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 No.63471[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

This is part 9 of the webring thread, still going!

Last thread: >>58746

How do I join?

* a link to your website
* a 240x60 banner of your website

* Post a link to your RSS feed on your site. Communicate with other Lains by responding to articles on their RSS feeds with responses on your RSS feed. If you're both subscribed to each others feeds, you'll see each others responses and can long-form communicate back and forth in a decentralized way.

(also optional) - Add yourself to my github page for the webring!





>if you guys were going to advertise your site locally IRL how would you do it?

I converted the URL into an EBCDIC card and left copies lying around



That would explain all the COBOL developers...



whats ur reasoning for doing such a thing?



not him but punchcards are kind of like QR codes for old people

but in all honesty, i think this is a great method to filter boring people and retards. i'd love to find a punchcard, figure out how to read it (you don't need an actual punchcard reader, just use pen and paper) and find a cool website or something similar. maybe you don't want people who wouldn't enjoy such an experience in your audience.

another reason i can think of is that it makes people more invested. you get spammed with links all day everyday and people (rightfully) ignore most of them. if you have to decipher a punch card to find a website you are most likely going to investigate further.



>find a cool website or something similar
And proceed to be disappointed, because the effort required doesn't match the reward, yet another blog.



handing out flyers/business cards to interesting looking people.
That's how some groups in the rave scene operate. It's a little cringy and oftentimes just a way for the originator to sell a bunch of stickers, but it still feels kind of cool to have a stranger to give you a token to their 'secret' club.



>oh no, a blog
can't be that bad of a blog if the method of distribution is punch cards. even a static image site like would be enough for me. you must be one of those boring people if you need a "reward" for solving a puzzle

>be me

>find punchcard
>look up online how punchcards work
>successfully decipher punchcard
>it's a URL rather than some random ass FORTRAN snippet
>very nice
>it's a blog
>the owner must be a mega autist
>let's see what he has to say

>be you

>find punchcard
>there must be some grand reward waiting for me if i decipher this punchcard
>maybe a cash prize or even a job as a COBOL developer
>decipher punchcard
>it's a blog
>proceed to sue the blog owner for wasting an hour of my precious lifetime

or more likely:
>be you
>find punchcard
>ignore it, because there is likely no reward for deciphering it
>go on with my life



>even a static image site like would be enough for me
That would be better. I just hate blogs.



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>That would be better. I just hate blogs.
Thats unfortunate to hear anon, blogs are still an excellent source of info and entertainment, but i can understand disliking blogs. Part of the issue is that we are past the golden era of blogging.

Prior to social media, many people had independent blogs, and these blogs often evolved into compendiums of in depth information on a single or a few topics, in much more depth than what you would find on a site like wikipedia (which tends to only have surface level info). They were also very discoverable (the search engines still worked properly back in those days) and had a lot of unique character to them. They weren't written on Medium en masse, they were written on individual websites with their own style and on their own terms. The blogger didn't have to worry about spending a lot of time on a blog post, only to see it get lost in the pool of other blog posts, they could place their blog post front and center on their website for as long as they wanted. All-in-all, this model of blogging encouraged higher quality and longer form blog posts, filled with interesting info and very enjoyable to read.

In the present day, it is difficult to find blogs that interest you. There is a lot of so called "blog spam", a lot of signal-to-noise ratio in search engines, and distortions from social media. But there are still great blogs out there. If you are interested in giving blogs another shot, I'd recommend using RSS to aggregate blogs, it's a relatively painless way to get into blogs.



I have seen interesting "blogs", but I feel inclined to call those articles instead. Blogs, and people describing their mundane life events and new goals that almost never amount to anything, have become almost synonymous to me.

>these blogs often evolved into compendiums of in depth information on a single or a few topics, in much more depth than what you would find on a site like wikipedia

How many blogs in this webring fit that description?



this is generally how people write blogs, right? If it isn't a "diary" where they reflect on their lives it's usually a place for people to dump the things they know about the things they love. I suppose you can also use a blog as a way to show people how to solve an issue, to talk about an event, etc etc but realistically the people who would have a blog in this day and age are autistic as hell; my experience with blogging is primarily only so I can infodump on the topics I enjoy without making my loved ones tired of listening to me though... lol



>How many blogs in this webring fit that description?
Plenty, one I can think of is sizeofcat's.



Sorry to hear about the dislike of blogs. Like music , or books. Perhaps it's just that you've never found the style of blogging you like.

There's even styles of blogging that I personally dislike. "Sponsored Blogging" - This style of blogging pops up a lot in mall and travel industries where the blogger comes out of nowhere and imposes "native advertising" under the guise of real opinions on fashion or travel. On the vapid side of blogging and unfortunately it's one style that gets high on the big-box search engines due to its sheer aggressive nature on social media.

If what above was all there is to the world of blogging I'd want to set the world on fire too.

Blogging is one of the most accessible mediums because it's something that can go direct to HTML without the need of anything else and why you'll see a lot within webrings.

Anyhow, best of luck in finding your favorite sites.

- S



This is mildly interesting. Most of the articles don't interest me though, and there's a very flowery style of writing.
>go through an entire phenomenology of spirit, solve et coagula, all just to conceive the mere possibility of throwing oneself against the absurdity of the slope again. And every time it is met with the serene silence of the recursive function. That’s the real “two and two make four” Dostoevsky should have worried about

If your main intention is to inform people, a more organized system than sequential blog posts(even with tags) would be preferable I think. I'd also say there's more of a random, broad strokes approach anyway. There's an article about Matrix, but there isn't one about XMPP. It kind of serves more as a replacement for newspapers. is better in this regard.



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I started using emacs to make html files out of org files, instead of using pandoc to make them out of markdown files. Now it's a lot faster and less hacky. Making pdfs out of org files' gonna be great, as soon as i figure it out.

Updated the webring, and the opml file with everyone's RSS feeds, here:


>if you guys were going to advertise your site locally IRL how would you do it?
My website is about books, so I print bookmarks with the url on them and leave them around town. Mostly when I travel to other places.
>i want to create a sort of weirdo politics/news blog
>maybe even block all connections not within the vicinity of my city and neighboring cities.
What about FM radio, or a physical zine to go along with the website? Depends on the type of content, really.

>>63471 (OP)
Nice, thanks for doing that. Check out how the links in the index.html look like
<a href=""><img src="image/banners/fenix.png" alt="Fenix" /></a> 
but the images are in a folder called banner. You should change the name of the links so they're like this:
<a href=""><img src="banner/fenix.png" alt="Fenix" /></a> 
Hopefully you know some vim or awk so you don't need to do it by hand.



>>63471 (OP)

sed -i 's/image\/banners/banner/g' webring.html 

This should do the work.



>Hopefully you know some vim or awk so you don't need to do it by hand.
Now I feel dumb that I have been doing that by hand for 2 years



>>63471 (OP)
I'm really late to the party, and will spend some time this weekend re-vamping my site to get it added to the webring. Have you considered reviving some of the existing micro-formats that were actually used back in the day by webrings for this?

FOAF is kind of over the top, but XFN is really small. example XFN meta tag:
<a href=""  rel="friend">Lain Anon</a> 

also I know DDV (contentious figure) made openring that sort of fosters webring stuff



>>63471 (OP)
Big update to my site:
There's some CSS stuff too so if you've visited before make sure to hard-refresh.
Any feedback is welcome. Let me know how bad the new images on my articles page are.

For a while I had some hcard stuff in my blog but removed it because it seemed useless. It seemed cool at the time but literally nothing supported it so I got rid of it.



>Now I feel dumb that I have been doing that by hand for 2 years
Feel smart instead that now you know better.

Nice article on data hoarding. That banner, "gimp free", does it mean that gimp is free or that youur site is gimp-free?



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I wrote a microformats spec for webrings (h-webring, that makes it easy to discover and traverse webrings. The problem with all these specs though is that it takes a lot of time and marketing to get some wider spread adoption



>Feel smart instead that now you know better.
I guess I could have done this a long time ago, but never bothered to do so. I do incremental changes in the webring page once every few days, so I don't care that much about it.



>gimp free banner
I use GIMP, it's supposed to show that it's free. The one I used is an official GIMP button I found on their website, there is another that looks better but it's 90x36 instead of 88x31 like all of my other buttons.



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here made you one, does it work for you?



found your website randomly when browsing i2p today :D glad to see you join the webring!



is there anything else you'd like to see hosted? I can't think of much else.



you could host interfaces to corporate net like searx, nitter, invidious, etc but i can understand if you don't want to promote those kind of sites



Searx is not a bad idea. Invidious and other content streaming services I can't afford to run on the tiny webserver I have.
I really love obscure minimal stuff like from Bitreich. Maybe a Gopherhole would be comfy?
IRC & Mumble gets bland quick.



searx is also a mess of python and will be a waste of resources on very tiny servers



Yuck, I didn't know it was written in python, thanks



it is merely uwsgi running python that just makes a bunch of requests to other search engines and parses it to results to then display on its own site. it gets way more praise than it deserves



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I don't really consider myself part of the Lainchan webring anymore (no 19-year-old incel sperging about "muh anime girl worship", I'm just not much into imageboards nowadays) but I've restructured part of my Tor link list to feature sites with Lainchan-style 240x60 banners.


I2P sites on the I2P list elsewhere on my site, but I don't have enough sites on that one to justify putting a huge chunk of banner images on that.

New banner that took me more than minute to make in GIMP unlike the previous one I posted. You can update your listing for my site if you want. Or don't, if you don't want to. It's not a big deal.



can you post i2p link for i2p users? :D



Again, the I2P list isn't long enough to justify putting up banners, but every webring site I've found that hasn't gone offline for more than a consecutive month should be listed.



yeah it seems like i2p people come and go and the most stable sites are people who mirror their website from the clearnet



I like the images and I appreciate the content on your website overall. Nice job.



How long has the webring been going for? Since 2020, right?



at least 2020, yeah. that's when i started my site so i'm pretty sure.



first post was on 2020-07-15



not lain but qorg (which runs kill-9) hung up his hat last thread, >>61656
i had meant to ask why last thread but forgot



>Shame, but is it only qorg or all of them? i can't seem to find any of theirs either :(



common lain make more sites I want more banners



I'm working on it mom.



> blogs are still an excellent source of info and entertainment
Every single blog from here goes like this:
>Hello I'm Steve I like Free software and anime and I don't like phones and Bill Gates
with NEGLIGIBLE variation.(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST (Be nice. Helpful criticism about content is fine, but not when you throw every webring site into the trash simultaneously.))



>Hello I'm Steve I like Free software and anime and I don't like phones and Bill Gates
I don't like anime, and I think free software is meh. I do hate phones though, mostly



Au contraire, mon ami.

They contradict your "NEGLIGIBLE" evaluation. But sure, whatever you say.



This is something I could've written here. I generally agree, which is why my website isn't part of this webring. Too few of these website owners host their works on their websites, and too few have many works to host at all.



No, he's right. The webring seems preoccupied with websites as content, rather than presenting content using a website. Bears comparison to the "working on your computer" of distrohopping versus "doing work on your computer", or when you give up on a book because the author likes words more than he likes communicating.
Which, like, you're allowed to do things for yourself. Not need to argue that personal blogs are objectively interesting and anon ought to like them.



this. I'm working on organizing my website as a content hosting service rather than a content within itself. the format is too extravagant for it to host content, so I've been rewriting the layout. I especially hate how I have to remake buttons, so I've been reworking the navigation into text (like a sane person) I hate thinking of new layouts because I'm kind of bad at float css



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<a href=""><img src="image/banners/index_240x60.png" alt="FJL" /></a>



It's virtue signalling, like much of this chan's body. Virtue "counter-signalling" if you're feeling more generous.

Something else that bothers me is the amount of telling, as opposed to showing.
Consider a quality "personal website" like . It's not saturated with cute blurbs like "this is where I list the books that I've read! :3c" or "I'm really passionate about x" - it's saturated with quality, extensively hyperlinked and cross-referenced content about x.

You *really*, *definitely* know that something is actually there when it has to be pointed out for you explicitly.

So in head-touching-floor-bowed deference to the janny warning, I submit: show, don't tell, for a better website, if you care. Everyone here's seen one before, so don't try and fool us.



I formally apologize for joining the webring with my somewhat soykafposty website in the beginning I didn't realize we were standardizing the webring for more content focused blogs. I just wanted to have fun with Lainons...



oh we are doing blogs?



All that is true. Being preoccupied with something is better than being preoccupied with nothing however. Let them facilitate this interest and eventually, hopefully, more content oriented websites will break out.



its still a free for all despite what some people think, thats why I keep everything listed including chans and a picture of megumin



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While we're on the subject of pointless and banal websites, mey we discuss the hypocrisy of espousing Web 1.0 design features and philosophy while linking one's website to a D*scord "server" or social media websites?

To paraphrase someone from a chatroom: Most neocities blogs follow the pattern of "LET'S GET ON DISCORD AND TALK ABOUT HOW GREAT THE INTERNET USED TO BE"



>liking 90/00 web design means you can't use the most popular chat system of the day
I don't use discord because it's non-FOSS and it's spyware, but most of the people in the retro web design scene are just into it for nostalgia and aesthetics.

Last I browsed the lainchan webring, most lains were using email, matrix, jabber or irc, and a few were self hosting their chat systems. So idk, doesn't seem relevant to me.



There is some validity to that statement. While places like the Yesterweb Discord server can expose people to this philosophy the people that execute it are not really taking any initiative to form something completely new.



especially so given that it takes about the same amount of work to go to an IRC server/chatroom and even LESS work to simply click a link to a list of websites



The people who do that are just in for the nostalgia, they don't really know why web 1.0 was great.



Hey guys; I did a complete revamp of my site style. I was planning on putting the content in an iframe but I kept making stupid mistakes. Eventually I went "do I really need this?" And left it as is. If you ever feel unmotivated to work on your website make sure it looks like something that you'd wanna contribute to before you make it feel like a chore.

Link here;

I say this just because the thread has gotten kind of off topic; it is the webring thread, not the thread to dump your issues with the modern web. A lot of neocities users are young adults or neets and they can't really pay to host their own domains for irc and stuff. Plus it makes your reach a bit small since with IRC I only find a small selection of people. That saying; I use discord because botnets are a lot more open of a circle than more ethical solutions. All my info is already on the net, so why should I care.



nice but somewhat ironic it relies on jquery and js at all for the sidebar to even show up



>>63471 (OP)

Not my personal website but it's minimalist, not a blog about anime and I contributed to it. Feel free to visit

If someone adds it in the github webring, I'll have the html file added to the site



The navigation panel is embedded through an iframe within js, it's easier to type a span command instead of updating each individual page when i want to add something there



Hello Frenz

Hidden Corner has been offline for a few weeks despite my attempts to save any files I could. I must announce that it will be back until December, therefore I ask anyone not to remove the banner from your pages. Thank you for your patience.



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> I must announce that it will be back until December
You mean, it /won't/ be back until December? Haha.
Damn, and to think I removed it from Let's Decentralize just this morning for falling below the "four consecutive weeks offline" threshold. Please be sure to let me know of the new URLs via the email on my contact page when you get it back up. A post in this thread would be good too. I'll be glad to see you back.



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How does lain markup their pages? I tried to go with markdown but it was too limited and ended up using a bunch of ugly hacks to extend it. Is something like pug or siml better if you're constantly going to be doing weird things? It'd be nice if there was some lightweight markup language that was specifically made to be easy to extend so one could add syntax like:
I'm an[^^]
inline footnote, distinct from a regular reference-style footnote.

> Details

| Summary
| etc.
> More details makes it a list
| Summary

Progress bar [=50%=]
and maybe macros for templating.

This is perhaps an issue of messaging as much as it is an issue of demographics. "Lainchan webring" implies a webring for lain-adjacent topics, of which
>Hello I'm Steve I like Free software and anime and I don't like phones and Bill Gates
is a partial summary and representative demographic. My own website is quite removed from this, but as a consequence, feels very out of place. A website that wasn't a blog or wiki, but a some kind of mundane service would be even more so. In light of this, should the OP try to encourage off-topic websites and risk diluting the character of the webring?

Touching on >>64059 and >>64060, I think blogs probably suffer from the "dead chan" effect. It might help if there was a concerted effort to adopt something like RSS - both for broadcasters and subscribers. For the latter, a website or even a bookmarklet that functioned as an RSS reader would be excellent for adoption. I might write one if none exist since it wouldn't be too hard to encode one's list of feeds in a query string and use a dynamic title and the fact bookmarking only responds to the title to get everything working from a static website.



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>How does lain markup their pages? I tried to go with markdown but it was too limited and ended up using a bunch of ugly hacks to extend it. Is something like pug or siml better if you're constantly going to be doing weird things?
Depends on your use case. In my case, I frequently add custom functionality that won't fit into a lightweight markup language alone, so I use an SSG with extensive plugin support, a markup language, a templating engine, and a series of community and bespoke SSG plugins to extend functionality further. An SSG with a templating engine and plugins will for sure will make building abstractions easier, but comes with an upfront cost of added complexity. Take a look at something like This library uses the Jinja2 templating engine and the dev creates a custom tag called `now` for creating dates:

The current date is <span>
{% now %}</span>. In Y-m-d format, the date is <span>{% now "Y-m-d" %}</span>

Many templating engines support some form of registering custom tags, functions, or includes, but the method, amount of involvement, and amount of functionality available differs greatly between engines.



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Hello everyone. This is my website about whatever random stuff I happen to think of: .
Here is the RSS feed : .
I also have an I2P version : http://cool-website.i2p .



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php, plain html, some apis which are also just php tape
it works out



Love your blog articles, keep them going!



A lot of people use markdown or org-mode and convert it to HTML.
Some people like to use m4 macros:

I like the simple (but effective) design of your site!



I find this website, you may want to see this



found your blog around a month ago when exploring i2p :D
you didn't have a contact page so I never got to tell you that your website is really nice...




Wow. Everyone I showed it to in real life thought it was boring, so I'm glad that there are some people out there who like it. I'll try to keep the posts up if I think of something interesting.



Just in time for week 44. Welcome back.



>>63471 (OP)

Just curious if there's a directory or txt file in which you would like those participating in the webring to place our graphic banners? Or is just placing a pic here good enough?




here in this thread is good enough



this is great stuff, thank you



Any of you folks hosting their websites on a home server? I do and I will meet family for 2 weeks and will have to power down my server if I am gone, because I don't want to set my house on fire. If is at December offline, you can be sure it will be available again



>>63471 (OP)
sorry for slow progress; lack of annoucements. There was someone creating a lot of unneeded drama on neocities and I was kind of ticked off so i just stopped viewing neocities and working on my site. she's gone now but jeez that was annoying. I'm going to push new additions to the github in the next coming days.



I also wonderd, why everyone depends on neofities. when you could run an 1$ VPS with apache2 / nginx and unattended upgrades. When neocities goes down, 4/5 of the webring is offline



>when you could run an 1$ VPS with apache2 / nginx and unattended upgrades
Not in my country. Thus, neocities is free.





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Many users have gotten bad experiences with virmach, people I know had their hosts down and tech support mostly ghosted them. Also the ipv6 routing is terrible. The prices are tempting but don't expect such a nice out of box experience with them.



IONOS is pretty goot as well



How about self-hosting on an old laptop at home? Is that the lain-way?



I host on my HP Microserver. That's why I have to power down my webite at cristmas. see >>64886




rack nerd's black friday sale is on, you can get a low spec vps for ~$10 a year



I got an email a few hours ago saying that the domain was available for purchase. It didn't say for how much, but I tried bidding $14 and I got an error saying it wasn't enough. Does anyone know if the webmaster is okay? Maybe they just gave up and disappeared without a trace? I'm not in any IRC servers, so forgive me if there was some drama off-site I missed

> flood detected; post discarded



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Don't forget iHostArt's 5.5 euro/year VPS offer. Calin even throws in non-wooden racks for free!



I use neocities because I don't really have time to spend on working out webhosting shenanigans, maybe during the summer or a long break from university I can... I've wanted to be able to self host a lot of alternative internet things I use (mastodon, IRC, mumble, screenshot service, etc) just to get my more normal person friends more interested in that stuff, just haven't had the time. Figuring out this stuff has been really neat! It's just a timesink. Makes me value the neets that put up with dealing with this soykaf!

On top of that neocities has a "community" through their website activity feed. While some use it as a social media, others use it to give feedback and comments on content, which is really useful and a lot faster than traditional email services. Hell, I even sent someone an email over and I'm not even sure they received it, so I definitely fuarrrked something up with my email client.



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>>65300 admin here. I use BuyVM for all my points of presence, which are gateways/proxies to my servers hosted at home. I cut Francisco (owner) a check for about $1,500 last month for all my yearly renewals. You, however, just have to spend $20/year for a small VPS.

Reliability is okay-ish, everything else is excellent. I've pushed 8gbps of traffic through his stuff and never had an issue, even after hitting 500TB of bandwidth. Hehe. Good luck finding stock though - everyone snaps his VPSes up fast.

(obligatory note: has been updated)



It hasn't been a month and the hard drive has already failed. Anyone's got a solution? I've been thinking about running this thing out of SD cards which can be replaced cheaply.




I wouldn't recommend SD/MMC cards man. Too much 'fun' with them going corrupt as an OS on ARM/Pi systems if you turn on a bunch of services.

If you are forced into that situation such as a Pi running the webserver. I'd make a cron job to back everything up weekly to someplace external. So, if the drive does nuke itself. well, you can swap out and downtime is minimized.



How do you do your kernel and service updates, without restarting? Do you livepatch or do you have failover servers with loadbalancers?



Formatted the Hard Drive. Hidden Corner is back on tor. I'm not sure why the other networks aren't working, but I'll figure that out soon.



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Been over year but I finally replaced all "under construction" signs with actual content now.
Version 1.0 if you will:
you probably got me linked on your page already if you added all sites from gattsu's github



I'm currently using stagit for static html generation for git repos.
The issue is that the code is awful and I'm looking for something better before I write it myself.

Does anyone know of a git -> static html project I can use instead of stagit?



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Hi, I am the admin of leftychan. Didn't know you guys had a project like this. Neat.

Our board uses software that is actually of a fork of an earlier lainchan release, iirc.



We don't give a fuarrrk about yout soykafty imageboards about alienated people. Like this one. And look at the userbase.



this, just one big bubble



Yeah, don't want to be the third one to bash on it. But I used to visit leftypol and that place was a depression hellpit for various reasons. The userbase is really dogmatic and there's this constant doomerism about everything.



True, peak leftypol was when it was actually funny now it's just talking about Russia and repeating memes.



Funny thing happend with the server.
Anytime I turn on the microwave or any equipment that draws a lot of current (Amps), the server goes down. It stays on, but no video signal neither the OS work.

guess the PSU went bad lel



>Literally Dantes Inferno



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>>63471 (OP)
Hello, since we talked about blogs a lot, I decided to make a seperate listing for my fc2 blog. It's a lot more comfy than the blogging space I've created on my website, so soon I'm going to put all of the blog entries from there onto this one, ophanim is its own separate thing from my blog, so feel free to ignore this entry if you consider the two to be the same.



finally a new entry, nice, added



Do "dig". You'll see I'm quad redundant. I just yank one out of DNS, fix it, and throw it back in the DNS rotation. For the Pomf backend, I can patch it and bring it back before anyone notices due to the massive caches at the edge, plus my physical hardware is fast as fuarrrk.



sounds neat, but I don't know how to accomlish this. May you have a guide? I don't really know what to search for



File: 1671493676347-0.jpg (24.14 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1655384475384.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I don't quite get the rejection towards blog the majority of lainons seem to have: I think even the most mundane blog it's a great attempt at breaking the social media dictatorship and going back to a much more intimate way of communication and expression. Maybe it's just coping, but I hope once I finish my web people will contact me and sing my guestbook the same way I did with all these blogs and pages. Just fuarrrking enjoy mundane stuff c'mon.



Sad that nearly half of all sits in webring are offline now ~.~



I agree... I'd rather have a blog be someone's site than it just be a hub for nothing.



I like blogs. I try every site here to see if there is any blog instead of a hub of random links. Sadly, most people hardly post anything on their sites. It's just the eternal main page and webring link.



Do you prefer rather frequent but short Blogposts or long Blogposts not so frequent?



There was someone on the webring that posted both, short and longm can't remember who though



>>63471 (OP)
I decided to make a blog because of this thread

RSS feed is



How to make a guestbook with Hugo?

I already have a VPS and I would like to keep the site as static as possible. Is there some kind of Hugo plugin for that?
If not, my initial idea is to have a form that POSTs to a simple HTTP server and saves it to a HTML file.
Would need to escape JS/CSS/HTML of course but flask can handle that.

Anyone here has done this before and would like to share your experience?



File: 1671973623115-0.jpeg (51.96 KB, 332x480, 83:120, FV5yLg1VsAAB0VZ.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Depends on what you mean by "frequent". I believe weekly or monthly updates are the way to go. More frequent (daily ?) would be unnecessary and to be fair a waste of time, both for the admin and the reader. So yes, I tend to prefer long blog posts with more content.



got any recommendations for good ones that are updated with something interesting semi-regularly?



There are some in the ring, depends on what you mean by interesting. Any specific domain?



Merry christmas anons

thanks anon, when your site goes up, I'll sign the guestbook



Never done it myself, but this looks interesting:

Keeps everything “static” in a sense.



I usually just check a site one or twice a month so long posts are nicer than seeing 10 new blog entries that I have to read through.



I want to join this webring. Why were my posts deleted?



>First time posting on this website was to join the web ring
>Its just link juice / SEO
This is why.



I appreciate the communication. My intention is to just join webrings. I don't care if anyone visits. My website serves no ads and is personal. I don't currently have a blog, but intend to eventually because some webrings want one. If I regularly post on this website, will I eventually be allowed to join?



there's nothing too specific, just people who explain things in depth and present it in an interesting way. would definitely prefer things leaning towards /Ω/ or /sec/ though



Understood. I will explore the sites on the ring + the topics you mentioned and try my best to be accepted. I'll be around.



hmm, from the ring i think sizeofcat's site fits your "needs", he writes mostly about security, cyberpunk and the likes.



He has a pretty useful page regarding this very webring:




what did you say, person whose company I enjoy?



hello everybody this is my website.its still a work in progress, but im satisfied with what i made so far.i had a website on neocities that got popular on some imageborads but i wanted to have my own vps so i can host a simple static website and host some files and also play around and learn sysadmin stuff.



File: 1672310209842-0.png (178.01 KB, 366x369, 122:123, 1632548136234.png) ImgOps iqdb

Nice cute lil' site anon, but you should add some more content to it and be more careful with the structure, some links such as the "home" button in the blog corner is broken.



thank you. i fixed the home button in the blog section



someone motivate me into updating my site the guilt is eating me yet i cannot physically be assed to do so



Your site will never amount to anything, even if you did update it. I'd be willing to bet you'll let it waste away within a few years, finally sparing the world of it's space and bandwidth.

Anger is a pretty powerful motivator.

But also, who gives a fuarrrk? It's YOUR site. You update it when you fuarrrkING FEEL LIKE IT. I can't imagine stressing over something like that.



You're not going to make it. I won't believe it til I see it.



That’s interesting anon, thanks.



Think about what you're updating before you update it. I also recommend talking to others who code on a more day to day. I'm in two communities for webmasters solely to motivate myself to code. If you have a discord you can join one of them directly from my page, but I have also started a smaller community. The one on my page is specifically a neocities oriented server, and I've also bridged it to matrix. I can bridge the smaller server to matrix if people are interested.



I don't know how many people follow or crosspost on other imageboards and such, but after 8chan got shut down, many communities restructured into a webring with multiple imageboards and it has mostly failed in my opinion. I consider it to have failed because of disagreements and drama among a few of the administrators as to who is allowed in.

In the scope of imageboards, while I don't think a webring is necessarily a bad idea, I do think that it would benefit greatly from some centralized authority creating standards and recognizing compliant sites similar just as technology companies and free software communities have done. I attribute 8chan's early success to the fact that there was virtually no global moderation other than the removal of illegal content and that this was enforced. Moderators being moderators and not administrators had no say in the site's operation and what could or could not exist, thereby allowing many niche communities to develop.

The standards would govern what kind of imageboard software could be run and the necessary modification would need to make it private, secure, resilient, and the inter-connected with other imageboards (e.g. handling of cross-site links) as well as a solution to verify that the server is indeed complying. Such a standard doesn't need to be limited to imageboards, but it's a place to start. The scope of such standards would only cover administration and not content moderation. Would this be a good thread to discuss this or is it a little off-topic?



I still believe that federation--a step above a voluntary web ring--is the answer to keeping small underdog image board communities alive and thriving. We need to take the threat of exclusivity and audience capture out of the hands of website moderation/admins with a federated system that allows posters to move from one instance to the next at any time without a loss in connectivity.



After reading a little bit about this (ActivityPub’s specification, this is more similar to my thinking than a webring and I take it that all content isn’t distributed to all other federated servers like a p2p network. I want to focus on the specification first before worrying about the political side and policy, but bringing forward some of that might be helpful. There are two things that I think are essential:
>consistent or compliant backend software on all webring/federated servers with client-side verification tools to authenticate the usage of said software and its security policies
>the ability to maintain and share lists of file hashes for purposes such as stopping redundant uploads, embedding from other websites within the webring/federated network, and content moderation
I think those two things are essential. Each site can connect to each other as well and to, more ideally, some apolitical governing body that is the default manager of both these things.



>imageboard federation
I've contemplated this idea with the other staff before. Here are my thoughts from back then:
>So, for the low cost of all of the disadvantages of hosting an imageboard, I can have none of the advantages?



Whose advantages though? The host's ability to control a community? The advantages come to the users.



It’s not something I’m proposing that lainchan be part of, especially since I’m a newer to here and am more a technological advocate than a developer so I don’t think have quite a full grasp of what “federation” even entails, but considering how most alt-boards already use some flavor of lynxchan or vichan, I think that there are some technological benefits to such a model. Doing things like hash checking files before upload to see if they already exist within the network before uploading, being able to use different frontends like boorus and overboards while maintaining full functionality, or having locally and remotely hosted user boards that can dynamically attach to a network that would act as middleman so there is no direct exposure to the Internet.



While I'm of the opinion that federation and decentralization is a good thing and that it might even save imageboards, I still think that it's a bad idea because you will lose the culture of individual imageboards and none of the places will really be unique. You will probably get one 4chan-like monoculture that no one is particularly waiting for.



File: 1673297015570-0.png (9.08 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner_MWLwVfg.png) ImgOps iqdb



I disagree with that sentiment. 4chan is a single administration and also one of the most popular websites in the world. A federation member wouldn’t have to moderate any differently and such a standard should include blacklisting so you wouldn’t pull content from an untrusted server. I think that culture is defined going top down rather than bottom up.



It's a neat topic but maybe make a new thread to discuss imageboard federation instead of clogging up the webring thread.



I don't have guides, but I do have my infrablog. You may be interested in some of the older articles regarding redundancy and load balancing. They are mostly still relevant.



Although I can just remake the thread; I WOULD like to make it easier for users to dig through and find other webring users easier. Perhaps I can make a matrix or IRC for these in depth discussions? I have been thinking about making a space for people of the webring to converse because I really enjoy reading the discussions we have, but it could also provide a way for new users to find content they would have never found on their own. What do you all say?



> making a space for people of the webring to converse
do you WANT to be a nanny for when certain members of the webring gang up on others?



add stuff to for more exposure. Its a search engine for classic websites.



nice to still see activity, havent been keeping up actively as the threads keep dying down. but added finally



File: 1674244962998-0.png (14.08 KB, 240x60, 4:1, nosleep-banner.png) ImgOps iqdb

I posted it before but I've updated it some since.



Is there a good guide out there on building a website step by step?

I have some experience with HTML and can make simple pages but the rest of website design, making things to update my home page with links to articles etc. is a bit overwhelming.

I do have a homepage and some pages made but I want something worth putting up before I put anything up



This may be an unpopular opinion for some, but I suggest using a static website generator instead of writing everything by hand. There are plenty of tutorials on how to use those.



File: 1674332312840-0.png (14.57 KB, 240x60, 4:1, foreverlikethis.png) ImgOps iqdb

As suggested earlier, I have begun blogging. While I wouldn't say tech is the primary focus, it is certainly adjacent.



added, nice now I'm on %3 banners again



File: 1674398369952-0.gif (50.58 KB, 240x60, 4:1, The_Arcade.gif) ImgOps iqdb
sorta new to this. This webring inspired me to make my own site, so there ya go :)
ps: port at the end of the domain because my isp is a bitch



Anyone got advice on banner-making? A lot of you seem to have a knack for them.



I used the background image of my site and slapped the name on it in a font that fits the theme.



bit scufed with the port but sure, considered gertting a near free vps and hosting it there?



vps not really, I like having my stuff hosted locally. I could get another ip from the isp that has the ports available (+9€ a month) but for now I can't be bothered



github com/mochman/Bypass_CGNAT
you can do something like this so you're still able to host your files at home, the ip address will be the VPS



As >>66764 suggested, you use a static website generator (like Hugo or something) or convert markdown => HTML.

But that being said, writing the HTML+CSS by hand gives you more freedom. You can use something like or to get a color scheme. You can follow this tutorial series: (but note that it starts from zero). W3Fools is also good for learning HTML+CSS, but the rest of the tutorials on that site suck. Before you start, you want to make a skel.html file and a global CSS file that you use for all other HTML files. At first, I recommend you fill it with lorem ipsum or similar. Also, learn CSS box model ASAP. I recommend you use HTML5, unless there is a reason to use XHTML or HTML 4. Using version control software is highly recommended but optional. I recommend Git ( or Fossil ( The reason why using version control software is recommended is that keeping track of manual backups is hard (you can lose your work). Fossil is probably a little bit easier to use than Git (but Git is much more popular. Also, Emacs users should try Magit). There are actually more options (like Mercurial/Hg and Darcs) but I think you should start with Fossil or Mercurial. If you don't have a text editor, get Notepad++/Kate, VS{code,codium} or NeoVim/GNU Emacs (note that VSCode has telemetry, and Atom is dead).

More good sites and resources:
>(especially) Mozilla Developer Network:
> ||
> ||
You can get pictures/gifs from: & & &
If you prefer a book, I have read Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript by Robin Nixon and it's pretty good (i recommend the 6th Edition or newer (?)). But don't bother with any backend code before you have your basic website ready). And basic (client-side) JS is probably enough at first.

You can use
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> 
to make your webpage more "responsive".
Also, Whatever you do, use the browser developer tools/inspect element+error console! Crazy UNIX men would use M4 macros (it's basically the C PreProcessor on steroids): &
Also, For bonus points, make your website work without any JavaScript and add (free/libre) licenses to your JabbaShit code: (read it for background and how to actually do it). If you don't know which license to use, I recommend you check out: For actually learning JS, check out W3Fools or Freecodecamp, and also use Mozilla Developer Network + read

For inspiration:
> + +
> & &
> & &



>doing all this work for muh fail2ban
what the actual fuarrrk am i reading.
and back on topic you may as well just host your soykaf on a remote server at this point



is it possible to host a website on the clearnet proxied through tor/i2p/yggdrasil? i would rather not pay for a reverse proxy.



File: 1674600091700-0.gif (262.53 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Good afternoon my fellow TOR bros! I've got an Onions link to include for the webring.

My OG clearnet link is already on the webring at:



This is great, thank you!



looks awesome, seems you have spend much energy into this site



Amazing, I love it, keep up the good work!



Thank you for your kind words, means a lot. I'm working on getting my copy of the ring on my site + making a nicer banner cause the others are soo good.

I love the layout of your sites. I would absolutely describe them as cozy.

This is amazing. Serious helping hand energy.



I've been having a blast playing around and designing my site, added lots of things since I first posted here. Now I have a functional even if somewhat scuffed guestbook, I made it from scratch since I really didn't want to rely on a third party host. It uses php to write the input to a json file and from there js script reads it and displays it. There is also a way for the webmaster to reply to comments, it's a bit hacky but it works! I might upload it to github if I have time tomorrow.

thanks, saw your site too, looks pretty clean :)
impressive list of webrings too!





Be careful with the code, you're not escaping $_POST['name'] and $_POST['message'], so anything can go in there.



Thanks for the heads up. I'm still really new to this, so I'm not really sure how to do that, could you send the corrected snippet of code?



File: 1674872660051-0.png (10.44 KB, 240x60, 4:1, mouseservices.png) ImgOps iqdb

this is my site:
I added the links and images from the git link, ill add missing images and more soon, its under "love" -> "see them":
no rss atm - ill have to think of a solution for that



Nice site! The webring's github is very outdated btw.
If you want I have a zip download to all the images and html needed to display them.



I'm sorry T_T I am a student with limited time



no worries I'm a neet with a lot of time Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!



File: 1675034220842-0.png (20.29 KB, 240x60, 4:1, vd1r.png) ImgOps iqdb

soooo... It's finally time :) this is my site for the webring section

thanks to the ( Lainon. You really helped me there :D

I've been doing HTML+CSS stuff since September, this site is always up to be upgraded, sooo any advice is always well received c:



Cuando conozco gente como tú, la motivación a traducir mi contenido aumenta. Es solo que es bastante trabajo :/ Me gusto mucho, gracias por compartirlo, Lo he añadido a mi copia.



File: 1675197515120-0.png (6.14 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner_pk33.png) ImgOps iqdb

The website still doesn't have much on it but the neglect has stopped. I added all the new sites I could find but I missed pt8 and half of pt7. The new addresses are:

tor: http://pk33wwwi6liefvo2ziz3q5enzxxe35jrtnsr44ehtld5rywyeppqunad.onion/
i2p: http://royc3jduwq4omyfxxqm5aiz27f2x44j3x4gx4dtdgkzt4lx77gxa.b32.i2p/

New website includes these exciting new features:
i2p may be stable most of 60% of the time (fingers crossed)
rss feed actually works
git lets you clone



I am working on my own website with very basic HTML in the spirit of old web. It will mostly be a showcase for my writing, art, music and ideas such that when I die there will at least be some piece of me still out there.

That being said I would probably be to embarrassed to post it here if/when it is ready, as if anyone should really care what I have to say.

I still need to figure out how I want to do hosting though. Ideally I would like to just build my own webserver. Clearly I have my work cut out for me.



File: 1675397646013-0.png (7.68 KB, 240x60, 4:1, webring.png) ImgOps iqdb



Half of your iframes don't load.



instead of using a traditional webserver setup im using a reverse proxy with all of my individual servers zoned out from the world. iFrames were dead cause i forgot to set up that 'return to last power state on power rteturn' setting in the rigs bios so you were able to hit the reverse proxy and load fallback assets but not reach the server doing the back end scripting and soykaf that make it go brr

Pic related: PUD busting my balls



I think your guestbook is broke. I tried to leave a message saying I liked your site design using the name "a guy" but instead a "welcome+backa+guy" message and an empty message were posted.



File: 1675520498147-0.png (55.68 KB, 184x273, 184:273, 1654990058332.png) ImgOps iqdb

I threw together the guestbook script in 15 minutes late one night just to say the website was 'finished'. Bad idea. It should be working ok now!



File: 1675567086512-0.gif (26.61 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb is my site. Some roboclown keeps posting gibberish in the comments. I'd prefer not to add captcha to my site, but I might have to if blocking their IP address doesn't work.



Why is ur website so slow? Also try to implement a simple math captcha.



File: 1675576703584-0.gif (115.06 KB, 240x60, 4:1, banner.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1675576703584-1.png (66.93 KB, 1322x592, 661:296, Screenshot_20230205_125255.png) ImgOps iqdb

Should be be linking peoples banners via hrefs? Or should we download them and serve them from our own sites?

I ask cus I am switching my banner.

I've noticed the initial connections are kinda slow, but after that, things are speedy, I don't know why. Probably a DNS thing. I could try switching to CloudFlare rather than NameCheap DNS servers.
>Also try to implement a simple math captcha.
Thanks, great idea!



Owner of here, unfortunately my VPS had suffered a sort of storage error and is now unable to boot. This of course means it'll be an unscheduled maintance Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!. Tankfully the tor and i2p mirrors are unaffected since they're not hosted on the VPS. Thank you for your continous support and sorry for the inconveniance!



File: 1675626054034-0.png (6.73 KB, 731x145, 731:145, oh no.png) ImgOps iqdb

forgot picrel of the lil problem



Hey anon, that's a dictionary attack, not some gibberish bot



File: 1675658614429.jpg (Spoiler Image, 85.96 KB, 1080x341, 1080:341, Screenshot_20230205-234228….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I'm referring to this type of comment that shows up every few days. I can't believe people find this to be worth doing.



yeah just people testing if html tags are sanitized in your guestbook.
btw thanks for including me in your site :), I assume you're a fellow pizza land inhabitant by the "mario rossi" name



File: 1675666164375-0.png (8.51 KB, 490x177, 490:177, cappy_baby.png) ImgOps iqdb

Which site are you? TheArcade?
I'm actually a Canuck (I did have pizza for supper today though). I don't exactly know who that is, but he sounds a soccer player?

New math captcha is up! #feels-nice



ah I see, that is indeed me from The Arcade.
Mario Rossi for italians is a bit like saying John Smith for americans, it's the most default name you could have.



fsck it until it goes away



I ripped off a script for showing random quotes to make a js box that shows a random web banner like the old school ads. Its jank but it works like butter and its primed with most of the webring links

Here's a git repo (ik, it doesnt need it but it makes it easy to share) with documentation on how it works. it's dumb simple and looks pretty ok



I have some snippets of code at the bottom of this post, might find them useful (you don't want to hardcode all the banners inside the JS code, keeping them outside in a JSON file makes it easier to do changes when more people submit websites to the webring).




hey those are pretty neat. If i get adventurous again i'll try one of those out.
I just made this on a whim rq for something else i have but it worked for this too. hardcodings not a good idea yeah, but im new to js and didnt wanna fiddlefuck too much lmao. I'll learn the right way when i make another shakedown post and clean my spaghetti up



I had this guy spamming me too. And from what I remember this is the same url as the cp spammer uses on various small image boards. I made it so that link is just filtered if someone posts it on my site



Finally updated my webring page. Let me know if there are any issues.



Link? I will test it out



Dawg the links are in the first post on the thread... I use the same name instead of anonymous. It was only lowercase because I was on another device instead of my normal one.



Thanks for the links ;)



Still working on creating my own banner and adding a page for the ring but for now heres my site:

very new to this all so open to recommendations on what I should do with it, write about and especially improvements to my writing. I wanted to keep it somewhat ramble-y on purpose and demonstrate my thinking in more of its raw form but still like hearing from people. Thanks!



File: 1676221088693-0.gif (335.49 KB, 2400x600, 4:1, foreverliketh-is2.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Ok. I made my banner at 2400x600. Is that, like, a no-no here or we can't be bothered to just append width=240 height=60? God, I hate this digital art stuff. Takes me forever man.

EDIT: Ok, I deleted the original one, cause I think this version is better...? Please, someone, put an end to my suffering.



just a bit much in filesize and it might scale not as good as if you'd have premade it 240x60



So when I export it at 240x60 / 10%, it's not amazing. What's the cutoff point here in terms of files size? Cause if I export at 50% I get 119kb. I agree, 300kb is a bit much. When it's ratio'd on a site, I'm happy with how it comes out.



File: 1676226850319-0.jpg (82.2 KB, 533x600, 533:600, 3-webrings-web600.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1676226850319-1.gif (273.37 KB, 408x238, 12:7, pop.gif) ImgOps iqdb

It's probably too late to make this suggestion, since lots of people have made their sites and might not check these threads ever again.
But given there's a list on the op github, it just seems like a missed opportunity to not have made the *ring* aspect of the webring.
It would only take a tiny bit of js to fetch the json from github and set a few <a href>s
That way you could navigate to your previous or next neighbor, or a random one. The main feature being that you can start from any site in the list and end up back there just from clicking next.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but that style of navigation has a comfy easy going feel to it than randomly clicking on dozens of gif banners nested somewhere within each website.

The other thing is that if people get added to or removed from the list, every site would update to reflect that, rather than each site only having the banners for the sites that came before it, where a bunch could be dead (unless the owners kept updating). Plus it would support banner changes and stuff.

pls no bully for promoting centralization...



I disagree. But I'm not gonna bully cause you asked nicely. That said, I will agree with you slightly. Maybe calling this a webring wasn't the most semantic decision.



where's the zipfile?



If you mean Arcade's zip file of banner images then here you go:



File: 1676232377687-0.gif (116.32 KB, 1200x300, 4:1, foreverliketh-is.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Alright, you guys drive a hard bargain. Can we settle on 1200x300? We're talking 119kb here, Lainchan. Come on, we're not living in the hecking 20th century.





You can make it as big or as small as you'd like really. I don't really care about filesize either as there was one on here that followed the resolution standard but was 5MB in size because of how many animated frames they had going.

Generally, how I would handle a file like yours would be that I'd resize and upload to the list at 240x60 as that's the established standard. It would mostly be a touchless process as I have a cron job that does this all for me.

Nothing wrong with having a high-resolution logo to go with your 240x60 ! So the detailed work isn't wasted. As this is not a centralized webring with rigid javascript control; You're asking web-admins to kindly upload your logo to their site and not all of them may upload it if it's not easy-peasy copy and paste into their current listing.

Keep up the hard work on your site.

- S




No bullying here! You may not know why these rings sorta died off in the first place. And it's a little more than 'google became a thing'.

I'll try to explain.

You may have seen websites on .onion or .i2p appear here. One, in particular, is exclusive to these protocols. Thus, the entire JS on a typical webring would fail for anyone not operating on a clearnet address.

Because of Javascripts reputation. Some web-admins flat-out forbid it from their site. As third party JS code loaded off of an external site could be easily modified for damage to be done. Justified paranoia.

In a decentralized fashion like what Lainchan proposes. People like that are not excluded. The threat is minimal as it's images that can be re-uploaded and links that can be inserted into a website with a text editor.

Now granted, it's not a perfect solution. It requires web-admins to find ways to update their listings. To those who post their link and walk away. Their listings will be massively out of date with 404s everywhere. But from an accessibility standpoint it's rather solid.

- S



Would lains be interested in a static web ring generator that could be used with a cron job to avoid javascript while staying up-to-date and not needing any server side scripting language support?



File: 1676296913928-0.gif (72.62 KB, 240x60, 4:1, foreverliketh-is.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Thank you, understood. I don't know if this is similar to what you mean with "touchless process cron job" but:

Artic ( showed me a way to get a pretty decent looking 240x60. My software was not generating a nice one so I refused to use it.

Using this .gif resizer ( + making sure you use the Magic Kernel Filter in the Resampling section when you're specifying the new dimensions. It spit out a 240x60 banner I was willing to accept. I've attached it.


I agree with everything S-Config says here. The respect this project has of autonomy is both a strength and a weakness. Having recently (couple days ago) explored the entirety of the ring, it was quite disappointing to see how poorly cared for many of the ring copies were. But that's the cost of the game being played here, it is a reflection of the individual's dedication / time / respect for the ring. No, it's not perfect. Is it stronger than a traditional webring though? I say absolutely.

I like this system the way it is.



That is if you trust to fetch random JS(ON) from github or any other place (that thing might track your visitors, are you willing do disclose that to them?). I'm ok with updating my version of the JSON when I can, it's not lile someone's life depends on it (though, I'm updating it at most 1 or 2 days after new members are added or banner images are updated). And this way I'm not loading possibly nefarious JS from any foreign website not do I have to warn my visitors that their activity on my website MIGHT be tracked.



That idea is really lovely, I have always loved these little guys. I have another webring that uses this feature; however I have yet to format it. If you'd like to have the option to utilize this, feel free to share the code and I'll add it to my github page for users who want to use it as well!



While we're on the topic of projects that could be of interest to people here:

I recently learned about the concept of Planets ( / consolidated RSS feeds.

In gist, they collect posts from the members of an internet community and display them on a single page.

Whether it is something desired or not, I've begun collecting and intend to host the rss / atom feeds of the member sites.

Something I'm surprised is not done on the GitHub repo, btw.

Here's a sample: (or atom.xml) &

Some of these are not straightforward to find, might I add.

So if someone is aware of a catalog of these in one place, I'd appreciate you sharing it with me.

As for the Planet project, I wouldn't know how, but I can, and will, host a list of feeds.



I'm so glad I opted to remove my RSS feed from my website



>I'm so glad I opted to remove my RSS feed from my website



Cosmica123 has an OPML containing most feeds of the webring,

Also some sites list their RSS link in the HTML head, so you could try looking for them using a script.



Something else to consider is that there are ways of creating them for the site, I believe...

But perhaps that doesn't respect their autonomy, as >>67249 demonstrates.

And the methods are probably jank.

Thank you for mentioning Cosmica123's collection & the hunting advice.



I added the feed URLs into my copy of the webring JSON, I should manually check every website for the feed when I have the time.
Also, feel free to grab the content from my website in any way you want, if it's published then it is public (I have Atom, RSS and JSON feeds for the main website content and RSS feed for the microblogging part, which I call
If I can help in any way let me know.




This is what I imagine a "planet" looking like:

I've never seen one though, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ideally, it wouldn't be by this rando 3rd party site.

Pissed me off even more cause some feeds it just spat back:

"We're sorry! We don't trust the domain '' enough to add this feed into our system."

Like, go fuarrrk yourself.


I didn't JSON could be a feed? Your sounds a bit like a planet, no? Aren't you serving other feed posts on your site via it?

So your feed offerings would look like this: or or JSON feed (don't know where) &



My JSON feed is here: is just a microblog, things small enough that don't require an article (images, videos, bookmarks, ideas, etc).



somewhat unrelated, but I was looking at your webring and I noticed you skipped me.
This is my site >>66788



Sorry about that, should be ok now.



I'd personally enjoy trying to find out how the third-party was constructing the RSS feed for my website (likely through a janky script) and breaking their script's output while disrupting my site as little as possible



I have messed up my DNS, should be up soon again



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>Also some sites list their RSS link in the HTML head, so you could try looking for them using a script.
Firefox used to display an RSS icon in the URL bar when a page linked to their RSS feed using a link tag such as:

<link rel="alternate" title="RSS Feed" type="application/rss+xml" href="feed/rss.xml" /> 

Goanna based browsers (such as Palemoon) still support that functionality, and you can add the functionality back in to Firefox using this small web extension: It's a great way to find RSS feeds on web pages without needing to look through the source (although it's still worthwhile to check the source as some sites have an RSS but forget to include the <link>)

You can also sometimes find feeds for larger sites that don't have a feed through an RSS bridge. This RSS bridge software has bridges for ~380 sites.

>I didn't JSON could be a feed?
JSON feed is a relatively newer feed format (IIRC first released in 2019 or so?) that uses JSON instead of XML for the feed. Here is the spec: Generally speaking, it's less frequently used and less readers support reading that format, but that's larger because it's a much newer format. Also, most RSS/Atom feeds can be converted into JSON feeds and vice versa, both formats are fairly similar.



Where can I read more about adhering to oldweb standards? What would you recommend going with anyway, XHTML 1.0, CSS2?



I've gone through a dozen URLs here and none of them appear on Good job, lainons.



books are your best bet. I've gotten a few XHTML 1.0 and PHP 3/4 books off eBay. there's also tons of PDFs on




what the soykaf does this site contain in the <script> tags



I don't see anything? Check the page source. Maybe your browser or an extension is injecting a source tag.



just checked, you're right, sorry



points deducted for not checking what we download on i2p Present Day, Present Time! AHAHAHAHAHA!



truly very nice! like th PhySec section



Thanks. I have an old article skeleton i drafted up years ago when i was in physec that i may build out, but i feel like ive been neglecting that section. I think i have a few more partyvan articles i could reformat and throw up.

This webring and some of the other retroweb/diy web projects Ive seen around are really making me want to write about "how to website".

Ive got some derpy html and css tuts in the computers section, but im hoping to build out tuts to get people up to speed on php, mysql, adminning a lamp stack, setting up a security solution, and ultimately running a hidden service.



Depends on what you're calling "old web".

From 1999-2014 the standard for HTML was HTML 4.01, and most sites would have used HTML 4.01 Transitional.

This likely represents the majority of content most people 20-40 have memory of on the internet.

W3C probably has archives of the published standards, but let's be clear: in the same period, you're also in the heyday of IE6/WinXP, so you're not necessarily going to find live sites 100% targeting standards because IE6 wasn't 100% compliant, especially re: CSS rendering.

If you want to learn how people were actually doing it back then, I'd look at tutorials on through wayback machine.

I started learning from that site back in around 2002, and the site stays self-similar until later in the 2000s decade. They had a major update that you can see the results of in at least 2007, and they're still around teaching modern webdev today, but I think most people go to W3Schools anymore for that.

The earliest timeframes of this site teach pre-4.01 HTML, and he seems agnostic to CSS until the second half of the 2000s decade, which is pretty realistic for how people thought back then due to the fact that lolno one could rightly pass the acid tests anyway.

Do note well though:

You can't necessarily write code like it's 1999 or 2004 and expect things to work as intended or be safe.

When IE6 died with the fall of XP, people started to drop support for certain older tags in HTML in newer browsers in order to push modern web standards. <blink> is the biggest one I'm aware of, but I'm sure we'll see most ancient tags like <font>, <tt>, <frameset> etc lose support as we go forward. Many still-supported tags may also lose their deprecated attributes. This is similar to how we lost flash! You can reimplement these as undocumented tags via CSS, but that's a modernist trick, not oldschool development.

With dynamic content, you should absolutely avoid imitating the old ways entirely -- it simply isn't safe! Perl-CGI is deprecated and no longer updated, and even PHP is now on major revision 8, vs. 5 from back when most of the internet was written. With dynamic content, security starts to become a concern, so using old versions of code can be dangerous.

Example: PHP 5 queries mysql with a function set prefixed mysql_*

mysql_real_escape_string() could sanitize against injection, but didn't take into account character encoding, so it could be bypassed if you knew what you were doing.

In PHP 7+, they deprecated this and brought out mysqli_*, and it's version of the escape string function takes a connection to the DB in order to fetch the encoding and thus isn't vulnerable.

because of this, actually writing a mysql query the old way would simply be a security risk! So keep your back-end modern!



did you make those epic assets yourself or are they ripped



Not really. Your site on tor/i2p/yggdrasil is in a box. A potential client to your site needs to somehow enter this box. Today's mainstream web browsers cannot enter this box themselves because they only support HTTP over IP, and not over tor/i2p/yggdrasil. Just how web browsers work for now. The only way this would work is if the client connects to a clearnet site that transparently proxies everything it receives through tor/i2p/yggdrasil to your hidden site. does this for onions, and there are public instances running somewhere (idk).
This is probably not a good solution. What is a good solution is dweb stuff, sadly still far away from mainstream use:
Either pay for a reverse proxy, pay for a VPS, or expose your own IP address to the world.





The background tiles of the bricks are modified daggerfall textures. The rain is legit some soykaf I stole from google. The logo is a font I grabbed somewhere. The candle is some other soykaf I ripped from google. It's all stolen lol.



I have two things to say. First one is that I'm changing domains. So whoever is adding me from now on, should go with instead of

secondly, as I saw someone yesterday write (but the post is now gone or I hallucinated it), lot of banners on github are missing. I made the new webring page by writing a script and like 2/3 of sites don't seem to have any banner on github.



You weren't hallucinating, they deleted their comment for some reason. Also the GitHub is quite weird, you could try downloading the zip file of banners from until they fix it.



Yeah, i deleted the post. This guy ended up having a zip of a lot of/all of the banners and links, so i used that to build out my links page instead. So i didnt think ot warranted a response...

But yeah, the github is definitely short on banners.




All of my updates are manual. All is good.



Alright, done everything. Thanks for providing the json and banners! Really made it easier than if I had to do it manually.
Thanks. Also good to see you here. Take care!



File: 1679077921663-0.png (743.99 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, netscape.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Where can I read more about adhering to oldweb standards? What would you recommend going with anyway, XHTML 1.0, CSS2?
I have an article on my blog about a similar topic (backwards compatibility with older browsers,

A few practical measures:

>Test your site on older browsers.

Get a copy of Netscape Navigator (there is an archive of them here:, Internet Explorer (can be downloaded through Wine with Winetricks), Opera 12 (before they dropped their own rendering engine and went with chromium), Netsurf (very small, independent, scriptless browser, often available in the package repo), and Palemoon (uses its own Goanna engine which is based on some older firefox components and updated, download here: Also good to test on Webkit and Chromium browsers, but if it works on the above, it almost certainly works on those browsers.

>Use older HTML tags:

You can see a list of all HTML tags here: Take note of the deprecated tags, those very likely work on older browsers and were used extensively for page layout in the past. Don't be afraid of using <center> and <table> tags for layouts. Avoid CSS flexbox and grid, only use those with media queries to scale down once the site works on many older browsers.

Also, don't be afraid to use newer tags with fallbacks. For example, I use the <video> tag but provide a fallback image and a download link of the user is using a browser that doesn't support <video>. <video> tag is HTML 5, but won't cause problems on older browsers and works with many older browsers.

>Use CSS media queries to scale down, not scale up, and only after the site works on desktop, not before.

mobile browsers came out later than desktop browsers, so most support media queries, but this is not the case for older desktop browsers. dont try to make your site flexible for smaller screens first, focus on desktop first and then scale it down with media queries. If you go flexible first, you may inadvertently use newer stuff that works poorly on older browsers (such as flexbox) and then need to rewrite your front end.

>Avoid Javascript, but if necessary stick to ES3 or ES5 if more features are needed, avoid ES6. Also stick to older, well tested libraries that say they work on older browsers (such as Jquery).

Some prefer to write ES6/TypeScript and then try to transpile with babel, pack everything with webpack, and shim ES3 or ES5. In practice this is a huge mess and you almost never need to do this, and your code will be an blob when it reaches the browser. Better to stick with ES3/ES5 plain JavaScript and avoid the tons of extra build tools and steps.

>render everything you can on the server side, not client side

practical measure for browsers that don't support javascript

Also, what >>67788 and >>67418 said. Stick to a newer backend, render older frontends, look for old web dev books, stick to older standards.



Gluuzi, I see u still browse da lain chans



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File: 1679945354728-1.png (3.21 KB, 243x88, 243:88, entry.png) ImgOps iqdb


I added JavaScript DOM features! Just placed a few post counters in the /kino/, /blog/ and /vidya/ topic pages. Simple but useful, as everything should be.

I also dumped all the posts from my "olde blogue" (blogspot, ew). They're in spanish, as 95% of my content. Please let me know if you would actually read me if i translate my posts.

I also check my mail address daily. I'd love to host my own server and use gpg keys as a norm but i lack the knowledge for that (i'm the eternal new user, you know the drill)...

see ya, lain!



>502 bad gateway
I'm guessing your dirty and file privileges are bunched



Okay, that or the service you are using to run your server is having privilege issues. I just leave my service belonging to root:www-data. Whenever I try to use <user>:www-data, I get 502 bad gateway error. I've tried many solutions, but nothing works except having root be the service user/owner



My page got added to the rings like a year ago and to my surprise it really boosted the visitors. Very cool.



what do you (and everyone else!) use for logging in order to track this? Right now I just use default nginx access and error logs, which are pretty ok. Goaccess analyzes everything.



Not him, but i track use like this:

>siem logs

I do a daily security review, and see WAF output, and 401, 403 and 404 type stuff. This mostly gives me visibility for bots, though, although i also tune security rules from this too (the WAF is too aggressive sometimes).

>access logs

My site is tor only, so i cant just grep by IP or useragent. My site uses custom fonts though, so i make the assumption that each 200 for the fonts represents a human user landing on the site for the first time.

So i usually just do like a

cat accesslog | grep | grep " 200 " | grep -c font.ttf



File: 1680596518861-0.png (24.66 KB, 240x60, 4:1, trrb-banner.png) ImgOps iqdb is back again!



>back again
where did it go?

the color scheme makes it feel like a technical manual, I like it

why do you not write out your email with @ and .?

you should put links to where we can listen to your music.

looking forward to reading your blog and stuffs :)



Welcome back. Thank you for sharing that it's back online and saving me the trouble of finding out for myself. I too love your color scheme.

I've moved you out of my copies dead / lost section. I encourage you to complete your copy of the webring. I also encourage you to begin blogging. People here seem to appreciate blogs, and I think it's possible for you to learn to appreciate writing them.

I know I did.



Good idea, I will put some links for the music!
I will write out my mail like that, that's better

I'm going to install a blog, and update my webring which hasn't been updated for a long time!





is putting donation links on your lainchan site shameful?



Nah, man. More based than ads. Bonus points if it's an XMR address.




I don't consider it shameful. Not against OP's rules either.

A website can cost money. If you host yourself and cover the electric and hardware up-keep that all costs money. Do the VPS or bare-metal remote rack thing which is also money. Or the topics you cover require money to research. The net doesn't run on rainbows and positivity bursting out of our chests all of the time.

It's actually engrained into web history like webrings with the whole 'Buy me a Beer" link. Where if you thought the information was helpful or entertaining. you can send that individual currency/gasoline caps/3D0 game discs/etc.

As long as it isn't in your face (example: Aggressive pay-gating like a journalist site). Then all is good to me as a reader.



okay, good to know, I just don't want anyone getting upset
>gasoline caps
haven't heard of these before

I like your site, it's a lot like Luke Smith's. I see you've linked him on your site, nice. Btw your radio link 404s :(



looks good fellow dwm chad.



Does anyone else put their lainchan webring site on their resume? I may, even though it's littered with soyjaks. They aren't offensive. At worst, they are strange, at best, they're funny and amusing. I also have some links to inform philosophy



I recommend using something other than Disqus for the blog comment system. I'm not familiar with the alternatives but they exist.

The main concern is that people here really don't like working with things like Disqus so you won't get as many comments.




I want to, but

1. I host a book repo that could potentially be a copyright issue.
2. I feel like the fact that I'm doing goofy visual stuff and not being a corporate design type website, it gives off vibes like pic related.

Honestly, though, it is where I document a soykaf ton of my CTFing and technical knowledge, and is a technical feat in itself, so it would be a great addition if I could figure out a way to make it work.



You think employers (that aren't affiliated with the FBI) care about the books you host?

>goofy visual

I'm not a recruiter or a lead dev, but I I saw something that wasn't the usually mundane soykaf, I'd be fairly receptive to it. But I don't know what these types of people actually think, hence me asking



probably depends a lot on the company and the job being applied for. Lead engineer at Microsoft? They'd probably not even respond. Junior dev at a crypto startup? Could work in your favor.



dunno what it is, but something is fuarrrky with that gif.
Had a hard time downloading it and when I did it wouldn't be displayed on my site.



no, but the service is over tor to prevent my identity leaking so that copyright trolls cannot sue me over their hosted works.

to post the service in association with my IRL identity e.g. on a resume or on a career centric site like linkedin or something, I would lose the anonymity afforded by Tor, and therefore have a dataleak that could open me up to legal risk.



Neocities has a visitor counter on the admin dashboard.



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I'm kinda fed up with so many bots crawling my site and checking to see if I have any vulnerabilities. I have quite a simple site, so I'm considering perma-banning any requests that result in a 400, 404, or 500. Plus any clients that request /robots.txt. I'd save all their IPs in a text file and return a 403 response using nginx:

http {
geo $blocked_ips {
default 0;
include /path/to/blocked-ips.txt;

server {
location / {
if ($blocked_ips) {
return 403;

Has anyone done something similar?



Ban anyone with an old or dead link. Sounds charming.



If you're mostly annoyed with the vuln scanning, the right way to do this is to put a network IPS in front of the web server and configure it to drop seemingly malicious traffic. In this way, the enumeration attempts never reach the web server and won't result in a bunch of 404s clogging your access log.

IP bans are inelegant, since

1) the threat actor can just get another IP or utilize a botnet; your script will be playing whack a mole constantly.
2) IP addresses can change hands over time.



my site is small and new enough that links will continue to exist.

it is done automatically, so that's fine
I can delete the ban file every 3 months



And what happens when someone purposely spam-requests some nonexistent pages (404) with a ton of Tor exit node IPs in order to make your site inaccessible over Tor because of your liberal blocking? That's not very lain of you to just roll over like that



That would suck for the users and my site. Good thought. So I guess others have this problem (lots of robots) and don't do anything about it?



>So I guess others have this problem (lots of robots) and don't do anything about it?

It's common web traffic, but the advised position isn't really to do nothing. It's just that IP banning isn't what's done.

Usually, you'd handle this with a WAF or IPS. You get ahold of some rulesets to drop malicious traffic (e.g. web app exploits, enumeration for critical files, etc) and implement them that way.

If you have something you are confident that can drop exploit attempts against technologies you use, then yes, you can usually ignore this soykaf.

Obviously, it just sorta becomes the whole game of cybersecurity where you have to build out new/custom detections for your environment over time as new attacks get discovered and new indicators get catalogued, but that's beyond the scope of one post to think about...



>So I guess others have this problem (lots of robots) and don't do anything about it?
yes, you stupid fuarrrking script kiddie. blocking bots/thing i dont like was not a thing until cluckflare and the herd of nu webdevs started blocking it with dumbass reasoning like yours



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File: 1681569134647-1.jpeg (359.84 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, average lain poster 2.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

a WAF/IPS is literally a meme for dumbfucks like you to waste money on
any real attacker will just get around it
>b-b-b-b-but it blocks CVE-XXXX
so does updating software



>waste money on

Modsecurity and suricata are free and can run on the same host as the web server.

>so does updating software

This is true, but only remediating a threat at one level like this is counter to the idea of defense in depth. I want the same exploit attempt to be stopped by 7 different solutions just in case one of them fails.



>>63471 (OP)
Web security is certainly a valid discussion in /tech/ but perhaps it should be its own thread?

I want to see new websites!

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