.jpg
What exactly do I write in my css and do I link using <a href=""</a> ? Sorry for my ignorance.



ideally you would refactor your entire css to apply styling only to classes and not to elements universally, but that's beyond teaching in this thread i think, so here is the most simple solution for right now:

in your css do this:

img:not(.logo) {
/* don't need to change anything that's already here */

in your html do this:

<img class="logo" src="/images/room4_2.jpg"> 



File: 1627134039974-0.png (8.19 KB, 240x80, 3:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

not even 10% complete, but I want to join webring ASAP, so here is the minimum to consider this as my personal web page :

is links on fresh enough? Want to use it for my webring page now, to not miss some lainons not from this thread.



Your site looks great so far and yes that page does look up to date



later will try to adapt it for smaller screens and maybe do something with strictly set CSS properties values



Added you back again

>is links on fresh enough? Want to use it for my webring page now, to not miss some lainons not from this thread.
It should be up-to-date to within days or less.



In your TL;DR, it says
>diksmag VP
instead of diskmag VP
sorry if I'm rude



thanks, fixed
looks like I need to do another one check before updating site, to avoid diks



File: 1627388825298-0.gif (23.68 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 1620844002826.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>Added you back again
Thanks mate



For anyone using neocities, the site is currently down. 504 gateway time-out. Does this happen often?



I visit Neocities often and would say it's reliable (I haven't seen it go down myself). As free options for site hosting go its the best that I can think of.



Is it okay to edit banners of webring to make it more similar to general site style ?



I can't speak for everyone but I will do it to maintain my own autistic size standardization requirements. You can do whatever you want and no one can stop you lol. Curious, are you referring to changing colors and altering the banner itself or just resizing?



>You can do whatever you want
sure, but maybe someone want to keep banner in original view on all the other sites



The obvious way to implement the banners of the webring websites is very simple: Require each site to host its own banner in a standardized location and link to it. The file can be webring-banner with the file type being sent in a header, or webring-banner.png if no one minds a standardized type being chosen, as two examples.

Sure, this allows others a glimpse at traffic, but no one should be concerned by that, especially since it would likely be cached.



With how often some of these sites change/go down I wouldn't like my page looking that error filled. I'd much rather maintain my own copy. In any case, these threads are old now and a lot of the early members have not made reappearances or even updated their webrings past the first thread or two, so at this point there is no chance at introducing new standardizations.



>I'd much rather maintain my own copy.
These options aren't mutually exclusive.

>so at this point there is no chance at introducing new standardizations.

It could be done piecewise.



Okay. get started and please keep us updated.



Fellow Ukraini-lain?! I have a tiny suggestion: please specify the color of text in the css (it's supposed to be black/dark, right?). My browser settings default to black background and light text, and when only background (white/light) is forced on websites the text becomes unreadable.

On an unrelated note, have been messing with my website for months now and am still not sure if it's "good enough" for the webring... Damn it, maybe I'll make a banner in a few days and finally join.



дякую, сьогодні ввечері/завтра буде



You guys inspired me into making a neocities site, so here it is: Thanks I guess. I'll post here if I make a banner for the webring.



here ya go king. I just resized the one you have on your page



Hello. I looked at your website, and I think it's a nice concept.
By the way, I tried to make a banner for your website, based on your header image. I see that >>49235 has already posted something that, and it looks like my own version of it. Anyway, I will add you later, when I update my links page.



Welcome, added you to webring.



what recommendations do you have for creating a guestbook?



You can implement it by yourself or use one of free services which is usually linked to neocities websites.
If you want to implement it by yourself - simplest form of guestbook is just one form that send comments to some storage and script that generate HTML to display this comments.



Does anyone have the link/know how to find the neocities site where its a cyberpunk city you click and walk through?
I've been thinking about making my own



thanks i think that was it!



wasnt there another one that had a lot less text?

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