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 No.54827[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

This is part 7 of the webring thread, still going!

Last thread: >>49373

How do I join?

* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website

* Post a link to your RSS feed on your site. Communicate with other Lains by responding to articles on their RSS feeds with responses on your RSS feed. If you're both subscribed to each others feeds, you'll see each others responses and can long-form communicate back and forth in a decentralized way.


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>My website:

>My RSS:

>Some of the links and banners from other lains, my copy of the ring. Feel free to copy any of these if you are building out your own ring, and be creative with your own rings!



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>>54827 (OP)
I've also recently started to do the ''''blogging'''' thing with rss, but unsure how much html to throw into the rss. I atleast added some stuff to get thunderbird and other places to properly see the newlines.
but not sure if I want to go through the effort of also throwing the images in there.
rss in question: https://xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g/blog/rss/
the shoddy blog/brewing soykaf: https://xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g/blog/

will say though blogging like this is more fun than when I tried to do the full article 'blogging', just a private place to soykafpost to myself is nice in the world of overly complex and annoying social media



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i have a 88x31 sized button now if anyone's into those also a tor mirror i never posted here




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>I've also recently started to do the ''''blogging'''' thing with rss, but unsure how much html to throw into the rss.
I think about this sometimes as well. The way I see it, there are 3 possible complications from adding HTML to RSS feeds:

1. Terminal-based RSS clients may not have html parsers that can strip out the text from the html or interpret basic html. You can test out a few terminal RSS clients to check how well they parse your html

2. HTML can include links to other resources such as images. If the user goes offline with the feeds updated, they wont get the images

3. Some RSS readers use embedded browsers which are probably too powerful for whats needed for RSS and can be abused. HTML may embed malicious scripts or other tracking elements (this is common with email)

despite these issues I still like to use some html in my RSS feed, since it gives the feed subscribers a bit of styling to look at and the images in the blog post, but try to minimize the amount of html that is sent. as usual, best to use your tools responsibly

>will say though blogging like this is more fun than when I tried to do the full article 'blogging', just a private place to soykafpost to myself is nice in the world of overly complex and annoying social media

i couldn't agree more, having your own independent blog makes the blogging experience very relaxing. you can just sit down, write your thoughts for a few minutes, add it to your site, and forget about it. no notifications, likes, upvotes or anything else to distract you all day after making a post, no pressure and no strings attached from making a post. also you can be as creative as you want on your own space



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I haven't made a banner but I did make the favicon pixel by pixel



im currently building my own website, but my lack of knowledge in programming isn't helping. Things are not working quite well. I will do a banner and then I will post the link to the site here. Also, since I am talking about the banner, with what software can I create it? It is going to be just a simple static image btw.



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Thanks for sharing your feed, I subscribed to it. also neat, I recently tried out webbrowser not too long ago. It's in the AUR so easy enough to get working on arch machines. only played around with it for a little bit though, haven't tried using it full time for a few days to see how it works compared to other browsers.

>im currently building my own website, but my lack of knowledge in programming isn't helping
You'll get there anon, it just takes a bit of time and getting used to. HTML is pretty straight forward, but CSS placement can be a real pain at first, and if you use a framework the learning curve starts to get pretty steep without a bit of programming and webdev background.

Your best bet is to make a site using just HTML/CSS/JS in a text editor, that will get you familiar with the basics. Once you do that, you can try out a few frameworks or static site generators and see if you can translate the pieces of your existing site into the framework. Or you can always roll your own using a bit of scripting, even just a few lines of bash and you can set up a goof framework for making web pages.

Don't give up anon, we all know this feel of starting off building websites, its painful at first but rewarding in the long run.

>Also, since I am talking about the banner, with what software can I create it?

A lot of us use GIMP to make the banners, myself included.



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due to the meme way my 404 pages are handled banners that dont exist get a stretched 404 cat as banner, hopefully this motivates you to make one soon anon, clean site though. radio antenna tech remains arcane magic to me I still want to get into properly one day.
gimp is fine but definitely less than intuitive for gifs,
for just simple use of slapping some text and graphics together in a 240x60 frame it should do though.
for gifs btw, if you do want to mess about without any plugins:
- every layer is a frame, pretty straight forward, can set delays and blends
- for viewing what it'd be like with all the frames is under filters>animation>playback
- might want to play with optimize/unoptimize to get frames out or lower size
- to save go 'export as' then .gif, and then check the 'as animation' checkbox



I like the idea with RSS. Never used it when it was popular so I don't have much memories of it besides the orange icon, but it seems like a comfy way to have a "blog". You can get my feed at

Also subscribed to getimiskon, Yukinu and Ck's feeds
Updated your url in the ring. I remember you saying somewhere that you would prefer if the links pointed to your own domain instead of geocities, so I did that.
Cool projects and favicon. I hope you don't mind, but I'll add you when you have a banner cause otherwise I would kinda need to change few things on my site for it to be possible. Unless you don't expect to have it soon, then I can make a placeholder or just change my site's code.

Also, merry christmas everyone!



Oh yeah, also one last thing. I wonder how do people here feel about mobile design? I kinda got to the grim realization that between my friends most people browse the internet on their phones and I never really build anything on my site to be mobile friendly. I'm thinking right now of maybe adding mobile css to it. I know few sites here do have mobile as an option, but I wonder what others think about it.



It's very low priority for me, frankly I'm disgusted I feel I need to bother at all. However I did implement it when I overhauled my site. Basically started with W3C's responsive content example and worked it into what I wanted. It's still not finished but it does something which is better than phone users ever could have said about my site in the past.



Some responsiveness is necessarry imo. Since many people use tiling window managers, the website should adapt to different and potentially small screen sizes. It's not that hard, just don't hard code sizes that much. Some basic support will make a lot of difference.



I would like to make a banner or at least a logo but I'm not sure what to use. All I can come up with is image searching "eleven" for ideas but sifting through screenshots of that damned Supernatural character of the same name gets old fast



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subscribed to your RSS feed, thanks for sharing and merry christmas to you too. RSS really is very comfy to use, its nice reading some blog posts in an RSS reader, and its a great way to keep in touch with smaller sites and sites that don't update as frequently. I hope you end up enjoying using RSS a bit and reading some of the blogs feeds.



>>54827 (OP)
this is a nice thread.



I tend to make it okay for small widths anyway as thats how I browse the web(45/55 split in dwm), which seems to translate to something that still works on phones by a quick look of it.
very, very low prio though, no respect for phoneposters.



Thanks for the tips guys, i'm try to work with gimp right now to make a banner.
Well, css is exactly what is confusing me, but I was trying to make the changes in my site directly from the files in my neocities dashboard, and there is a delay in some changes that I do for whatever reason, and I was thinking that the problem was with my code, but it was just this delay.
I will make sure to check some frameworks later though, when most of my site is finished.



Might be your cache. Try disabling it when working or if you enjoy pain like me, deleting it every time you make a change. Look up the shortcut for it in your browser



You can also use ctrl+F5 to reload the entire site and update cache.



i like this and enjoy reading about you, i will add you to my webring soon





Does someone know if there is a possibility to get the other threads on the archive board/ or are the archived somewhere?



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neat I like it, very comfy site with how simple all the blogging is and fun different pages and content to explore.



do u like DRI or soziedad alkoholika



yukinu has (used to have?) a blog post on archiving the old threads. unfortunately i don't think anyone has been thorough in saving the lainchan api data of the threads, and the staff here seem disinterested in archives >>>/q/268



i have really enjoy this webring and look forward to adding my own once it's more complete. i have looked at every single one of your sites. i wanted to embed a mega-rss feed into my own new tab page and so i made this:

please let me know if i missed your rss feed and i will update.



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>Does someone know if there is a possibility to get the other threads on the archive board/ or are the archived somewhere?
As far as I'm aware, lainchan either used to have archives but doesn't anymore, or never had them. But as >>54973 said I had archives and a blog post about this a while ago. I lost some of my old site source code, but will dig through my backups to see if I still have a snapshot from when I wrote that article and upload the archives to my site

nice site, will add your site and banner on my next update to my site. also if you're interested, here is some code that will make those windows xp windows closeable when you click the close button. just throw this code at the bottom of the HTML and it will add the click events after all of the windows have been added to the DOM:

.forEach(closeButton => {
closeButton.onclick = clickEvent => {

>i have really enjoy this webring and look forward to adding my own once it's more complete
glad you've been enjoying the ring and checking out the sites lainanon, hope to see you in the webring soon.



fuarrrk yeah! D.R.I is sick



Holy based, give soziedad alkoholika a try :)



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>>54827 (OP)
>Link to website

My website is pretty new! I haven't done an rss feed or made a copy of the webring yet.



>i have a 88x31 sized button now if anyone's into those
gotta figure out something to do with those, plenty people have also made them and its pretty nice and compact to throw on one page, also some other nice sites not in the ring I'd like to give a mention.
looks very in progress but nice to have more people in the ring, looking forward to what you'll do with the place. also cheers for getting me up to an aeshetically pleasing devidable by 3 amount banners



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I have decided to join in on the fun. Although the website is crap I will be working on it. Currently have taken some inspiration from some other websites.

> My Website:



Anybody have a guide to get started? Would like to join but am tech illiterate




You can also look at the source code of websites you like and see how they have accomplished their look.



>add me on discord

such anti system such wow such against the trend



Report a thread with a message asking staff to archive it. This has always been the way to do it, by asking for it.



Reading everyone's rss posts is so fun. I also appreciate the onion and i2p mirrors, which I visit whenever I can. I have been working on a website of my own, but I haven't decided if I should create an atom feed or an rss feed. What do you guys think? I know that using html inside an rss feed is a pain, and with atom I can just embed some of the html already present in each blogpost.



The ic3 i2p link leads to the coarse enigma i2p website on your webring



>>54827 (OP)
only ever lurked in these threads before but at some point once i feel my site is developed enough i'll post a banner & link. and also a little less obviously inspired by some of yours, heh

i was wondering what the best way to go about putting blog posts into an rss.xml file would be; do most people update them manually or is it better to write some kind of script for it?



>i was wondering what the best way to go about putting blog posts into an rss.xml file would be; do most people update them manually or is it better to write some kind of script for it?
I made a comfy setup by turning this upside down. I manually write the RSS and then make the server put it inside a template when someone visits the html page.

You can do the opposite fairly easily too I think. I assume just by making a css class for blog posts and attaching it to every div that holds articles you can get them to be parsed without much headache. You can make then that the <h1> tags inside those articles will be translated to <title> tags of RSS.

Although, simply by copy and pasting the article manually from html to rss you at most will spend 5 minutes extra, so it's not a big deal either way.





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I will make an RSS feed after I figure it out. That does sound like a cool idea.



the comfiest solution is writing something that fits your needs like >>55161 personally I have the php generate the rss from the plaintext posts + images, and just make blog posts with a simple upload script of ' plaintextpostfile attachment.whatever'
thought I already had you added for some reason, pretty sure I've been on your site before, added now anyway



>pretty sure I've been on your site before
I have added it before but I updated it some so I thought I'd post it again.



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Hello fellow lainons! Here is my website:

onion: http://kcrrwiv4pcqq2nvlgnv7hrqqnpenltjdsgl3oycprkxzeszdelph5lyd.onion/
i2p: http://cpdw4t55vbcn5px6n4yllmg7vbndqhdckyvu6ibvpy54v6uzw7ba.b32.i2p/index.html

My banner is the gif attached to this post.

I have added most of you to the webring, although there are some websites missing. Also, there are rss feeds for both i2p and onion users. I plan on ditching most social media to just post to my website whenever I feel the need to share something I would usually share on big websites. The rss feeds will be updated regularly as well.



very clean layout for everything, i like it. interested to read more



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Hello fellow Lainons. A few months ago my website,, went down. Now, I have a new website: It's pretty barebones now, but there will be more stuff soon.



I'm so happy to have you back. I was wondering if we'll ever hear back from you. I'll add the new site back soon.



ah that explains it, had it twice for a moment
swapped funwithhakase for it, good to see you back



By the way, what software do you guys use for making gifs? I would love improving my banner later on!



I used blender for mine, since animations are simple in there, and I was already familiar with it.



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GIMP when I'm working with fine details, frame dumps and apngasm otherwise.


Site updated

Started watching battle programmer shirase after seeing it on your site, enjoying it so far!



Today I made the webring:
If I omitted someone please let me know!



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lots of 404s, beware. the only links working as of today are index, about, guestbook, links, contact.



> bitninja. Cringe.



I like the tree layout



Yeah that tree looks based



either you or your hosting service is DDoS """protecting""" your website through bitninja. this makes lain sad



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must be my host! sorry lainons.
>>55367 you use the same host, how to disable?



>>54827 (OP)
bookmarking this thread so i can come back and possibly join the webring
this caught my interest
ive never made a banner for something like this so i guess ill work on that



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So I've been thinking about a banner, what do you think about an unrolled hendecahedron with the#eleven across the first 10 sides and ".org" in the last? Basically this but more in a line going across the banner



I figured out already the hosting provider is soykaf, it basically is a ramnode reseller, but I am poor asf rn and I have no money for hosting. My onionsites are cancer-free, but I don't want to expose my device on the clearnet.



if you like it it works



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I wanted to have a clue in what demensions my site stands, Only I have the permissions to get that information.
Do you think it's appropiate to run umami?



I delete if you want



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it's extremely basic but i might as well :P
i'll be working on it a lot



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Updated my site with all of your banners and websites, thanks for sharing lainons.

nice to see your website is back up!

hope to see you back soon with a website and a banner anon



Added you too! Nice website! You should add some contact info such as mail or xmpp, perhaps we can keep in touch!



just got around to adding my email, it's up now.



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Alright, I posted in the thread before last without really advertising my website since I felt self-conscious about how little it had to offer lainanons. Since then, I've written more articles and improved the overall quality enough to not feel terrible about asking to be included. It's still got nothing to do with lain, cyberpunk, or hacking; it's still riddled with flagrant displays of glitterboyry and half-finished, CliffsNotes-laconic articles; but it does document a niche of internet culture, explores concepts related to it in depth, and discusses technical matters including programming - the latest of my blogposts perhaps being of interest to anyone working with static site generators. All said, I hope you guys enjoy scrolling through.



thanks for sharing your site anon, it has a very nice style to it! will add to my ring next time i update it



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also, excellent single page design with your site, ive seen people do this before and its amazing when you can click links and it instantly "loads" the page (through preloading all of it)



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Thanks fren, I'm glad you like it!

>also, excellent single page design with your site

It's surprisingly simple for a pure CSS solution. With all the javascript monstrosities floating about, you'd think it wasn't even possible. BTW I've attached a file containing the essentials (beyond the strictly necessary caveat that section#home must be the last section on your page) if you're curious. The john-doe template buries the trick in noise and hasn't accepted an excellent pull request that fixes a bug in the scheme.

>its amazing when you can click links and it instantly "loads" the page

It was strict requirement for any template I'd use. Being a Tor user, I find myself opening a bunch of tabs at once simply because waiting for each tab in turn is too painful. It all boils down to latency being favored over bandwidth even for clearnet connections.



data mining thread
everyone should all fields



>data mining thread
>everyone should all fields
Imagine this level of paranoia.
>Going to join the Linux User Group (data mining).
>Making an independant website instead of using social media (data mining)
>Having a discussion with like minded people (data mining)
Can you do anything? Is everything data mining? Surely facebook survey games etc. are data mining, but posts on lainchan arn't. Why should our corperate overloads care about what Linux distributions lain use, or what web frameworks? Specially when tied to no identifiers like emails, ip addresses, usernames, cookies, etc. that are part of developing an advertising profile? Facebook isn't conducting market research on which CSS frameworks are popular among lains.



>Specially when tied to no identifiers like emails, ip addresses, usernames, cookies, etc
That's what they made you think



>That's what they made you think
>Unless LC is embedding third party trackers, or sharing logs/data with third parties, there is no reason to think facebook associates your posts with your IP unless you think your ISP or backbone ISPs, or Lainchans ISP is surveilling you. If your ISP is surveilling you, you should be using a VPN/Tor/ w/e. Under no circumstances does it make sense to say 'data mining'. Its just /g/ paranoia.
I mean, lets think about even ISP surveillance. Because of TLS, ISPs aren't going to see URIs, or cookies - just timing - not even content. If ISPs routinely scraped Lainchan, they could construct timing attacks and try to pair (IP,POST). What would be the point?
There is little commercial value to pairing my IPs and Posts - and its comparatively hard to do, and hard to make sense of the data - its unstructured.
Its far easier to just record the domain names I lookup or that appear in SNI. There is evidence that this is exactly what ISPs are doing because 1) They are resisting DoH by Lobbying and 2) They are preventing you from changing DNS on Mobile Devices and ISP routers. The metadata is far easier to make sense of and commercialize at scale.
When you start talking about Nation State APTs engaging in surveillance, timing attacks and content make more sense - individual analysts may be assigned to targets. What government would have any interest in doing this to lainchan or /g/ ? Although LE intrests could exist in identifying school-shooters on /b/, IB's will just cooperate, and timing attacks are out of the capability of LE anyway. /g/ contains no government intelligence (and no intelligence period). Its not worth surveilling.
Either way the point of internet fora , and image boards is to have these kind of discussions, and ranting about being data mined by (((THEM))) isn't a reason to not have these discussions. Even if I were being surveilled by government actors with individual analysts reading my posts for content, I would still have discussions about my favorite frameworks, and etc. Its not illegal, and what would the point of lainchan even be without these things?
Information exposed on lainchan is probably not of interest to virtually anyone except cyberpunk nerds. Most surveillance is pervasive mass surveillance, and automated, not individual taylored to collect decentralized log hanging fruit.



only one factor, there are countless others, like the server you are connected to



that was really a lazy reading of what was said about. AWS is surveilling all VPSs and mining databases for content and logs to associate (IP,POST) still isn't interesting b/c of how implausible it is - same problem. Unstructured content is diffuse locations. Its too hard to be worth it commercially. Which just leaves CIA or w/e who also doesn't have the budget to collect all unstructured content on the planet and task analysts, or the desire to surveil /g/. They would probably pay not to read our rants.



Server you are connected to =



That problem is easy to solve. If you believe appleman1234 is spying on you to learn your favorite javascript frameworks, and you object to this, simply don't post on lainchan.
To me all this (((ThEy)]} stuff really just degrades the board and disrupts useful behavior. Grassroots cyberpunks want to create independent websites and talk about technology in a world of Web 2.0 commericialized serveilance apps - Nah. Its data mining don't do it. Thats a pretty unempowering perspective. No anonymous cyberpunk movement can exist if participants don't participate.
OPSEC can impose heavy costs, and there is a right amount of OPSEC for everything. Discussing web technologies on an imageboard doesn't require resistance to state actors, but LARPing as though lainchain was the base of operations for a large scale cyber-terrorist movement does.
>No anonymous cyberpunk movement can exist if participants don't participate.



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Stop sageing glitterboy you can't bump replies
That being said,
>your face when someone finds your website mentioned somewhere else and doxes you there and here



reported for fbi



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>>54827 (OP)
>my site:

Finally caved in this winterbreak and took the time to get back into HTML. Site's still under construction so layouts are prone to change.



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>admits to maleposting on crystalcafe
bad form

also you should consider self-hosting sound files instead of using third-party tracking widgets. otherwise i like your site and i'm looking forward to exploring it a bit more later.




i'm a girl, which ik can be a bit difficult to determine given the male screenname. It's a silly reference to Doug Rattmann from the portal games.

also, i'll totally look into self-hosting in the future! it's on the list



Can't you just put the audio files directly on neocities?
self hosting can be cheap too. 5 dollars a month will get you a domain and vps that gives you a lot more options than neocities.



Sadly, audiofiles are only supported for people who have a membership (which is about 5 bucks a month). So about the same as selfhosting.

I've looked through neo's monthly supporter plan and it looks alright, though like you said, selfhosting still grants way more options.



some of your images lack the 'posts/' prefix and dont load on your blog. other than that if there is supposed to be audio as the autoplay workaround welcome page suggest, nothings playing probably related to >>56005
otherwise comfy site I like the slightly schizo vibes


my website
add it



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I removed the audio to avoid the annoying soundcloud pop up to appear.

also, I hadn't noticed some of my images weren't loading correctly, so ty for mentioning that!



ebin website, added



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very cool, added with the other filler banners



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Hidden Route/Path/Corner reporting in. I will update my webring page soon, when I'm not busy. In case you weren't able to find my button and my links, here they are:

>Clearnet bridge (i don't own this bridge):







I need feedback. Is anyone able to access my i2p site?? I tried to setup i2p in my machine. Sometimes it works, sometimes it refuses to connect at all.



Firefox keeps warning me the clearnet bridge is "used to install malware". kek.



Nice site anon, I like the theme and will add your banner to my ring on the next update. also, on some pages you have duplicate <body> tags. it wont cause any issues or anything, just something that's not typically done out of convention



This thread NEEDS gopher sites, webshit is boring



If you have a gopher site and a banner, feel free to share it, I group the banners on my website based on protocol and don't have a section for gopher sites yet



Any good HTML/CSS tutorial on building websites? I want to make a blog and add it to the webring, but I don't have faith in my skills.

Specificially, the most important thing to me is making it compatible with most screen resolutions. I want people to be able to enjoy my website whether they are on a computer or a phone.



>>56425 is right as in basic html is responsive for all sizes by default, but it's also boring and unless you hate having the ability to express yourself by any other means than text, you should look into media queries. It doesn't even have to be difficult. Take a look here

put your cursor in the middle and resize these tabs a bit. Should give you an idea how the stuff works.

You can just do most of your css as you normally would, and then just put
@media only screen and (orientation: portrait) {} 

and add in there all the css changes you would expect if someone screen had portrait dimension, which is what all phones pretty much have. The example in the link I posted has the changes set to landscape though, so keep that in mind.



also, not that I use it personally but its a really neat way to handle sites like this without a pile of bloated scripts



Also, is pretty responsive, they use
Markdown is probably perfect for you, even less structural than HTML and you don't even need to learn css, just learn smu



Oh hell nah
Please in the name of god stay away from m4
Literally embodiment of man made horrors beyond your comprehension



This is all glitterboy webshits



I think that browsing MDN ( is the best way to learn about HTML, there are all of resources on CSS that are good, but you can also learn a lot by inspecting sites you visit.
> I want people to be able to enjoy my website whether they are on a computer or a phone.
This is really a "less is more" kind of situation. As long as the font-size is scaled correctly, the less assumptions you make about the device displaying your content (height, width, available fonts, specific browser, ...) the more devices you will be able to support without any special effort.



File: 1643600097963-0.png (22.25 KB, 240x60, 4:1, libertywitch.png) ImgOps iqdb

I hope I'm not too late! - it isn't much at the moment but I've had fun making it.
onion: http://mlucvtipzluwceniyzwxt52a3wdvu3t3ahdshht3sctc6hs4o2umqjad.onion/



I made some articles in Markdown, anyone knows a good markdown to xhtml converter (and example) pls?





smu, the markdown formatter uses




ty for the replies lainons, but I'm writing my own shell script to utilise pandoc and sblg to make my articles, will release the script soon!



long time no see, lainons
who have latest version of webring list ?



>>56527 is the usual go-to and appears to be up to date from here >>56004



milk outside looks cool, I'll probably try and play it later this week/weekend. I think I've seen a playthrough of milk inside on youtube



Would someone mind explaining to me what exactly is the appeal of a web-ring?
I'm glad people are making websites, but I don't understand why you'd ever join a web-ring.



its fun. its a way to drive more traffic to your own site by participating. Its nice when peoples sites link to other peoples sites cause it makes it possible to find them, especially with small sites.

I'm too young to really comment on this, but my understanding is that, back in the day, site discoverability strongly hinged on having links to friends sites and blogrolls and webrings and things of this sort. Traveling link to link is what we call surfing the web.

The advent of good search engines, and now things like faceboot and twatter have changed the environment, but for reactionary webdesign, webrings are a good way to go.



decentralized old style exploring of sites, no search engine needed, just go through peoples 'links' or 'webring' content.
its pretty comfy



>Would someone mind explaining to me what exactly is the appeal of a web-ring?
I wrote about this here an there on my site:

One advantage webrings have over modern search engines is that search engines can only really point you to content that is similar in form to your search query, but not similar in feel. A search engine query such as "lain-esque websites run by individuals" won't produce good results, but if you can find a webring you can get content of that same feeling but in slightly different forms and in many different unique styles.

Also see >>56546 and >>56558



superbased milk outside badge???



File: 1643935100821-0.png (203.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, alert.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hello Frenz. Hidden Corner will migrate to a new server since Debian fuarrrked up real hard. You can still acess it as of January 3rd 2022. I have backed up the Tor and i2p keys, but I have never tried migrating these to another server. Not to mention that I don't know exactly how to backup the Yggdrasil key yet (i suppose i just have to backup the "yggdrasil.conf" file). In case I lose the keys and end up with new addresses, I'll let yall know.

Thank you all.
- Lainon



File: 1643946727639-0.gif (47.61 KB, 88x31, 88:31, cpnk.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1643946727639-1.gif (7.6 KB, 240x60, 4:1, cpnk2.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>My website:

>My RSS:

its an atom feed

i hope to join you lovely people



>since Debian fuarrrked up real hard
What happened?



I dunno if this is considered cheating, but I would like to enter the webring with my personal website as well. The only similarity with Chaox is its domain, the rest is completely different.

>Link to website:
>Link to RSS

Hopefully I won't piss off any webmaster for extra labour ^-^



rewriting my website, hopefully ill be done by the next week



apt is broken due to a package that can't be removed because it outputs errors every time I do anything with apt. Yes, I spent countless hours on forums trying to troubleshoot, but it seems unfixable. I'll use this opportunity to migrate to another distro since Debian repos don't have lots of packages that I need and I'm not experienced with Debian. Not moving to a BSD (even though I should) because I have no experience with it at all.



May I recommend Guix or Nix for package management? They work outside of their dedicated distros just fine (foreign-distro mode) and have a decent package selection; they're also very easy to add packages to.

The host distro doesn't matter particularly much for those two, however I think Guix is Linux/Hurd only for now.



try apt-get update && apt-get install -f



I'm downloading the ISO for the new OS.

I'm used to looking for packages in the AUR because it just werks. But I'm open to recommendations. I'll take a look, thx anon.

>>56676 As I said, anything that has to do with apt is broken. Update, install, upgrade, remove, autoremove, etc...



File: 1644026308359-0.png (239.91 KB, 600x400, 3:2, html.png) ImgOps iqdb

Added more banners from the thread to my site

not too late anon, nice site!

thanks for sharing your site lainon!

I subscribed to your RSS feed but think there is an issue with how its being generated, there are 3.5k posts in total with the same 20 or so posts repeating roughly 250 times in the feed

>I dunno if this is considered cheating, but I would like to enter the webring with my personal website as well.
go for it, added both sites!



> there are 3.5k posts in total with the same 20 or so posts repeating roughly 250 times in the feed
good lord, thank you for telling me! I had no idea. I'll fix that right away



File: 1644033182988-0.png (30.03 KB, 773x282, 773:282, succ.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hidden corner is UP on Tor!!!! It is under the same v3 address as before, so there is no need to update the onion link. The keys worked flawlessly! I can't believe how easy it was. Next step is to configure i2p and yggdrasil. Fingers Crossed because I have no idea of what I'm doing.

>"Bu...but what was the Onion address??"




"Dear visitor

To continue browsing and help us fight cybercrime, please solve the CAPTCHA you see below."

I'm tired of the modern web.



Please read >>55447
I can't disable it!



It's totally worth it imo!



File: 1644175199447-0.gif (15.68 KB, 260x60, 13:3, vutwex_260x60.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1644175199447-1.gif (5.27 KB, 88x31, 88:31, vutwex_88x32.gif) ImgOps iqdb



Cool quote page. I was confused for a while what it was since the translator kinda is like kicking dead whales down the beach. Added to my ring.



File: 1644243700027-0.gif (15.27 KB, 240x60, 4:1, vutwex_240x60.gif) ImgOps iqdb

oh, i created 260x60 banner instead of 240x60



File: 1644252920027-0.png (7.63 KB, 240x60, 4:1, lckdscl.png) ImgOps iqdb


a new creation of mine



love the stylesheet! gonna add you in my next update



thanks, I have updated my banner and added yours



banner is in the wrong aspect ratio



incredibly based site



>>54827 (OP)
My website is



Cute! I like it a lot!
You have a nice website as well, gives me an old 2000s feel.



I Just added an RSS feed to my site!



File: 1644685781565-0.png (39.32 KB, 797x906, 797:906, openbased.png) ImgOps iqdb

>>54827 (OP)
Right now am in the middle of migrating my websites to my new VPS. I have succesfully got rid of the ramnode soykaf and tor users will finally not get filtered :D. It's still WIP, I still have to configure HTTPS and! Please be patient!
vps os is pic related



huh, tons of content right here
also, the website is very sleek, i really like it



pretty sure I've stumbled onto your site through some means before, nice to have you in my pile of linked sites



Thank you, friends.



Hey frens, want to join the webring but I'm a complete newb to this. Some questions:

1. what's the best way to enable comments for my blog posts? Disqus?
2. anybody have good resources on how to setup RSS feed?
3. what's the best software for making a banner that doesn't look like soykaf? fine enough?



figured out RSS, wasn't too bad to find out



Not to spam the thread (hence the sages) but I figured out the banner stuff too. I'm still confused on the comments stuff though; I really want people to be able to post comments on my blog posts but I can't find a straightforward answer online. Only answer i found was a guide to setup disqus comments but it seems way too bloaty to be worth it.



>Only answer i found was a guide to setup disqus comments but it seems way too bloaty to be worth it.
thats because it is, you either setup a guestbook or rely on people to mail in replies to your brewing soykaf. thats the only low effort/simple solution.
I guess you could make something similar to a guestbook under each blog, if you do them dedicated page style, or allow people to select a blogpost in the guestbook they wish to reply to



thanks anon. I'll look into the guestbook thing.



Lainon, the comments thingy is a big problem for static blogs, you shouldn't be using disqus.

Some options are here:
Or you can go Indieweb and use Webmentions.



File: 1644778886152-0.png (17.24 KB, 1366x650, 683:325, chaox-banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

I finished the migration process, as an added bonus my onionsite will be up 24/7. I2P mirror is wip.

> Chaox onionsite


I will also mirror my personal page, still WIP (aka it's offline)
> Future fork of my personal site



> fine enough?
if you can, try out GIMP for making a banner. It's a bit clunky to get used to at first but is free and open source software. is fine too, but if I remember right its not free and open source software, always good to give FOSS a shot if you can

>what's the best way to enable comments for my blog posts? Disqus?

What >>56915 and >>56927 said. also stuff like disqus requires javascript for the comments to load so some wont be able to use or see the comments (some lains keep javascript disabled). Disqus free tier in particular places ads on your site, so be a bit cautious with these things.

>vps os is pic related



>>56909 Install picochan.
Quite a few sites use plain old forum software as their comment section. Boing Boing cometh to mind. You need to hook up new page creation to a new forum thread, that's it.



File: 1644797069730-0.png (173.6 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, jpgandpng.png) ImgOps iqdb

Wow, the first blogshit with decent layout and more than 200 characters long articles worth reading through I see here. Site's age tells me the owner isn't Lainchan local at all, maybe you're an impostor who fond this site somewhere else.

Author's obsession with blurry JPEGs even for 2D graphics screenshots with lots of flat color that coincides with WebP bashing based on third-hand outdated (2014) info on Wikipedia is a very wild throw, considering you shell off 15 bucks for a VPS each month. Use damn PNGs when they are more efficient (see pic related, really simple stuff).

Also, GOOGLE IS BAD MMKAY attitude is a really silly considering that they can afford to hire autists who do all the low-level math stuff at competitive salaries that won't be offered at Mozilla or whatever freetard institutions with pink-haired failed CS majors, corporate algorithms actually turn out very good at delivering compression whether they serve their users to US Government or not, WebP was made for handling thumbnails mostly, the original image can stay whatever format it came in, and until web browsers support JPEG XL which incorporates brunsli compression, developed by who would you guess, an evil Google, it is here to be.



>Also, GOOGLE IS BAD MMKAY attitude is a really silly considering that they can afford to hire autists who do all the low-level math stuff at competitive salaries that won't be offered at Mozilla or whatever freetard institutions with pink-haired failed CS majors
Not him, but then they should make a good image scaling algorithm, cause I noticed how smeared every image that's downsized looks on chrome compared to firefox.



>WebP was made for handling thumbnails mostly



>>56945 Are you sure it's not your OS acting funny with rendering?
>>56948 Well definitely it was not made for re-encoding your collection of photographs from 2006 onward. Web-Picture, pictures on web, get it? What does large portion of web page with images traffic consists of? Javascript frameworks Thumbnailed images. They found a way to compress them, good. Now you aren't one of those débiles who inline full-resolution images in your markdownie editor then shove it into html page preprocessor which ends up in 50 megabytes of uncompressed jaypegs commented with few lines of text, aren't you, kid?



Wow, thanks, I guess :) I am the owner of the site, though, used to lurk around the /cyb/ threads until that went to hell and back.
Well, the problem with Google is simple: personal hygiene. That doesn't mean Google doesn't have cool projects, it just means I will not touch them unless compelled by a court order. Google is the cancer of the web in various ways and for various reasons.
And the problem with the images is not that their size would be a problem for my current VPS, the thing is I have (or at least had) to move servers sometimes (did you read my post when Twitch requested my article about them taken down by threatening my hosting company and the new hosting company and their ISP to) and I have to keep that in mind. Basically I try to keep my website below 500MB of data. Because why not?

Besides, optimizing is such a lainon thing to do and let's be honest, nobody looks at one of my screenshots or photographs for pixel-perfect data. I do have the original images and maybe someday I will change how they are exported but for now things are ok the way they are.



WebP is a clown format that was made because someone thought they could simply take a video codec and apply it to images. Consequently it is suboptimal at nearly every niche it attempts to occupy.



File: 1644855391005-0.jpg (24 KB, 760x400, 19:10, webdev-bbccouk.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1644855391005-1.jpg (23.57 KB, 760x400, 19:10, webdev-sizeofcat.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

a) You are not saving anything by turning flat color images into jpegs. Edge fry makes them (images taken from [1]) ugly on screen. Do you have PNG originals for these screenshots? Dithered images you've put in 2014-esque hipster fashion remind me of dithered images on solar-powered version of lowtech magazine [2]. There, all images were treated the same, most of the graphics that require reading or color cues have lost their meaning in the name of dubious power-consumption optimization despite main website up and running, hosted on TypePad, behind DDoS protection that doesn't let you read articles unless you enable javascript when your source IP happens to be on some made-up naugty lists.
b) 500 Megabytes is around 4 cents in NVME SSD storage, less in hard drives, why is that even a question for local backups? Modern VPSs come with many gigabytes of storage. Additionally, you probably should not use VPS from EU countries and especially anything in the big data center hubs since they obey walmartia laws and have quick-reacting abuse departments.
c) Your footer (anything below main article body, all those "recommended articles" and other fluff injected in usual fashion of "customer retention" metrics on regular blogshit sites that earn money by selling your data) fills whole browser window. Well, not the whole 1000 pixel high default Tor Browser viewport on my screen which is rather unusual due to personal setup. Most people don't even have that because they are most likely to use 1080p or it's scale derivatives, or something worse on something like a laptop, add default window manager decorations, taskbars, window title bar, fat finger-friendly touch interfaces, late Mozilla tabs atrocity, and what are they left with, something in the 700-800 dots vertical space? This is approximately how much your footer occupies. Make it a collapsible outline or something.

[1] -
[2] -
Thumbnails for photographs, it's the only real niche this format should be used for. 40% size reduction in comparison to uh, PNG(!) thumbnails used on chans like this one for example. You don't complain about thumbnails for videos, do you? Video is a series of photographs taken in quick succession.



I could try to reply to your post but considering you said "500 Megabytes is around 4 cents in NVME SSD storage, less in hard drives" like that is the point of the way I am presenting MY photographs on MY website makes me really understand the point of your reply.

Take care, lainon.



isnt this the comfy webring thread where people post links and banners for their websites ? Currently it looks more like the angry people arguing about dumb things thread. Nothing wrong with debating the finer points of web image optimization but maybe make a seperate thread for it how bout.

Personally I liked the variety that provides in this group, its clearly related but its a bit more than a lot of the sparse homepages people here are putting out (nothing wrong with sparse homepages and just-starting blogs, of course). And the dithered images are pretty cool ! I like the look of the cityscapes, and just as an illustration that makes the page a little more interesting and eyecatching and that is unique they add a bit of character and uniqueness.

Its cool. Whatever. I imagine if we went through and audited all the sites in this thread we'd have a huge number of quibbles to pour over, but most of us are just amateurs trying to have a little fun and contribute to the internet community, doing things ourselves, not always perfectly but so long as it works well enough we can be satisfied, and enjoying the imperfect but novel creations of our peers.



You implied it was somehow hard to store and move around >500MB of data. And to solve that you decide to degrade image quality instead of looking for better compression techniques and organization.



I've updated my ring and enjoyed checking out all your sites. There are still some older ones I need to add, as concealedword has some under "unused" that I haven't fully checked out yet, and I just copied that ring initially.
My RSS generator only spits out a truncated version of my blog so I'm probably going to make my own when I find the time. I like the idea of rss replying but so many of you still don't have rss feeds!



thanks dude! ill try and fiddle around with it. also, your site is very cozy.
good to hear, i love that damn show. it is like kicking dead whales down the beach



How do you feel about "tracking"?. Right now I keep no track of what, who, when visits my site. Reason is I'm against unecessary tracking, and the only valid reason I could think of is security.. Yet I'm kinda getting curious where people are visiting me from since I had a little spike in on site activity last month. I though about simply logging site visits and the referer header since that would be enough for me. Does anyone here use some kind of tracking?



I don't track visitors on my website (no javascript analytics and server logs are disabled) but I can understand people being curious.



anons here might like this



Your Terry Davis page misses his greatest quote, about command line.



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File: 1645037149622-1.gif (421 B, 88x31, 88:31, 88x31.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>My website:

I'll improve the banner at some point.



Just keep some server side logs for say the last week or something. There's no way to detect this client side, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if anyone did this.



Kudos to admins of for making it available on i2p.



File: 1645090301090-0.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, 1:1, 1642778175237.gif) ImgOps iqdb

>ebin city
heh, I like that, adding now



qorg11 is the owner of ebin afaik




Any good guide on learning html or css? Would be much appreciated, thank you.



W3schools are SEO devils, but their tutorials are good and straightforward. Take a look at

css you honestly just have to try yourself. try making your style and if you get stuck look for help online how to do. It allows so much freedom to do whatever you want that I don't think you can make a comprehensive tutorial. Basics are easy though. Learn about color, font families, font sizes, margin and padding.

Also, I think someone should make a small introduction to the webring for these things. Few question get asked every thread and they could be answered in the first post.



This exists:

But he hasn't created an html/css tutorial yet.



File: 1645240986374-0.png (56.95 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

here's a neocities page i whipped together in a few days. it's really soykaf rn but i'll try to update its spaghetti css in the future. also yes i know its not secure in the slightest, i just dont care enough to use tox or mumble or whatever.

its kinda empty right now but i'll add a webring page soon.

what stuff should i add? maybe i can figure out a guestbook or rss feed...



add some anime recommendations.
added you on anilist btw :3



File: 1645370759862-0.png (1.1 MB, 2560x1323, 2560:1323, Figure_1.png) ImgOps iqdb

By the way, I attempted to make a laingraph, but it looks like ass Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!



seems like a lot of places dont link back, does it get the right webring pages?
good to see a large amount of internlinking though



File: 1645395159585-0.png (3.65 KB, 240x60, 4:1, bigqorg.png) ImgOps iqdb

Well, after some eons, i finally updated the webring:

I also changed my banner, so update it, or not, it's your website



File: 1645398078005-0.png (3.07 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner_lc.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1645398078005-1.png (1.03 KB, 88x31, 88:31, banner_nm.png) ImgOps iqdb


RSS feed:

this is just my personal blog where I'll occasionally post essays. I'm a newb to websites so constructive criticism welcome.

Also, is there a simple way of putting the webring in my banners page? It's not efficient to invidually add each website ITT.



La verdad es que hablar de música en español y no hablar de Extremoduro es como hablar de comida italiana y no hablar de la pasta



Pues solo eran algunos recomendaciones :p

Escucharé esa banda, gracias por la recomendacíon



File: 1645405452167-0.png (141.34 KB, 792x352, 9:4, unreadable.png) ImgOps iqdb

The "This site (unfortunately) requires JavaScript!" in the header is unreadable. It might also be nice to lower the resolution of the background image (or, if you'd rather, I believe you can use CSS media queries to select based on the user's browser size).



ah I never noticed that, thanks!





oh soykaf - they got him



File: 1645431808482-0.png (4.04 KB, 251x206, 251:206, ki.png) ImgOps iqdb

what's going on man



I knew you'd come back visiting imageboards, I knew it!
Utilizing third party resources, namely Google fonts is bad practice lainon, since Google is Satan itself. Other fellow lainons also found out (see >>57165). I will still add you for now, but please remove Google resources inside your site, we don't want our webring to be infested with spyware. As a friendly tip, download the fonts you want to use inside your neocities folder and reference it inside your CSS. Good luck!



>I knew you'd come back visiting imageboards, I knew it!
qorg is a lazy fuarrrk. I had to send him some of the banners I have been collecting all that time while lurking in webring threads. :DDDDD



>qorg is a lazy fuarrrk
>I had to send him some of the banners I have been collecting all that time while lurking in webring threads
kek, what an old geezer



tbf i also am struggling to make a webring page because of the sheer amount of banners i have to manually upload and add to my html



maybe it would be a good idea to make a centralized website hosting all the banners? and make a widget of some kind that folks can just embed into their pages. if there are multiple backups on the banners on other servers it shouldn't be too much of an issue. and if someone wants to add a banner, they just fill out a form to have it added.



For those of you who value your time, here is a tar archive with:
>banners directory with all (most?) banner images
>index.html, webring page with all clearnet and tor sites
>ring_style.css to make the banner list look clean
You can use this as your initial version but I highly recommend customizing the page to fit the style of your site.



I have a youtube video embedded for music. It's totally optional so nothing wrong with blocking it.

I guess I can download the fonts, but I don't get the big deal about using google fonts. they're open source.



>I guess I can download the fonts, but I don't get the big deal about using google fonts. they're open source.

The fonts themselves are fine, its that you are using the ones hosted on googles server. Google hosted fonts are part of the Googles analytics machine. You can download them and self host on your site, preventing google from tracking the users of your site



alright, fuarrrk google analytics then. I'll get that sorted out.



File: 1645488090093-0.png (56.46 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

hopefully its not to late to join.



Can I still be a part of this? Have to make a couple changes to my site first but would love to join



alright, think I fixed it lads...



idk if this is the place to ask but what do people generally do about self-hosting.

I have a home server that I use for a personal (professional) site but don't really want to link my webring site and and my real identity (ip, other site). Is there some kind of proxy I can use while still hosting from my server or do I need to host it from a VPS? what do people generally do?

I already have a domain and want to host other services and things on it so dont want to neocities



there's no time limit, feel free to join whenever



get a cheap vps. point domain to ip of vps and use HAproxy to route to your home server public ip. optionally setup wireguard and have HAproxy point to client ip on server. with HAproxy you can also have subdomains all on same host like > >
I have a vps with pfsense, HAproxy, wireguard server. other vps are on wireguard network with host firewall blocking all incoming WAN connections. services are hosted on tunnel IP. home firewall has tunnel to vps firewall so i can host home stuff behind it.



wow looks like someone made use of the laingraph script I tried to make
I know it looks like soykaf, but I have to admit I'm not skillful enough to write a better script. Maybe I'll try revisiting it once I have time on my hands. Maybe someone else can help improving it too, it would potentially mean having a tool to generate a visual for the interconnectedness of the webring.
if this is indeed the laingraph script I tried to make: it naively tries to find a webring page by looking for the string "webring", which is not robust at all. I've had a better idea that I never implemented, which would be to collect external links (not the same base domain) on a webring page, crawl each external link (all their pages) and try to find a page where the original domain is referenced back to detect it as a webring page.

Many new people joined the webring, I'll be sure to update my site sometime soon to reflect that. I definitely dig some of the designs and some of the content.



I tried to attach a demo of the script but it didn't upload, so I'll link it here instead:



File: 1645647307615-0.png (2.56 KB, 240x60, 4:1, nerdbox2.png) ImgOps iqdb

I'm not very good at writing things but I wanted to try it so I made this. Feels good to do something creative.

> URL:

I'll work on adding the webring links and banners sometime soon.



I really like the colors and font of your site!



Gateway32 will be offline for a few days (weeks?) due to heavy server maintainance. I will post here whenever the site is backup



File: 1645970625795-0.png (11.59 KB, 240x60, 4:1, bigqorg.png) ImgOps iqdb

I've changed my website colorscheme so i changed the button's colorscheme. So please repleace the button in your website (Or don't, it's your website after all)



I can't load your website anymore. The domain resolves, but I don't see any response from the server.



File: 1646258996344-0.png (112.19 KB, 288x289, 288:289, Screenshot (60).png) ImgOps iqdb

I don't know if this is the right thread for this kind of question, but is there any way to add some sort of "guestbook-esc" feature to yr site without having to sign up to some soykaf website.



You can use my guestbook software:



File: 1646351357020-0.png (8.72 KB, 88x31, 88:31, Lexidriri.png) ImgOps iqdb

I will be updating this periodically so site will go down a lot probably, but its here.



just make one yourself
would you be willing to make a 240x60 version of the button for the banner pages, or at least 4:1



yeah, I'm currently looking at alternatives to onionshare, but once I'm done with that I'll update the banner just did it quickly with what I had.



canst thou not simply employ thttpd and Tor, a common easy setup ?





> (unable to connect)
I'm still alive, I just have an identiy crisis with my site so it's offline for a while, will turn it on soon. What I'm struggling with is that my site was just this weird bloated thing that had like 3 half working things, so I decided to streamline it into just a radio station, and it works now (with one minor bug), but I kinda realized I don't have enough music to make the thing interesting, and what I had my friend called "white boy music", which made me laugh but also make me feel I need to have something better. I kinda thought about maybe making it so that everyone can upload some audio file, and the radio will simply play these sounds randomly after I currate that they don't have anything that's extemely out of the line. But I am not so sure if that's interesting. I know most of the audio will be porn moaning and nazi songs, so yeah.

In short, kinda lost on what to do with my site.



You might be able to do something like what does with Hanyuu-sama, where they have a database of songs that people can request, and a form to submit something to be approved for the database.
There's nothing wrong with liking "White boy music" and making a web radio for people who also like "White boy music" though.



I'm attempting to setup I2p w/ Caddy and have it all up and running, but can't connect to it. I've been trying to find the problem for a few days but nothing so far. Also, thanks >>57429 anon that's been really helpful.



ur welcome <3 - >>57429
Would you mind sharing the b32 address of your eepsite? I know i2p can be unstable sometimes.



Oh yeah sure I got it running.



oh wait.. my b misread I did get it running though.



File: 1646703887974-0.png (11.59 KB, 240x60, 4:1, Lexidriri.png) ImgOps iqdb




At the time of posting, your host seems to be constantly down. Tried on my i2pd router with 60% success rate. :/



Could you stop tripfagging



but he's Ty3r0X yo
how are you supposed to praise Ty3r0X if you dont even know it's Ty3r0X yo



It was nonstop tripfagging in the majority of threads so far, what's wrong about it? Many of the webring participants have made their sites because they wanted to construct an identity in the first place



Yeah it goes down because the computer hosting it is my main computer and I turn it off every night before sleeping. So, the server uptime is around 10am-9pm CST.



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>corpse paint
immediately added black metal is best metal



i2p site works for me.



>white boy music
What's wrong with that? I mostly listen to sad girl indie folk. Do what the fuarrrk you want.



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>hope to see you back soon with a website and a banner anon
im not that original so i have this as a placeholder until i can make something better



You have a pretty good taste in wallpapers



thanks, most of them were from desktop threads



comfy, however, the mouse is a bit irritating.



What do you find irritating about it?



File: 1647042284284-0.gif (752.57 KB, 498x365, 498:365, 1638764884680.gif) ImgOps iqdb

added, mightve missed some but you can add mine if you want, here >>57645
ill go back and try to add everyone, i just dont have enough time rn



anybody have any vps recommendations?



I use Vultr. Linode is also pretty popular.



cheers, lainon
I'm gonna have to get to work on my own webring soon



>>57681 is really cheap, but i haven't used it
i've been with virmach for years and had very little issues. their choice of OS templates is super outdated EOL linux machines but if you go with ubuntu you can upgrade it to a newer version with apt or you can also login to the solus control panel and they have some more newer ISO images you can mount to install instead (almalinux et al).



NTA, but most pointers dangle to the bottom-right, so it's a bit off-putting having a pointer that's effectively flipped. Also, I immediately assumed the top right of the quill/feather was where the actual tip was since usually weird cursors dangle to the bottom-left. I think a lot of this boils down to how the muted colors of the quill make it hard to notice the details. Perhaps adding a flare effect around the quill tip would help draw attention to it. Also, nice site - I look forward to seeing more content.



Thanks, I appreciate the advice. A flare effect sounds interesting I'll definitely try it out.



Alright, just quick update that I'm now back and alive. This time around just the radio and guestbook. I'll be adding more songs in the following days. As of writting now it's like 18, so it can get a bit repetitive.

Thanks for that website. I really like it. I might actually put an irc chat on my page too. I'm still wondering about if I should allow song upload as right now I'm on and off about it in my mind. I'll think about it.
Nothing, we probably like similar music. Just in my head everything I had a hand in making has to be somewhat unique since if it isn't I get the feeling I'm wasting people's time. It's less about music and more about me.



>>57433 is hosted on my systems and is currently up. Incredibly, you happened to click on it EXACTLY during the time I was doing my scheduled maintenance for the other dozen or so services I run. In fact, your timestamp lines up exactly to when I was upgrading pfSense to 2.6 which is a part of my core routing infrastructure - hence the 502.

On another note, has been updated. Apologies that I don't do this more often. Also as a general note - I don't include onion or i2p links as my own site is clearnet only for now.



Oh hi guys!
What is an easy way to create an animated gif banner for my webpage like many of you are using on the webring pages?



if just breaking a gif into one frame per layer you can then edit and merge back into the animation.
gimp can do



Get a pencil and paper and create individual frames, scan them, trace over them with any "Paint" program



still here, i periodically let my site go offline, depending on when I get the inspiration to add something new or write a few more blog posts. hope the lains dont mind if my site goes down at times, hopefully youll see it pop up again in your RSS feeds soon enough.



That's ok, lainon, not everything has to be consumed in a second. RSS is great.



This thread has inspired me to start my own website as well.
Not going to take it too seriously, just posting about stuff that I find interesting.

Never used a webring before. What's the general etiquette behind it? Are you supposed to add everything?
I found some of the websites here interesting, but I'd rather start a "Recommended Sites" page than just adding everything on the ring.



It's your website, you add what you want to it, you don't have to explain to anybody :)



File: 1647529234048-0.png (3.14 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

Thanks. :)
If anyone is interested:
And feed:

Might work on a better derezzed eventually, but for now I'm trying to keep it minimalist and build it from the ground up.



ideally a webring is closer to an actual 'ring', meaning you just have a 'next' and 'previous' maybe a 'random' or central page that lists everything.
and then each member would just register/request itself onto the central ring and put the ring navigator on their site.
since this ring doesnt really have it, besides concealed's php, the general idea so far is just you at least link to some sites within the ring on your webring/links/interesting sites pages so visitors can keep surfing across the lain sites
then again its also all up to you, theres some sites 'in the ring' that dont link to anywhere else
also added, cheers for making my wall of banners %3 again



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hey frenz. I wanted an easier way to share my i2p website by creating a helper address, but how? For now, I'm using the b32 address, but I've seen people using a helper address that adds an entry to the address book so that you can type a short .i2p domain. Pic related (taken from cathugger).



should just be in your hidden service manager under i2p hidden services, i think what you need to do is go to change the hostname save it and it should just pop up

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